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Chapter 356 Is it possible that you actually got the server’s computing power for free?

Chapter 356 Is it possible that you actually got the server’s computing power for free?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 356 Is there a possibility that you actually got the server’s computing power for free?

  Shelter No. 404 B4 Floor.

  Chu Guang, sitting on the sofa in the browsing room, was looking through the information that Xiao Qi helped to compile and organize on his laptop.

  Based on the information the players had investigated, he was basically sure that the person behind the arson last night and the siege of the city hall during the day was the largest food supplier in Boulder City, Weijia Trading Company.

  The photos taken by Fang Chang and the content captured in the recording will become key evidence.

  As for when to play this card, he needs to carefully consider the timing.

  The radio and broadcasting stations in Boulder City are unlikely to report these contents, and reporting these contents now will not gain much sympathy for the new alliance.

  At this juncture, even if Du Long knew that Weijia had set him up and encouraged the residents to surround the city hall, he would not be able to say much.

  After all, they have a common threat to face at the moment.

  However, after the friendly agreement is signed, the situation will be different.

  After the 200 million chips are received, the relationship between the New Alliance and the public and official of Giant Stone City will be repaired with the surge in jobs. The New Alliance will become a guest of honor in the Giant Stone City Hall, and anyone who destroys the relationship between the two sides will become a rat crossing the street.

  Chu Guang will choose a less sensitive time point to let the New Alliance’s newspaper set up a branch in Giant Stone City, and then publish those contents as headlines.

  At that time, he can take advantage of the situation to let the diplomats lose their temper and reasonably exclude Weijia Trading Company from the purchase list, and the various forces in Giant Stone City will not say much.

  Weijia Trading Company is just a troublemaker in the whole situation. It is not worth Chu Guang’s attention. It is enough to leave it to NPCs and players to solve.

  What Chu Guang really cares about is the Giant Stone Military Industry.

  Although it has not participated in the negotiations from beginning to end, and even its face has not been shown, the head of the City Hall named Du Long has the highest priority to protect its interests.

  All the gears seem to revolve around him.

  Everything else can be discussed.

  But when it comes to the part involving Giant Stone Military Industry and the city lord, there is no room for negotiation at all.

  The so-called big men in the outer city, whether they are the director of the city hall, the president of the bank, the wealthy business owner or the big factory owner, or the gang leader who is domineering in the slums, are not worth mentioning in front of the military-industrial group.

  They are like screws and gears, surrounding a motor and being driven by a huge force.

  The only information Chu Guang has currently is that the chairman of the military-industrial group seems to be called Ibers. There

  is very little public information about the man. He almost never appears in public. It is only said that he is a guest of honor of the city lord. Although the man lives in the outer city, even the nobles in the inner city are in awe of his power.

  ”They have a serum that can induce awakening… It’s called Dragon Blood.”

  ”Although the probability of awakening is higher than that produced by the black box, the effect is also more overbearing. Basic adverse reactions may cause vomiting or diarrhea, and severe adverse reactions may even cause disability.”

  ”In addition, they also have the technical conditions to independently produce bionic prostheses…”

  Chu Guang closed his eyes, thinking while closing his eyes to rest.

  So far, there has been only one variable in all his plans.

  That is, the mastermind behind the attack on the New Alliance Mission was actually Giant Stone Military Industry.

  In his opinion, he has given them a big piece of cake.

  Anyone has reason to reject the friendly cooperation agreement, but Giant Stone Military Industry has no big interests.


  the interests they perceive are different from what I understand.

  Chu Guang opened his eyes and muttered to himself.

  ”… Is it a test?”

  At this moment, a call suddenly came in.

  After pressing the connect button, Chu Guang reached out and picked up the headphones on the table and put them on.

  It was Luca on the other end of the phone.

  His voice was obviously excited, but there was also a hint of nervousness that he was undecided.

  ”…They agreed to our proposal, but put forward an additional condition.”

  Chu Guang raised his eyebrows.

  ”What condition?”

  Luca continued on the other end of the communication channel.

  ”…It was proposed by the City Hall. They require us to provide a purchase list in advance when using the loan, and the loan will be released only after approval.” ”

  That’s it,” Chu Guang leaned back on the sofa with a slightly relaxed brow, and said with a smile, “No problem, let them add it.”

