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Chapter 352 Study abroad?

Chapter 352 Study abroad?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 352 Studying Abroad?

  While Chu Guang was thinking about how to make a breakthrough in Pai, Pai was also racking her brains to think about how to snatch Xiaoyu from Chu Guang.

  Of course, the statement “snatch from the hands” is obviously incorrect.

  Xiaoyu is a free person, not someone’s property.

  However, what makes Pai depressed is that her good friend is good in every way, but she has no opinion at all!

  I don’t know what kind of magic potion that guy named Chu Guang gave her Xiaoyu, making her say “Brother Chu said” all day long like a repeater.

  But even so, Pai still wants to take Xiaoyu to Camp 101.

  There is a real school there, and a group of knowledgeable teachers who can help her develop her potential.

  Pai can be sure that she will not make a mistake. Xiaoyu’s talent is extremely rare among the survivors of the wasteland, and can even be described as one in ten thousand.

  This talent has been reflected in language and arithmetic. She is like an uncut jade. It is no exaggeration to say that, apart from not having a chip, her own talent is not inferior to his.

  However, the environment she lives in limits her upper limit, and there is no space for her to exert her ability to the maximum.

  Pai couldn’t bear to see her good friend miss this precious opportunity in vain.

  In a few years, she will miss the golden period of learning. Although this does not mean that she will be lost in the crowd, if she misses this opportunity, she will have to work twice as hard.

  Thinking about it, Pai unconsciously stood on the elevator to the B4 floor and walked towards the browsing room.

  However, perhaps because she didn’t look at the road.

  She turned a corner and bumped into Xia Yan who came out of the door.


  Pai covered her nose with a short cry.

  Looking at this little girl who was only as tall as her chest and had tears in her eyes, Xia Yan hurriedly said with concern.

  ”Sorry, are you okay?”

  Pai muttered while rubbing his nose.

  ”Wow… I’m fine. I should be sorry. I’m sorry that I was distracted and didn’t look at the road just now.”


  This child is quite polite.

  Xia Yan just thought so in her heart, but suddenly she noticed that this guy kept rubbing his nose with his right hand.

  Her face flushed a little, and she couldn’t help but muttered in a low voice.

  ”…Is it, is it that exaggerated?” It

  has grown a little recently.

  ”Huh?” Hearing what the sister in front of her seemed to say, Pai raised her head.

  Being looked at by those big tearful eyes, Xia Yan coughed lightly and changed the subject.

  ”You are… Pai, right? What are you doing here?”

  ”My name is Pai! I… want to meet your manager!” Pai was still a little hesitant at first, but after being asked this question, he finally made up his mind.

  ”That guy… I mean the respected manager is busy now. It’s not a particularly important matter. It’s okay to tell me.”

  Xia Yan treated Pai as a playful child and said in a coaxing tone.

  Although she didn’t actually know how to coax a child.

  Seeing that this person looked down on her, Pai raised her eyebrows and said seriously.

  ”It’s a very important matter! It’s related to the future of my good friend!”

  The future of a good friend?

  Xia Yan was about to express her doubts, but before she could open her mouth, a nimble figure quietly slipped past her and entered the reading room.

  When Pai entered the reading room, Chu Guang was on the phone with Luca,

  asking about the situation of the delegation.

  ”…How is the situation over there? Are there any casualties? Do you need me to send more people?”

  Although the New Alliance had sent personnel to Boulder City before, this was the first time such a formal diplomatic visit had been made.

  ”We are in good condition, and the casualties were all from the attackers. Please don’t worry about us, sir.”

  Hearing the concerned tone of the manager, Luca’s voice was a little touched.

  After reporting the situation, he continued.

  ”I interrogated the attackers. They claimed that they were commissioned by a man named Bit in the Pirate Bay Tavern and were employed by an unnamed employer.”

  ”According to his description, the man was quite generous, completely different from those stingy merchants. He paid them 1,000 chips as a deposit. Considering that the middleman will make a profit, the actual reward may be higher.”

  Chu Guang pondered for a moment and spoke slowly.

  ”Well… I understand the situation. I will arrange for someone to continue to track down the mastermind behind the attack on you.”

