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Chapter 364 You are so generous!

Chapter 364 You are so generous!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 364 You are so generous!

  ”…How do you feel now?”

  ”Thank you…I feel much better.”

  After waking up from a coma, Shen Rui raised his head and saw a woman in a white coat standing in the ward. She had rare long white hair.

  He then looked at his left hand and found that the wrinkles under the sleeve were flesh-red, like something rotten.

  Seeing this scene, his pupils shrank slightly and he held his breath involuntarily.

  Standing outside the window of the ward to watch the excitement, several players who had not yet logged off were communicating in a low voice without thinking it was a big deal.

  ”Is this the person from Enterprise?”

  ”Why are they all so sick?”

  ”Probably like that Bachi, they were bitten by the Gnawer on the way here.”

  ”…Wow, a unicorn arm?”

  ”Looks pretty cool.”

  ”Fuck, where did you get this thing?”

  ”What do you want to do?”

  ”A complete set, do you even need to ask! Hehe, if only it could release a few dozen meters long tentacles like the original hunting form!”

  ”Fuck, you have such a strong taste!”

  Fortunately, the wounded in the ward couldn’t hear it, nor could they understand what the idiots outside the ward were saying.

  Otherwise, the blood pressure that had finally dropped would have been raised to the maximum again.

  Looking at the tablet in her hand, Heya’s eyes flashed with excitement and curiosity, and she spoke quickly.

  ”Erosion rate 11%. The mutant slime mold has replaced your left arm. Fortunately, it is only your left arm. Your symptoms are relatively mild. I injected you with an inhibitor to prevent the slime mold from spreading further… and prevent it from replacing your brain.”

  ”Can it be cured?”

  Although he was full of doubts about the medical conditions here, when he heard the word “inhibitor”, the man lying on the bed still had hope in his eyes, as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw.

  No one wants to have something that doesn’t belong to them growing on their body, especially if that thing is still alive.

  However, Heya’s next sentence immediately made him feel depressed.

  ”It can’t be cured.”

  ”Each mother nest adopts a different evolutionary strategy. We have no idea about the situation in Yongdong City.”

  ”You have two choices now, replace the bionic prosthesis, or… wait until you return to your place, see if there is a doctor who can help you.”

  Heya actually hoped that he would choose the former, because it meant that she could get an interesting sample.

  Recently, the New Alliance obtained a batch of bionic prostheses from Boulder City, and the quality was acceptable.

  However, the man lying on the bed did not even think about it, and chose the latter without hesitation.

  ”…No, thank you.”

  With a shy smile, Shen Rui put the weight of his head back on the pillow.

  Even if he had to replace his bionic prosthesis, he would not do it outside Ideal City.

  At this time, the door of the hospital opened, and the commando officer hurried in accompanied by Chu Guang.

  ”What’s the situation here?”

  Without waiting for He Ya to answer, Yun Song immediately walked to the side of Shen Rui who had just woken up, and asked with a serious and anxious expression.

  ”Are you feeling better? Do you feel any discomfort? Or an allergic reaction or something?”

  Shen Rui stared at his left hand for a while, and then looked at his right hand, which had not changed at all, as if comparing.

  ”It feels much better than yesterday, but it seems that a part of my body does not belong to me.”

  ”What about the rest?” Yun Song asked.

  ”I don’t feel anything else, except that my left hand is still a little uncomfortable, but it’s no big deal. I even have the confidence to return to the battlefield!”

  Upon hearing this, Chu Guang hurriedly persuaded.

  ”How can that be, your injury has just healed, you still have to take care of it!”

  How can you let the duck at your mouth fly away?

  Can ICU and special medicine have the same price?

  According to the agreement he and the captain of the enterprise commando team had reached, when the enterprise caravan passes by here next month, the expenses of these wounded soldiers will be settled.

  Compared with these poor soldiers who have to take care of their missions, the caravans returning with full cargo are naturally more profitable.

  Although He Ya felt strange and didn’t understand why Chu Guang wanted to leave these burdens behind, she nodded in agreement when she saw his eyes hinting.

  ”That’s what I suggested. Stabilizing the condition requires inhibitors, and the production of inhibitors requires slime mold fruiting bodies as materials.”

  ”We only had one patient here before, so there are not many pre-made stocks. Without enough medicine, it may be difficult to stop the slime mold from continuing to erode by relying on your own immunity.”

  Yun Song’s face was solemn.

  ”Is there no special medicine that can cure it?”

  ”Not yet.” He Ya shook her head, “In fact, I only started studying this thing this year… There is no such thing in the shelter where I was born.”