  Seeing that the manager agreed so readily, Luca hesitated and asked.

  ”…But is this good?”

  Chu Guang said without thinking.

  ”Why not? We are not doing anything shameful.”

  Large-scale purchases cannot be on the shelves of stores, and they must first place orders with the factory.

  When the order is placed, the City Hall will not sign, and the factory will not be able to get the money from the bank. In the end, they will suffer losses.

  Chu Guang knew what the City Hall of Giant Stone City was worried about. It was nothing more than fearing that he would mess around with the chips.

  For example, buying all the nutrient paste in the city at once, or directly buying those bankrupt factories.

  But if you think he will do this, then your vision is too narrow.

  Seeing that Luca seemed to still have some concerns, Chu Guang, who intended to cultivate him, continued.

  ”Great undertakings are rarely achieved through conspiracies and tricks. We can take an unconventional approach to win once or twice, but if we want to win all the time, we have to use open strategies as much as possible.”

  ”When we complete the second step of the plan, the vested interests who occupy the wealth of Giant Stone City will gradually become inseparable from us.”

  ”What about the third step?” Luca asked the question he had always wanted to ask, but had never asked, out of curiosity.

  Chu Guang had certainly thought about this last step.

  And that was a long time ago, when the New Alliance and Dawn City were just established.

  ”The third step is their residents.”

  Luca was slightly stunned.


  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”Well, whether it is the hundreds of thousands inside the giant wall or the tens of thousands outside the giant wall. Those survivors who have been neglected for a long time, we will let them live a good life for a while. We will take them to face the darkness when the problem is exposed. We will unite them, break the invisible giant wall, and finally end the chaos in the southern part of the valley once and for all.”

  Even if the production method has advanced to the point where people no longer need to do many things, or even conveniently “produce” populations, and use genes and machinery to transform the human body.

  The main body of civilization is still people.

  ”… I hope you can remember and tell the people around you that the United Front for Human Rejuvenation is not a survivor settlement, nor a company or a legion.”

  ”We are an alliance, an alliance born on the ruins.”

  ”It is also an alliance that belongs to all survivors.”


  Official website forum.

  Today is as lively as ever.

  Just as the construction of Dawn City was in full swing, the restless Death Corps and Skeleton Corps continued to march eastward and hit the nearby Tianshui City.

  The Snake Clan stationed there had already withdrawn, but a small group of marauder deserters remained in the area, fighting with the slaves who had escaped in the chaos in the alleys.

  With the support of the Goblin Corps’ aerial firepower, the Death Corps and the Skeleton Corps easily disintegrated the resistance of the local marauders.

  Fearing the return of the Bone Chewing Tribe and the revenge of the marauders, the local survivors expressed their desire to follow these strong men who defeated the marauders.

  Edge Paddling and Canyon Mole on the Run reported the local situation to the Quartermaster NPC, and soon received the task of setting up a temporary aid station and escorting the survivors to Xizhou City.

  It is expected that in the next month, more than 10,000 survivors will arrive in Dawn City one after another.

  The houses that were barely enough were not enough now.

  Edge Paddling posted a group photo of the local survivors on the forum. The one with the LD-47 on his back and a scarf on his back looked like a summer intern in Syria.

  A malicious mole even photoshopped a picture of him, blurring his face and adding a line of words on the photo – [Skeleton Corps recruits workers, 50,000 a day, no different from playing PUBG normally, if interested, PM, working is as fun as playing PUBG! ]

  Quit smoking: “6666!”

  Tail: “Oh! Bring a tail too! (`)Ψ”

  Edge paddler: “Fuck! Not only did you blur my face, but why did you put your own Corps’ logo on it?”

  Debt-ridden big eyes: “Hahaha, this dog mole is so mean! (funny)”

  Yes, little rebel: “50,000 a day is okay, if you don’t understand, just ask, where can I sign up?”

  Tyrannosaurus Warrior: “I don’t want wages, just give me a helmet. T.T”


  Since the victory of the Northern Expedition and the opening of the new map, there are more and more tasks to do.

  In addition to the corps of soldiers who went out to fight against the marauders and the hunter players who hunted large alien species, the players who were keen on running business were also busy. They wore helmets to run business at night and shared the little episodes of their journey on the forum during the day.

