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Chapter 362 Players’ Daily Life and Messages from Enterprises

Chapter 362 Players’ Daily Life and Messages from Enterprises


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 362 Daily life of players and information from enterprises

  Dolly walked out of the newspaper office with a bewildered look on her face as she looked at the crudely made journalist card in her hand.

  Ten minutes ago, she had completed the entry formalities with the help of Hal, and then was told to report here on time at 7 o’clock tomorrow morning.

  All this happened so suddenly that she was completely unaware.

  Looking at Fang Chang who was walking half a step ahead of her, she suddenly raised her head and asked.

  ”… Wait a minute, why do I want to be a reporter?”

  Facing the girl’s question, Fang Chang said casually.

  ”Because I feel you are quite good at getting information.”

  ”But… I have never worked in this industry.” Dolly’s expression was a little uneasy.

  In her opinion, she was able to get this job entirely because of this guy’s favor.

  What if she messed up?


  Dolly’s chest suddenly jumped, and her mind suddenly connected all the things that happened today.

  Could it be that…

  he accepted the commission of the 25 chips not to get close to the daughter of the bank president, but to get the job for Hal’s favor…

  When this sudden thought came to her mind, she felt that her brain had turned into a boiling pot.

  A blank in the boiling heat.

  ”Doesn’t everything start from the first time? The first time I used a bow and arrow, I almost missed the hyena standing still.”

  Fang Chang didn’t pay attention to the changes in the girl’s thoughts beside him, but just smiled and continued.

  ”… And, didn’t you say that everything in the world is the same? Why not try a different environment, maybe life will give a different answer.” ”

  With a stable job, you will have time to pursue some healthy hobbies… For example, grow a pot of succulents? That word should be pronounced like this.”

  He is not very proficient in human language. Many times, although he expresses one meaning, it sounds completely different to others. But after spending a

  long time together, it shouldn’t be a problem to guess roughly.

  Fang Chang believes that this little girl should be able to understand the meaning of his words.

  The salary offered by the newspaper is in accordance with the standards of the New Alliance, with a minimum hourly wage of 1 silver coin, and 12 silver coins for 12 hours a day. Converted into chips, it would be 180 chips a month.

  This is almost twice the income from working in the Boulder City factory!

  This money is enough for her to repay the loan of 50 chips a month and pay the rent of 52 chips.

  When the probation period is over, the salary will increase. If important news is collected, there will be additional bonuses.

  However, Hal’s description of “important news” is very general, saying only that it is “something that people care about.”

  Obviously, the rookie president himself is not very clear about what people care about.

  There has never been a newspaper designed for ordinary people in the outer city.

  Everyone is exploring.

  Whether it is the newspaper or the employees of the newspaper.

  But what Dolly is thinking about at the moment is not work, nor the future life that Fang Chang described for her, or the pot of succulents that has not yet been placed in front of the window.

  Dolly stared at Fang Chang blankly for a while, listening to him talk vividly in non-standard human language for a long time, and suddenly a mischievous smile appeared on her face.

  ”I see. You don’t want me to work in a bar, right? Are you worried that someone will take advantage of me?”

  Before Fang Chang, who was stunned, could speak, she continued to talk.

  ”Don’t worry. No one will be interested in the smell of motor oil on me except for weirdos like you.”

  Fang Chang stared at her dumbfoundedly for a long time, and said with a smile.

  ”Did you hear what I said just now?”

  If you have to say it, it is really worrying to see this little girl working in a bar.

  After all, the bars on that street are not good places.

  But this is obviously not the main reason.

  Among all the people he knows, it seems that only Ye Shi, the stinky brother, has the potential to become a Luo Li control.

  For an adult like him, of course, a bigger one is more in line with his aesthetics.

  However, Duo Li did not care about Fang Chang’s reaction.

  The corners of her thin lips curled up, and she stretched out her hands and pushed the guy in front of her on the back.

  ”Let’s go!”

  ”Where to go?”

  ”Of course, we’re going to eat. To celebrate my new job, why don’t we have a drink together?”

  Duo Li said happily with a bright smile on her face.

  ”I’ll treat you! Don’t waste time, I just happen to know a good restaurant!”

  Looking at the girl walking briskly in front of him, Fang Chang was slightly stunned, and a smile appeared on his face.

