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Chapter 357 You provide the technology, we provide the people, this is of course a win-win situation

Chapter 357 You provide the technology, we provide the people, this is of course a win-win situation


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 357 You provide the technology, we provide the people, this is of course a win-win situation

  . 5pm.

  Fang Chang lay flat on the bed, put on his helmet and returned to the game. When he opened his eyes again, he saw the cement-gray ceiling.

  Under him was a shabby single bed.

  He moved the heavy back of his head, and a very faint fragrance from the squeezed pillow rushed into his nose. The only flaw was that there was a smell of motor oil.

  He turned his head and saw the girl sitting on the bed.

  She was holding a screwdriver in her hand, fiddling with the parts of her left arm, not knowing whether she was changing the battery or the motor oil.

  This game is always unexpectedly real in strange places.

  ”Are you awake?” Noticing the movement on the bed, Dolly glanced at him.

  At this moment, she was wearing a washed-out sleeveless T-shirt, and a hint of white could be vaguely seen in the morning light outside the window, making Fang Chang a little unsure of where to put his eyes.


  Seeing the man’s embarrassment, Dolly laughed slyly and said teasingly.

  ”You sleep so deeply that I can’t wake you up no matter how much I shout.”

  Fang Chang touched his nose a little embarrassedly.

  ”Actually, I usually… don’t drink like this. Let’s drink again next time.”

  Dolly said with a smile.

  ”It’s okay, I won’t laugh at you.”

  Fang Chang: “…”


  This broken game is so annoying.

  If you drink too much, you will be disconnected frequently, and it will crash when it is disconnected. You can’t even connect back

  . He can’t remember what happened last night. He only remembers what he saw in the dark, and what he didn’t see.

  Later, he couldn’t log in, so he went to the balcony to smoke and went online with his friends.

  But speaking of himself, he was unconscious all night yesterday…

  Fang Chang’s expression changed slightly, and he subconsciously reached out and touched his belt.

  It’s not that he was worried about what the girl did to him. Is he the kind of person who is afraid of being at a disadvantage?

  Mainly because I was afraid of losing a kidney…

  Looking at Fang Chang who was struggling with his waist, Dolly teased and continued.

  ”Don’t worry, I didn’t touch your things.”

  Fang Chang certainly wouldn’t say what he was looking for just now, and he coughed and changed the subject.

  ”Where is this?”

  ”My home.”

  Although it was expected, Fang Chang’s eyes still showed a hint of surprise.

  Dolly misunderstood the meaning in his eyes and said indifferently.

  ”Is it very shabby?”

  Fang Chang looked around. There were a lot of things stuffed in the one-bedroom apartment of less than 15 square meters. There were

  not many beautiful clothes. There were mechanical parts and tools for grinding parts next to the bottles and jars in the corner.

  ”Looking for another bathroom? I’m afraid you’ll have to go out.” Dolly said as she looked around.

  Fang Chang shook his head.

  ”No… Actually, by the standards of the wasteland, the environment here is not bad.”

  The space inside the giant wall is limited, and it is definitely not comparable to the sparsely populated northern suburbs.

  Dolly’s mouth curled up with a smug smile.

  ”Indeed, it can shelter me from the wind and rain, I don’t have to squeeze with others, and I only have to pay 52 chips a month for rent. I like this place very much. When I have time, I plan to grow a pot of succulents and put it by the window.”

  Hearing her chattering, Fang Chang felt that his hearing was not enough, but he still relied on his experience of communicating with international friends to guess roughly.


  ”Well, a plant with very thick leaves, I heard that it can absorb radiation.” Dolly said with confidence, as if she really believed this statement.

  Absorbing radiation…

  Fang Chang’s expression was a little subtle.

  It’s not that he wants to argue, but he really doubts that if this plant really has this ability, just plant two pots next to the reactor.

  But then again, in “Wasteland OL”, he seems to have rarely considered radiation. According to the setting of the official website, although residual radiation is a problem, it is not the main problem here.

  In comparison, slime mold, predators, mutants… there are too many things that are more deadly than radiation.

  Just when Fang Chang was thinking about it, the girl was looking at him curiously.

  ”Don’t you believe it?”