  The Northern Expedition produced a large amount of cheap loot, which was a waste for the new alliance, but a treasure for those small survivor settlements without industrial capacity.

  Carrying the loot collected from other players, the caravan began to travel eastward along the plains, selling these “weapons of civilization” to the survivor settlements in need.

  Due to the collapse of the Snake Clan to the east, the demand for weapons in the eastern provinces suddenly became strong, and many survivor settlements were willing to exchange food, ore or other treasures picked up by chance. There are

  many more tradable survivor settlements on the map. Not only are the players communicating, but the official website forum is also updating the information about those survivor settlements in real time.

  And it is precisely because of this that many players are complaining in the small group that this dog planner is really too lazy.

  The maps that have been made are not even willing to write an introduction. Even the overview of the survivor settlements is directly copied and pasted from the players’ posts.

  It’s so stupid!

  Of course, the gameplay of running business and group combat is mainly for hardcore players with higher levels.

  Few people can survive alone in the wilderness of a wasteland where they don’t speak the language for a week away from the save point, out of the supply circle and communication range.

  Whether it is war or running business, group action is the only choice. However,

  there are only a few people who have capital, business acumen and organizational skills at the same time.

  Most players’ daily lives are still based on routine tasks within the framework of the game system.

  Since the reopening of the silver coin trading platform, moving bricks has become a happy thing.

  The strength system, which can use one arm as two, has become the first choice of countless cattle and horse players with a 200% moving brick efficiency, and has once again ascended the throne of the popular version.

  A silver coin can be exchanged for thirty or forty yuan, and there are large households that steadily purchase it every day.

  This is much better than moving bricks in reality!

  The only pity is that there are too few helmets.

  The most hateful thing is that this dog operator is also engaged in “hunger marketing”. The last two helmets were issued three days ago, and the closed beta qualification card stopped issuing after reaching 4500.

  I don’t know who those two dog European emperors are, and they don’t even come to the forum to show off!

  It’s so hateful!

  In addition to sharing the experience of running business and moving bricks, many players working on the Dawn City construction site also posted the recent construction progress.

  With the joint efforts of players and NPCs, they have dug out the framework of the drainage system of the entire survivor settlement according to the new construction plan. The

  planned Dawn City can accommodate at least 100,000 permanent residents.

  If everything goes well, they can complete this work before the rainy season without any accidents.

  Spare His Life Under the Knife: “…The NPC who came from Camp 101 was quite awesome. The old man helped us redesign the construction plan for the sewer. I pondered over the construction drawings for a long time, but I couldn’t find any faults! Especially later, when I picked up the one I made before, it seemed to have problems no matter how I looked at it.”

  “Hey, I didn’t expect that after working in civil engineering for so many years, I could still be taught a lesson in the game. It’s outrageous!”

  Ye Shi: “Is it possible that you actually got the computing power of the operator’s server for free, and happened to solve an unsolved problem in reality. (Funny)”

  Spare His Life Under the Knife: “Well, actually I’ve been wondering, is this a problem that can be solved by computing power?”

  Irena: “My new alliance is the best in the world in science and technology! (Funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “Speaking of which, why has Ye Shi been on the forum every day these days? (Funny)”

  WC Zhenyou Mosquito: “Why else? He went to jail for free. (Smirk)”

  Ye Shi: “Get lost, I clearly died heroically! (Angry)”

  Makabazi: “Hahahaha, so funny!”

  Ye Shi: “#%@%!”

  Ye Wei rolled his eyes after being mocked by the group again on the forum, closed the webpage, and switched to the group.

  Today is his last day in “jail”, and he will be able to go online again in the evening.

  During these three days, a lot of things happened inside and outside the game.

  In the game, Fang Chang and his friends went to Boulder City and participated in the border and trade negotiations between the New Alliance and Boulder City.

  As for the things in reality, there are even more.

  Putting aside the big news that came one after another, there are a lot of things happening around him.

  First, the Niuma Company was registered and established, which solved the problem of large-scale silver coin transactions.

  Then it was Ye Wei himself.

  The procedures for the house he bought by the river have been completed. It is a medium-sized apartment of 126 square meters, with a large window in the living room and a balcony overlooking the river, with fine decoration and a full set of furniture, and the total payment is 5 million.

