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Chapter 349: Already arranged, heart trembling inexplicably

Chapter 349: Already arranged, heart trembling inexplicably


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 349: Already arranged, my heart trembled inexplicably.

  At dusk, smoke rose again from the kitchen in Luo’s mansion.

  Yang Shifei was busy alone in there, pulling up his sleeves and stir-frying over a fierce fire, his technique was quite skillful.

  At the door of the kitchen, a pair of beautiful eyes had already been blinking gently.

  Yun Qin crossed her arms and looked at Yang Shifei’s figure stirring the pot, and a smile quietly appeared under her mask.

  This kid was not vague at all today.

  It was obviously the first day after the wedding, but he was so busy, and he could still find time to come and cook for the ladies.

  Yun Qin had to secretly praise his performance today.

  Yang Shifei had just put a hot dish on a plate when he happened to catch a glimpse of a figure standing silently at the door.

  ”Miss Yun, what did you look for me for?”

  ”Nothing, I just wanted to see you cooking.”

  Yun Qin said calmly, “But I think these tasks should be left to the maids at home in the future.”

  Yang Shifei swept the pot casually and said happily, “I’m not a professional chef. I’m just making some treats for Xian’er and the others these two days. I won’t interfere casually in the future.”

  ”You’re really thoughtful.”

  Yun Qin walked into the kitchen and swept away some hot smoke with her sleeves: “I came at the right time, so I didn’t run into you and Ling Shuang practicing together like I did this morning.”

  Yang Shifei: “…”

  He was a little embarrassed for a moment, but when he looked at Yun Qin’s eyes, he didn’t feel much blame or disgust, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

  ”Aunt Shuang and Aunt Da are out on the street, they may be back late.”

  ”I know.” Yun Qin walked to the side and glanced at the table: “I just happen to be free now, I will help you cook a few dishes.”

  Yang Shifei was stunned when he heard this: “That’s not necessary”

  ”No need to refuse.”

  Yun Qin slowly folded up her sleeves and said calmly: “I know some recipes you don’t know, just right to make them for you to nourish your body.”

  As she said that, she glanced at him again: “After all, I have been your ‘mother’ for once, I have to take good care of her, right?”

  Yang Shifei laughed dryly: “It would be great to have Miss Yun to help.”

  ”You fry yours, I cook mine.”

  Yun Qin quickly cut a few ingredients, her technique was clean and neat, and she could do it all smoothly.

  Yang Shifei was originally going to finish the last three dishes first, but with a casual glance, he was gradually attracted to them.

  Sizzle –

  as the ingredients were put into the pot, a burst of smoke from the stove rose.

  Yunqin was constantly turning the ingredients in the pot, and from time to time she scooped up the seasonings, looking very calm. She

  was strolling back and forth leisurely, her back figure was even more graceful and beautiful, with a mature and attractive housewife charm.

  Yang Shifei was more and more surprised. Although he knew that Yunqin’s cooking skills were extraordinary, now that he saw it with his own eyes,

  he was afraid that the so-called imperial palace chefs were no more than this, and they could all be called pleasing to the eye.

  ”Why are you standing there like an idiot.”

  Yunqin suddenly turned her head and glanced back, and said lightly: “If you are tired, I will help you cook all these dishes.”

  Yang Shifei quickly came back to his senses, smiled and waved his hand: “It’s just that Miss Yun’s cooking looks a bit good, I couldn’t help but look at her a few more times. I’ll continue to work.” ”

  .Huh, you are so slick.”

  The two of them cooked silently with their backs to each other, both concentrating on it.

  It was not until Yang Shifei served the last dish that he could not help but ask what was in his mind: “Miss Yun, now that my marriage is over, what will you do next…”

  ”I heard that you will go to Yan State in a while.”

  Yun Qin stirred the soup in the pot and said without turning her head: “If you don’t mind, I can accompany you for a while.”

  Yang Shifei subconsciously raised his eyebrows: “Really?”

