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Chapter 356 Bai Youheng Appears

Chapter 356 Bai Youheng Appears


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 356 Bai Youheng shows up and

  enters Fengyuan City from the Imperial Palace.
At first glance,

  Bai Youheng’s words sound a bit out of order.

  After all, the Imperial Palace is in Fengyuan City. If you want to enter the Imperial Palace, you must first enter Fengyuan City.

  Therefore, the man was inevitably stunned after hearing this, but then he guessed something.

  ”Young Master, you mean…”

  ”Well, someone will take us in.”

  Bai Youheng nodded: “But one hundred dragon guards are too many after all. You can choose three people to go into the city with me, and the rest will stay outside the city to support.”


  The man responded and asked: “Young Master, I wonder how many days we need to stay in the city?”

  ”One night.”

  Bai Youheng did not hide it and gave the answer without hesitation: “The longer we stay, the more dangerous it will be. We will be out before dawn tomorrow at the latest.”

  ”Understood, I will go to select people now.”



  The man left in a hurry soon, and only Bai Youheng was left in the shabby shack built temporarily.

  He looked up at the tall walls of Fengyuan City in the distance, and the people pouring out of the city gates, and slowly clenched his fists.

  Wei Changtian, I admit defeat this time.

  But remember, one day I will ask you to double back what I lost today.


  That night, midnight.

  In a small forest five miles north of Fengyuan City.

  Five figures passed through a quiet and messy shack, sneaked into the woods like ghosts without anyone noticing, and then stopped in front of a bluestone.

  Although this bluestone is large, it is no different from other stones and is very harmonious with the surrounding environment.

  However, when it silently moved half a foot on the ground, its weirdness became self-evident.

  ”Young Master.”

  The man in black looked at the big hole in front of him, then looked at Bai Youheng, and then jumped into the hole without hesitation. The

  already weak moonlight disappeared in an instant, and the whole body fell into darkness.

  From light to dark, the human eye always needs an adaptation process to the change of environmental brightness.

  As a fourth-rank warrior, the big man’s process was much shorter than that of an ordinary person, and it took no more than two breaths.

  But just two breaths after he landed and barely regained his sight, the first thing he saw was several long swords with cold light on his neck.

  As for the owners of these long swords, they were all hidden in the darkness, and their appearances could not be seen clearly. Only the red tokens hanging around their waists were vaguely visible in the moonlight that fell through the cave.

  They were the Dafeng Imperial Guards.


  The atmosphere was strange and silent.

  No one on either side spoke, but the big man of the Dragon Guard could feel the cold blade on his neck squeezing his skin little by little.

  Until a calm voice slowly sounded from behind him.

  ”I am Bai Youheng.”


  It seemed to be a code or a riddle. When Bai Youheng, who came in from outside the cave, said this, the long swords fell slowly and silently, and several imperial guards also silently moved aside and made way.

  ”Let’s go.”

  Bai Youheng said to the man softly after sweeping his eyes over the guards, “It’ll be fine.”

  ”Yes, sir.”

  The man was born in the Dragon Guards and was not afraid of death. Now that he had figured out the situation, he immediately walked forward along the secret passage.

  The wall was covered with black stone, and a torch was inserted diagonally every few dozen steps.

  Bai Youheng and his five companions walked along the road for almost two quarters of an hour, and met many expressionless black-armored guards along the way.

  However, just like the few at the entrance of the cave, they also did not say anything, and would only let Bai Youheng pass after he said his name. The

  long tunnel, the guards on duty, and the direction heading south

  were obvious.

  This was clearly an “emergency passage” that led directly from the Dafeng Palace to the outside of the city.

  For the palace of any country, as well as the nests of larger aristocratic families and sects, it was very necessary to build such a secret passage.

  Even some people built more than one.

  After all, no one can predict when they will face a life-or-death crisis in the future. Having an extra “escape route” often means having an extra life.

  Therefore, it is not surprising that there is such a secret passage outside Fengyuan City.

  What is really strange is why Bai Youheng can walk in it so swaggeringly.


  The terrain under his feet slowly began to steepen, and a light that was obviously different from the torch appeared at the end of his sight.

  The Dragon Guard man looked back at Bai Youheng, still without asking any more questions, but just slightly rested his hand on the hilt of the knife.

  He knew that they had now entered Fengyuan City and even entered the Dafeng Palace, and the light in front was the exit of the tunnel.

  It was just that he didn’t know whether the people waiting outside the exit were his own people or a trap.



  stood in front of the exit hole and looked up.

  The big man had anticipated many possible situations just now, but the current scene was something he had never expected.

  The golden skirt was long and the phoenix crown pressed down his hair. A face that was so beautiful that it could overwhelm the country looked down. In sharp contrast to the beautiful face was the coldness in the eyes.

