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Chapter 365: Cheapness is one of the advantages of our weapons

Chapter 365: Cheapness is one of the advantages of our weapons

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 365: Cheapness is one of the advantages of our weapons

  ”…The Enterprise Expedition Team appeared in the northern suburbs?”

  The chairman’s office in the Giant Stone Military Industrial Building.

  Ibers, who was sitting behind his desk, was full of surprise after listening to his subordinates’ reports.

  Unlike Melvin and Duron, he certainly did not need to obtain information about the northern suburbs through the “Survivor Daily”. As early as late yesterday, he learned from the spies disguised as mercenaries and caravan guards that a group of caravans suspected to be from Ideal City appeared in the northern suburbs.

  After a night of investigation, he can now finally be sure that those people are professional soldiers of the enterprise.

  ”…Why are the people from the enterprise here?” Ibers’ eyes showed a trace of fear.

  Unlike the nobles in the inner city, his attitude towards the enterprise is more respectful.

  According to past experience, it would not be good to rashly involve those behemoths.

  Especially last year, the enterprise and the legion had a fight in the northern suburbs. God knows why these people came.

  Standing next to him, the old secretary seemed to have the same idea as him and spoke slowly.

  ”Could it be related to last year’s Pioneer?”

  ”I thought so too.”

  Ibers rubbed his brow with his index finger, pondered for a long time, and suddenly spoke.

  ”In any case, we have to find out what they are here for.”

  The old secretary asked.

  ”Do we need to report this to the city lord?”

  Ibers said simply. “Just a

  routine report.”

  Reporting or not, in fact, makes no difference.

  He has his own intelligence network, and the wise and majestic city lord certainly has one too.

  However, as the most loyal servant of that lord, he should report the news as soon as he gets the news.

  Regardless of whether the city lord knows it or not.

  This is his duty…


  As the news of the arrival of the corporate “visiting group” spread, the entire Qingquan City became lively.

  Especially the business owners, factory owners and nobles in the inner city of Boulder City, all cast fiery and even jealous eyes towards the northern suburbs.

  Why can those damn country bumpkins gain the friendship of the company?

  Of course, compared to jealousy, what they care more about is the business opportunities contained in this news.

  That’s a visiting delegation from Ideal City!

  Just one or two items brought here can be sold at an unimaginable high price.

  The civilians in Boulder City have no consumption power, but the nobles in the inner city are all rich.

  Their industries are spread all over Boulder City. They don’t lack money to spend, but they lack places to spend it.

  Whether it’s bionic prostheses that enhance the body’s capabilities or serums that delay aging, they are enough to drive the entire inner city crazy…

  Just when Qingquan City was bustling, Xizhou City, a hundred kilometers away, was no different.

  But the difference is that the two sides are completely different…

  Next to the crudely built platform, boxes and bundles of supplies were piled up into a small mountain.

  Looking at the mountain of supplies, both the foremen of the aid team and the survivors of Dawn City were filled with surprised expressions on their faces.

  ”170 tons of grain, 81 tons of yams, 1,000 cotton work clothes, 1,000 pairs of rubber-soled short boots, 11 boxes of medical gauze and alcohol…”

  Rudy, who was holding the cargo list handed over by the train conductor, was muttering in a low voice, with surprise on his face, and he couldn’t believe his eyes.

  The supplies on the list were exactly what they needed most.

  Especially work clothes and waterproof shoes.

  It had rained for several days before, and the northern construction site was low-lying and almost soaked in puddles.

  There was no pump, so in order to drain the water, the workers could only carry iron buckets to the ground.

  Ordinary straw shoes, wooden shoes, and shoes made of tree bark were not waterproof at all, and the number of waterproof shoes made of plastic was limited, so many people’s feet were soaked.

  There were also medical gauze and alcohol, which were even more necessary for construction sites where bumps often occurred.

  Without disinfection and bandaging of medical supplies, even a small injury could become inflamed and festered, becoming a serious problem.

  Not to mention food, that thing was always precious in the wasteland.

  The shortage of other things can be tolerated, but you can’t work if you are hungry.

  There are 30,000 people in Dawn City. 251 tons of food, combined with the prey and fish caught by the residents of the shelter, is enough for two weeks of expenses!

  After a long while, he swallowed his saliva and said.

  ”…Did you pick up the pre-war reserves?”

  Before becoming the captain of the aid team, he was a centurion under Vanus and followed the legion in battles for several years. In my impression, such a rich reserve of materials is hard to find even in some wealthy survivors’ settlements.

  The New Alliance may be able to get these materials, but it is impossible to get them together in such a short time.

  Looking at Rudy with a dumb look on his face, the train conductor smiled and said.

  ”What do you mean picked up? These things were bought from Boulder City! By the way, tell the people in the warehouse for me that another batch of materials will be delivered in three days. Let them expand the warehouse to avoid being in a hurry at that time.”

  Rudy, who came to his senses, nodded immediately and said seriously.

  ”I’ll go and explain to them now!”

  As the materials were put into the warehouse.

  The news about this batch of goods also spread among the survivors.

  It was lunch time.

  Several foremen and workers of the construction team squatted together, eating with bowls in hand, while talking about gossips they heard from others.

  ”…I heard about it! It’s supplies imported from Boulder City!”

  ”Not just daily necessities, but also generators and distribution devices… probably for setting up the power grid!”

  ”It will cost a lot of chips, right?”

  ”That’s for sure… at least hundreds of thousands.”

  ”Hundreds of thousands? Hundreds of thousands is more like it!”

  Hearing that these supplies would cost so much money, many people showed expressions of emotion on their faces, and even lost their minds for a moment.

  Especially those survivors who have lived in Qingquan City since childhood.

  The refugees have no idea about the purchasing power of chips, but they know how many good things those chips can be exchanged for.

  Not to mention hundreds of thousands of chips, three-digit chips are an astronomical figure for them, and five-digit chips are simply not wealth that ordinary people can have.

  In their cognition, only the former mayor of Beth Street and Old Brown of Brown Farm can afford so many chips.

  However, those stingy people will not spend their chips on others.

  They wish they could hold every chip firmly in their hands, not to mention spending it on others, and even reluctant to spend more on themselves.

  For them, the biggest ambition in this life is to save enough chips to move into Jubilee, squeeze into the upper class there, and spend their old age in luxury and wealth.

  If it is really bad, buying a few buildings on the edge of the outer city and becoming a resident is also a good choice.

  After thinking about it, they can only think of the kind manager who is willing to take out his own chips and spend them on ordinary people like them without hesitation…


  On the other side, in the eastern district of Xizhou City, on the abandoned streets.

  A group of survivors were methodically moving their luggage out of the collapsed subway station and piling them up in an open space not far from the subway station.

  In an open space a little further away, there stood more than 30 container houses and dozens of barracks moved out of underground tunnels. The

  construction site that the aid team was responsible for was not only Dawn City, but also Camp 101 in the eastern district of Xizhou City.

  Since the Bone Chewing Tribe had been destroyed, Xizhou City had returned to its former tranquility. The residents of Camp 101 would also return to the surface and return the buffer zone at the entrance of the shelter to the “pioneers”.

  Chu Guang promised to help the residents of Camp 101 rebuild their homes.

  A week ago, the workers of the Alliance arrived here.

  There were a total of 200 people involved in the construction.

  Among them, 20 were foremen from Dawn City, and 180 were survivors from Dawn City.

  In addition, there was a patrol team from the 2nd Corps, responsible for the safety around the camp.

  After all, mutant hyenas, rats, cockroaches, flies as big as washbasins, and blood-sucking worms with needles longer than arms – those endless alien species will not follow the predators.

  Especially after the beginning of summer, the number of alien species active in the ruins has more than doubled compared to two months ago.

  Fortunately, a group of enthusiastic little players turned them into food, so that the alien species did not become unbearable…

  Considering its own future, Camp 101, after referring to Chu Guang’s suggestions, finally decided to set up a new camp at the former site of Xizhou University not far from Shelter 101. The terrain

  there is relatively flat.

  Although the building is seriously damaged, this is actually an advantage, at least it will not be too troublesome to demolish it.

  In the wasteland, demolishing a building is much more troublesome than building a building.

  Some houses look shaky and seem to collapse if you push them, but in fact, they can withstand two 100-kilogram bombs.

  Especially in “Wasteland OL”, the buildings that are blown down will not turn into ash and disappear like in other RTS games, but will most likely form a wall on the ground.

  Large pieces of construction waste cannot be moved at all, and must be broken into small pieces before they can be moved.

  This is also the reason why Dawn City and Dawn City are both built in suburbs with low building density.

