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Chapter 367 My Mom is the Mayor

Chapter 367 My Mom is the Mayor


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 367 My Mom is the Mayor

  ”Forget it, this is not good.”

  Xu Xiuwen said hypocritically, and turned to walk towards the men’s bathroom.

  As a result, An Shishi suddenly grabbed his hand.

  An Shishi licked her lips at Xu Xiuwen and said ambiguously: “Husband, I miss you so much, will you promise me?”

  Looking at An Shishi’s seductive eyes, Xu Xiuwen had not touched a woman for so long, so he naturally had some reaction.

  An Shishi saw his hesitation.

  She suddenly said to Xu Xiuwen: “Husband, wait for me.”

  Then she turned and walked into the women’s bathroom.

  She shouted into the bathroom, “Is anyone there?”

  There was only an echo in the empty women’s bathroom.

  An Shishi returned to Xu Xiuwen and said, “No one is inside.”

  Then she took Xu Xiuwen’s hand and walked into the women’s bathroom.

  Xu Xiuwen’s willpower was not strong enough.

  In front of An Shishi, he was even more iron-clad and tender, and it was difficult to resist the temptation.

  So he was pulled by An Shishi into the women’s bathroom.

  The biggest difference between the women’s bathroom and the men’s bathroom is that there is no urinal.

  There is only a row of cubicles in the women’s bathroom.

  An Shishi pulled Xu Xiuwen straight to the last cubicle.

  After entering the cubicle, An Shishi immediately locked it from the inside.

  Then she tiptoed and gave him a sweet kiss.

  The soft fragrance fell into his arms.

  Xu Xiuwen could hardly restrain himself.

  He was intoxicated by the tenderness of the woman.

  The ladies’ bathroom was very quiet, so quiet that you could hear the sound of dripping water.

  In the last cubicle.

  Xu Xiuwen leaned against An Shishi’s body against the door.

  An Shishi covered her mouth with both hands, fearing that she would make a sound.

  Xu Xiuwen kept pushing his feet.

  Time flew.

  In the blink of an eye, more than ten minutes passed.

  At this time.

  There was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the cubicle.

  The footsteps came from far away and approached. It seemed that someone came in.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly woke up and immediately reminded: “Don’t make a sound, someone is coming!”

  An Shishi also suddenly woke up a lot.

  Relying on her soft body, she turned her head to look at Xu Xiuwen’s face and said: “Then don’t move.”

  Then the two of them stopped at the same time, holding their breath and listening to the movement outside.

  The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and soon they were within reach.

  ”Shishi, are you in there?”

  A familiar voice came from outside the door.

  Xu Xiuwen and An Shishi immediately recognized the identity of the person outside.

  It was Cheng Lu’s voice.

  An Shishi was stunned, not knowing what to do.

  Xu Xiuwen hugged An Shishi from behind.

  He didn’t dare to make a sound, so he could only remind her to speak with his mouth.

  An Shishi finally reacted.

  She said in a panic, “Lulu, I’m in there.”

  Cheng Lu outside seemed relieved when she heard this.

  ”You haven’t been back for so long, I thought you were gone.”

  An Shishi gradually calmed down.

  She made up an excuse, “My stomach is uncomfortable.”

  ”Are you feeling better?”

  An Shishi hummed, “I’ll be better soon, you go back first, don’t wait for me.”

  Cheng Lu smiled and said, “I’ll go to the bathroom.”

  As she said that, she walked into the next cubicle.

  Cheng Lu came to the bathroom to relieve herself.

  Soon, Xu Xiuwen heard the sound of water splashing.

  An Shishi turned her head to look at Xu Xiuwen and asked with her mouth, “What should I do?”

  Xu Xiuwen also had a headache.

  He didn’t know what to do.

  It’s not safe to go out now.

  If he bumps into another woman, he can’t explain it clearly.

  But even if it’s a headache, the current environment makes him feel very exciting.

  Cheng Lu is next door, but now he is with An Shishi.

  She is a bold person, otherwise she wouldn’t pull Xu Xiuwen into the women’s bathroom.

  Xu Xiuwen is not afraid, so she is not afraid either.

  The atmosphere became ambiguous again.


  The sound of flushing came from next door.

  It seems that Cheng Lu has finished urinating.

  When Cheng Lu walked out of the cubicle, he asked: “Shishi, are you ready? Should I wait for you?”

  An Shishi answered with difficulty: “No, I… I need a while.”

  There was a tremor in her voice.

  However, Cheng Lu didn’t hear it.

  She said “um”, “Then I’ll go back first.”


  The footsteps went from near to far again until they could no longer be heard.

  Cheng Lu left.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t delay either, and had to leave here as soon as possible.

  An Shishi lowered her head to tidy up her clothes.

  Xu Xiuwen also quickly put on his clothes.

  After both of them were done.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “You go out first. If there’s no one outside, send me a text message and I’ll come out right away.”

  An Shishi nodded, then quickly opened the door and walked out.

  Listening to An Shishi’s footsteps as she walked away,

  Xu Xiuwen stared at his phone.