  It seems that he has done a good thing.

  He was also in a good mood and joked with the NPC in front of him.

  ”Then I won’t be polite to you.”

  Dolly laughed evilly.

  ”Don’t be polite, it’s a very cheap place anyway!”


  At the same time, in the north of Shuguang City.

  The Elm District, which is regarded as a treasure land for monster spawning by players, exploded with flames rising into the sky.

  A multi-legged beast waving tentacles was blown to pieces by the high-explosive grenade of the RPG, and fell to the edge of the forest with a bang, splashing a pile of dust.

  Standing far away and watching, Jiujiu clapped and cheered with shining eyes.

  ”Oh, brother, you’re awesome!”

  Her ID is the same as her online name, [Jiujiu loves eating pineapples]. She filled in the application for the intelligence department and was very lucky to get the last intelligence department sequence in the current version, and there was no “summoning accident” and she didn’t turn into a mouse or something else.

  Pressing down the smoking launch tube in his hand, Ye Shi raised his eyebrows proudly.

  ”Basic operations are useless.”

  The noise of the explosion attracted nearby players.

  Many newcomers who haven’t awakened yet saw this guy using RPG to fight monsters, and they all called him a spendthrift.

  ”Damn, using high-explosive bombs to hit wild monsters… and he used two of them, is he crazy?”

  ”The materials disappeared along with the monsters.”

  ”It’s such a spendthrift! There’s no way I can make back my money!”

  ”Speaking of which, who is that female player?”

  ”I’ve never seen him before, a strange face.”

  ”Fuck, wait, is he the European emperor?!”

  Standing next to the farmland with a hoe in his hand, Makabazi couldn’t help but sigh and complain.

  ”Damn Europeans! Naked shady dealings! Is this a distortion of human nature or–”

  Bored Tiger couldn’t stand it anymore and rolled his eyes.

  ”What are you talking about? Aren’t you also a closed beta player?”

  Makabazi was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted with a silly smile on his face.

  ”Yeah, I think I am too… Hahahaha! That’s okay!”

  Tiger: “…”

  Without paying attention to the calls of the salted fish, Ye Shi was about to brag a little, but found that his sister was standing more than ten meters away, hiding far away, just clapping her hands.

  ”Gan! Don’t just watch, do it too!”

  Jiujiu said with a look of grievance.

  ”But, that monster is too ugly… and those tentacles look so scary, can we change the place to spawn monsters?”

  Ye Shi said unhappily.

  ”This is the most suitable monster spawning spot for newcomers. I’m afraid you have a hammer to use. You have to kill it to become stronger!”

  Jiujiu pouted unconvinced.

  ”Aren’t we in the same team? If you kill monsters, I have experience, right?”

  Looking at the chatterbox brother and sister, Kuangfeng sighed and explained.

  ”… There is no such saying. All we can do is to help you when you are in danger and keep your experience today. As for gaining experience, you must participate in the battle.” It has been

  almost three days since Jiujiu went online. Logically, she should have reached level 3.

  However, because Ye Shi overprotected her and always couldn’t help but take action, her experience was not increased.

  This is also the most realistic part of this game.

  If you just stand in the back row OB, although you can get the money and contribution points of the task reward, the sequence progress as “experience value” will not be improved at all.

  Unless it is the perception system.

  As the only sequence that can get experience, the perception system can gain a small amount of growth as long as it searches for the enemy with its mind.

  These are the experiences they have summarized since the alpha 0.1 version. Although so many versions have gone through, these core settings have not changed.

  Of course, Kuangfeng thinks that part of the reason may be that the conditions in the Beta version are not as difficult as those in the Alpha version.

  When they first entered the game, there were no sniper rifles or PU-9 submachine guns. A bolt-action iron tube rifle could be used as a graduation outfit.

  Players in the T1 echelon are still fighting with axes and spears, and the administrator has to go out in person to besiege a small group of mercenaries.

  Assault rifle?


  What is that?

  Experiencing the test of death every day, the upgrade speed is naturally much faster than it is now.

  Jiujiu nodded as if she understood.

  Although she didn’t quite understand, she looked very powerful.

  Especially in the game, she is 5 cm taller than in reality, and her tall figure is like a model. Just

  for this point, she is praised, okay?

  This game is simply great!