  ”I suggest that they stay here for a while to observe, maybe there will be some progress.”

  At present, this is the best way.

  In fact, being parasitized by mutant slime mold is not entirely a bad thing. If you think optimistically, at least the recovery ability and metabolic rate will be enhanced, and the pain sensation will be weakened.

  It is equivalent to a part of the body tissue, which has the toughness comparable to that of mutants.

  Or, it can also be understood as a “biological prosthesis” with self-repair ability.

  However, using living things as prostheses is psychologically unacceptable to most people.


  left the ward.

  Yunsong stopped and looked at Chu Guang on the side, and said with a slightly embarrassed expression.

  ”I’m sorry to trouble you with those wounded.”

  ”No trouble, it’s just a small effort.”

  Chu Guang smiled, paused for a moment, and continued, “Speaking of which, I didn’t ask when we were having dinner just now, is there anything wrong with the Pioneer?”

  Hearing this question, Yunsong fell silent, as if he was hesitating whether to tell the situation.

  Chu Guang saw his reaction and guessed that this should not be a secret that cannot be told in principle, so he continued.

  ”The crew on the Pioneer are our important partners. Our residents want to know if they are safe. This is very important to us.”

  Looking at the serious expression of the manager in front of him, Yunsong was silent for a while and sighed softly.

  ”To be honest, our Pioneer did encounter some troubles when it went deep into the desert. They released the ‘Migratory Bird’ and sent the last message to the Enterprise, and then lost contact.”

  ”Upon learning that they were in trouble, we immediately sent reinforcements to the west and searched for their signals along the way. But unfortunately, there was no gain, they seemed to have disappeared…”

  ”We speculate that there are two possibilities, one is that their communication equipment has malfunctioned, and the other is that there is strong signal interference in the local area. In either case, it seems that we can only continue to go west and go deep into the desert to gain new gains.”

  From Luoxia Province to the easternmost coast of the continent, it spans thousands of kilometers, crossing many giant urban agglomerations and ancient battlefields along the way.

  Without the support of satellites and communication networks, it is difficult for the information sent from the Pioneer to be directly transmitted back to the Ideal City.

  As part of the ancient battlefield, outer space is now covered by irregular orbital garbage groups and automatic weapons, and it is almost impossible to launch satellites and operate them stably.

  This is also the reason why most survivor forces rarely use it even if they have the technology to launch satellites.

  As for the “Migratory Bird” system, it is a one-time communication tool designed by the Enterprise for traveling merchants and traveling teams.

  Its characteristics are light size and simple launch method. It is equivalent to a cheap long-endurance drone that can circle the planet in low orbit, avoid ground radar search, and bring the stored information back to the communication range of Ideal City for release.

  Chu Guang had heard about this system from Luo Hua before, and even wanted to introduce one.

  However, since the “migratory bird” was set to fly only to Ideal City, and there was no precedent for exporting this system to other survivor forces, he gave up after asking.

  ”Can you tell us what the trouble is?” Chu Guang felt that the man in front of him should know a little bit of the inside story.

  And the fact is indeed so, Yunsong’s next sentence verified his guess.


  Yunsong’s eyes were a little hazy.

  ”Those guys with raised noses are like crows with rotten meat in their mouths, and they want to peck at everything they see. Our guess is that the survivors or caravans in Luoxia Province saw our land fortress and leaked the news to the legion.”

  At this point, the captain of the commando team couldn’t help but curse.

  ”200 years, it’s always like this. Only when we decide to look for that shelter No. 0, they will be interested in that shelter No. 0.”

  ”What exactly is in that shelter No. 0?” Chu Guang couldn’t help but ask curiously.

  Although he didn’t expect the soldier in front of him to answer the question that even Lu Yang, the highest commander of the Pioneer, couldn’t answer, he wanted to hear other people’s opinions.

  Yun Song shook his head.

  ”I don’t know, maybe it’s a super weapon, maybe it’s an unfinished technology, and I don’t know who said that there is a treasure that can revive civilization… In fact, if you ask me, maybe it was a hoax from the beginning.”

  ”This kind of thing has happened before. A treasure that was regarded as a treasure by a group of wastelanders was finally found to be just a water purifier. Life in Ideal City is actually good enough. Even if we don’t look for that shelter No. 0, what’s the problem? Even in the most prosperous era, it’s just three meals a day.”

  Although his belief in reinforcing friendly forces was not shaken at all, he obviously didn’t believe the rumor about shelter No. 0.