  He still remembers how stunned the agent and the landlord were when he paid.

  Since it was a second-hand house, he asked a cleaner to clean it. He went to the mall to buy some clothes and bedding that day, and moved in without even moving his luggage.

  Today happened to be the weekend, and he didn’t have any classes anyway. Ye Wei leaned on the sofa in the living room early in the morning, browsing the forum and opening the group to read messages.

  Usually at this time, Lao Bai and Fang Chang should have logged off, but today they dragged on for a while, and Lao Bai didn’t show up until noon.

  In the cattle and horse group.

  Lao Bai shouted as soon as he came out.

  ”Fang Chang, what the hell have you been doing? Why didn’t you reply to my messages in the game?”

  Murder Dagger: “And you didn’t go back to the save point!”

  All the good names were taken by dogs: “Tell the truth, did you do something bad!”

  These two people were newcomers who were recently pulled into the group.

  Including the kidney fighter and other players of the Burning Legion, they were all added to the group during the previous expansion pack.

  Quit smoking: “What? Fang Chang did something bad? What bad thing did he do? Tell me!”

  There is a mosquito in the WC: “Hahaha, I get excited when you say this! (Evil smile)”

  Of course, it’s not just the mosquito who got excited, all the animals in the group were blown out.

  This naturally includes Ye Wei, who also followed the trend and sent a message.

  Later, the content of everyone’s booing became more and more outrageous. Fang Chang, who was peeking at the screen, probably couldn’t hold it anymore and finally popped up in the group.

  ”Fuck, I just went offline to smoke a cigarette, what are you guys talking about?”

  Lao Bai: “After-the-fact cigarette?! (Evil smile)”

  Fang Chang: “Get lost, vulgar!”

  There is really a mosquito in the WC: “I heard that your last location was the Queen of the Night Bar. Tell the truth, did you do something bad! (Evil smile)”

  The screen was full of messages and he couldn’t reply.

  Fang Chang simply pretended not to see it and typed in the group.

  ”… Enough of the nonsense. This time I mainly verified three conjectures about Wasteland OL.”

  ”One is about the triggering method of hidden tasks. According to the current needs of the faction, relevant intelligence is actively collected, and there is a certain probability of triggering hidden tasks.”

  ”For example, the side quest I am doing now, collecting relevant information about the arson case in the warehouse area and the organizers of the demonstration, is actively triggered by tracking key targets.”

  Lao Bai: “Are the rewards for the tasks generous?”

  Fang Chang: “It will be higher than regular tasks, especially the regional reputation rewards.”

  Garbage Picker Level 99: “What about the second conjecture?”

  Fang Chang: “… Regarding bionic prostheses, although some basic bionic prostheses can be purchased in the weapon shop in Boulder City, their performance is quite useless, and their work efficiency is even worse than the original limbs.”

  ”I saw the guard next to the NPC named Lister before. The parts installed on him were obviously much more powerful. I was wondering at the time whether there was actually a place like the black market in Boulder City where equipment that could not be bought on the market could be bought.”

  WC is really a mosquito: “Where did you find that black market? (curious)”

  Fang Chang: “Well, there is a private clinic in the outer city. The NPC I just met gave me a business card and told me to bring chips to that person. He can help me get some ‘good things’ that are not easy to get. I heard that it is not only the bionic prosthesis produced by Giant Stone Military Industry, but also bionic people, and some varieties that are not sold to the public. I plan to go there tomorrow to take a look.” As soon as

  this message was sent out, the group exploded instantly.

  The bionic prosthesis produced by Giant Stone Military Industry is fine, but there are also bionic people.

  This is too awesome!

  Quit smoking: “Fuck, awesome!”

  Lao Bai: “6666!”

  Scrambled eggs with tomatoes: “Such a big update without an announcement, it’s not like A Guang’s style. (Shocked)”

  WC really has mosquitoes: “Maybe A Guang hasn’t finished this part yet, but it was discovered in advance. You’re done, wait for your account to be blocked. (Smirk)”

  Pick up garbage level 99: “Fuck! Tell the truth, did you sell your chrysanthemum to the planner!”

