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Chapter 356: Soft Jade in the Stream, Fragrance of the Night

Chapter 356: Soft Jade in the Stream, Fragrance of the Night


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 356 Soft jade in the stream, endless night fragrance

  The night is getting darker, and the three of them chatted and joked in front of the campfire for a while.


  Yue Rui touched her belly, and a happy smile appeared on her pretty face: “I’m so full~”

  Yang Shifei helped her wipe the corners of her mouth, and then looked at Luo Xian’er.

  ”Xian’er, are you full?”

  ”Of course.” Luo Xian’er smiled softly: “If you eat more, you will be too full to sleep tonight.”

  ”Okay, you get up and take a walk to digest the food, and then go to the stream to rinse your mouth.”

  Yang Shifei’s eyes moved slightly, and he couldn’t help but look towards the stream again: “Miss Yun has been bathing for so long, why hasn’t she finished yet?”

  ”Husband, go and take a look?” Luo Xian’er flipped through the remaining skewers of grilled fish on the grill: “Let Xiaorui and I watch here.”

  Yang Shifei didn’t refuse, and quickly got up and walked towards the stream.

  ”Miss Yun?”

  He raised his voice and called: “We have all finished eating, when will you finish washing–”


  A wisp of energy suddenly brushed across his shoulder.

  Yang Shifei let out a light exclamation, vaguely sensing that it was Yunqin who did it, and continued to move closer under the cover of the bonfire.

  A moment later, he saw a plump and mature beauty wearing only a black silk undergarment sitting in the water.

  Yunqin was now wet from the spring water, with water droplets constantly sliding down her fair skin. Her chest rose and fell, and her full and huge melons rose and fell with it, as if they were about to burst her undergarment. As

  the stream water moistened her body, this thin undergarment clung tightly to her body, revealing her fair and pink skin color, and outlining her round curves.

  ”Uh, Miss Yun, what are you doing?”

  ”Come closer.” Yun Qin closed her eyes and breathed, and murmured: “There is some congestion and blockage during the bath. I need your help to adjust it.”

  Seeing that she was trying hard to endure the discomfort, Yang Shifei laughed: “Since you are uncomfortable, why not speak up earlier.”

  ”. So as not to embarrass your two wives.”

  Yun Qin lowered her voice and said: “Move faster, don’t let them see.”

  Yang Shifei lifted his trouser legs and crossed the water to her: “What you said is more like having an affair behind her back.”

  Yun Qin pursed her red lips and glared at him unhappily: “How much difference is there in this matter?”

  But seeing Yang Shifei leaning over, she couldn’t help but shut up.

  In the silence, a subtle ripple flashed in her eyes, and even her originally tense body unconsciously softened and relaxed, and her chest was raised higher.


  As her hands clasped lightly, Yun Qin couldn’t help but let out a few defenseless shallow hums.

  When she met the playful gaze, she suddenly came back to her senses, glared at him shyly and

  said, “Don’t think about it now.” Having said that, she raised her arm and gently hooked the back of Yang Shifei’s neck, lowered her eyes and murmured, “Don’t make too much noise. Woo——”

  Yunqin’s jade neck was slightly raised, and her seductive collarbone and shoulders were as beautiful as porcelain sculptures under the moonlight, and the high and raised arc was full and tempting.

  Yang Shifei lowered his head and drank several sips, and the warm fragrance overflowed and went straight into his throat.

  The salty fragrance in his mouth after eating grilled fish was washed away, leaving only the mellow and sweet taste, and his stomach became warm.

  ”.Are you feeling better now?”


  Yunqin hummed softly from her nose, and her whole body seemed to shiver with comfort.

  She blinked her beautiful eyes and her voice softened unconsciously: “Help me up.”

  ”Has Miss Yun finished washing her body?”

  ”Not yet”

  ”I’ll help you wipe it.” Yang Shifei glanced at the side casually, quickly picked up the silk cloth on the side, and helped Yun Qin wash her body.

  The smooth cloth slid over her skin along her graceful curves, and the gurgling stream water flowed over her body.

  Yun Qin’s eyes were a little shy, but her whole body was soft and weak, and she didn’t even have the thought of struggling for a while, so she let Yang Shifei wash her body back and forth.