  Fang Chang shook his head gently.

  ”No… Actually, we have this saying too.”

  ”Oh, it seems you don’t believe it.” Dolly said “oh” and moved her eyes away, continuing to tinker with the almost assembled mechanical arm.

  Looking at the profile under the green short hair, Fang Chang suddenly felt a little sympathetic.

  He didn’t know where this emotion came from.

  Although he also enjoyed the game, as a professional player, he always regarded NPC as a piece of data, and rarely poured emotions into any character.

  This is probably the biggest difference between him and Lao Bai and Bianbian. His

  Adam’s apple moved, and Fang Chang spoke in a mysterious way.

  ”…Have you ever considered living in a different environment?”

  ”Change the environment? Everything is the same.” Throwing away the screwdriver in her hand, she said casually, the outline of her profile and her voice were both mature and inconsistent with her age.

  Fang Chang didn’t know how to answer for a while.

  ”Don’t you have any dreams? For example…what you want to do?”

  ”What you want to do?” Dolly thought seriously for a moment and said, “Does opening a bar count?”

  ”…I thought you would say you wanted to open a coffee shop or a flower shop.”

  ”Coffee shop? Flower shop? Are there such shops in Boulder City?” Dolly said in confusion.

  ”No, it’s just that in my hometown, I always hear drunk girls say that…Can you accompany me to find the doctor who sells bionic prostheses later?” Fang sighed, reached out to touch his pocket, and took out a chip.

  However, as soon as he said this, he found that the last chip in his pocket was white, with a big “1” written on the face value, and the expression on his face became awkward.

  Seeing the drastic contrast between his expression before and after, Dolly couldn’t help but chuckle.

  Reaching out to take the chip, she flicked it lightly with her thumb and threw it into the iron box on the table.

  ”No problem, I have nothing to do anyway.”

  ”Since you were so gentlemanly last night, I’ll accompany you for a while.”


  Dawn City.

  In Shelter No. 404, there was a crackling sound of air leakage in the narrow single room, followed by a loud shout.

  ”Oh my god, I’m finally alive.”

  Ye Shi sat up from the incubator, picked up the blue jacket hanging on the head of the cabin and put it on. He first went to the public bathroom to take a shower, and then went to the square on the B2 floor.

  Because it was the peak period of online, there were many people in the square when he got here.

  Including his acquaintances, Kuangfeng, Quitting Smoking and Mosquito, who happened to be here.

  Walking up to greet everyone, Ye Shi saw Mosquito’s sneaky look and asked curiously.

  ”What are you doing?”

  ”Go away, go away, don’t delay my business.”

  Before Ye Shi had time to roll his eyes, Quitting Smoking had already complained before him.

  ”Damn, what business can you have?”

  ”…He’s probably squatting on the NPC named Pai. I heard him mention it before.” Kuangfeng looked at Mosquito expressionlessly, with a slightly weird look in his eyes.

  Although there are players who are locked up in the dark room for illegal operations occasionally, he seems to be the only one with the same reason as him?

  At least he is the only one in the friend list.

  Seeing that Mosquito was dead again, the players around him also joined the topic.

  ”… I remember! It seems to be the same last time. I heard from Tail that this guy was caught red-handed.”

  ”I heard that he jumped on people!”

  ”And he didn’t even touch them!”

  ”It’s so embarrassing!”

  Quitting looked at Mosquito in surprise.

  ”Damn, brother, are you a pervert?”

  Mosquito’s face turned liver-colored and retorted.

  ”Get lost! I just… want to figure out what that oil is and how it is made.”

  Without professional analytical equipment, he could only roughly infer that the bottle of fuel contained some easily identifiable alkanes and alkenes, and he was confused about the rest.

  These days, he has been looking for the NPC named Pai, but the girl seemed to be scared by him and never showed up again.

  Mosquito couldn’t help but feel a little regretful.

  Maybe he should have restrained himself a little at that time.

  The topics in the square were like a gust of wind, and after blowing, they changed to something else.

  Seeing that it was getting late, everyone discussed where to level up later.

  Ye Shi looked at Kuang Feng.

  ”Where are we going later? Are we going to meet in Boulder City?”