  The only regret is that you can’t pinch your face, and you can’t show her artistic skills.

  ”By the way, do you usually play games together?” Jiujiu asked curiously, moving his eyes back and forth between his brother and the player who was said to be a physics professor. Kuangfeng nodded.


  We have been in the same group for a long time.”

  ”Group?” Jiujiu’s eyes lit up, and he said excitedly, “Can you pull me in?”

  ”No problem, I’ll go offline later–”

  ”No! NO! You can’t let her in!” Before Kuangfeng finished speaking, Ye Shi, who was not far away, screamed.

  Looking at the brother who reacted strongly, Jiujiu couldn’t help but frown.

  ”Why can’t you let me in?”

  Ye Shi certainly couldn’t talk about the ID. He scratched his head anxiously and advised kindly.

  ”Jiujiu… that, listen to me, we are all adults in our group, and everyone usually speaks without restraint–”

  ”It’s all more erotic, right?” Jiujiu didn’t even listen to what the brother said. His eyes sparkled and he said, “It doesn’t matter, I’ll just take a look, I won’t say anything!”


  Ye Shi raised his right hand and covered his face.

  Looking at Ye Shi with a constipated expression, Kuangfeng coughed dryly.

  ”It’s not that exaggerated… We don’t even post erotic pictures very often.”

  Ye Shi glared at him fiercely.

  ”Think about your ID before you say that!”

  Kuang Feng was stunned for a moment, his expressionless face suddenly turned red, and he coughed and turned his head away.

  ”…Isn’t that just a joke?”

  ”ID?” Jiu Jiu looked curious, “Isn’t it Kuang Feng?”

  ”…It’s better for children not to ask so many questions,” Kuang Feng coughed, looked at the corpse with smoke on the side, and changed the subject, “The efficiency of leveling is too low, this is not a solution.”

  Ye Shi sighed.

  ”It would be great if Brother Fang was here, he has a lot of bad ideas.”

  ”Indeed,” Kuang Feng nodded in agreement, thought for a moment, and suddenly said, “But… I do have a suggestion.”

  ”What suggestion?”

  ”In addition to combat, the intelligence department can also choose a life profession… I heard that your sister’s major in real life is painting?” Kuang Feng looked at Ye Shi, “How about you let Teng Teng take her?”

  Upon hearing this, Ye Shi, who had a loud voice before, instantly weakened his voice by several decibels.

  ”Ah… this is not good. I have already accepted the task of passing on the fire, and I still want others to help me train apprentices…”

  ”It doesn’t matter. Anyway, we often help each other.”


  Looking at the elder brother who suddenly became coy, Jiujiu’s eyes suddenly flashed with a trace of cunning, and she said in a pitiful voice.

  ”Brother, I am suddenly interested in life professions…”

  Are you interested in life professions?

  Ye Shi, who didn’t buy her tricks at all, couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

  However, he couldn’t resist his sister’s pleading in the end, and sighed with a headache.

  ”Okay… I’ll ask for you.”

  Jiujiu excitedly made a victory gesture.

  ”Yeah! That’s so nice, brother!”

  ”Help me take out the trash later.”

  ”Hehe, it’s a small matter! I’ll go after I log off!”

  Looking at the noisy brother and sister, Kuangfeng couldn’t help showing a smile on his face.

  It’s great to be young.



  Teng Teng’s hut, an old shop in the wetland park.

  Teng Teng, who was sitting behind the counter, sneezed, rubbed her little nose, buried her head and muttered softly, “Who is slandering me again?”

  Looking at Xiaoyu, who was worried in front of the counter, she straightened her petite body and let her gentle and kind smile rise above the counter.

  ”…The clothes you ordered are ready, I’ll get them for you right away.”

  Xiaoyu showed a happy smile on her face.


  ”…You’re welcome, I should thank you when the time comes, and come to take care of our business often.”

  After going to the backstage to get a bag of clothes, Teng Teng came back with a gentle smile on her face and handed it to Xiaoyu.

  ”I have also made clothes for Boss Xia. Please take them for her.”


  Looking at Xiaoyu who took the clothes, Teng Teng suddenly remembered that she hadn’t seen her in the bank for a long time, so she asked curiously.

  ”Speaking of which, why haven’t I seen you in the bank recently?”

  ”Xiaoyu is going to study abroad!”

