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Chapter 358: Strange Voices, Love Like a Painting

Chapter 358: Strange Voices, Love Like a Painting


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 358: Intriguing Voices, Love as Painting

  When the sun sets, Emperor Yan holds a banquet to entertain Yang Shifei and his party.

  Not long after the meal, the ladies chat for a while, then go to wash and change clothes, and go back to the room early to prepare for bed.

  Yang Shifei wanted to go into the pool to bathe, but Yan Lingshuang quietly pulled her sleeve.

  ”No one will disturb you now, so come with me to the yard for a walk.”

  ”Auntie Shuang, why don’t you go to bed early?”

  Yang Shifei put down his clothes, smiled and followed, and came to the pond in the courtyard together.

  ”I promised to teach you some tricks, and of course I can’t forget it.”

  Yan Lingshuang smiled indifferently, her jade face was radiant, as if she was a cold and beautiful ice lotus under the moon.

  She was now wearing only a plain gown with hanging gauze, her snow-white hair tied up, her eyes full of tenderness: “I would like to thank you again in person. It would be great if Xian’er could marry you.”

  Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows and simply bowed with a serious face: “It is my duty to make my wife happy and joyful.”


  Yan Lingshuang’s face turned slightly red for some reason, and she said angrily: “Your means of ‘happiness and joy’ are a bit too vulgar.”

  Yang Shifei immediately coughed lightly in embarrassment: “After all, we are husband and wife.”

  ”You also have to relax and work hard in moderation.”

  Yan Lingshuang turned her head away, pretending to be calm: “Let the girls rest occasionally, don’t always torment them.”

  Yang Shifei’s eyes moved slightly, and a playful smile gradually appeared on his face: “So, Aunt Shuang wants to step forward and share the worries of Xian’er and the others?”

  As he said that, he quietly approached and put his arm around the Queen’s slender waist.

  Yan Lingshuang shuddered all over, and quickly pushed him away gently, glaring at him and scolding him again: “Don’t think about those crooked ideas, now we have to get down to business.”

  Seeing the beautiful woman’s cheeks blushing with shyness, Yang Shifei suppressed his smile and nodded, “Okay, I’ll wait for Aunt Shuang’s teachings.”


  Yan Lingshuang glared at him again, and a bit of soft anger flashed between her eyebrows.

  After calming down for a while, Her Majesty lifted her skirt and walked into the pavilion, reaching out to touch the guqin that had been placed there for a long time.

  She suddenly bent her fingers and lightly hooked the strings of the guqin, and a strange sound spread out, as if there were ripples in the air.

  Yang Shifei’s mind was shocked, and his face suddenly became stern. The sound of the guqin seemed to be mixed with clear internal force, and just one sound made people’s mind turbulent.

  ”This is…”

  ”It is one of the skills my master taught me back then.” Yan Lingshuang chuckled, “It’s called ‘heart sound matching’, which can attach internal force to musical instruments and produce sounds that can affect other people’s minds.”

  Yang Shifei couldn’t help but smack his lips, “Auntie Shuang seems to have never used it before.”

  ”This skill is still difficult to use when fighting with others.” Yan Lingshuang shook his head, “Besides, I didn’t learn the skills well back then, and I really didn’t practice this skill in depth. But with your terrible talent, you should be able to gain something in a short time.”

  ”Do you want to use a piano?” ”

  Any flute or Xiao will do.” Yan Lingshuang picked up a jade flute from the table and threw it to Yang Shifei, “Try it.”

  ”Okay, if I make a fool of myself later, Auntie Shuang, don’t laugh at me.”

  Yang Shifei lowered her expectations a little in advance, and at the same time frowned and thought, silently deducing and pondering the tricks.

  The perfect fingering and the strange fluctuation of internal force, every bit of coordination seems to be of utmost importance, and the essence must not be lost.

  As his mind raced, a chilly breath exploded in his mind, and he suddenly realized that many of his difficulties and puzzles were solved.


  After a moment, Yang Shifei tried to play the jade flute, and the melodious sound of the flute echoed in the courtyard.

  Yan Lingshuang’s eyes flashed with surprise. Shifei actually succeeded in the first try!

  I thought this child was very talented, but now he is no different from a monster.

  Moreover, he is really playing better and better, and it is obvious that he is becoming more and more skilled and accurate .

  Yan Lingshuang wanted to listen carefully again and help pick out some minor flaws, so that she could be considered to have passed the test.


