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Chapter 363 If ​​Life Could Just Be Like First Meeting

Chapter 363 If ​​Life Could Just Be Like First Meeting


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 363 If ​​life could only be like the first encounter.

  Spider webs hung in the dark windows, and dust fell on the empty beams.

  There was silence in the No. 1 cell of Tianzijia, with only two breathing sounds, one light and one heavy.

  Sleep once, and then tell everything you know?

  Is there such a good thing? ? ?

  Glancing at the fragments of the clay bowl scattered on the ground, Wei Changtian’s pupils shrank slightly, and his body paused for a moment.

  But in the next moment, he slowly increased the strength in his hands, and in the panic that flashed across Yu Pingjun’s face, he casually kneaded the softness under the prison uniform a few times, and then suddenly reached out and pushed the latter down on the stone bed with a “thump”.

  The straw mat on the bed made a slight “creaking” sound, and the distance between the two people got closer and closer.

  ”Queen, this is what you said, I hope you won’t break your promise later.”

  Wei Changtian approached the beautiful face little by little, with a playful smile on his face.

  Yu Pingjun also regained her composure at this time. She did not dodge, but stared at Wei Changtian and sneered: “Mr. Wei, that’s right.”

  ”People like you shouldn’t pretend to be a gentleman.”

  ”Yes, the queen is right. I am not a good person and I really shouldn’t pretend to be a saint.”

  Wei Changtian moved closer again, but his eyes slowly moved away from Yu Pingjun’s face and looked at the hand that was blocking his chest and trembling slightly.

  ”But queen, don’t you have to pretend to be so dissolute?”


  After the words fell, the hand against Wei Changtian’s chest suddenly froze.

  The expression on Yu Pingjun’s face also froze with it.

  Although she was trying her best to act lewd and dissolute, this subconscious little action still betrayed her.


  Smiling and standing up, Wei Changtian casually patted the water drops on his boots: “Just listen to the rumors. I don’t even know what kind of person I am, how can you say for sure?”

  ”But you. I think I already know what kind of person you are.”


  The candlelight in the cold room was dim, and the red light cast a layer of flowing luster on the slightly messy hair.

  Yu Pingjun first sat up slowly, then stretched out his hand to smooth the wrinkles on the prison uniform that had just been pressed by Wei Changtian, and finally looked at Wei Changtian and asked coldly:

  ”Then, Mr. Wei, tell me, what kind of person am I?”

  ”A woman.”

  Without hesitation, Wei Changtian started with a nonsense, and then completed it: “A woman who will do anything to achieve her goals, sensitive and suspicious, self-righteous but very inferior.”

  Unscrupulous, sensitive and suspicious, self-righteous, inferior.

  A total of four adjectives, all derogatory.

  This sentence did not originally stir up the slightest ripple in Yu Pingjun’s heart, not even anger.

  But when Wei Changtian paused, stared into her eyes and said another word, his calm mood began to slowly waver.

  ”But Queen, I also know that you are a miserable person and have your own difficulties.”

  ”So I believe that you have no choice but to do all this.”

  ”Of course, these things have nothing to do with me, and I don’t know where your suffering comes from.”

  ”But if you let me guess.”

  At this point, Wei Changtian’s eyes suddenly changed from calm to “helpless”.

  He looked at Yu Pingjun with this look, and then slowly said two lines of poetry.

  These were two lines of poetry that Yu Pingjun had never heard of, but when they drifted into the latter’s ears mixed with the moisture in the cell,

  it was like a gust of wind sweeping past, and instantly tears welled up in her eyes.

  ”If life could only be like the first meeting, why would the autumn wind make the fan sad?”

  ”People’s hearts change easily, but they say that people’s hearts change easily.”

  As the most popular poem of Nalan Xingde, the “first lover of the Qing Dynasty” who combined power, wealth, talent and appearance in his previous life, the first two lines of “Mulan Ci” often appear in the copywriting of major emotional marketing accounts.

  However, Wei Changtian chose to recite these two lines in front of Yu Pingjun not simply for sensationalism.

  But the meaning expressed in these two lines of poetry is indeed very consistent with Yu Pingjun’s experience. The reason

  why she chose Li Qi over Ning Yongnian at the beginning must be that she had real feelings for the former.