  According to the planned drawings, the first phase of Camp 101 covers an area of ​​30 acres, with the former site of the Xizhou University Library as the center and spreading out to the surrounding areas.

  After the completion of the third phase of the project, the entire camp will basically cover the core area of ​​the former Xizhou University, and the area will reach an astonishing 500 acres.

  Although Horn, the mayor of the camp, said with a smile that they could not use so much area, Chu Guang still generously drew this big pie.

  Can’t use it?

  Of course he knew that this small village with only two or three hundred people could not use so much land.

  But he and Horn considered different issues.

  In Chu Guang’s view, it is the future “National University” of the Alliance, a holy place for academic exchanges and technological research.

  A mere 500 acres.

  He still thinks it’s too small!

  However, the meal must be eaten bite by bite.

  At present, the number of students that Camp 101 can accommodate is about three to five hundred people.

  The thirty acres planned for the first phase is completely sufficient, and two five-story teaching buildings will be enough.

  After nearly a week of construction, this brand new camp has begun to take shape.

  Although the teaching building is not yet visible, square barracks have already stood on the open ground.

  The space here is much more spacious than underground. They don’t have to put all the houses next to each other. Each barrack door can leave a large area as a private space.

  The children are laughing and playing in the camp, chasing and running.

  Not far away, the construction site is in full swing. A concrete building of unknown purpose has been built halfway.

  In order to prevent alien species from breaking into the camp, the camp wall has been stretched with circles of barbed wire and reinforced with steel bars driven into the soil.

  Standing at the door of the brand new camp, Pai opened her eyes wide in surprise, and her mouth seemed to be able to fit an egg.

  It has not been two weeks since she left home, and everyone has moved from underground to the surface!

  This is too fast!


  Looking at the little girl standing at the entrance of the camp, Tris smiled gently. “You’re back?”

  Hearing the voice of the “gatekeeper”, Pai immediately came back to his senses from his surprise, and a smug expression appeared on his face. He straightened his chest and said.

  ”Well! The mission was successfully completed!”

  Although his face was full of pride, his big eyes couldn’t help but look around curiously.

  ”By the way, is this our new home?”

  Tris nodded and said with a smile.

  ”Well, originally we planned to move from underground to above ground in two months, but the progress was smoother than expected. Thanks to those kind people, we only took a week to accomplish so many things.”

  Of course, they should be thanked for defeating the bloodthirsty looters.

  No one likes to live in the underground, endure the dampness and darkness and the inedible food.

  For him, there is nothing more pleasing than watching the children running in the sun.

  At this point, Tris saw the thirty young people behind Pai and said with a smile.

  ”You are the students of the New Alliance, right?”

  Xia Yan, who was walking in front of the team, nodded and said neatly.

  ”Yes, the administrator asked us to report to the old teacher named Ivan. Can you tell us where he is?”

  Although she said so, she didn’t look like a student at the moment. She was dressed like a wasteland mercenary. She

  wore a durable leather jacket over her shirt, with bulging magazines in her pockets and an LD-47 assault rifle on her back.

  Tris didn’t care.

  He often dealt with wastelanders, so he didn’t feel any surprise, and his face was still gentle.

  ”Ivan is still sorting out the information in the document library underground. It will probably take a few days for him to come up. He is Pai’s teacher. I think Pai should be able to take you to find him.”

  Pai nodded enthusiastically, turned around and gave Xia Yan and Xiaoyu a reliable look.

  ”Well! Leave it to me with confidence! I just happened to be going underground!”

  She didn’t forget her agreement with Chu Guang to find the administrator of Shelter No. 101 to discuss the matter of borrowing VM.

  Tris smiled and nodded.

  ”Then I’ll leave it to you.”

  ”However, before you go underground, you might as well pack up the luggage you brought with you.”

  ”We have prepared dormitories for you, right next to the school in the camp… Please follow me.”


  Camp 101 had just started construction less than two weeks ago. Although it was already habitable, the conditions were still a bit shabby.

  However, even so, the local residents still prepared barracks for two people in a room as dormitories for these students from the New Alliance.

  The relationship between the two sides was in the honeymoon period. The New Alliance did not hesitate to help them, and they would naturally not hesitate to take care of them within their capacity.

  While Boss Xia and his group were busy packing their luggage, Chu Guang, who was far away in Shuguang City, was not idle either.

  The first thing was to add new production lines for ammunition, weapons and accessories.