  ”Study…study?” Teng Teng looked at her in surprise, “…Is it in Boulder City?”

  Is there a university in the wasteland?

  It’s incredible.

  ”No,” Xiaoyu shook her head and said crisply, “It’s Camp 101 in Xizhou City! Brother Chu said that I can learn great knowledge there, so that I can help everyone when I come back.”

  Looking at the sensible little girl, Teng Teng couldn’t help but reach out and rub her hair lovingly.

  ”You have always been helpful to everyone, whether it is now or in the future… Go, be careful outside.”

  She suddenly felt that she was like an old mother when she said this. Although this unpromising height was almost surpassed by Xiaoyu, it looked very inconsistent.

  This is the only thing that makes people unhappy about this game.

  It’s too bad that I can’t even out my height by two centimeters in real life!

  But Xiaoyu doesn’t care. She is good friends with everyone in the settlement.

  She looked at Teng Teng seriously and said,

  ”Well! Xiaoyu will pay attention to safety! Teng Teng should also pay attention to safety!”

  ”Of course I will. See you next time.”

  Looking at the little girl who walked to the door, Teng Teng smiled and waved goodbye.

  When they meet again next time, Xiaoyu might be taller than herself.

  But then again, will the NPCs with human-like intelligence notice that their world is virtual, and that these players will not die?

  A strange thought suddenly came to Teng Teng’s mind.

  Maybe Xiaoyu actually knows that they are a group of people with immortal bodies.

  Even if their heads are chopped off and blown to pieces by shells, they will still crawl out of the incubator as if nothing happened three days later.

  But even so, she will still treat them as her best friends, heal everyone with a warm smile, cheer for everyone, and worry about their safety…

  Is this something that the game setting can do?

  Teng Teng touched her chin and muttered quietly.

  ”…It’s really strange.”

  Although it’s not a very important thing.


  ”I…I’m leaving.”

  At dusk.

  On the platform of the train station, Xia Yan, standing next to the door, had a complicated expression on her face.

  Boss Xia, who was always careless and lazy on weekdays, was sentimental at this moment.

  Seeing her look unlike herself, Chu Guang couldn’t help but make a joke.

  ”It’s just more than a hundred kilometers, it’s not like you won’t come back, why are you so sad.”

  Xia Yan frowned and was about to say something, but heard this guy suddenly change his tone and continue.

  ”Be careful on the road, it’s okay to slack off at work, but don’t slack off when studying.”

  ”Oh…I know, you’re so nagging.” Although she complained, she couldn’t help but feel warm in her heart.

  This feeling of being controlled by someone doesn’t seem bad.

  ”Slacking off?” Xiaoyu, who was standing next to Boss Xia, tilted her head, confusion written in her bright eyes.

  Chu Guang coughed lightly and explained.

  ”It means being lazy.”


  Xiaoyu tilted her head and was obviously more confused. She didn’t understand why touching herself was considered lazy.

  However, there was no time to explain now. The train had already blown the whistle.

  The door closed.

  Pai, who was lying by the window, waved excitedly to Chu Guang on the platform.

  ”Goodbye, Mr. Manager of Shelter No. 404! I will take good care of Xiaoyu!”

  Chu Guang smiled and said.

  ”I believe you, and by the way, don’t forget our agreement.”

  Pai raised his thumb with great enthusiasm and gave him a reliable look.

  ”Leave it to me with confidence!”

  Looking at Pai who had half of his body sticking out of the window, Xiaoyu, who was sitting opposite, looked up curiously and asked.

  ”What did you agree with Brother Chu?”

  ”Hehe, a secret!”

  Pai came back from the window and lowered his voice seriously, but he couldn’t hide the pride on his face.

  The manager of Shelter No. 101 is a “pioneer”, and by analogy, the manager of Shelter No. 404 is also considered one.

  Participating in the affairs of the “pioneers” made her feel like she was helping the “adults”.

  Although it was just a small errand.

  Xiaoyu nodded, not quite understanding, and did not continue to ask questions. However, Boss Xia, who was sitting next to her with his arms folded, frequently cast a vigilant look over here.

  The train began to move forward.

  On the platform outside the carriage.

  Watching the chimney with white mist drifting away, Chu Guang smiled and waved his hand, bidding farewell to every reluctant face on the train.