  ”Although the trip to Yan State is not dangerous, it is better to follow you just in case.”

  Yun Qin said indifferently: “After all, you are now the most important person in all parties, and you can’t make any mistakes.”

  Yang Shifei laughed: “I am a little flattered by you saying that.”

  ”Try it.”

  ”Ah?” Yang Shifei was stunned for a moment, and then saw Yun Qin picked up a piece of fish from the pot and handed it to him casually. “Try it and see how it tastes.”

  He subconsciously opened his mouth and took a sip, feeling the fresh and fragrant fish meat bounce in his mouth, and nodded: “The taste and texture are both excellent.”

  ”Another sip of soup.”

  Yun Qin scooped some fish soup, supported it with his left hand, and blew two puffs of hot air very carefully.

  After it was not so hot anymore, he passed it to Yang Shifei’s mouth: “Drink it.”


  Yang Shifei sighed in his heart and smiled gently: “Miss Yun looks like a good wife and mother now.”

  Yun Qin’s beautiful eyes were slightly startled, and she blinked twice quickly: “Are you thinking of teasing me again?”

  ”This is the truth.” Yang Shifei lowered his head slightly and drank the fish soup, smacking his lips and said: “This taste is really amazing.”

  Yun Qin’s lips curled up slightly: “I specially adjusted the taste for you, just like it.”

  She turned around and slowly poured the soup into the bowl, and then continued to prepare the remaining two medicinal dishes.

  Yang Shifei wanted to help, but seeing that Yun Qin’s movements were done in one go, there was no room for him to intervene, so he could only smile and retreat to the side.

  ”Miss Yun, you are wearing a lot of clothes today and have been staying by the stove. Do you feel a little hot?”

  ”Not bad.”

  Yun Qin said calmly: “I was born with a cold body, and this stove fire is nothing.”

  She suddenly frowned, her breathing was slightly disordered, and she felt that the evil fire in her body was rising again.

  This is not a good time.

  Yunqin secretly grumbled. Staying with Shifei, she was inevitably affected.

  She silently endured for a moment, and couldn’t help whispering: “If you have nothing to do, help me open the collar a little, it will be cooler.”

  Yang Shifei was surprised, but still stretched out his hand to his shoulder and slowly opened the collar.

  The beauty’s beautiful neck and shoulders were more exposed, and the perfect curves were very seductive. And there was a hint of blush, and the color of white and red was even more beautiful.

  Yang Shifei tried not to look at her too much, but the alluring fragrance lingered in his nose.

  ”Hey, Miss Yun, do you feel cooler like this?”

  ”Little fool.”

  Yun Qin turned her head away and whispered, “Do you want me to hint more?”

  Yang Shifei was speechless for a moment, and soon smiled helplessly, “Miss Yun, do you mind that I just got married to Xian’er and the others?”

  ”When would I mind this?” Yun Qin pursed her lips slightly, “As long as you can live a stable life, I will continue to be your wu.”

  Before she finished speaking, a pair of big hands quickly slid from her shoulders to her chest.

  As her clothes opened slightly, the ripe melon was held in her hands. The familiar warm touch made Yun Qin feel soft all over, and she sighed faintly.

  Yang Shifei stuck to her back and said with his head down, “Miss Yun, you are so kind. I will definitely keep it in mind.”

  ”.Then don’t move.” Yun Qin’s ears felt a little hot, but her tone was still calm, “Everything is excessive. You have been through enough today. Try to replenish your energy as much as possible.”

  ”Miss Yun, bear with it.” Yang Shifei’s heartbeat gradually accelerated. He turned her to the side and lowered his head into his arms.

  Yun Qin’s body trembled, her eyes wavered slightly, and her eyes quietly became a little softer.


  The kitchen was still filled with smoke, but it was filled with a faint fragrance of milk.

  Until the sound of footsteps came from outside the corridor, the two suddenly separated, and there was a little more inexplicable meaning in each other’s eyes.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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