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Chapter 354 Aunt Zhang: I Don’t Eat People

Chapter 354 Aunt Zhang: I Don’t Eat People


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 354 Aunt Zhang: I don’t eat people

  Aunt Gu was in a good mood watching Xu Xiuwen eating the dishes he picked.

  She couldn’t help but say to Ning Wanqiu: “Wanqiu, you have finally made it in this life. Your son is so capable, you will enjoy endless happiness in the future.”

  Ning Wanqiu said: “Sister Gu, don’t praise him so much. Don’t think that he has some small achievements now. If he gets carried away, he may fall into a miserable state.”

  Zhang Ruoshu adjusted her mood.

  She regained her composure and said: “Wanqiu, I don’t think Xiao Xu is the kind of person who gets carried away. Don’t worry. You just wait to enjoy happiness in the future.”

  Xu Xiuwen also interjected, “Yes, Mom, you just wait to enjoy happiness in the future.”

  In fact, Ning Wanqiu didn’t think her son would get carried away. After hearing his words, she felt a lot in her heart.

  The four of them ate and chatted.

  The topic basically revolved around Xu Xiuwen.

  I don’t know what happened, but the topic suddenly turned to Xu Xiuwen’s childhood.

  Ning Wanqiu said, “This child was very naughty when he was young. I was worried that he would go astray when he grew up.” Xu Xiuwen

  was speechless, “Mom, when did I become so naughty? And am I so bad in your eyes?”

  Gu Pandi laughed, “Xiao Xu, you were really naughty when you were young. Do you remember that when you were in the third and fourth grades of elementary school, you often climbed trees with your classmates to steal fruits, and often knocked on other people’s doors. Who in this area has not been harassed by you?”

  Xu Xiuwen was speechless after hearing this.

  He seemed to remember this.

  When he was in elementary school, he would hang out with a few male classmates after school. He knew better than anyone which family had fruits nearby. Sometimes he would knock on the door with his friends, and then wait for others to come out and open the door, and then they would hide secretly.

  But it was only for a while, and it didn’t happen when he was older.

  Zhang Ruoshu laughed, “I don’t know. Xiao Xu seems to have never knocked on my door.”

  Gu Pandi said, “With your Yu Ran here, he certainly doesn’t dare to knock on your door. Our door has actually been knocked twice, and later he was caught by his uncle Jiang once.” Zhang Ruoshu

  nodded, as if he had guessed something.

  Ning Wanqiu also chuckled.

  The youngest of the three women at the dinner table is Ning Wanqiu, and Gu Pandi and Zhang Ruoshu are only two years older. The

  three women are all mothers, but they look more beautiful than flowers, whether in terms of appearance or figure, there is nothing to say.

  Among them, Zhang Ruoshu is the oldest and has the most mature taste.

  She has an eye-catching plump hips and thin waist, and her clothes and makeup are more delicate, giving people the feeling that she is a beautiful woman who knows how to dress up.

  In her previous life, she was the kind of woman who was very popular on the Internet. She

  would make a group of little brothers want to kneel down and lick her.

  Gu Pandi and Zhang Ruoshu are the same age, but younger.

  The biggest difference between her and Zhang Ruoshu is that she doesn’t like to wear makeup, and she almost goes out with a bare face.

  But if you think she is a yellow-faced woman, you are wrong.

  Gu Pandi is not lacking in beauty, and her appearance is actually a more dignified type.

  At first glance, she gives people a sense of dignity and stability, beauty and wisdom, and also makes people feel very kind.

  Her figure is not worse than Zhang Ruoshu, with the same plump hips and thin waist, broad chest, and a smile and a word, she is very charming.

  People can’t help but want to seduce her and make her make mistakes.

  Xu Xiuwen’s mother Ning Wanqiu is the youngest of the three.

  Her figure is naturally good, but she doesn’t give people a mature feeling.

  On the contrary, when you see Ning Wanqiu, you might even think she is a little girl.

  She looks too young.

  The years have not left a trace on her face.

  Anyone who sees Ning Wanqiu’s face will never think that she actually has a son, and her son is already in college.

  Ning Wanqiu’s temperament is particularly fresh and refined.

  Simply described as high and cold.

  This is very similar to Cheng Lu.

  She doesn’t like to laugh much. Because she is a teacher, she often has a stern face, and people who are not familiar with her will think she is fierce.

  In fact, in front of Xu Xiuwen, she is sometimes fierce.

  But there are also gentle moments.

  In short, the three women at the dinner table have their own characteristics.

  If the appearance is to be ranked.

  Ning Wanqiu is the most beautiful, Zhang Ruoshu is the second, and finally Gu Pandi.

  The temperaments of the three are also different.

  Ning Wanqiu is cold, but very girlish.

  Zhang Ruoshu is very familiar, a mature and beautiful woman.

  Gu Pandi has all the temperaments of a good woman, dignified, gentle, and kind…

  While chatting, Gu Pandi suddenly asked: “Xiao Xu, did you find a girlfriend in college?”
As soon

  as this topic came up.

  The dinner table suddenly became quiet.

  Xu Xiuwen hesitated for a second, and finally said: “No.”

  As soon as he said this, he felt a gaze.

  He naturally knew whose gaze it was.

  Zhang Ruoshu stared at Xu Xiuwen for a few seconds, then looked away.

  She did not speak.

  Gu Pandi was very happy after hearing what Xu Xiuwen said, and her mouth was almost unable to close with laughter.

  She couldn’t help but said, “In fact, you can’t be in a hurry to find a girlfriend. You have to take your time. Xiao Xu, do you think I’m right?”

  Xu Xiuwen nodded and said, “Aunt Gu, you are right.”

  Gu Pandi then asked, “Then what kind of girl do you want to be your girlfriend?”

  Xu Xiuwen immediately felt Aunt Zhang’s gaze.

  He thought to himself: I like all kinds of girls, as long as they are good-looking.

  But this can only be thought of in the heart, and it is definitely not possible to say it out loud.

  He suddenly had an idea and said, “I want to find a girl who knows my background and has a clean family background, so that I can live a stable life in the future. Both parents can also rest assured.”

  Knowing the background and having a clean family background.

  Zhang Ruoshu thought of her daughter first.

  Xiao Youran and Xu Xiuwen grew up together as childhood sweethearts, so naturally they know each other well.

  As for the family background, although it is not rich, it is absolutely no problem to say that it is clean.

  Zhang Ruoshu thought Xu Xiuwen was hinting at Xiao Youran, and she was quite satisfied.

  Gu Pandi also thought of her own daughter.

  She smiled even more happily, “It’s good to know your roots and background. A clean family background is also very important. Xiao Xu, I support your idea. You are more mature than other children, and I like this about you.”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t know what to say, so he just smiled.

  Gu Pandi continued, “Last week, Xiaoyu came home and talked to me about you. She was worried that you might have a girlfriend when you go to college. If she knew that you didn’t have a girlfriend, she would definitely be very happy.”

  Xu Xiuwen naturally thought of Aunt Gu and Uncle Jiang’s daughter, Jiang Ruoyu.

  Jiang Ruoyu, like Xiao Youran, also grew up with him as a childhood sweetheart.

  However, Jiang Ruoyu is one year younger than them and one grade younger, so they played together more when they were young, but they had less contact after entering high school.

  In his previous life, the last time Xu Xiuwen saw Jiang Ruoyu was when he was a freshman.

  In his previous life, Jiang Ruoyu was admitted to a key undergraduate school in Jinling. After graduating from college, he joined a charity organization and traveled all over the country. ,

  and didn’t stop until she was 30, but she never got married.

  Xu Xiuwen remembered that Aunt Gu in his previous life was also worried about Jiang Ruoyu.

  Gu Pandi also asked Ning Wanqiu to ask him if there was anyone suitable to introduce to Jiang Ruoyu. Xu Xiuwen

  was not doing well at that time, and he didn’t have much contact with his college classmates, so naturally there was no introduction.

  After that, Jiang Ruoyu seemed to be unable to bear her parents’ constant urging for marriage, so she simply ran away again.

  It is said that she later went to Shanghai to work and live.

  As for whether she was married or not, Xu Xiuwen was not sure.

  But since Aunt Gu never sent out wedding invitations and Ning Wanqiu didn’t attend the wedding banquet, it can be guessed that she should not be married.

