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Chapter 366 Beta03 version updated!

Chapter 366 Beta03 version updated!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 366 Beta0.3 version update!

  Controllable fusion fuel rods!

  And it is made by Zhongzhou Aerospace, and matches the size of the shelter reactor!

  The camp of the Enterprise Expedition Team, temporary warehouse.

  Looking at the familiar fuel rod piled in the center of the trophy, Chu Guang’s face flashed with a look of surprise.

  I didn’t expect that they got such good things!

  ”… We got it from an abandoned Zhongzhou Aerospace Research Institute. We originally wanted to go in and search for supplies, but we didn’t expect to find this thing.” Standing next to Chu Guang, Heding, who served as a logistics officer, said with a smile.

  Chu Guang did not answer, but walked forward quickly, pulled out the data cable from his VM and connected it to the reactor.

  ”Xiao Qi, help me see how much power is left in it.”

  A full-hearted answer came from the headset.


  As a stream of data flashed across the VM screen, the remaining energy was quickly displayed in the pop-up dialog box.


  Looking at this number, the surprise in Chu Guang’s eyes became more and more obvious.

  In the wasteland 200 years after the apocalypse, it is almost impossible to find a fuel rod with more than 50% energy remaining.

  As for what this thing is used for?

  It is so useful!

  With the fuel rod, it means that the abandoned shelter can be restarted, which means that he can open more sub-bases and prepare more novice villages for his little leeks – oh no, little players!

  ”It seems that you are very satisfied with this thing.” Hedin said with a smile.

  Chu Guang calmed down and calmly pulled back the data cable.

  ”The energy has been depleted by 37%, but it’s not bad.”

  Hedin almost choked on this sentence. When he was about to say something, the manager in front of him quickly skipped the topic.

  ”Are these all exoskeletons?”

  Seeing Chu Guang looking at the pile of rubbish behind the fuel rods, Hedin coughed dryly and nodded.

  ”Yes… I got it from some attackers.”

  These exoskeletons were obviously broken, but not completely broken, and they were still repairable. For those

  that could not be repaired, some valuable parts and advanced electronic components were also dismantled.

  Judging from the appearance and labels, most of these exoskeletons are of the “Buckler” and “Flint” models.

  The former is the equipment of the Great Rift Valley, characterized by heavy hard armor, and the latter is a lightweight imitation of the former, designed and produced by the Flint Group of the Bugera Free State.

  ”Did you run into people from the Great Rift Valley?” Chu Guang’s eyes flashed with surprise.

  Hedin shook his head.

  ”Their combat skills are very poor, they are just a group of predators who happened to have the same equipment. I guess they bought these equipment from the Bugera Freedom Gang. Isn’t that a well-known black market in the central region? I heard that they do all kinds of business.”

  Chu Guang’s eyes flashed with surprise, and he asked with interest.

  ”It seems that you know this place well.”

  Hedin said as a matter of course.

  ”Isn’t it common sense to investigate the local situation before setting off? Unfortunately, there is too little information about you. I only heard that this is a farm, so I brought some Miner I exoskeletons. I didn’t expect that after I came here, I found that the actual situation is completely different from what I heard.”

  ”This was indeed a farm half a year ago, and it is still a farm now. Your information is actually not wrong…” Looking at the things in the warehouse, Chu Guang exclaimed, “I didn’t expect you to pick up so many good things along the way.”

  This doesn’t look like a rescue. It

  looks more like a treasure hunt.

  ”Of course, our team has limited load capacity, and we won’t bring anything that is not good.”

  Hedin teased and continued.

  ”In fact, in addition to these exoskeletons, the simple KV-1 is the most common… Of course, the most common ones are the predators with iron pipe rifles, but after seeing our equipment, they generally don’t come over to waste our bullets. They hide far away and wait for us to leave before going up to clean up the battlefield.”

  Chu Guang roughly estimated the value of the pair of goods. Although it is not as good as the good things they brought from Ideal City, it is also quite good.

  The “round shield” should be able to repair more than 30 sets, and the “flint”

  should be able to repair more than 100 sets. Unlike the “miner” series, these exoskeletons are designed for combat, and the benchmark should be the “vanguard” worn by these corporate soldiers.

  As a local force that can withstand the expeditionary pace of the legion and the enterprise, the equipment of the Great Rift Valley still has many remarkable features and is worth learning from.

  Considering the cost of repair, Chu Guang estimated the value of these things in the warehouse at 1.5 million silver coins.