  She suddenly felt her mind fluttering, and she recalled the beautiful things for no reason, and her breath was disordered.

  In a trance, she seemed to be nestled in her lover’s arms again, rubbing against him intimately, and even going a step further.

  Yan Lingshuang suddenly woke up, and her cold face was dyed with a bright blush.

  Why does the sound of the flute make people think wildly? Even their bodies feel a little soft, and they can’t help wanting to be intimate with it.


  Yang Shifei put down the jade flute at this time, grinning and said happily: “Auntie Shuang, how do you feel?”

  Yan Lingshuang’s face turned red, and she tilted her head and snorted: “Obscene!”

  Yang Shifei: “?”

  What kind of reaction is this?

  He looked a little confused. He didn’t play any weird and obscene songs?

  It’s better to say that he just played a song according to his “feeling”. He still has a half-understanding of the profound music theory.

  ”Forget it, let’s not play the song.”

  Yan Lingshuang suddenly stood up, blushing and brushing her sleeves and walked over: “The Xuanming Tianshuang Jue I practiced also comes with a set of boxing and kicking skills. It’s not powerful, but it’s of great significance.

  We are just practicing a few moves now. Learn as much as you can, as long as you can let Master understand your identity.”

  After saying that, he immediately attacked her face and stabbed her chest with his finger.

  Yang Shifei frowned, and immediately raised his arm to block and sweep away. Just as he was about to counterattack, he saw Yan Lingshuang’s attack coming continuously.

  Bang, bang, bang!

  The two of them rushed through the courtyard one after the other, their steps were silent, and only wisps of strong wind were stirred up.

  The fists and feet of both sides kept colliding, and each had their own parry and dismantling. For a while, the fight was quite difficult to distinguish.

  Yan Lingshuang’s expression gradually became serious, and he was secretly amazed in his heart.

  After only a period of separation, Shifei’s skills have improved again. Not only has his physique become stronger, but his martial arts are also much more sophisticated.

  It seems that even after living a married life, Shifei has not been too lax

  . Bang!

  The fists and palms of both sides suddenly shook, and they all retreated several feet away.

  Yang Shifei let out a long sigh, changed his fist into a palm, and grinned: “Aunt Shuang, these moves of yours are really amazing.”

  Yan Lingshuang smiled calmly: “How many have you remembered?”

  ”I probably remember them all.”

  ”Okay, I’m here to test you.” Yan Lingshuang’s icy eyes flashed with a cold light, and the frosty majesty quietly spread: “Let’s see, Shifei, how much you can learn tonight!” As

  soon as the voice fell, she stepped on the ice lotus, as if a phantom of ice wind suddenly attacked.

  Yang Shifei’s heart suddenly trembled, and immediately took the attack with all her strength to resist, and the battle in the courtyard started again.

  As the night deepened, Luo Xian’er opened her eyes in the bed in the bedroom.

  She glanced at the silent Mo Dao and Shui Li beside her, and then turned to look at the other side –

  Yue Rui woke up at some point and met her eyes.

  ”Xiao Rui.”

  ”Brother hasn’t come back yet.” Yue Rui covered half of her face with the quilt and whispered, “He must be with the ice woman again.”

  Luo Xian’er pursed her lips: “Maybe, they are still practicing martial arts.”

  Yue Rui simply turned over and sat up: “I want to go and take a look!”

  ”Xiao Rui, you…” Luo Xian’er hesitated, her face gradually flushed: “It’s better not to disturb them.”

  Before she finished speaking, Yue Rui put on her robe and sneaked out of the bedroom.

  Luo Xian’er was a little helpless, but she was also a little itchy, so she couldn’t help but follow him.

  The two women walked in the corridor for a long time, bypassing many stone arches in the courtyard, until they saw two figures next to a pavilion.

  ”Brother. Hmm?”

  Yue Rui was about to speak, but Luo Xian’er covered her mouth from behind, and then signaled with her eyes twice.

  In silence, they looked at the figure next to the pavilion.

  With the help of the moonlight, Yan Lingshuang’s gauze clothes were vaguely seen, her body was pink and rosy, and her snow-white hair was scattered.

  The graceful body bends into a thrilling arc, the legs tremble, and the scene is like a beautiful and moving painting.

  However, the queen’s majesty is no longer there, and the fairy has fallen into the mortal world. Only the gentle voices, full of tenderness and charm, and love are left.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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