  There are a total of 30 students going to Camp 101 to study abroad, half of whom are elites from all walks of life in the New Alliance, aged between 16 and 30.

  The remaining students are aged between 14 and 16, and are selected from full-time schools with excellent grades.

  When conditions permit, more people will arrive one after another.

  Chu Guang has already communicated with the mayor of Camp 101 on the phone about this matter.

  When the old man named Horn heard that Chu Guang was willing to pay 10,000 silver coins per year for each student, he only thought about it for a moment and agreed to the proposal.

  They obviously knew about the prices in the New Alliance and had a clear idea of ​​the purchasing power of 10,000 silver coins.

  After seeing the rich products of the New Alliance, their attitude has changed from the initial vigilance.

  As for whether the tuition fee is too much?

  Obviously not.

  Not to mention that Chu Guang had just received a loan of 200 million chips from the Boulder City Bank, a steady stream of materials and consumer goods were flowing from Boulder City to the northern suburbs of Qingquan City. Even without strong financial support, he would squeeze out the money from the Alliance’s fiscal budget.

  Education is a long-term investment, whether it is basic education or higher education.

  A lithium battery-related technology can help him recover a huge sum of 3 million silver coins. These 300,000 silver coins will help the new alliance more than just an antique technology.

  In addition to talent training, there is also the introduction of talent and technology.

  In fact, this matter is actually already underway.

  The drainage system of Dawn City was redesigned by the old man named Butan.

  Yuan Feng, an electrical engineer who had come to Dawn City with Pai before, also plans to stay this time to help them build and plan the power grid from Dawn City to Dawn City to prepare for the repair of the controlled fusion reactor.

  All work is proceeding in an orderly manner.

  Whether it is the construction of Dawn City or the layout of the new alliance in Boulder City.

  Chu Guang watched the chimney disappear at the edge of the forest and withdrew his sight from a distance.

  ”Aren’t you going back with me?”

  The bionic man without facial features stood quietly on the platform, his sight still fixed on the north.

  Chu Guang remembered that its name was Tianqin, from Shelter 101, and served as Pai’s guard.

  Of course, it might also be to protect the chip in the little girl’s brain.

  After all, one less of that thing is used, and it is much more valuable than the wrist-mounted computer like VM that is common on the street.

  Hearing the voice from the side, Tianqin turned his head and answered with a calm electronic voice.

  ”Mr. Manager asked me to stay here, observe, and protect when necessary.”

  Chu Guang’s eyes were filled with surprise.

  ”So you can talk.”

  Tianqin nodded.

  ”If it interferes with your work, please tell me and I will leave on my own.”

  Chu Guang: “That’s not necessary, you can do whatever you want, but don’t scare ordinary people.” Tianqin

  nodded, stretched out his hand to pull the brim of the hood, and hid his face in the shadow.

  Chu Guang didn’t ask any more questions, and turned around and left the station with the guards beside him.

  Anyway, he didn’t have anything shameful here, so he could just ignore it if he wanted to.

  Just think of it as a moving statue in his territory, which could occasionally help him look after his home.

  If this guy really intended to do something bad to him, he would have done it long ago.

  In any case, the probability of conflict between shelters is extremely small.

  Chu Guang’s intuition told him that this guy might be very strong, after all, he had never seen it charged.

  According to the intelligence investigated and sorted out by Fang Chang, the Giant Stone Military Industry is suspected to have a secret force composed of awakened people and modified people, disguised as mercenaries hiding in the city.

  Just like he exported players to the Giant Stone City, this unit that was divided into small pieces and hidden in the dark might also get under his nose.

  This kind of thing is not impossible.

  However, this is not a problem he needs to consider at the moment.

  This morning, Chu Guang received a message from afar.

  Later in the evening, a caravan from Ideal City will arrive in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City.

  Accompanying them are reinforcements sent by the enterprise to the west.

  They will stay here for a few days, and then follow the trail of the Pioneer into the western desert.

  Shelter No. 404 is the “permanent partner” of the enterprise, and the two sides have established a deep friendship in the short cooperation.

  As the saying goes, it is a pleasure to have friends from afar, isn’t it?

  As the manager of the shelter, Chu Guang naturally has to make some preparations to welcome these friends from afar.

  And by the way, take a look to see if there is any opportunity to deepen cooperation…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode