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Chapter 361: Mystery of the Dark World, Time Passes

Chapter 361: Mystery of the Dark World, Time Passes


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 361 Mystery of the Dark World, Time Passes

  This sudden acceptance of a disciple surprised everyone present.

  ”Old Senior, why is this?”

  Yang Shifei said in a strange tone: “We have just met now”

  ”I have traveled to ten countries in the world just to find a second disciple. It’s a pity that I have searched all over the country and still have nothing to show for it.”

  The old woman in white said with interest: “Seeing you today, I finally understand what it means to be blessed by fate and destined by destiny.”

  As she said that, she stretched out her hand and pinched his arm: “Yes, it can be said that it is a body that is one in a million.”

  Yan Lingshuang’s eyes flickered, and he hesitated to speak: “Master, do you mean that Shifei is extremely talented and is very suitable to be your disciple?”

  ”That’s right.” The old woman in white smiled: “It’s better to say that he is a natural good seedling.”

  Hearing this, Luo Xian’er and Yun Qin’s brows gradually relaxed, and they felt much more at ease.

  In this way, a lot of words can be saved.

  Yang Shifei also smiled and clasped his fists again: “Thank you for your appreciation, senior.”

  ”Don’t be too happy yet.”

  But the old woman in white quickly waved her hand: “Having good talent doesn’t mean you can quickly master my Xuanming Cave skills. Maybe you have to practice here for three to five years before I can send you out of the Xuanming Cave.”

  Three to five years? !

  Yang Shifei could only laugh dryly: “It would be great if an old senior could teach us martial arts. But we are here mainly for the real dragon bone, so I hope the old senior can be a little flexible.”

  ”I am not trying to make things difficult for you, but if you want to take the real dragon bone, you must practice my Xuanming Cave martial arts.”

  The old woman in white glanced at Yan Lingshuang again: “Lingshuang has only practiced half of the Xuanming Tianshuang Jue, and she cannot take the real dragon bone alone.”

  ”Master means…”

  ”I, Xuanming Cave, accept two disciples from generation to generation, and teach each of them half of the magic skills, just to protect the real dragon bone stored deep in the secret hall. Only with the combined efforts of the two disciples can the closed door of the secret hall be opened.”

  ”Master, you can’t open it either?”

  ”I practice the same technique as you, and the other one is only recorded in the classics.”

  Hearing the master’s explanation, Yan Lingshuang couldn’t help but frown: “Can’t we force the door open?”

  The old woman in white glared at him angrily: “Stinky girl, you have been the emperor for more than ten years, and you are so bold that you want to demolish my Xuanming Cave?” Yan

  Lingshuang crossed her arms and snorted: “This real dragon bone is related to the safety of the people of the world, and you are still bound by the rules of the sect. Master is too pedantic.”

  ”You girl, you are still arguing with me?”

  The old woman in white moved her eyes slightly, and she quickly examined her, which made Yan Lingshuang feel a little uncomfortable.

  ”Master, what are you doing…”

  ”You lost your virginity?”

  The old woman in white said this, and Yan Lingshuang looked a little stunned, and soon her face turned red with embarrassment.

  ”The skills of the Xuanming Cave should not force me to remain a virgin for my entire life.”

  ”Indeed not.”

  The old woman in white smiled meaningfully again: “No wonder you were arguing with me. It turns out that you have a lover and want to fight for your man.”

  Ignoring Yan Lingshuang who was blushing and silent, she looked at Yang Shifei who was smiling stiffly:

  ”Good boy, the dignified empress of Yan State was captured by you. You must have some extraordinary skills.”

  ”Uh, I’m glad that the old senior doesn’t mind.”

  ”I’m so happy.”

  The old woman in white sneered hoarsely: “This stinky girl’s head was full of kendo and martial arts. I was worried that she would spend her whole life with swords. Now she can taste the taste of being a woman, which is great.”

  Yang Shifei was speechless. This old senior is much more open-minded than expected.

  ”But you are indeed very lucky.”