  Kuang Feng glanced at his right hand.

  ”I’ll install the arm first.”

  This weak power always made him feel that something was missing.

  At this moment, Ye Shi suddenly remembered a key thing.

  ”Speaking of which… you have to remove an arm first to install that thing.”

  Kuang Feng nodded.


  Isn’t this a matter of course.

  Ye Shi looked at his right hand with a strange expression.

  ”Then what do you do with the arm you removed?”

  Kuang Feng was stunned for a moment.

  He had never thought about this question.

  After a moment of silence, he said with a subtle expression.

  ”… Find a place to bury it.”


  Browsing room on the B4 floor.

  Chu Guang, who was sitting in front of the computer, leaned back on the sofa and stretched.

  ”Finally done.”

  Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the desk, happily raised two thumbs as big as toothpicks and cheered.

  ”Master is awesome!”

  Chu Guang gave it a tired look.

  ”Thank you for the compliment. I wish you could help me more.”

  Although this little guy can help him accurately convey every order to the correct department, some creative work is still beyond its ability.

  Especially in the design of rules.

  Chu Guang read in the history of the Human Union that in the early days of the Prosperous Era, “AIism” had risen on this planet for a period of time.

  Its believers believe that the root cause of the problems of production relations and distribution systems lies in the ugliness of human nature.

  People’s happiness is born to be obtained from the suffering of others, and there is only one solution, that is, to establish a society governed by AI and replace all management departments with artificial intelligence.

  However, this sport declined in the middle of the Prosperous Era. Historians have given many evaluations, including several objective views such as “lack of hardware and software conditions” and “extreme material prosperity makes people more inclined to maintain the status quo”.

  Chu Guang has reservations about these views, but he can still learn a little lesson from historical experience.

  That is, never let tools replace thinking and let hands replace brains. Never expect a perfect method to solve all problems in the future.

  Looking at the nearly 5MB text file on the computer screen, Chu Guang’s face stretched out a relaxed expression.

  The newly established alliance management agency has a total of 12 departments, covering various fields from production to economy, to transportation and logistics, and residents’ lives.

  He also made detailed designs for the basic strategies and policy routes of each department.

  This is certainly not something he made up out of thin air, but it is not a complete copy of the experience of another world.

  For example, when establishing the Ministry of Education, Chu Guang referred more to the players’ ideas on the forum than to the suggestions of parents, teachers and students.

  For the wastelanders with an average life expectancy of only 35 years old, many people have already gone through half of their lives in a statistical sense at the age of 17.

  But for players living in a peaceful era, at this age, it can only be said that good days are still to come, and they have to wait patiently to unlock the anti-addiction system.

  At this time, if a one-size-fits-all approach is adopted to set the minimum working age and compulsory education time according to the standards of developed planets, the education level of the alliance may be improved, but poor families will become poor because of education.

  Chu Guang adopted a compromise approach, gradually raising the minimum working age and compulsory education time, and using part of the money to subsidize students with excellent academic performance.

  This is the so-called scholarship.

  Whether it is an adult in night school or a student in a full-time school, as long as they have excellent academic performance, they can receive a subsidy.

  Although this money is not enough for them to live a rich life, it is enough to subsidize the family expenses.

  Education is only one aspect of the many issues he considers, and this long-term investment will also need to see returns in the future.

  Among all departments, Chu Guang still devotes the most energy to the industrial department directly related to production.

  For other departments, he can only guide the route and basic framework at most, but when it comes to specific production issues, he even makes detailed plans for the production capacity of each stage after referring to the opinions of experts in various industries.

  Although not all problems can be solved by developing productivity, at least 99% of the current problems can be solved.

  Thanks to the infrastructure plan of 200 million silver coins and the loan of 200 million chips, he can do a lot of things now.

  ”…Speaking of which, I have to draw up a purchase list later.”

  Chu Guang pinched his eyebrows, thought for a moment, looked at Xiao Qi sitting at the corner of the table, and said.

  ”Tell old Charlie for me to wait for me in the office of the Merchants’ Guild at 2 pm.”

  ”Okay, Master,” Xiao Qi said worriedly, seeing the tired expression on Chu Guang’s face, “Although this may sound a bit long-winded, you should also take care of your health.”

