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Chapter 360: Many favors, visiting the seniors

Chapter 360: Many favors, visiting the seniors


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 360: Many Kindnesses, Visiting the Seniors

  The sound of horse hooves echoed in the forest, and three figures galloped past, stirring up a cloud of fallen leaves and dust.

  Yang Shifei drove the horse silently, glancing at the other two horses beside him from time to time, fearing that the ladies with sore waists and legs would feel uncomfortable.

  Seeing that Xian’er and the others were sitting steadily, he felt more at ease.

  ”How many times have you seen it along the way.”

  Yunqin’s cold voice suddenly came from behind: “If you are really so worried, why did you make a fuss for several hours last night.”

  Yang Shifei smiled twice in the wind: “When love is deep, sometimes it is difficult to control yourself.”

  ”Young people, don’t know how to control yourself.”

  Yunqin snorted lightly: “Lingshuang is also disrespectful, hanging out with you guys.”

  Yan Lingshuang, who was not far away, moved her ears slightly, blushed a little, but did not refute.

  After all, she was indeed a little too indulgent last night.

  I don’t know how, it was only less than ten days apart. After meeting yesterday, it was as if there was a flame burning in my heart, which was getting stronger and stronger. I did that kind of thing in the courtyard without

  knowing what was going on. “Although Aunt Shuang is older, she is also in love.” Yang Shifei whispered, “There is no need to force her to be more rational and calm, it’s a bit embarrassing.”

  Yunqin said coldly, “Are you still learning to defend her?”

  ”Just explaining a little!”

  Yang Shifei suddenly tensed up, and his handsome face trembled slightly.

  It was because a pair of slender jade hands touched his lower back, and the mysterious dark power that was so familiar drilled into his waist, piercing his waist and back, and all the words he wanted to say were held back. Yunqin

  leaned lightly on his back, kneading his hands quietly, and his slender fingers turned deftly.

  ”Just ride the horse honestly, I will help you massage your meridians and activate your collaterals.”

  Her tone was still calm, and she said calmly: “Don’t move.”

  Yang Shifei laughed dryly: “That has to let me move, ah hiss!”

  He shuddered again, and felt that the pair of slender jade hands were attacking his kidneys, gently stroking and kneading back and forth, and the tingling feeling like an electric current kept running up his back.

  Yang Shifei’s expression froze slightly, and then he understood what Miss Yun meant by “Don’t move”.

  This method made people feel itchy, how could they remain indifferent.

  ”The Yang Qi is still so strong.” Yun Qin frowned slightly, and murmured: “After practicing with these girls more, it’s getting stronger and stronger. I have to help you channel it more.”

  After that, she used her fingertips to gently draw circles on both sides of her waist, and the exquisite dark energy penetrated into the flesh and blood organs, and also gently stimulated and trembled.

  Yang Shifei frowned and dared not speak again, and shivered from time to time. Yun Qin just silently crouched behind him, her jade fingers hooked and twisted, making him really feel like he was in heaven.


  Luo Xian’er secretly took a look, blushed and pursed her lips without saying anything.

  Yan Lingshuang looked at her with a strange look, wanting to say something but stopping. ‘Miss Yun’s’ technique seemed to be to relax the meridians and activate the collaterals, but in fact it

  was more like a dual cultivation technique to dredge the essence and blood and regulate the yang energy for her husband. When the breath blended, it was almost the same as the real physical dual cultivation.

  ”Using all your life’s learning on this kind of thing, it’s really…”

  Yan Lingshuang’s eyes flashed with a helpless smile. ‘Miss Yun’ might not have realized how partial and doting she was to Shifei, as if she was holding her in her palm and caring for her gently.

  I just don’t know what will happen when her identity is completely revealed one day in the future

  . Dozens of miles have been rushed over, and before the sky darkened, everyone finally arrived not far from the Xuanming Cave.

  At dusk, the setting sun cast a faint shadow on the village, and smoke rose from the houses, adding a bit of tranquility and peace to the life.

  Until the sound of horse hooves broke the silence and echoed between the hills.

  Yang Shifei pulled the rope to stop his horse, with a gleam in his eyes.