  In the store of the New Alliance, this money is enough to buy 1,500 tons of nutrient paste or 375 tons of corn.

  Of course, this is the retail price. If it is at the wholesale price, whether buying or selling is another matter.

  ”Is this all the things?”

  Chu Guang just asked casually just in case, but he didn’t expect it to be true.

  ”Of course there are more than these. There is also a special loot that we put in the warehouse next to it… Come with me.”

  With that, Hedin turned and walked towards the door.

  Chu Guang rolled his eyes at his back for this kind of suspense, but still followed him.

  The door of another warehouse opened.

  When Chu Guang saw the iron lump standing in the warehouse, a hint of surprise quickly appeared in his eyes, and soon turned into surprise.


  Power armor!

  It was actually power armor!

  The alloy breastplate protruding outward exuded a cold light, and the faded number and digital camouflage paint were faintly visible on the silver-gray armor shell.

  There was a neat crack from its left shoulder to its armpit, as if it had been chopped by something.

  And on his right shoulder, there was also a line of people’s union printed on it——

  [——Must lose]

  Chu Guang:?

  Normally speaking, shouldn’t it be a sure win?

  Not noticing the subtle change in Chu Guang’s expression, Hedin, who was standing aside, introduced it quite proudly.

  ”OD-10 power armor, codenamed ‘Dragoon’! Standard equipment of the People’s Union Aerospace Force Orbital Airborne Force. You should be able to guess what this thing is used for by listening to the name.”

  There are two main categories of power armor equipped by the People’s Alliance Army, one is the land combat type, and the other is the aerospace type.

  The former emphasizes firepower and armor, while the latter emphasizes lightness and mobility.

  After all, the latter’s mission is to take the airdrop capsule and quickly break through the ground firepower network from high orbit to complete deployment. Too much volume and tonnage will be a disadvantage.

  The OD-10 “Dragoon” belongs to the latter.

  Compared with the T-10 “Champion” power armor with solid armor, the lightweight design makes it look less bloated.

  But even so, the heavy armor is not easy to penetrate by ordinary light weapons.

  At least anti-armor armor-piercing shells are needed!

  After introducing the advantages, Hedin slowed down his speech and volume and continued.

  ”But don’t be too excited. Like those exoskeletons, this power armor is good except for the main structure, micro reactor and fusion battery. Other parts are either aging or broken-”

  ”It doesn’t matter, as long as the reactor is good!” Chu Guang said indifferently.

  Hedin looked at Chu Guang in surprise. He didn’t expect that he was an expert.

  But think about it.

  After all, he is the leader of the blue coat. Maybe he is an old popsicle from 200 years ago.

  It is not strange that he knows about power armor.

  ”…Yes, the most valuable micro reactor and fusion battery can still be used. It is not a big problem to repair other parts. Including the tear, it is completely feasible to weld a piece of steel plate on it.”

  ”Anyway, this thing is not used to fight tanks alone. I don’t think you will do such a thing.”

  Power armor is a general term for all nuclear-powered individual equipment.

  The biggest difference between power armor and exoskeleton is the power source. The power

  source of exoskeleton is mostly chemical energy batteries, while power armor is powered by nuclear fusion batteries, so it can be installed with stronger armor and carry more powerful weapons.

  This is also the reason why it is called “a tank that can drive into an alley” and “an infantry fighting vehicle that can climb a building.”

  Therefore, it doesn’t matter if the armor is broken. As long as the most valuable micro reactor is not broken and the fusion battery inserted inside is fine, everything is fine!

  Looks a little broken?

  Can it be called broken?

  That’s called the trace of history!

  Make up a tortuous and bizarre story and sell it for millions of silver coins easily!

  Chu Guang didn’t plan to use this thing himself.

  The azure power armor on him better represents his identity as a manager.

  In addition, the protection performance of the police power armor is not bad. The protection ability against light weapons may be stronger than that of the “Dragoon”, but the mobility and firepower are slightly worse. If he doesn’t go to the front line of the battlefield, he can’t use these two items.

  And the most important thing is that his power armor is almost 99% new, and there is not even a scratch. There is really no need to change it to a second-hand damaged version.

  Let’s leave it to his cute little players!

  ”Where did you pick up this thing?” Chu Guang looked at Heding and asked after coming back from the excitement.

  ”That’s a long story.”

  Heding’s eyes fell into memories, and his tone was a little complicated, or sighing.