  Chu Guang smiled and rubbed Xiao Qi’s head with his index finger, with a reassuring smile on his face.

  ”I’ll pay attention.”

  At this time, a gust of wind blew in from the door of the browsing room.

  Looking at Chu Guang fiddling with the dolls on the table, Pai raised the corners of his mouth proudly.

  ”How is it? Is the gift I gave you okay?”

  ”Thank you for your gift, it’s very stress-relieving and adds a lot of fun to my boring daily work.” Chu Guang joked, “What about the drone I gave you, do you like it?”

  ”It’s amazing!” Pai nodded with satisfaction and showed off, “I modified it a little bit, and now it flies faster!”

  Chu Guang looked at her with a little surprise, not expecting that this little girl had this ability.

  But he was only surprised for a moment.

  Unlike Camp 404, which focuses on industry and military, Camp 101, which is guided by Shelter 101, probably puts all its “skill points” on education and archaeology.

  This guy is not only extremely talented, but also uses the black technology of the pre-war era.

  If the ability value and talent can be quantified, she might be at the same level as Heya from Shelter 401.

  ”That…” Pai looked around and suddenly became a little embarrassed, and whispered, “Have you talked to Xiaoyu?”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”Well, I talked to her family, and she is also willing to continue her studies. If you have no objection, I hope to send a few more people to communicate with you.”

  Xiaoyu is a very sensible child. Chu Guang remembers that when he told her about this, she just thought about it for a moment and nodded obediently.

  He could feel that she was reluctant to leave the people in the shelter, but he could also see her deep desire to grow and become stronger.

  She hopes to help everyone more, not just sitting at the counter and counting money.

  There are more and more people in the new alliance, and the problem that the bank needs to consider is no longer just to settle the accounts, but also to think about how to use the invisible hand to make every silver coin play the role it should play.

  This involves a lot of knowledge that she doesn’t understand. Although she has summed up some experience in practice, she still needs to go through systematic learning.

  Including some mathematical methods and sociological knowledge.

  If there are professional guidance, she can also take fewer detours.

  As for Xiaoyu’s family, although they were worried at first, after hearing Chu Guang’s promise to ensure her safety, both his parents and brother were relieved. The

  wise and powerful administrator never breaks his promise.

  No one in the entire northern suburbs will doubt this matter, whether it is NPC or player.

  Hearing Chu Guang’s words, Pai was so excited that he wanted to jump up and pat his chest to guarantee it.

  ”Don’t worry, I’ve already told my master about this. Everyone is very happy and asked me to bring more local specialties when I come back, hehe…especially chocolate and coffee! Oh yes, and the meat buns that will ooze out when you bite them! They are so delicious!”

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”That’s easy. When I go back, I will give you another truckload of local specialties!”

  Chu Guang thought Pai would happily agree.

  However, to his surprise, the little girl actually shook her head with a serious face and refused the gift.

  ”Although this proposal is very tempting, we can’t take your benefits for nothing.”

  ”My master said that reciprocity is the long-term solution to get along with others, and we have to give you some help.”

  Looking at the surprised Chu Guang, she continued seriously.

  ”But we don’t have money, and we don’t have extra resources to share with you. It would be great if you could provide a plan.”

  Hearing this, Chu Guang was immediately happy. Isn’t this what he was waiting for?

  The New Alliance is rich in resources, and the players’ imaginations and creativity are endless. There are always one or two things that can satisfy the appetite of these scholars, engineers, and archaeologists. It

  doesn’t matter if you are not very interested in black and white silk and artworks.

  Aren’t there a lot of delicious foods?

  In addition to a wide range of consumer goods, there are also research samples needed for Camp 101 and the shelters behind them.

  Even if it is a monster as powerful as the Death Claw, as long as the silver coins and contribution points are in place, his brave little players can get it for them!

  Chu Guang said with a hearty smile.

  ”This is easy! Although we don’t implement a rationing system, we will pay those who work hard.”

  ”How about this, you send a few engineers to us to help us improve our production methods. In exchange, we will give you silver coins!”