  Xu Xiuwen thought of this and couldn’t help shaking his head.

  These two girls he had known since childhood.

  In her previous life, Xiao Youran went to England due to a misunderstanding and never got married.

  Jiang Ruoyu also never got married for some unknown reason. Xu Xiuwen

  did get married, and more than once.

  But he got married twice, and both times ended badly.

  This trio who had known each other since childhood seemed to be quite pitiful in the end.

  Xu Xiuwen felt that Jiang Ruoyu didn’t want to get married in her previous life because she was hurt in a relationship.

  He didn’t remember whether Jiang Ruoyu had a premature love affair in high school.

  If not, it was that she fell in love in college, met a scumbag, and was heartbroken, so she didn’t want to get married later.

  Thinking of this, Xu Xiuwen really wanted to meet Jiang Ruoyu.

  While Jiang Ruoyu hasn’t gone to college and hasn’t met a scumbag, he should instill some correct concepts in her as soon as possible so that she can avoid scumbags.

  In this way, Aunt Gu doesn’t have to worry about her daughter’s marriage for the rest of her life.

  When Xu Xiuwen was thinking about his worries.

  Gu Pandi said to Ning Wanqiu, “Wanqiu, Xiao Xu is such an outstanding child. He won’t have to worry about not finding a girlfriend in the future. He just has to take his time to look for one. You must not rush him.”

  Ning Wanqiu smiled, “I won’t rush him.”

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly asked, “Aunt Gu, did Xiaoyu have a premature love affair in high school?”

  Gu Pandi was stunned, then immediately shook her head and said, “Of course not. Our Xiaoyu is the most obedient. It’s impossible for her to have a premature love affair.”

  It seems that he was right. Jiang Ruoyu met a scumbag when she was in college.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Aunt Gu, nowadays many boys play with girls’ feelings. You have to remind Xiaoyu that before finding a boyfriend, you must understand the character and personality of the person.”

  Gu Pandi smiled and said, “You have to say this. There is a generation gap between her and me. It is easier to talk to you since you are the same age. She should listen to what you say.” Ning Wanqiu said,

  ”Xiaoyu is about to take the college entrance examination. Don’t tell her about these things for the time being, don’t distract her. It’s not too late to talk to her after she finishes the college entrance examination.” Gu Pandi

  thought for a while and nodded, “That’s right, let’s not talk about it for now.”

  After dinner, Zhang Ruoshu and Gu Pandi were ready to go home.

  Ning Wanqiu asked Xu Xiuwen to send her off, after all, he had a car.

  Aunt Zhang and Aunt Gu said there was no need to send them off.

  Xu Xiuwen said that the wine for Uncle Xiao and Uncle Jiang was in the car, so it was just right to send them back together.

  The three of them went downstairs together.

  It was still raining outside, and the rain was quite heavy.

  Xu Xiuwen rushed to the car in two steps, opened the door and got in.

  Aunt Zhang and Aunt Gu also didn’t bring an umbrella, and both walked quickly to the side of the car.

  Zhang Ruoshu walked straight to the passenger seat, opened the door and got in.

  Gu Pandi was a step slower and had to sit in the back seat.

  Xu Xiuwen drove Zhang Ruoshu home first.

  Arriving downstairs of Aunt Zhang’s house, Xu Xiuwen stopped the car.

  He turned to Gu Pandi and said, “Aunt Gu, wait a moment, I’ll send the wine up.”

  Gu Pandi smiled and said, “No hurry.”

  After getting out of the car, Xu Xiuwen opened the trunk and moved a box of new wine from Guangming Winery.

  Zhang Ruoshu walked quickly to the door and stood there waiting for him.

  Xu Xiuwen walked over quickly with the wine.

  The two began to go upstairs side by side.

  Halfway through, Zhang Ruoshu suddenly asked, “Why did you say you didn’t find a girlfriend at the dinner table just now? If you don’t have a girlfriend, what is our Youran?” Xu Xiuwen

  heard the voice and turned to look.

  Under the light of the corridor, Zhang Ruoshu’s face was very ugly.

  It seemed that she was very dissatisfied with what Xu Xiuwen had just said.

  Xu Xiuwen showed an embarrassed expression.

  He didn’t know how to answer.

  Zhang Ruoshu should not know that he and Xiao Youran broke up.

  Otherwise, she would not have this attitude.

  He didn’t know whether he should tell Zhang Ruoshu.

  After hesitating, Zhang Ruoshu snorted coldly and walked away.

  Seeing this, Xu Xiuwen exhaled and followed with the wine.

  Because Zhang Ruoshu was walking on the steps in front, Xu Xiuwen could not avoid seeing Zhang Ruoshu as long as he looked up.

  Although he felt it was inappropriate, Xu Xiuwen still looked at Aunt Zhang carefully.

  Aunt Zhang was a more delicate woman who knew how to dress herself.

  She wore a V-neck dark green vest dress today, and inside the V-neck was a round-neck long-sleeved black tights. The skirt was not very long, just a little below the knee, revealing the slender legs in black pantyhose.

  This dress was elegant and pretty, and with the loose hair, it was full of the charm of a mature woman.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t dare to look at it for too long, and he quickly retracted his gaze when he arrived at Xiao Youran’s house.

  Zhang Ruoshu walked to the door of her house, opened it, and walked in.

  Zhang Ruoshu put on slippers, turned to Xu Xiuwen and said, “Come in.”

  Xu Xiuwen walked to the entrance, put down the drinks, and prepared to leave.

  Zhang Ruoshu said, “Don’t go yet, I have something to ask you.”

  Xu Xiuwen stood at the entrance.

  Zhang Ruoshu saw it, picked up a pair of men’s slippers and placed them in front of him, saying, “There are no extra slippers at home, you can wear your uncle Xiao’s shoes.”

  Seeing this, Xu Xiuwen had to take off his shoes and put on Uncle Xiao’s shoes.

  Not to mention, Uncle Xiao’s slippers are quite comfortable to wear.

  Xu Xiuwen picked up the drinks and moved them to the balcony.

  Zhang Ruoshu sat on the sofa, looked up at him slightly and said, “Thank you for your hard work.”

  Xu Xiuwen shook his head, indicating that it was okay.

  Zhang Ruoshu said, “Sit down, Xiao Xu.”

  Xu Xiuwen had to sit down at the other end of the sofa.
Seeing this, Zhang

  Ruoshu couldn’t help

  but ask, “Why are you sitting so far away? I don’t eat people.”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled awkwardly and said, “I think I have a cold, so it’s better to sit farther away.”
Zhang Ruoshu didn’t insist after hearing this.

  Zhang Ruoshu suddenly said, “Xiao Xu.”

  Xu Xiuwen: “Hey, Aunt Zhang, I’m listening to you.”

  Zhang Ruoshu said, “Did you have a conflict with Youran?”

  Xu Xiuwen hesitated for a second and nodded, “Yeah.”

  When she contacted her daughter on the phone before, her daughter’s tone and reaction were not right.

  Zhang Ruoshu guessed that they might have a conflict.

  But no matter how she asked Xiao Youran, Xiao Youran refused to admit it and kept asking her not to care.

  It was not until now when she heard Xu Xiuwen admit it that she confirmed her guess.

  She couldn’t help but ask, “What’s the reason?”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t speak this time.

  He couldn’t tell the truth.

  If Aunt Zhang knew that he had cheated and was discovered by Youran.

  Could Zhang Ruoshu still forgive him?

  Seeing Xu Xiuwen silent, Zhang Ruoshu didn’t force him to speak.

  She said instead, “Xiao Xu, Auntie only has Youran as a daughter. She may have spoiled her too much since she was a child, so she is sometimes very willful, but Youran is not bad at heart. You should understand this, right?”

  Xu Xiuwen nodded quickly.

  Zhang Ruoshu continued, “You grew up together and have a deeper bond than most people. Yuran is still young. If she gets angry, don’t bother with her. If you get angry, tell me and I’ll teach her a lesson.”

  Xu Xiuwen quickly said, “Aunt Zhang, Yuran is rarely willful now. She’s very well behaved.”

  Zhang Ruoshu nodded and said, “That’s good. I hope you can have a harmonious relationship and don’t quarrel. Don’t keep any emotions in your heart, but speak them out.”

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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