  Although this was mainly handled by the staff of the industrial zone and the officials of the Ministry of Industry, it always took time to introduce the logistics personnel of the commando to them and arrange work.

  After doing these things, Chu Guang took Yunsong to the shooting range and demonstrated the weapons of the alliance.

  Including LD series assault rifles, 20mm light cavalry rifles, 37mm heavy cavalry rifles, and 60mm mortars, etc.

  And the RPG rocket launcher, which is easy to carry and has a wide range of uses!

  Especially the latter, although it is a bit difficult to face heavy vehicles, and there is no automatic tracking and laser guidance, it can only be aimed visually, but at medium and short distances, it is completely sufficient to deal with some light and medium armor and vehicles!

  Replaced with high-explosive grenades with fragmentation, it is perfect for dealing with unarmored light infantry!

  After a few test shots, Yunsong immediately purchased 120 launchers, 500 armor-piercing shells and 700 high-explosive grenades with a happy face!

  Although the penetration of chemical energy armor-piercing shells is more than a little worse than that of plasma shells and electromagnetic guns, they don’t always encounter opponents who are worth using plasma armor-piercing shells.

  And as Chu Guang said, sufficient quantity is also an advantage.

  With this batch of weapons, a company of light infantry under his command can instantly become an “anti-tank company”!

  With the help of the exoskeleton, it is not a problem to bring a few more high-explosive grenades!

  Of course, the biggest reason that prompted Yunsong to place the order so readily was that these weapons were priced in silver coins, and his logistics officer used the trade goods they brought to help him negotiate a good price.

  Therefore, when he was buying, he didn’t feel any pain at all.

  Looking at the launch tubes emitting green smoke and the targets blown to pieces in the distance, Yunsong said with a happy expression on his face.

  ”Is it really okay to sell it to us for 100 silver coins each? Isn’t it too cheap?”

  It was the first time that Chu Guang saw someone who thought the things he sold were too cheap, and he couldn’t help but smile and said.

  ”Cheapness is one of the advantages of our weapons.”

  Seeing that this friend in front of him finally realized the charm of goblin technology, Chu Guang was sincerely happy for him.

  The large amount of weapons inventory generated by the Northern Expedition was finally digested by someone.

  But then again.

  Wearing this kind of high-tech power armor, but carrying an antique rocket launcher on his shoulder.

  This combination is full of weirdness no matter how you look at it.

  Looking at the launch tube on his shoulder, Chu Guang said with some regret.

  ”It’s a pity that there is no uranium and plutonium… otherwise we could have made some more powerful tactical nuclear bombs.”

  Power armor is equipped with a single-soldier nuclear missile launcher.

  This makes a lot more sense!

  However, the man carrying the launch tube didn’t think so much.

  Compared with the problem of painting style, he cares more about whether it is easy to use.

  Obviously, this weapon is quite to his taste.

  ”Haha, there is no need! Conventional weapons are powerful enough to deal with ordinary threats,” Yunsong said with a smile, looking at Chu Guang, “Thanks, brother! I like your weapons very much!”

  ”You’re welcome, our harvest is not small.” Chu Guang said with a smile.

  He purchased a full 100 sets of “Miner” I type exoskeleton with metal hydrogen batteries installed and a retail price of 4000CR.

  Not only that, there are also metal hydrogen batteries weighing two hundred yuan per kilogram. This thing is quite useful whether it is used for energy storage or as explosives.

  Chu Guang spent less than 1 million silver coins in total to purchase these goods.

  And with the value of these goods, even if they are resold to Boulder City, the value of these goods is far more than 1 million chips!

  In addition to these “conventional” equipment, there are a lot of things that are not so easy to get.

  For example, a bionic kidney produced by Ideal City.

  This thing can be sold for 500,000 chips in Boulder City!

  Chu Guang only spent 270,000 silver coins to negotiate the transaction price with that Hedin, and the official shelter directly purchased five of them.

  Although he didn’t need it, it was still quite good to sell it to the merchants from Boulder City to the northern suburbs as a trade item.

  In addition to the goods from Ideal City, there were also the spoils captured by the soldiers along the way.

  To be honest, Chu Guang didn’t have much hope for those spoils at the beginning.

  After all, the situation in the eastern provinces is not much better than that in the valley province, so what good things can there be? However

  , the reality was beyond his expectations…

  (The second half is not finished… It’s short today, I admit my mistake first TT)

  (This chapter is over)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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