  According to Li Qi, the two did have an extremely sweet “honeymoon period”.

  It’s just that this beautiful period came to an abrupt end after the appearance of the deer demon.

  Yu Pingjun always thought that it was her own problem that caused Li Qi to become more and more distant from her.

  But no matter how she changed, she could not make the latter change his mind.

  It was not until Li Qi appeared in front of her holding Li Wutong and begged her to recognize this daughter that Yu Pingjun understood everything.

  As the poem says, it was Li Qi who changed his mind first.

  But in the end, all the pain had to be imposed on Yu Pingjun.

  Not only did she have to recognize a “deer demon” as her daughter, but she couldn’t tell anyone about this grievance.

  However, even so, Yu Pingjun actually still held a glimmer of hope at first.

  She hoped that Li Qi would change his mind and come back to her after taking this wrong path.

  For this reason, Yu Pingjun really treated Li Wutong as her own daughter, and also kept this shocking secret for Li Qi that would make the Dafeng royal family a laughing stock.

  However, things did not develop as she expected.

  For twenty years, the two of them were in love on the surface, but Li Qi never touched her once.

  The reason for this was obvious, and it made Yu Pingjun completely disheartened, and the love in her heart turned into hatred.



  A teardrop slid down her cheek and fell on the rough prison uniform, then smudged and slowly disappeared.

  This was a tear mixed with Yu Pingjun’s extremely complicated emotions.

  It was also the only tear she shed.

  ”Young Master Wei.”

  After taking a breath, Yu Pingjun’s expression returned to normal.

  She looked at Wei Changtian, who frowned slightly, and asked with a smile: “It seems that Li Qi has told you everything about us.”


  Hiss, is this woman so good at psychological adjustment?

  Such two lines of poetry only moved her for a few seconds?

  Damn it.

  Wei Changtian, who thought he had “easily won”, couldn’t help but feel a headache, but he also relaxed his brows after just a moment.

  ”Queen, the emperor did tell me these things half a month ago.”

  ”At that time, I accidentally realized that Princess Wuping was a demon, and the emperor had no choice but to tell the truth.”

  ”And he also said at the time that the person he felt most sorry for in his life was you, the queen.”


  Wei Changtian’s last sentence was of course made up, with the purpose of trying to shake Yu Pingjun’s psychological defense again.

  However, this time the latter’s expression did not change at all.

  It’s not rigorous to say so.

  There was actually a change, but it was not the kind of hesitation or struggle, but a hint of sarcasm.

  ”Master Wei, I have waited for twenty years to hear this sentence, but I still haven’t heard it. Do you think I will believe you?”

  ”But since you have already guessed it, I will tell you a few truths.”

  ”Yes, I do hate Li Qi and Li Wutong.”

  ”I hate that they are clearly wrong, but I have to bear all the pain!”

  ”Why should I keep the secret for the Li family?! Why should I recognize a monster as my son?!”

  ”Why can they feel at ease and ask me to endure these silently, but not allow me to resist at all?!”

  ”Is it because he is the emperor?!”

  ”Is it because she is the bastard born by that deer monster?!”

  ”I won’t!!!”


  The voice got louder and louder, and she changed from “I” to “I”.

  When Yu Pingjun shouted out all the hatred in her heart with red eyes and hoarseness, she looked very much like she had lost her mind before.

  But Wei Changtian knew that she was not pretending this time.

  This was the look of extreme hatred.

  At first glance, the current situation seems to be out of control, but Wei Changtian is actually quite satisfied with it.

  Since he is willing to vent, it means that Yu Pingjun’s psychological defenses have become increasingly fragile, which also means that he is one step closer to success.

  While listening to the “blood and tears accusation” that was shouted at the top of his lungs, he quickly thought about what he should say next.

  But at a certain moment, Wei Changtian’s originally calm expression suddenly froze.

  ”Fuck you.”

  He suddenly looked up, staring at Yu Pingjun in disbelief, and stood up at the same time.

  ”What did you just say?!”

  ”Hehe, I say that Mr. Wei should go back to the princess’s mansion instead of listening to a crazy woman like me complaining here.”

  Yu Pingjun licked her bright red lips with endless teasing in her eyes amidst the crazy laughter.

  ”If it’s a little later, that bastard might know what she is.”

  (End of this chapter)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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