  Although he had expected such a situation to happen, he did not expect the other party to act so decisively.

  There is a force trying to prevent the New Alliance from signing a friendly contract with Boulder City. This incident is a reminder for him.

  ”In addition, you must be careful on the road. Even if you arrive in Boulder City, you must not let your guard down. Someone is trying to interfere and destroy our relationship with our neighbors. I am worried that their means will not be limited to ambushing on the way.”

  Luca said seriously.

  ”I feel the same way… I always have a bad feeling that the real trouble is still to come, and we will encounter it when we arrive in Boulder City.”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”It’s right to be vigilant.”

  ”After arriving at the destination, you should go to our office in Boulder City first, find Shuyu to understand the current situation in the local area, and then go to the city hall to discuss the agreement.”

  Luca replied respectfully.

  ”Okay, sir.”

  Then he explained some things, Chu Guang hung up the phone, took off his headphones and put them on the table.

  After a pause, he spoke in a gentle voice.

  ”I’m done, is there anything you want to tell me?”

  Hearing Chu Guang’s voice, Pai, who was hiding behind the bookshelf at the door, realized that she was discovered, and walked out from behind the bookshelf with a red face.

  There was an embarrassed expression on her face.

  ”I, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop… Oh no, I didn’t hear anything clearly, sorry!”

  Looking at Pai who lowered her head, Chu Guang smiled.

  ”I know, don’t take it to heart.”

  Of course he knew that this little girl came to his place, and he even knew it before she got on the elevator.

  Every inch of the shelter was under his control, even the tiles on the floor obeyed him, not to mention the elevator.

  If he wanted, he could even make the faucet in the public bathroom talk.

  But he wouldn’t do such a boring thing.

  If it was really a phone call that she couldn’t listen to, she couldn’t even get down the elevator, let alone walk here.

  Although Chu Guang said not to take it to heart, Pai still had a guilty expression on her face.

  Even though she was used to being free and undisciplined, she knew very well that eavesdropping on other people’s conversations was a very bad behavior.

  Although she knew she didn’t mean to do it, she was wrong not to knock on the door.

  At this time, Xia Yan walked in from the browsing room.

  She glanced at Pai next to her, and then at Chu Guang, and she suddenly seemed to understand something.

  A hint of subtle cunning flashed in her eyes, and she said in an apologetic tone.

  ”Sorry, I didn’t stop her… It was my fault.”

  Not bad.

  This guy understands me quite well.

  Chu Guang gave Boss Xia an approving look, then shook his head slightly and continued to talk along with her words.

  ”It’s okay. Although I am discussing something very important with my confidant, Ms. Pai from Camp 101 is our friend. I believe that even if she heard what I just said, she would not leak it to others… Can I trust you, Pai?”

  Although it is not a good idea to use such a clever trick to make the other party owe you a favor.

  Especially when the other party is much younger than you.

  However, now is obviously not the time to be calculating.

  Pai’s cheeks were flushed as she stood at the door, and she wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into. What

  she least wanted to do was to cause trouble to others, and she also hated to owe others favors.

  However, after listening to the first half of Chu Guang’s words, she always felt as if she had heard some incredible secrets and caused great trouble to her friends.

  Although she didn’t understand what was said on the phone at all, she just heard it.

  Thinking of this, Pai couldn’t help but regret that she should have retreated in time, or reminded Chu Guang that she was here, instead of hiding behind the bookshelf subconsciously.

  Now no matter how she explained it, it was unclear!

  ”I… I will delete that memory from my brain right now!”

  ”That’s not necessary. I told you, I believe you.”

  Chu Guang coughed dryly and quickly stopped Pai from getting confused.

  Can you really delete memories from your brain?

  But now is not the time to discuss this.

  In order not to appear too deliberate, Chu Guang did not rush to expose his needs.

  Looking at Pai who remained silent, he inadvertently changed the subject and naturally threw the topic over.

  ”You seem to have something to ask me, can you tell me what it is?”

  Pai, who felt guilty, completely lost her previous momentum, secretly glanced at Chu Guang, and whispered.

  ”I… want to take Xiaoyu back to Camp 101.”

  Take Xiaoyu away?

  Hearing this, Chu Guang was slightly stunned and looked at her with a strange expression.

  ”You want to take Xiaoyu to Camp 101… shouldn’t you ask her own opinion?”

  And her parents or her brother.

  What’s the use of asking me?

  Pai said in a low voice in a depressed mood.

  ”I asked… but she said that although she also wanted to go there, she wanted to stay and help you more. I thought, if you can help me persuade her… am I asking too much?”

  Chu Guang thought for a while and asked.

  ”Can I ask why you want to take her to your place?”

  Pai said seriously.

  ”I want to take her to school! We have a real school there, and we can teach her a lot of knowledge that is not available here!”

  ”Her mental talent is the best among all the people I have ever seen. Her talent will only be wasted here. She should receive a higher education!”

  ”The best… better than your teacher?” Xia Yan showed a surprised expression on her face.

  Pai shook his head and continued with a serious expression.

  ”Talent and knowledge are two concepts… Moreover, even if they belong to the same mental category, they are completely different when subdivided into different fields. At least in arithmetic, her talent is indeed the best among all the people I have ever seen.”

  Suddenly thinking of something, Pai’s eyes lit up and continued.

  ”By the way, in your words, she has the characteristics of awakening!”

  Awakening? !


  Xia Yan was stunned, her eyes widened like a goldfish.

  She couldn’t connect Xiaoyu with the identity of an awakener.

  Chu Guang, who was sitting on the sofa next to him, was also surprised, but he didn’t show it on his face, but fell into deep thought.

  He had felt before that Xiaoyu learned things very quickly.

  Especially her spatial imagination and calculation ability, even he was surprised.

  Because of this, Chu Guang specially asked Heya to help Xiaoyu with a physical examination.

  However, what puzzled him was that although her intelligence attribute was slightly higher than that of ordinary people, it was not ridiculously high.

  Seeing that Chu Guang didn’t speak, Pai couldn’t help but get a little anxious and spoke faster.

  ”…I don’t want to see her waste her talent. She can obviously stand on a higher stage and achieve more beautiful achievements.”

  ”What’s more, she has learned a lot of great knowledge, which is also helpful to you, right?”

  Chu Guang looked at Pai.

  ”Calm down first. Of course I agree with you, but this requires the consent of the person in question first.”

  After a pause, Chu Guang continued.

  ”I will help you convince Xiaoyu and her parents. If she has this idea, I will fully support her.”

  Hearing this promise, Pai’s face showed a happy expression.

  ”Thank you!”

  Seeing the girl’s happy face, Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”You’re welcome. She is still young. If she can have a better development in your place, I certainly hope that she can learn more knowledge while she is young.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”Speaking of which, you will be going back in a few days.”

  Pai nodded excitedly.

  ”Well, I have to go back and report the visit to my teacher… Oh, don’t worry, I will say more good things!”

  Looking at Pai who misunderstood his meaning, Chu Guang shook his head gently.

  ”There is no need to deliberately say anything good, just tell him the most real situation here. However, I do need your help with something.”

  Pai, who couldn’t wait to return the favor, said with a bright look in his eyes.

  ”Just tell me what you want to say, as long as I can help, I will do my best!”

  ”Are you familiar with the manager of Shelter 101?” Chu Guang asked.

  ”Mr. Manager?” Pai’s eyes lit up and he nodded, “Of course I am familiar with him, we have a good relationship… Is there anything I can help you with?”

  ”Great,” Chu Guang breathed a sigh of relief and smiled comfortably, “I want to borrow something from your manager.”

  ”Borrow something? Just leave it to me! Mr. Manager is a very good person and will definitely lend it to you!” Pai patted his chest and promised, then continued to ask curiously, “By the way, what do you want to borrow?”

  ”VM, the full name is vital signs monitor,” Chu Guang pointed to the wrist computer on his arm, “That’s it.”

  ”VM? Let me try…” Pai agreed and tilted his head unconsciously.

  A screen worn on the arm?

  If it’s just borrowed, it shouldn’t be a difficult thing, right?

  After all, he is a very easy-going person.

  But then again, does Mr. Manager really have this thing?

  She has no impression of it at all…


  After Pai left.

  Only Chu Guang and Xia Yan were left in the browsing room.

  Watching the brisk and joyful figure disappear at the door, Xia Yan’s expression was a little complicated.

  She didn’t know whether she envied Xiaoyu’s youth, luck, or talent, or just felt sorry for her past fate.

  When she was this old, she had already tried her best just to stay alive.

  The greatest favor of the goddess of luck to her was probably that she saved her life from the mouth of the crawler, but as the price of survival, she also lost a leg.

  Xia Yan knew that she was actually a little envious of Xiaoyu.

  She could do what she was interested in, and she just happened to have a talent in this area.

  When she needed help the most, there would always be someone who would stand up to help her, or tell her the most appropriate choice.

  ”When we play poker, everyone gets different cards, but it doesn’t mean that if you get a bad card, you will definitely lose.”

  Hearing the voice coming from behind, Xia Yan turned around and rolled her eyes at Chu Guang.

  ”Don’t always preach to me like an old man… You’re not my father.”

  ”I just said it casually.” Chu Guang smiled, paused for a while, and continued, “Can I ask you for a favor?”

  ”It’s really strange to hear the word please from you,” Xia Yan teased, “Tell me, what do you want me to do?”

  Chu Guang continued.

  ”Go abroad with Xiaoyu.”

  Xia Yan was stunned, as if she had never expected Chu Guang to say that suddenly.

  ”Study abroad? What is that…”

  Chu Guang said concisely.

  ”It means to learn, to learn things that we don’t have here, or that are not good enough.”


  Seeing the concern in her eyes, Chu Guang continued.

  ”I have taught you addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, geometry, algebra, and reading and writing, but I can’t do anything more difficult. After all, I am not good at this. If you want to make greater progress, you have to get it on your own.”

  ”It’s never too late to learn, and you are not very old. In my hometown, you are just the age to go to college.”

  Xia Yan said in a low voice.

  ”But…what can I learn?”

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”You can learn anything, depending on what you like. I remember that you like to tinker with those machines, right? There are quite a lot of experts in this field there.”

  ”Remember to learn more skills and come back.”

  A long time ago, Shelter No. 404 got a magnetic confinement plasma cutting machine that can perform atomic-scale processing.

  However, so far, this machine has only been used to process some very basic parts.

  No one has been able to bring out the “true strength” of that high-precision industrial mother machine.

  ”…Of course, this kind of thing depends on your own willingness. If you don’t want to, I won’t force it.”

  Xia Yan looked at Chu Guang blankly.

  After a while, her eyes were no longer hesitant, and gradually became firm.

  ”I am willing.”

  Although she didn’t really understand what she could do without talent, deep in her heart, she still had a little desire to become stronger.

  This might be an opportunity.

  She felt that she should seize it.

  Looking at Boss Xia who finally made up his mind to take this step, Chu Guang nodded approvingly.

  ”I will arrange for someone else to do the weapons store. I will settle this month’s salary in advance.”

  ”Although there will be no salary in the future, I will still give you a sum of money regularly as living expenses.” ”

  Do you have money even if you don’t work…” Xia Yan looked a little embarrassed.

  Although she did a lot of slacking off, she still did something after all.

  It always made her feel weird to

  get money even if she didn’t work. “If I don’t give you money, will I watch you starve to death, or do you have the habit of saving money?”

  After a joke, Chu Guang paused for a moment and continued in a serious tone, “This fund will be paid by the newly established Ministry of Education. You can understand it as… studying abroad at public expense.” Introducing

  technology that does not exist in other developed survivor settlements is part of Chu Guang’s layout in the field of education, which is as important as archaeology.

  The method is not limited to inviting teachers to run schools or actively sending people to study there.

  There is no such condition now.

  When there is a condition in the future, he will send people to work or study in Ideal City or even the college.

  Looking at Xia Yan, whose expression was slightly touched, Chu Guang continued.

  ”These few days, you should prepare well.”

  (The trouble with too many characters is that sometimes the main character’s role is squeezed out. The plot of Boulder City is only half written, and there is no time to include it in this chapter…TT)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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