  This story has been told for 200 years.

  If we expect a shelter to solve all problems, the world would not have become like this from the beginning.

  As if realizing that he had gone off topic, Yunsong stopped talking about his opinion on the rumor and corrected the topic.

  ”I have gone off topic. No matter what the legend is, I will clean up the mess for the brothers on the Pioneer. If they can continue, we will help them. If they suffer heavy losses, we will take them home.”

  ”Since the beasts on the West Coast are itching to do it again, let’s settle the old and new accounts together!”

  When he said this, Yunsong’s eyes were filled with obvious hatred.

  Chu Guang couldn’t help but think in his heart.

  It seems that the relationship between the enterprise and the legion is indeed not very harmonious, and it’s not just that they don’t like each other, there is probably some historical grudge in it.

  He has no intention of intervening in the conflict between the two “fallen empires”, but doing favors for the enterprise can obviously get more benefits.

  Both the enterprise and the legion are far enough away from here, and the possibility of being directly dealt with by the other party is very small.

  After all, Qingquan City is not the Great Rift Valley. Giant cities covered by slime mold are not uncommon in the wasteland. No one would send an expeditionary force to pick up a rotten stone.

  Therefore, Chu Guang only thought for two seconds and said in a generous tone.

  ”Friends’ troubles are our troubles. Please let me know if there is anything we can help with.”

  Yunsong looked at Chu Guang gratefully.

  ”I was just about to say this! We have consumed too much ammunition along the way and urgently need to replenish bullets, as well as anti-armor light and heavy weapons. We are not very picky about the latter. As long as the infantry can carry it, it is easy to operate, and has a certain accuracy and range, it is enough!”

  Chu Guang smiled.

  ”That’s easy to say. What we lack the least here is weapons, but bullets… I’m afraid it’s a bit troublesome.”

  ”Is it because the caliber doesn’t match?” Yunsong frowned.

  ”Well, our rifles use 7mm full-power bullets, and the length of the cartridge case and the primer are not compatible with your G9 ‘Black Swan’. It’s too late to open a new production line now, unless you are willing to stay here for half a month before leaving.”

  ”Half a month… that’s too long.” Yunsong said with embarrassment.

  ”This is already the fastest situation. Building a new production line requires a lot of preparation, especially producing brand new products.”

  Looking at Yunsong who was lost in thought, Chu Guang sympathetically put forward his own ideas.

  ”So, I have a suggestion here. You can try our LD-47 rifle.”

  Yunsong was stunned.


  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”Well, it’s a combat-tested weapon. We just won a battle with it. Although the opponent is not a member of the Legion, it is a puppet army under the guidance of Legion officers, using Legion standard equipment.”

  ”Although this equipment is not very accurate, the receiver structure is simple, and there are fewer accessories that can be installed, it has sufficient firepower and a low failure rate. It performs well in desert environments. Many caravans from the west like our weapons.”

  Yunsong frowned and said, “But… our aiming assist plug-in is only compatible with the G9 assault rifle. Using non-standard equipment may have a significant impact on the combat effectiveness of soldiers.”

  Hearing this, Chu Guang looked helpless.

  Don’t these people know how to fight if they don’t cheat?

  But think about it.

  Every day, you use the automatic aiming to hang on the wall, and one day, the hang is suddenly blocked. Anyone can see the difference in level before and after.

  Chu Guang patiently said to the concerns of the commando captain in front of him.

  ”Combat effectiveness does not necessarily have to be reflected in the accuracy of weapons. Firepower advantage is also an advantage. Now you can get logistical supplies from us, and you don’t have to save ammunition. In fact, combat effectiveness will not be affected.”

  ”In addition, this is just a backup option. In addition to temporarily using our weapons, you can also leave some logistics personnel here to help us build an ammunition production line for the G9 ‘Black Swan’ assault rifle.”

  ”Although our industrial base is a bit backward, we have abundant resources. It is not a problem to produce a few bullets. When the bullets of matching specifications are supplied, we will immediately send an armed transport team to your coordinates. At that time, you can also change back to the original equipment!”

  After listening to Chu Guang’s proposal, Yun Song was obviously stunned.

  It was not because his proposal was too whimsical, but because he did not expect their allies to be so considerate.

  Not only did he lend them his weapons first, but he was also willing to open a factory for them. When new bullets are produced, we will immediately help them deliver them.

  What kind of teammates are these!

  ”Thank you!” Yunsong said with gratitude, “You are so generous!”

  Although Hedin was in charge of logistics, he could not think of any reason to refuse the manager’s proposal.