  Why is it a woman? !

  The big man opened his mouth slightly and was stunned for a moment.

  However, Bai Youheng was not surprised at all. He just walked forward and bowed slightly to the woman outside the cave entrance and said:

  ”I am Bai Youheng, and I meet the queen.”

  The moon was hanging in the sky, south of Fengyuan City.

  When Bai Youheng met Yu Pingjun in the Dafeng Palace, Wei Changtian personally led a team of people to quietly leave the city and headed straight for the low mountain called “Xiaoye” outside the city.

  To be more precise, it went straight to the “shantytown” under the mountain.

  Just at night, Chu Xianping received a piece of information saying that a group of foreign vendors who were obviously not “refugees” were found here. There were nearly a hundred people, and most of them were carrying weapons.

  Obviously, this group of people looked very much like Bai Youheng and the 100 dragon guards, so Wei Changtian decided to personally verify it.

  If it was true, he could kill Bai Youheng on the spot to prevent him from escaping again.

  Of course, with the death of Gu Diao, Bai Youheng no longer had the luck of the Son of Heaven.

  But it was better to be safe.


  ”His father, when do you think we can come back?”

  ”Didn’t the government say it was July 16?”

  ”Ah! There is still half a stone of food at home, I forgot to hide it!”

  ”You woman… Forget it, there are not many people left in the city anyway, just bring out the valuables”


  Although it was midnight, the evacuation work was 24 hours a day, so there were still people queuing up to leave the city.

  In order to prevent alerting the enemy, Wei Changtian and others pretended to be ordinary people, mixed in the team and walked towards the long shacks not far away.


  Du Chang beside him hesitated for a moment, and suddenly lowered his voice and asked: “When did we place people outside the city?”

  ”I asked Chu Xianping to do this.”

  Wei Changtian glanced at Du Chang: “After all, Bai Youheng may not have a way to hide from us and enter the city, but before that he will definitely show up around Fengyuan City.”

  ”So I asked Chu Xianping to place some people outside the city, just in case.”

  ”Yes, I understand.”

  Du Chang nodded, and looked at Chu Xianping again.

  However, the latter turned a blind eye to this, and kept his eyes on another person not far away, until that person slowly approached the three of them.

  ”Master Wei, Master Chu, I am Zhang Hua, working as a night watchman.”

  ”Did you pass on that piece of information at night?”

  Chu Xianping didn’t waste any words, and asked directly: “What exactly happened? Tell me in detail.”

  ”It was me.”

  Zhang Hua replied in a low voice: “I have been hiding among the refugees in the south of the city on the orders of the master, and I am always paying attention to whether there are people with strange behavior.” ”


  Soon, the night watchman named Zhang Hua carefully recounted the whole story.

  In fact, the process was not complicated. He just discovered this wave of “caravans” in the afternoon, and he became suspicious and stared at it secretly for a while, and then felt more and more wrong, so he reported it to his “superior”, and then passed the information to Chu Xianping.

  After listening to his brief description, Chu Xianping did not rush to speak, but turned to look at Wei Changtian.

  The latter hesitated for a moment before asking:

  ”Where are those people now?”

  ”My lord, they are at the foot of Xiaoye Mountain, but they are living together with the refugees, and I am afraid it is difficult for me to identify them one by one.”

  ”Well, you don’t need to identify them all, as long as you know their general location.”

  Wei Changtian nodded, and just a glance at Chu Xianping, the latter immediately understood, and left quickly with Zhang Hua.

  But Du Chang was still confused at this time.

  ”My lord, what should we do next?”

  ”Of course, we will quietly find Bai Youheng.”

  Wei Changtian said slowly: “There are more than a hundred dragon guards accompanying Bai Youheng, and they are mixed with the people. It is undoubtedly impossible to catch them all in one fell swoop.”

  ”But we have a portrait of Bai Youheng, and now we know his approximate location, so there is no need to make a big noise, just find him secretly.”

  ”Chu Xianping will arrange this matter.”


  A glance can achieve this level, the tacit understanding between Wei Changtian and Chu Xianping made Du Chang surprised and frustrated.

  But before he could speak, Wei Changtian continued:

  ”Brother Du, take people to do another thing.”

  ”Without alerting anyone, capture as many dragon guards as possible.”

  ”Remember, they must be alive.”


  Du Chang didn’t care about the tacit understanding at this time, and immediately took the order and left, leaving only a few guards to protect Wei Changtian.

  After taking a look at his hurriedly walking figure, Wei Changtian retracted his gaze, his expression was much more relaxed than before.

  Double insurance, two-pronged approach.

