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Chapter 36: Waves of Feelings

Chapter 36: Waves of Feelings


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 36 Waves of Feelings

  Luo Xian’er’s eyelashes trembled slightly, and she woke up groggily.

  She barely propped herself up and looked around blankly. She saw a layer of clean soft grass under her body, and a tattered outer robe covering her body, with residual warmth.

  When she regained consciousness, the girl’s body softened, secretly annoyed at herself for being so shameful, and actually being so intimate with the young master without knowing it.

  Luo Xian’er’s heartstrings suddenly tightened. Where did the young master go?


  ”I’m here.”

  Following the sound, she saw that the narrow cave entrance was also covered with a layer of weeds and branches. A finger pushed it away a little, revealing half of a handsome smiling face: “The moon has just risen, why are you awake?”

  Seeing Yang Shifei, Luo Xian’er’s originally tense heartstrings suddenly relaxed:


  ”After I absorbed the filth in your body, you fell asleep in a daze.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “I came out and picked up some grass piles to cover you, and also to block the wind.”

  ”Thank you, thank you, sir, for being so thoughtful.”

  Luo Xian’er’s outer robe covering her shoulders slipped off quietly.

  When her body felt cold, she looked down and saw the torn underwear. The silk cloth was squeezed in the middle of the hill. Two large water drops were clearly visible, and they were rising and falling slightly with her breathing.


  Yang Shifei’s smile froze slightly.

  Luo Xian’er’s breathing was rapid for a moment, and her cheeks were faintly flushed again.

  But she did not get angry. She just raised her hands to her chest, lowered her head and said in a trembling voice, “Sir, don’t look at me.”

  There was a hint of reserved and suppressed shyness in her clear and cold voice.

  Yang Shifei pretended to be calm and covered the pile of weeds back: “I just went to help you wash your dress, and now I’m going to light a fire to spend the night. I don’t know if you are used to staying here, or do you want me to carry you back to East City?”

  ”No, no need.” Luo Xian’er’s tone was a little slower: “Young Master was injured before, it’s best not to move. I’m not that delicate, just stay here for one night.”

  ”Okay. You have a good rest, I’ll sit outside the cave. By the way, since the girl is awake, can you give me your underwear?”

  Yang Shifei’s tone was a little embarrassed: “After all, it’s soaked, why not wash it and hang it together.”

  Luo Xian’er’s cheeks were hot: “It’s already torn, so there’s no need.”

  ”The fabric is quite solid. I’ll help you tie a few knots, and it should be able to be worn. If you go back to the city tomorrow, it won’t be appropriate not to wear underwear.”

  ”. Yeah.”

  There was a rustling sound, and a set of hot and wet underwear was handed out from the cave and carefully taken away by Yang Shifei.

  Luo Xian’er slowly lay back down and barely wrapped her naked body with her robe.

  She silently watched the looming figure outside the weeds, and covered her heart with her right hand, feeling warm.

  Since she had been wandering outside for three years, she had been living with her two maids. Although she could not be called lonely, she had never felt the sense of security of “taking root”.

  But now, it was a little different.

  Luo Xian’er gradually curled up, her eyes wandering.

  If the engagement came true, I could be with this man, maybe… Huh?

  A trace of doubt flashed in the girl’s eyes, and she soon realized the current situation in her body.

  She had been getting worse and worse over the years, not only because of the unhealed old injuries, but also because of the problem of excessive filth.

  This flesh and blood gradually could not bear the increasingly violent filth, and it was even so bad that it began to affect its own emotions. Just like the tendons and veins in a warrior’s body, even if the internal force is full, it can improve the skill, but if the internal force exceeds the limit, it will only end up with the tendons and veins ruptured and the body exploded and died.

  Because of this, she has almost stopped fighting in the past three years, because once she uses the power in her body, it will break through her body like a flood, damaging her flesh and blood. She can only use secret techniques to restrain herself in order to live a normal life.

  As a result, she, a person who stands at the top of the world, can only live in obscurity in East City.

  But now –

  Luo Xian’er can clearly feel that the filthy breath that is rioting in her body every day has become very peaceful and calm.

  Yesterday it was still a raging river, but now it has become a trickle. Her body is more relaxed and carefree than ever before, as if the shackles and restraints of the past few years have all been broken, and the cultivation and skills of the heyday in the past are slowly returning. Even if it is very slow.

  ”Could this be…”

  Luo Xian’er gradually clenched her hands, her eyes shining.

  Young Master Yang’s ability to absorb filth has such benefits?

  In this way, if there is an oversupply of filth again in the future, he can continue to help absorb it. In the reciprocating cycle, there is no longer any worry.

  ”No wonder, the way Tan Xiang looked at me that day was a little strange.”

  But thinking about it, the girl felt a little worried.

  If Master Yang knew about this, would he think that I approached him specifically for this special ability, and the so-called engagement would become a symbol of ulterior motives?

  Luo Xian’er bit her lower lip lightly, and she felt a little uneasy for no reason.