  ”If there is anything you like, you don’t need to discuss it with me, just buy it from our store with silver coins!”

  Pai wrinkled his cute little nose and fell into deep thought.

  ”Well… that does sound good. But… everyone has their own work to do, so it’s probably hard to spare some manpower.”

  ”Especially now that the raiders are gone, we’re planning to move the camp back to the surface, and there are so many things to do.”

  Everyone in the camp has their own job, and the “score” that determines the standard of living is also determined by the job.

  After listening to Pai’s concerns, Chu Guang patiently said.

  ”This problem is easy to solve. Our people can help you build the camp, supply the materials you need for life, and even help you cook. This alone can save you a lot of manpower.”

  ”In this way, you can focus more on what you are good at and interested in, and all you need to do is to give us some of the saved time to help us live a better life.”

  ”You can understand this as a kind of… complementary advantages. Tell your master what I said, he will definitely understand what I want to express.”

  Camp 101 had tried to recruit some local survivors before, but the scale of cooperation was limited and it only stayed at the scene of doing odd jobs.

  Chu Guang believed that after fully understanding the situation of the new alliance, the residents of Camp 101 would definitely feel the charm of his proposal.

  Pai touched his chin, pretending to be thinking, and nodded as if he understood.

  She rarely cared about these things. The things Chu Guang said were beyond her field of expertise.

  But it was not difficult for her to write down a sentence completely.

  ”I will convey your proposal to everyone in the camp… Oh, by the way.”

  Suddenly remembering something, Pai took out a stack of paper with dense symbols from her pocket and handed it to Chu Guang.

  Chu Guang took it with a confused look on his face, flipped through it in his hand, and although he recognized every word, he didn’t understand it at all.

  ”…What is this?”

  Pai looked aside subtly and spoke a little embarrassedly.

  ”It’s the proportion of each component of the fuel and the synthesis path. Although it’s not something particularly powerful… I spent some time to think it out.”

  At this point, she snorted lightly.

  ”Didn’t a rude guy look down on me before? Now that guy should realize how shallow his knowledge is.”

  After all, she is at an age where she loves to show off and be looked down upon. Of course, she couldn’t help but want to prove herself.

  Although chemical power engines are already antiques, with her understanding of machinery and aerospace, it is not difficult to make a high-efficiency fuel.

  Chu Guang looked at the information in his hand in surprise. He didn’t expect to have such an unexpected gain.

  What he didn’t expect was that this little girl actually gave him such a valuable thing without reservation.

  ”I… will pass it on to him.”

  It shouldn’t be difficult to ask Xiaoqi to help translate it. Yin Fang can help with the difficult technical terms.

  Pai nodded with satisfaction.

  But soon, she remembered that she couldn’t let that rude guy get away with it, so she added another sentence.

  ”By the way, don’t let him get it too easily. Just show him a page every once in a while.”

  At this point, Pai said confidently.

  ”My master said that you can’t just copy the answers, you have to use your brain to think about where the answers come from!”

  Good guy.

  This is too torturous.

  Chu Guang nodded with a smile and put the information in front of Xiaoqi.

  ”Okay… I promise not to let him get it easily.”

  After getting this promise, Pai finally left with satisfaction.

  Watching the excited figure disappear at the door of the browsing room, Chu Guang couldn’t help but feel a little emotional.

  Compared to dealing with the relationship with Boulder City.

  As expected, getting along with these lovely people made him feel more relaxed and happy.

  However, as a manager, he cannot decide who to break off relations with and who to establish diplomatic relations with based on personal preferences. Many times he needs to make judgments based on the collective interests.

  He suddenly missed the “crew” on the Pioneer.

  Half a year has passed, and I don’t know if they have fulfilled their ideals.

  Noticing the expression on Chu Guang’s face, Xiao Qi, who was sitting in front of the information, asked curiously.

  ”Master, what are you thinking about?”

  Chu Guang said casually, retracting his gaze from the door.

  ”I think that place might be a real utopia.”

  It’s just that it’s too small.

  Even smaller than the shelter behind them, it can only accommodate two or three hundred people.

  Compared with the entire wasteland, that little light is not even a flame…


  (Thanks to “Brother Dafu” for the leader’s reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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