  The old lady in white glanced at Xian’er and Yue Rui again: “Look at the girls beside you, each of them has strong skills. Could it be that you specifically pick on celestial women?”

  Yang Shifei: “…”

  He could only cough twice: “Old senior misunderstood, it just happened, not intentionally.”

  ”I hope so.” The old woman in white smiled and said, “Otherwise, if you go to Jintian Palace to provoke the master of Jintian Palace, you will probably die.”

  Yang Shifei’s expression became more subtle, and he simply kept silent. Now that he has something to ask of others, it is better not to say anything.

  ”Master, now is not the time for idle chat.”

  Yan Lingshuang cleared her throat with a red face and brought the topic back: “Anyway, let Shifei try to practice first.

  If he can practice well, we can work together to take out the real dragon bone. If it really takes a few years, we can make other arrangements later.”


  The old woman in white flicked her sleeves: “You take these children to Yuhua Palace to stay temporarily, and then give your little lover a good clean up and prepare for the baptism of “entering the holy pool.”

  Yan Lingshuang exclaimed: “Master, do you want Shifei to do these rituals?”

  The old woman in white said unhappily: “I am so easy to talk to, and even made an exception to accept a male disciple, and you are not allowed to leave the last bit of the ancestor’s rules?”

  ”Master, don’t be angry, I’m just talking casually.”

  Yan Lingshuang coughed twice, and glanced twice, motioning everyone to follow him.

  Yang Shifei and Luo Xian’er looked at each other. Although they had many doubts in their hearts, they were not convenient to ask more questions at the moment.

  When he pulled Yue Rui up and was about to leave——

  ”This girl will stay first.”

  The old woman in white suddenly pointed to Yun Qin who had been silent for a long time: “This girl has a wonderful physique, I want to talk to her.”

  After saying that, she glanced at Yang Shifei who was suddenly froze, and said casually: “Don’t be surprised, just a few words, I will let her go to Yuhua Palace later.”

  After receiving Yun Qin’s comforting eyes, Yang Shifei breathed a sigh of relief and bowed his hands and said: “Thank you for your care, old senior.”

  When everyone walked into a jade-colored door, the underground palace returned to its deserted state again.


  The old woman in white glanced at her side and smiled softly: “I haven’t seen you for so many years, I didn’t expect you still like to wear a mask.”

  Yun Qin said calmly: “I never like to show up in public, why bother asking when you know the answer.”

  The tone of both parties was harmonious and natural, and it was obvious that they had known each other for a long time.

  ”When people get old, they love to sigh about the past.”

  The old woman in white smiled: “But so many years have passed, and you still don’t look old. The physique of the Luo family is indeed quite amazing.”

  ”The Ice Palace Fairy who was once feared by the world is now so old and frail, which is really a pity.” Yun Qin lowered her eyelids and whispered: “After so many years, you are still single after all.” “I

  ’m used to a quiet life, and I feel comfortable living.”

  The old woman in white sighed: “Thinking back to the beginning, when I met you, you seemed to have just entered the world. I didn’t expect that time is ruthless, and you are now an old generation.”

  She looked towards the direction of Yuhua Palace: “Those two little girls just now, are they your descendants?”

  ”One of the girls is my grandchild.”

  ”Time flies”

  The old woman in white smiled with interest again: “However, I didn’t expect you to come to Xuanming Cave. Do you want to continue the master-disciple relationship of the year and re-enter my Xuanming Cave?”

  ”I just came here to accompany the younger generation in the family to avoid any accidents.”

  Yunqin said indifferently: “It also saves you from deliberately making things difficult for them.”


  The old woman in white narrowed her eyes and smiled: “I remember that your Luo family has always been very exclusive to men. Why do you value this person so much now that you even want you to come and escort him in person?”

  ”He is the top priority in saving the people, and he must not be lost.”

  Yunqin was silent for a moment, facing the old acquaintance’s eyes of disbelief, and couldn’t help but tilt her head and murmured: “He is also very important to me.”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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