  Fang Chang: “Get lost, it’s okay if you slander me, but is Brother Guang that kind of person! (Angry) (Angry)”

  Looking at the long string of messages on the phone screen, Ye Wei couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

  For a moment, he didn’t know whether to admire the reality of this game, that there is even a black market, or to admire Brother Fang Chang’s awesomeness, that he even found such a thing.

  ”By the way, isn’t it three guesses? What about the other one?”

  Seeing this line of news, the group members who were making a fuss immediately reacted.

  That’s right.

  They just ate the second melon.

  What about the other one?

  Faced with the follow-up questions from the group members, Fang Chang fell silent this time.

  Just when Ye Wei thought he was organizing his words, a message suddenly popped up.

  Fang Chang: “Hey… I’m ashamed to say that I suddenly thought about it and decided to talk about this later.”

  Ye Shi: “???”

  What do you mean by talk about it later?

  Is this something a human would do?

  However, this time, no matter how everyone tagged him, Fang Chang didn’t say anything.

  Ye Wei hated people who only spoke halfway. He felt like there were ten thousand ants crawling in his heart. He couldn’t help but open the address book and wanted to call and ask for clarification on the spot.

  At this moment, a WeChat message suddenly popped up on the top of the phone screen.

  Ye Wei subconsciously clicked on it and found that the message was sent by his sister.

  Jiujiu loves to eat pineapples: “Brother, I’ve finished the exam!!”

  Finished the exam?

  Ye Wei was stunned for a moment, looked at the time, and then realized that today was already June 9th.


  So many things happened in the past few days that he forgot about his sister’s college entrance examination in the past two days!

  Thinking of what he had promised at the beginning, Ye Wei immediately opened the online shopping app and clicked on the payment for the mobile phone that he had put in the shopping cart before.

  It has only been a few months, and it has actually been two or three hundred cheaper.

  But at this moment, Ye Wei suddenly remembered the news he had read before.

  If I wait another two months, can I buy a mobile phone with a better battery capacity?

  Forget it… I’ve already bought it.

  At worst, I can just change it when the time comes.

  Looking at the successful payment interface, Ye Wei shook his head, turned off the shopping app, switched back to WeChat, and replied to his sister.

  ”How did you do in the exam?”

  Jiujiu loves to eat pineapples: “Huh, it’s stable! (Proud)”

  It should be no problem if it’s stable.

  Ye Wei showed a comfortable smile on his face, this was the best news he had heard today. He

  was just planning to tell his sister about the phone.

  However, his typing speed has been a little rusty recently. He had only typed halfway when another string of messages popped up from the other side.

  ”By the way, brother, I have nothing to do during the holidays, so I’ll come to Jiangcheng to play with you!”

  ”By the way, I want to see if there are any summer jobs available nearby! (Proud)”

  ”What do you think of the milk tea shop? (Looking forward to it)”

  Ye Wei typed back, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

  ”Why are you working as a summer intern, little guy? Enjoy your summer vacation! There won’t be many comfortable days like this in the future!”

  Jiujiu loves to eat pineapples: “This is called accumulating social experience! You know nothing!”

  ”Also, I’m an adult, and you call me a little guy. How old are you? (rolling eyes)”

  Ye Wei: “I’m not going to talk nonsense with you. By the way, the school you want to apply to is also in Jiangcheng, right? Why don’t you bring your luggage with you? You can leave it here with me first.”

  Jiujiu loves to eat pineapples: “Put it there? Are you sure you can fit it there? (squinting eyes)”

  Seeing this message, Ye Wei couldn’t help but smile.

  Speaking of which, he has been busy these days and hasn’t told his family about buying an apartment.

  He suddenly began to look forward to the expression on his sister’s face…

  ”Just bring it here, and I’ll give you a surprise when the time comes.”

  Jiujiu loves to eat pineapples: “Really? Then I’ll really bring it here!”

  ”Oh, yes, speaking of surprises, I just happen to have a surprise for you!”

  ”Hehe, wait! (Grimace)”

  Ye Wei was stunned for a moment, and his expression suddenly became a little weird.

  I don’t know if it’s my illusion, when he saw the word “surprise”, he not only didn’t have any expectations, but had a bad premonition.

  I hope it’s an illusion.

  After all, reality is not a game.

  I shouldn’t have such a high perception…

   (A new book “The Lord of the Weird Way”, friends who are interested in cultivating immortals can try it.)


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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