  Hesitation for a second at this time would be a distrust of the ally and a betrayal of this generosity!

  Chu Guang felt a little embarrassed, especially when he heard him praising his generosity.

  ”I said, don’t be so polite,” Chu Guang smiled and continued, “If you need it, our soldiers can even squat in the same trench with you!”

  There has been no war during this period, and many players have been bored. It would be nice to go out with old friends in the alliance.

  Earning some pensions and supporting the construction of the rear would be good for everyone.

  However, perhaps because he was too generous, Yunsong was embarrassed to accept it in the end and shook his head.

  ”That’s not necessary. This is a grudge between us and the legion. If those people know that you are involved in this war, it might cause trouble for you.”

  After a pause, he continued in a serious tone.

  ”I will talk to the logistics staff about the production of weapons. However, we can’t let you do us such a big favor in vain.”

  ”Although we encountered a lot of troubles on the way to the Valley Province, we also seized a lot of spoils. In addition, we also brought some trade goods for exchanging supplies when we set out.”

  ”I’ll give you a list, if there is anything you like, just pick it!” It’s okay to

  pick it.

  There is such a good thing?

  Chu Guang’s face showed a happy expression.

  However, he was not overwhelmed by joy, and he still understood the principle of slow and steady.

  With that Hedin around, he will definitely stop such obviously unreasonable conditions.

  And what he has to do is to make the rules of the transaction more beneficial to the alliance on the basis of win-win.

  ”Then wouldn’t you be at a disadvantage? We are not the kind of people who take advantage of friends.”

  Chu Guang paused for a moment and suggested.

  ”How about this, I will evaluate a reasonable price for your goods based on our own needs and convert it into silver coins for you. You can use the silver coins you exchange to buy the supplies you need in our market.”

  ”If you get any more spoils in the future, you can continue to send them to us to sell.”

  Hearing Chu Guang’s proposal, Yun Song did not hesitate and immediately agreed.

  ”No problem!”


  It is undoubtedly not cost-effective to send a ton of dry food from Ideal City to the 26th Commando.

  And the paper money of Cr only has some purchasing power in several coastal provinces. When it comes to the central part of Zhongzhou Continent, it is not even as good as the dinar of the legion.

  After all, the latter is made of gold.

  For enterprises, there are two solutions.

  One is to carry the production line on your back, so that you can eat the food of your hometown and drink pure coffee and tea wherever you go, and by the way, you can “show off” the light of civilization to the barbarians in the west.

  The Pioneer is a product born based on this concept.

  Not only did they search for Shelter No. 0, Lu Yang and his companions also helped the wastelanders along the way. While traveling, they also earned reputation for the company and opened up trade routes.

  However, even for a company with an ideal city, it is not easy to build a nuclear-powered land fortress.

  This kind of thing is only for their own sons.

  As for the big soldiers like Yunsong, they naturally can’t use such good things.

  Therefore, there is another solution-outsourcing logistics to “trustworthy” merchants.

  Before the expedition team sets off, in addition to preparing ammunition and basic supplies for the expedition team, the company will also allocate a budget to the expedition team to purchase some trade goods in the local market.

  These trade goods usually have the characteristics of “high added value”, such as special antibiotics that work with one shot, bionic prostheses that perfectly replace the original limbs, and some high-tech products that most survivor settlements in the wasteland cannot produce. The merchants

  accompanying the army are responsible for managing these goods, exchanging as much ammunition, daily necessities and consumer goods as possible with the survivor settlements passing by along the way, and are also responsible for cooperating with the captain to ensure the morale of the team.

  The latter is especially important.

  Although in most cases, the professional soldiers of the enterprise are more polite and more “quality” than the mercenaries, that is only based on filling their stomachs.

  If the military pay in hand cannot be spent, and a stack of waste paper is used to deal with nutritional paste every day, it is hard to say who the gun will be pointed at.

  Of course, in exchange for risking their lives, the enterprise also gives a lot of benefits to the merchants. The

  traveling team will sacrifice some “efficiency” to ensure that the mission can be completed smoothly while providing shelter for the accompanying merchants and his own goods.

  This is better than any insurance.

  Soldiers armed to the teeth with high-tech equipment are almost invincible as long as they do not encounter “existence beyond cognition”.

  And even if they do, they have the highest survival rate!

  Therefore, the banks in Ideal City will be more willing to provide these merchants who follow the traveling team with lower interest loans.

  Hedin is such a businessman. This is not the first time he has cooperated with people from the enterprise.