  After Yunqin’s careful comfort along the way, he is now in high spirits and in excellent condition.

  ”-Aunt Shuang, do you want to go into the village and take a look?”

  Yang Shifei looked at the quiet village at the foot of the mountain.

  Luo Xian’er also leaned out to look into the distance, wanting to see where Aunt Shuang lived in the past.

  ”No need.”

  Yan Lingshuang smiled indifferently: “I don’t have many old friends in the village. I visited the village not long ago. There is no need to disturb the lives of those people again and again.

  Besides, the master has been waiting in the Xuanming Cave for a long time. Let’s finish our business first and come back later.”


  Yang Shifei nodded slightly. Seeing Yan Lingshuang riding to the front to lead the way, he urged the horse under his crotch and continued to walk into the deep forest.

  Luo Xian’er gently woke Yue Rui up and whispered a few words, indicating that she should concentrate more seriously.

  The cat naturally stopped napping and resting. She opened her beautiful eyes wide and kept scanning the surroundings.

  ”Miss Yun, are you tired?”

  Yang Shifei patted the white back of her hand on her waist and whispered, “You helped me rub for a long time along the way. Do you want to take a break now?”

  ”It’s just a small matter, don’t take it to heart.” Yun Qin pursed her lips and whispered, “You should collect your thoughts and face the master of Xuanming Cave well.”

  Without her more instructions, Yang Shifei is now more solemn.

  After all, they are facing Aunt Shuang’s master, who is the elder among the elders, so naturally there can be no mistakes.

  Not long after, everyone passed through layers of woods and finally came to a dark cave.

  The cave’s ‘gate’ is made of several overlapping rocks. It is quite spacious, but also a bit steep.

  Yan Lingshuang was the first to dismount, exhaled lightly, and soon said loudly: “Disciple Lingshuang, I bring Yang Shifei and his party to see the master!”


  After a moment, an old man’s low voice soon came from the cave: “Come in.”

  The voice was hoarse and unclear, but it seemed to penetrate into the heart and mind, making Yang Shifei look a little stern.

  This master of the Xuanming Cave, known as the ‘Ice Palace Immortal’, is indeed a hermit with extraordinary and terrifying skills.

  Everyone quickly followed Yan Lingshuang’s footsteps and stepped into the dark cave together.

  The cave was a little cold and gloomy, and the footsteps echoed faintly, which seemed even more weird and fascinating.

  Yang Shifei secretly smacked his lips: “Auntie Shuang, have you always lived here before?”

  ”Don’t look at the shabby and cold outside, there is actually a different world inside.”

  After walking for a while, a door like a white jade carving appeared in front of them.

  Yan Lingshuang slowly pushed open the door, and the true face of Xuanming Cave appeared in front of everyone.

  ”This is…”

  A rather solemn underground palace was actually located here, with jade-like walls and pillars, and the cold air around it condensed into mist, lingering like a fairyland.

  Yue Rui looked around and murmured, “It’s beautiful.”

  This underground palace seemed to be carved out of some strange material, flashing a faint light, making the entire Xuanming Cave seem to have become mysterious and unpredictable in the world.

  ”Are you here?”

  The hoarse female voice sounded again, and everyone hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound.

  On the jade platform of the underground palace, an old woman in white clothes was sitting cross-legged.

  Yan Lingshuang smiled slightly, bowed and said, “Master, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

  ”I haven’t seen you for a few years, Lingshuang, you have really changed a lot.” The old woman in white sighed, but her eyes suddenly turned to Yang Shifei, and a strange light flashed in her turbid eyes.

  ”Ling Shuang, the man of destiny you are talking about is this boy?”

  ”It is the junior.” Yang Shifei took the initiative to step forward, clasped his fists and said solemnly: “I have heard Aunt Shuang mention the reputation of the old senior, and now I have the opportunity to see him–”

  Before he finished speaking, the old woman in white suddenly moved and came to him silently.

  Xian’er and others on the side frowned slightly, but Yang Shifei looked calm and his eyes did not dodge.

  The old woman in white looked at him carefully for a moment, and gradually showed a smile:

  ”Good boy, do you want to be my personal disciple?”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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