  ”While we were searching for messages from the Pioneer, we tracked down a distress message. The person who called for help claimed to be a resident of the shelter and was captured by a group of looters. They asked him to repair this antique that he picked up from somewhere.”

  ”Of course he can’t repair this thing, but he cleverly deceived the looters and tricked them into helping collect parts to ‘repair the power armor.’ He then used those parts to assemble a radio station and sent the coordinates of the looters’ nest and a distress signal.”

  ”Generally speaking, this is useless, but who wants us to see it? We can’t just watch civilized people being thrown into the frying pan by barbarians.”

  ”It just so happened that we had to pass by the shelter, so our captain planned to bring the unlucky guy to you. It didn’t take much effort to get rid of those looters with iron barrel rifles, but… it’s a pity that the person was not saved and only this power armor was found.”

  At this point, the expression on Hedin’s face was quite regretful, and he clicked his tongue.

  ”He was hung at the door of the predator’s nest. When we found him, he had been dead for several days. I don’t know how that guy angered the predators. You don’t want to know what his body became… If he had held on for another two or three days, we would have brought him to you.”

  ”…” Chu Guang was speechless, not knowing what to say.

  But it was regrettable.

  Most of the residents of the shelter have received higher education, whether they are old popsicles from 200 years ago or the new generation of residents.

  Heya and the residents of Shelter No. 117 are the best examples. Each of them is an excellent “biologist” and has made a series of outstanding contributions to the research of mutant slime mold.

  It is a loss for all mankind to let a group of uncivilized barbarians use those people!

  Thinking that the manager in front of him was regretting his dead compatriots, Hedin did not continue on this topic, but returned to the power armor.

  ”Including this power armor, and the previous spoils… If you are interested, I can sell it to you in a package for 1.5 million silver coins.”

  Hearing this number, Chu Guang had no time to be surprised, and spoke without even thinking.


  This was the price he had set for the goods in the warehouse.

  Thinking about it this way, this set of power armor was equivalent to not spending any money!

  Is there any need to hesitate?

  ”Don’t worry,” Hedin smiled and said meaningfully, “This is a friendship price.”

  Seeing the expression on his face, Chu Guang immediately understood the meaning of this sentence, and an interested smile appeared on his face.

  ”So… how can I gain your friendship?”

  Hedin glanced at the door and continued in a soft voice.

  ”I invested in a food processing factory in Yunjian Province, dedicated to providing the province and mercenaries with easy-to-carry self-heating food and a wide variety of canned food. However… not everyone can afford what we produce. It would be great if there was an instant food that is low-cost, easy to cook, can be stored for a long time, and tastes good.”

  ”The issue of supplies cannot be sloppy. It is not only about survival, but also about morale.”

  ”To be frank, I am very interested in your instant noodles. You said it can be stored for a long time, is low-cost, and does not require the addition of preservatives. It sounds much more interesting than compressed biscuits… Including the recipe for the hot pot, I want to learn it.”

  Looking at the pair of eyes that could not hide the fiery look, Chu Guang was slightly stunned, but he almost laughed out loud in his heart. Is

  this considered exchanging instant noodles for power armor?

  However, he did not write a rude expression on his face, but pretended to be thoughtful and thought for a long time.

  ”… Is our friendship a one-time or long-term one?”

  Hearing Chu Guang’s words, Heding immediately promised.

  ”Of course it is long-term. Neither you nor I are greedy people. Only long-term business can continue, isn’t it?”

  Hearing this, Chu Guang smiled.

  ”No problem! When tomorrow morning comes, I will have someone take you to our factory for a visit!”

  Of course, he didn’t think that a promise would have any weight, especially when the one who made the promise was a profit-seeking businessman.

  But as an excellent salesman, he couldn’t let his customers feel that they had made a loss.

  After all, whether it was instant noodles or hot pot base, it might take some time to think about it, but it was definitely not something complicated.

  I hope that when I visit the factory tomorrow, Mr. Heding will not be too surprised…


  In order to help these friends who came from afar solve their problems, Chu Guang was busy from morning until the sun went down, and he didn’t rest much all day.

  But in contrast to the efforts, the harvest of the whole day was also quite gratifying.

  In addition to the pre-war power armor, the exoskeleton of the Great Rift Valley, and the fuel rod with 63% remaining energy, Hedin also persuaded Yunsong to leave 5 logistics personnel to help them build the G9 assault rifle accessories and ammunition production line.

  This means that Chu Guang not only got all the spoils of the expedition from Ideal City to the Valley Province, but also the spoils obtained by Yunsong and others before returning to Ideal City will be sent to the New Alliance in exchange for silver coins.

  Chu Guang can sell these spoils to players to recycle silver coins, or sell them to neighbors to earn foreign exchange.

  As for the weapons and ammunition production line “aided by the enterprise”, it is equivalent to picking it up for free!

  In addition, these friends who came from afar will also pay 500 silver coins a day for the medical expenses of the 20 wounded.

  This fee includes regular injections of inhibitors and three meals a day.

  Until they are taken home by their own people.

  10,000 silver coins a day, 300,000 a month, Chu Guang wishes they could live here for a year.

  Although this is impossible…

  After dinner, Chu Guang returned to the shelter alone.

  Boss Xia and Xiaoyu went to school, Yin Fang was in Xizhou City, and Heya stayed in the medical laboratory all day. Chu Guang looked around the empty browsing room and felt it was strangely deserted.

  At this time, a pleasant voice suddenly floated from a certain ornament on the table.

  ”Master, if you feel lonely, Xiaoqi can accompany you.”

  Chu Guang replied skillfully.


  Xiaoqi: “Woo woo woo, so perfunctory!”

  Chu Guang: “Then… okay?” Xiaoqi

  : “Hehe, although it sounds fake, it feels much better!”

  Chu Guang: “…”

  Although being easy to coax is barely an advantage, isn’t this guy a little too smart?

  Looking at the figurine covering its face in a shy manner, Chu Guang resisted the urge to roll his eyes and walked to his retro-style laptop and sat down.

  Speaking of which, I haven’t played games for a long time.

  While thinking about whether to relax for a while, Chu Guang’s hand holding the mouse still unconsciously clicked on the forum.

  Sure enough, in his subconscious, the “Wasteland OL” he designed himself was more fun.

  Although the alliance entered a stable development period after the war, and he had not done anything new in the game for a while, the players took the initiative to discover many fun things that he had never imagined in places he had never expected.

  Some players followed the caravan to the distant Jinchuan Province for adventure, bringing back the scenery of the southern jungle and the basin plain to the forum, and some players went to the northern Bugera Free State and saw the legendary city of sin. Some players

  even fell in love with passers-by NPCs.

  However, Chu Guang was very skeptical about how long they could stay together with completely different language, cultural background and even mentality.

  As for whether the secrets of the game would be leaked, Chu Guang was not worried at all.

  Whenever any player asked him this question, his answer was to admit it openly – “This is undoubtedly a completely real world”, and by the way remind players to pay attention to their words and deeds and other people’s evaluation of them, suggesting that “favorability” may affect the triggering of tasks.

  Interestingly, the more he emphasized this, the less people took his words seriously.

  After all, as long as they still need a helmet to log in to the game one day, it is impossible to convince other people who need to wear a helmet to enter the game.

  The conjectured truth is not important at all. One or two people firmly believe in something, whether it is true or false, it will not affect anything.

  Just like last night, today’s forum is as lively as ever.

  Apart from those scattered posts, the excursion team from the enterprise has undoubtedly become the hottest topic on the forum in the past two days. The

  last time the Pioneer passed by Qingquan City, many players made a small fortune by seizing the “historical opportunity”, which made those players who did not seize the opportunity and the newcomers who came to the game late envious.

  Now the people from the enterprise are here again. Although they are not the same group of people, it does not hinder the high enthusiasm of the players.

  The silver coins have gone into their pockets by themselves.

  How can they run away?

  The master who sells bamboo shoots at the entrance of the village: “Oh my god, I’ve been running this black shop for so long, and finally I’m waiting for a wave of fat sheep!”

  The boy and the brick at the construction site: “Brothers, let’s go to the soup dumplings, hot pot and barbecue crayfish! (Proud)”

  Makabazi: “Damn! I went to their camp during the day and took a look. Why do I feel that the Tianlong people who came this time are so poor!”

  Irena: “Poor also comes from the East Coast. Don’t treat mosquitoes as meat! (Funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “I don’t know why, I don’t feel anything when others say this, but my stomach churns when you say this. (Funny)”

  Tail: “Oh! Pass it on! Lao Na wants to eat mosquitoes! Ψ(`)Ψ”

  Teng Teng: “(ω)”

  There are really mosquitoes in the WC: “Can this also persecute me???”