  Would Master Yang think that I was scheming, so I treated him so well? Was it because I was willing to devote myself to marriage in order to restore my skills?


  Outside the weeds in the cave, Yang Shifei had just built a bonfire stone pestle.

  He wiped his warm nose with a very strange expression.

  It turns out that surging waves is a noun.

  Yang Shifei picked up a stick beside him and started to think about something else while digging the fire.

  The young lady’s chest looked bulging, but it was still in the right range. But now that she took off her clothes, she found that her underwear was too tight, which had flattened her chest by two sizes. Once the restraint was untied, it would be like a bomb!

  Zizi –

  seeing the flames on the firewood, Yang Shifei quickly stopped thinking, lowered his head and carefully made a fire. He was relieved when the flames in the stone pestle burned higher and higher.

  He put the wet clothes next to the fire to dry, and then he had the leisure to feel the condition of his body. He

  did suffer a lot of injuries in the battle with Xiang Tianlin. But as Luo Xianer’s coldness poured into his body, his injuries were healing rapidly. Although they were in opposition to the other two coldness in his body, they did not conflict with each other.

  But unlike the sharp edge of sandalwood and the treacherous changes of Yue Rui, the breath from Luo Xian’er is extremely mellow and long, like a pool of clear honey flowing, as if it is silently nourishing one’s tendons, veins and bones every moment.

  Because of this, the pain and discomfort of absorbing the cold air this time is much less than before.

  ”——Young Master.”

  A soft voice sounded in the stone cave.

  Yang Shifei hurriedly responded: “What’s wrong?”

  ”Young Master, will you be angry that I have concealed so much before?” Luo Xian’er’s voice was faint: “It was said to be a marriage investigation, but everything was hidden, and it was not until now that it was barely explained.”

  Yang Shifei laughed dumbly: “Blind dates are originally a process of mutual understanding, and no one is sorry for anyone.”

  This young lady used to be cold and elegant, with a terrifying cultivation, but it turns out that she also has the tenderness of a young woman.

  But think about it carefully, after all, she is only seventeen or eighteen years old, the age of youth and spring.

  ”. Then, sir, can you talk to me more tonight?”

  ”You have just recovered from a serious injury, so it is better not to stay up late.”

  Yang Shifei thought: “If you are afraid of loneliness, I will give you a small gift, how about it?”

  Luo Xian’er was shy: “I am not lonely, it’s just that, what do you want to give me?”

  As soon as the voice fell, the pile of weeds blocking the entrance of the cave rustled slightly, and a gap was vaguely pulled open, and a ray of moonlight quietly fell on the girl’s cheek.

  ”I am now penniless, and I really can’t give you anything.” Yang Shifei’s smug chuckle came: “Why not give me a piece of moonlight from the sky, how about it?”


  Luo Xian’er was silent for a long time, and there was only the crackling sound of firewood and hay burning inside and outside the cave.

  In silence, the girl’s jade hand slowly touched the ray of moonlight.

  The light covered the back of her hand, as if it was gently held.

  The eldest lady’s eyes moved, and she murmured: “Sir, this love talk is a little bit corny.”

  ”Ahem, I thought it was quite artistic.” Yang Shifei’s scalp numbed with embarrassment.

  Damn, how do other people flirt when they are in love? When I said this, I got goose bumps all over my body.

  ”I like it very much.”

  Seeing Yang Shifei scratching his head awkwardly outside, Luo Xian’er raised the corner of her mouth slightly: “The word ‘Luo Yue’ happens to be the name of our sect. Young Master really put a lot of thought into it.”

  ”Ah? This should be a coincidence.”

  ”Young Master, can you put your hand in a little closer?”

  ”What’s wrong?”

  Looking at the palm stretched out from the weeds, Luo Xian’er’s eyes were soft, and she raised her hands and gently held them:

  ”I am ‘Luo’, you are ‘Yue’, it is my honor to have you accompany me.”

  Feeling the coolness and tenderness coming from the fingers and palms, Yang Shifei opened his mouth and was speechless for a moment.

  Not long after, he felt that the strength of the jade hand in his palm became lighter, as if the beauty fell asleep.


  Yang Shifei suddenly felt that the embarrassment in his heart had dissipated completely.

  He relaxed his expression, silently pushed her slender hand back into his robe, put his hand away and sat against the stone wall, looking up at the moonlight in the sky.

  After a while, he shook his head and laughed: “Being a ‘Gui’ is not bad.”

  Yang Shifei quickly collected his thoughts, patted his knees and stood up, recalling the details of the battle with Xiang Tianlin, secretly deducing and pondering.

  But compared to the past learning for learning, now he is more serious and focused.

  This is a respect for martial arts, and there is also a trace of yearning in the heart –

  if you want to pull down the fairy Yueshang, you really have to continue to climb to the top.


  Listening to the rustling sound outside the cave, Luo Xian’er closed her beautiful eyes slightly, holding her right hand against the towering, her heart beating fast.

   I hope everyone will follow and vote, thank you~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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