  However, going all the way west and deep into the hinterland of the Middle Continent is the first time for him.

  If nothing unexpected happened, this was also the most impressive one for him.

  ”…I may have underestimated you, respected administrator.”

  Holding a list in his hand, Hedin sighed when he handed it to Chu Guang.

  ”Is this a compliment?” Chu Guang asked with a smile.

  ”Is it a compliment? After all, we rarely use ‘silver coins’ to do business. Seeing that you and our captain were chatting so happily, I should have been alert, but I didn’t expect that I still neglected it.”

  Hedin looked at Chu Guang meaningfully, obviously seeing his thoughts.

  The New Alliance does not have enough Cr reserves. If they use silver coins to do business, it means that they may buy the goods in their hands at a “cheaper” price.

  In contrast, they will have a pile of inexplicable waste paper in their pockets.

  He is not worried that the silver coins cannot buy things, but he is worried that these local currencies “can only” buy things priced in silver coins in the New Alliance.

  Obviously, his captain has not considered what to do when they withdraw from here.

  Can they still expect to exchange silver coins for Cr and take them away?

  In the end, either take away a pile of waste paper, or take away a pile of wood and ore that will be used nowhere.


  stay and invest locally?

  Chu Guang still had a happy smile on his face, and he didn’t feel embarrassed because Hedin saw through his thoughts.

  ”This is good for both of us, isn’t it?”

  ”Of course, I don’t deny it.”

  Hedin smiled faintly and didn’t say much.

  Although the other party played some tricks, he really had no reason to complain.

  Whether from the perspective of the logistics officer or from his own perspective.

  He risked his life to follow the soldiers of the enterprise on a long journey, not for charity.

  But to make a fortune.

  Since the other party was willing to solve a lot of logistical problems for him and promised him a benefit.

  Why should I expose it?


  The next day, the streets of Boulder City were a little lively, and people gathered in groups of three or five to talk about it.

  ”…The enterprise’s delegation has arrived in the northern suburbs?”

  ”Is it true?!”

  ”It should be true, there are photos!”

  ”Photos? Where?”

  ”In the newspaper! Go and see for yourself!”

  The people of the enterprise came to Qingquan City, which was big news.

  Although they have never been to the East Coast, many people have heard of the ideal city.

  It is precisely because they have never been there that when they heard the news, many people were full of curiosity.

  As for how the news spread, it has to start with the “Survivor Daily” which has been in the limelight recently.

  A newspaper that costs one chip is not cheap.

  But unlike other newspapers in Boulder City, this newspaper does not implement the model of pre-order + mailbox delivery, but is placed in front of taverns, grocery stores and other places for retail sales. Some poor people who can’t afford newspapers can also stand at the door and read it to learn about the latest news in the city.

  Since the cooperating taverns and stores have already received a benefit from the newspaper, the store owners will not drive away those who only look but do not buy.

  After all, so many people gathered together to discuss, and it can also make the door seem more lively.

  These days, the economy is in recession and small businesses are difficult to do. This feeling of being crowded with people is becoming less and less common.

  Of course, compared with ordinary people who are watching the excitement, the more surprised are the mayor of the city hall, Dulong, the president of Boulder City Bank, Melvin, and Weijia and other business owners and factory owners.

  Especially when they saw the photo and the caption on the headline of the Survivor Daily, they were so shocked that they couldn’t believe their eyes.

  The corporate delegation arrived in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City!

  The accompanying soldiers launched a joint operation with the Alliance Guards?

  The highest leader of the delegation reiterated that the friendship with the Alliance will last forever? ?

  And extended the most sincere greetings to the managers of the Alliance? ? ?


  With his eyes wide open like big chips, Morwen stared at the newspaper in his hand, with a big face printed with “bewildered”.

  Unlike others, he is a man who has seen the world.

  When he was young, he followed the caravan to the East Coast and saw the prosperity of the Ideal City.

  It is the paradise closest to the prosperous era in the entire wasteland.

  In front of that towering city, even the huge Boulder City is as small as a slum.

  The company has many friendly partners on the East Coast, but at most they give some trade discounts and sell some useful equipment. I have never heard that group of arrogant guys take care of anyone so much.

  Melvin swallowed his saliva, not knowing what expression to make, and not knowing how to describe his feelings at the moment.

  Envy? Jealousy? Fear? Uneasy?

  Maybe all of them…

  but more of them were unbelievable.

  He instinctively didn’t believe the nonsense written in the newspaper, and he couldn’t believe it at all.

  But that photo…

  didn’t look fake!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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