  Even if Chu Xianping couldn’t find Bai Youheng, he could force the dragon guards to tell him Bai Youheng’s location.

  And the latter didn’t have the luck bonus of Gu Diao.

  Humph, Bai Youheng must die this time!

  At this time, Wei Changtian was full of confidence, as if he had seen the 1500 system points waving to him.

  He didn’t know that Bai Youheng was no longer here, but was sitting opposite Yu Pingjun in the Dafeng Palace.

  He also didn’t know that Gu Diao was not dead yet.

  Or in other words, it was still alive.

  The Moon-Picking Sword can indeed kill the beast of destiny.

  Old Zhang’s long sword does indeed contain a Moon-Picking Sword move that is infinitely close to perfection.

  Qin Zhengqiu did use this move to kill Yama Luo.

  Everything that happened a few days ago seemed to be exactly the same as sixty years ago.

  But in fact, there are some subtle differences.

  First of all, it is the strength of the Gu Diao.

  Sixty years ago, the Gu Diao did not recognize its master, and all its actions were based on instinct.

  But this time, there is a son of heaven behind it.

  The tens of thousands of undead souls that Bai Youheng absorbed on the battlefield of Yuanzhou were not absorbed in vain. In addition to greatly improving his own realm, it also “fed back” on the Gu Diao, making the latter’s strength far beyond what it was sixty years ago.

  Another thing is the timing of using the Moon-Picking Sword.

  The Moon-Picking Sword, just by looking at the name, you can tell that this sword technique needs to be used when there is a moon to be powerful.

  For example, the night when Old Zhang killed Zhang Benchu ​​on Tianshan Mountain, for example, the time when he “beheaded Yama Luo” sixty years ago.

  But a few days ago, Qin Zhengqiu slashed out at noon, which happened to be the time when the Moon-Picking Sword was at its weakest.

  So, the simple conclusion is that Yan Luo has become stronger, and the Moon-Picking Sword has become weaker.

  This has led to another result.

  Yan Luo is not completely dead, and only one survives after nine is destroyed.

  This means that there is still about 10% of the luck of the heavens on Bai Youheng, and he also controls the Gu Diao, which is only 10% of its previous strength.

  For Bai Youheng, this should be a blessing in disguise.

  Although he has lost a lot, fortunately he has not lost

  everything. Otherwise, let alone entering the Dafeng Palace, it would be a question whether he can survive at this time.


  ”Mr. Bai, since you can appear in front of me.”

  The small dark room was brightly lit. Yu Pingjun glanced at Bai Youheng who was sitting opposite him and asked softly: “It means that Yan Luo is not dead, right?”


  Bai Youheng certainly would not tell the other party that the Gu Diao was 90% destroyed, so he just nodded.

  ”Hahaha, that’s great.”

  Hearing that the monster that had plagued Dafeng for 180 years was still alive, Yu Pingjun laughed.

  She giggled for a while, then asked, “Then I wonder what I’m going to do next?” ”


  Bai Youheng took out the secret letter that Ning Yongnian gave him before leaving from his arms, and gently pushed it in front of Yu Pingjun: “The queen will know after reading this letter.”


  Yu Pingjun smiled and picked up the envelope, opened the wax, and shook out a page of rice paper.

  She began to read the letter word by word, and after reading a few lines, an uncontrollable astonishment appeared on her face, and then this astonishment turned into an increasingly exaggerated smile.

  This kind of smile is difficult to describe, if you have to make an analogy.

  It should be the kind of smile that only appears on a person’s face after killing his mortal enemy and becoming insane due to excessive excitement.

  Even Bai Youheng, an “evil cultivator” who kills without blinking an eye, felt a little chilled when he saw Yu Pingjun’s appearance at this time.


  After waiting for a while, seeing that the latter had read the letter back and forth several times, he slowly opened his mouth to speak.

  However, at this moment, a rapid knock on the door suddenly sounded.

  Bai Youheng immediately turned his head to look at the door, and his hand was already holding the weapon at his waist.

  However, Yu Pingjun was quite calm, just restrained the creepy smile on his face, and responded casually:

  ”Come in.”


  The door opened, and a general of the Imperial Guard wearing silver armor immediately walked quickly to the side of Yu Pingjun, leaned over and whispered something in the latter’s ear.

  After listening, Yu Pingjun did not react much, just nodded, and at the same time reached out and gently wiped the sweat on the general’s forehead.

  It was self-evident what such an action represented, and Bai Youheng, who had witnessed a “royal scandal” with his own eyes, looked very calm until he heard Yu Pingjun say indifferently:

  ”Mr. Bai, the people you brought with you were captured by Mr. Wei outside the city.”

   2 in 1


  (End of this chapter)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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