  Crow: “You guys, can’t you be a little friendlier to your friends? A little less routine, a little more sincerity, you can still make a fortune. (@ω`@)”

  Debt Big Eyes: “How dare you! 100Cr mushroom soup!”

  Drum shampooing machine: “That’s right! You are the darkest, okay!”

  Crow: “Well, that’s a misunderstanding! How long do you have to remember it! QAQ”

  Looking at those little players who brainstormed and came up with bad ideas, Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile like an old father. They

  are indeed the leeks he cultivated.

  Not only will they contribute their own strength when he needs them, but they will also take the initiative to help him get the wool of others.

  However, there are rules to get the wool of others.

  This time, he has helped the players to preemptively negotiate the rules of the transaction and stipulate the currency of the transaction.

  Players no longer have to work hard to earn foreign exchange.

  It is the same to directly take advantage of the local market and earn silver coins from the hands of those NPCs!

  When those NPCs are short of silver coins, the captain named Yunsong will naturally take the good things brought from the East Coast or the spoils snatched from the plunderers to exchange for money.

  If they really have no money to spend, Chu Guang will introduce them to some commissions with rich rewards that the players cannot handle temporarily, or let them contact their hometown to transfer money.

  As long as it does not conflict with their own tasks and the risks are not too high, I believe they will not mind helping their allies.

  In this way, the players earned silver coins, the Enterprise’s expedition team solved the logistics problem, and the new alliance obtained goods from the ideal city and a prosperous economy.

  This wave is of course a win-win!

  Thinking of this, Chu Guang’s face showed a happy smile, and he clicked the mouse twice with his index finger to open the folder he created before.

  Lying in the folder is the update announcement of Beta0.3 version.

  Originally, after Brother Fang unlocked the black market, he planned to take this thing out directly.

  But unexpectedly, the plan could not keep up with the changes. The people from the Enterprise suddenly visited, and the original update announcement seemed a bit outdated.

  In the new version, players will have more development routes and equipment to choose from. At the same time, the forces to which the players belong will also have more frequent exchanges with other forces in the wasteland.

  As he once said to Luca, they are no longer a small village or a survivor settlement.

  It is an alliance composed of countless survivors!

  After spending some time editing, Chu Guang updated the revised announcement on the forum.

  [Beta0.3 version update announcement: a large number of high-tech equipment and bionic prostheses have been added! 】

  【New equipment: “Bowler” exoskeleton, with light weapon protection that is not inferior to the Type 6 “Heavy Cavalry” exoskeleton. Designed for war, it can handle most battlefield environments in the wasteland… Priced at 30,000 silver coins! 】 【

  ”Flint” exoskeleton, a lightweight version of the Type 5 “Light Cavalry” exoskeleton, has higher mobility and longer endurance… Priced at 15,000 silver coins! 】

  【New NPC “Logistics Officer Hedin”: Hedin from Ideal City is the logistics officer of the Enterprise Expedition Team. He doesn’t have any lofty ideals, he just wants to make money, so please don’t waste his time. 】 【New NPC “Captain of the Expedition Team Yunsong”: Captain of the Enterprise’s 26th Commando, a

  professional soldier, set out from the East Coast to the Western Desert to reinforce the Pioneer. 】 【

  New NPC “…”: … 】

  【VM event store sells a large number of high-quality bionic prostheses and organs for a limited time, which can be traded with silver coins. Hurry up and buy! 】

  【Note: Bionic organs from Ideal City can be sold at a high price in Boulder City. They are a good choice whether as trade goods or for personal use. But please pay attention to the equipment drop mechanism. If the character dies unexpectedly, please remember to ask teammates to help recycle it and make an appointment for surgery in time. 】

  【New contribution point level: “Knight”】

  【When the contribution points reach 100,000, you can be promoted from “High Citizen” to “Apprentice Knight”. After reaching “Knight”, players can purchase and own a set of power armor in the NPC store, and the upper limit of land allowed to be held will be increased from 500 square meters to 1,000 square meters. 】


  Looking at the content in the update announcement, Chu Guang nodded with satisfaction.

  ”The Pioneer has encountered trouble. If things go wrong, the player army will have to be mobilized again. The ‘opening up’ system will have to be left to the next version…”

  ”That’s all for Beta0.3 for now.”

  There is quite a lot of content in this update.

  No one should say that they are slacking off.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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