  The two of them were silent at this time, keeping silent as if they knew each other.

  Yang Shifei also tried not to think about it and concentrate on bathing her.

  But every time he brushed over her plumpness, he couldn’t help but sigh that Miss Yun’s body was really a treasure of nature, tight and round, but also soft and delicate, really making people love it.

  Just based on this voluptuous body, she is enough to be called a seductive woman

  . “Almost done.” Yun Qin quickly grabbed her wrist and said shyly, “No need to wash so carefully.”

  ”Okay, I’ll help you get up and change clothes.”


  In the middle of the night, the bonfire became increasingly dim.

  The three people in the carriage slept together, covered with a thin blanket.

  Yue Rui had already fallen asleep after eating and drinking, while Luo Xian’er quietly hugged Yang Shifei’s right arm and whispered in his ear:

  ”Husband, isn’t it a bit bad to let Miss Yun stay out alone to keep watch?”

  ”Hmm?” Yang Shifei glanced at him: “How about I replace her?”

  Luo Xian’er said softly: “That’s not what I meant. I mean, let Miss Yun come in together. This carriage is big enough for four people to lie down.

  Besides, we have checked the surroundings several times and there are no poisonous insects or beasts, let alone crazy people and monsters. There is no need to be vigilant to stay up all night.”

  Although they are at the border between Yan and Liang, they are safe and worry-free with Shuili and the magic knife on them.

  Yang Shifei smiled gently: “Xian’er is not jealous?”

  Luo Xian’er said again in his ear: “How can I be such a jealous woman, husband, you are talking nonsense.”

  ”Don’t worry, Miss Yun knows what she is doing. But you, my lady…”

  There were rustling sounds in the carriage, and faint whispers were heard from time to time.


  Yunqin lay on her side on the silk ribbon tied to the tree, her dark eyebrows trembling slightly, and she looked at the carriage with a little helplessness.

  The faint humming and moaning drifted with the night wind. It seemed that Shifei and the maids were secretly practicing double cultivation again, and they were really energetic.

  Just thinking about what happened tonight…

  Yunqin sighed softly, and felt that she was unconsciously trapped in it.

  As long as she closed her eyes, her figure and face would appear in her mind. It seemed that the hot touch still remained on her body skin, as if it was holding her heart tightly

  . “. This child is really annoying.”

  Yunqin closed her eyes and concentrated, trying to put aside distracting thoughts and regain a calm state of mind.

  But as the noise in the carriage became louder and louder, her own fairy’s voice began to rise and fall, babbling non-stop.

  She listened silently outside, her cheeks flushed under the mask, her stomach was restless, and she couldn’t help but spit twice.

  ”Really fooling around.”

  But despite saying that, she stretched out her right hand as if possessed by a ghost, groped all the way to her chest, and her plump legs rubbed gently unconsciously.

  Under the starry night, the beautiful woman’s eyes gradually blurred, as if she was slowly immersed in the beauty.

  As the beautiful figure danced in the carriage, she seemed to be floating up and down with it.

  It was not until a long time later that her whole body suddenly trembled, and she regained some clarity.


  Yunqin’s red lips opened and closed, her eyes were complicated, but she didn’t say much after all.

  But in her heart, there were more ripples and marks, which made it more unforgettable .

  The next morning, it was still dark.

  Yang Shifei tiptoed out of the carriage, just wanting to see how Yunqin slept last night. But

  a ball of silk cloth was thrown in front of him, and he quickly raised his hand to catch it.

  ”Miss Yun?”

  Yunqin woke up earlier and was already sitting next to the bonfire rock.

  She just glanced at him calmly and said lightly: “You’ve been busy so late, wipe yourself first.”

  Yang Shifei laughed dryly: “Did you hear it all?” Yunqin snorted

  helplessly: “At night, do you think you can hide that little noise?”


  Yang Shifei was a little embarrassed. He didn’t expect to be heard by the other party.

  He just spread out the cloth to wipe his face and walked to the campfire, but Yunqin reached out and pulled him to her side.

  ”Sit down.”

  ”Uh, this is…”

  ”Be good and don’t move. I’ll help you rub it.”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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