  Soon, he received a text message on his phone.

  Xu Xiuwen immediately walked out of the cubicle and out of the women’s bathroom.

  Outside the women’s bathroom,

  An Shishi stood in the corridor, patrolling the end of the corridor like a security guard.

  After seeing Xu Xiuwen come out, An Shishi winked at him.

  Xu Xiuwen whispered, “You go back first.”

  An Shishi hummed, and then left.

  Xu Xiuwen pretended to go to the men’s bathroom, then washed his hands, and then returned to the box.

  Pushing the door and entering the box.

  Xiao Youran came up immediately.

  She took Xu Xiuwen’s arm and asked, “Xiao Xu, why did you take so long? I thought you were gone.”

  Xu Xiuwen gently broke his hand away, “I ate unclean food at night and had diarrhea.”

  Xiao Youran did not doubt the truth of his words, but asked nervously, “Are you okay? Do you need to take medicine?”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled and waved his hand and said, “It’s okay.”

  Seeing him say that, Xiao Youran was relieved.

  No one was singing at this time.

  Xu Xiuwen asked in confusion, “Why don’t you sing anymore? Keep singing.”

  Xiao Youran immediately replied, “I’m tired of singing.”

  Cheng Lu also shook his head gently, and it seemed that he didn’t want to sing anymore.

  Song Siyu didn’t have much expression.

  An Shishi hardly sang.

  Seeing this, Xu Xiuwen said, “Since you don’t want to sing anymore, let’s go back.”

  No one of the girls objected.

  Song Siyu frowned and said, “It’s so late to go back. The dormitory manager has already gone to bed. We can’t go back.”

  Xiao Youran smiled and said, “Xiao Xu, I want to sleep at your place.”

  Xu Xiuwen immediately felt a gaze cast at him.

  He quickly said, “As long as Lulu doesn’t object, I have no objection.”

  Xiao Youran pouted and said, “That’s your house. Why do you need Cheng Lu’s consent?”

  ”Because Lulu is my girlfriend.”

  ”Humph!” Xiao Youran was very unhappy and snorted coldly.

  Seeing this, Song Siyu suggested, “Youran, let’s find a hotel to sleep. Who cares if we don’t go to his place?”

  Cheng Lu stood up at the right time and said, “You can sleep at Xiuwen’s place. There are enough rooms. It’s not safe to go to the hotel so late. If people know about it, your reputation will not be good.”

  Cheng Lu spoke.

  Song Siyu did not insist.

  No one knew what Xiao Youran was thinking.

  So the five of them left the box and left the KTV.

  After coming out of the KTV.

  There is a small alley downstairs of the KTV.

  The alley was pitch black.

  Xu Xiuwen just glanced casually and suddenly saw three figures inside.

  Judging from their body shapes, it seemed that two men were blocking a woman.

  The three people were relatively far from the entrance of the alley, and ordinary people could not hear their conversation at all.

  But Xu Xiuwen’s ears were better than ordinary people, so he heard it, but he didn’t hear it very clearly. He

  could only vaguely hear the man’s threats and the girl’s screams.

  The girl’s voice was crisp and sounded young.

  ”Did you encounter a gangster?” Xu Xiuwen was not sure for a moment.

  He frowned, not knowing whether he should meddle in other people’s business.

  Cheng Lu saw that he suddenly stopped and asked in confusion, “What’s wrong?”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t speak.

  Cheng Lu followed Xu Xiuwen’s line of sight and found the figures in the alley.

  ”Did something happen?”

  Her words also attracted the attention of the other three women.

  Xu Xiuwen said quickly, “I vaguely heard that girl calling for help, it seems that she met a gangster!”

  Xiao Youran was anxious when he heard it, “What should we do!”

  Cheng Lu said calmly, “Then call the police quickly.” Xu Xiuwen

  shook his head and said, “It’s probably

  too late to call the police.” He had decided to meddle in other people’s business.

  Xu Xiuwen quickly turned to the four girls and said, “I’ll go over and take a look, don’t come over, if the situation is not right, call the police immediately.”

  Xiao Youran heard this and looked worried, “Xiao Xu, don’t go, it’s very dangerous.”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled and comforted, “It’s okay, I’ll go and take a look, if the situation is not right, I will run away.”

  After that, Xu Xiuwen walked towards the alley.

  Walking into the alley.

  As he got closer, Xu Xiuwen could see and hear more and more clearly.

  ”Little beauty, don’t refuse your brother, come and play with the brothers, the brothers will make you happy.”

  A man’s voice.

  It sounded vaguely familiar.

  ”Yes, beauty, we are not bad people, we just want to play with you, we won’t bully you.” Another man said with a mean smile.

  After the two finished talking, they laughed lewdly again.

  The girl regretted it so much that her intestines turned green.

  She had secretly come to the KTV tonight without telling her mother and classmates.

  She was very happy at first, but after singing, her way was blocked by people.

  There was a male classmate who wanted to take her home.

  However, what disappointed her most was that the male classmate who was usually arrogant in school and everyone called him Brother Yang. He

  was just threatened and slapped by the two men, and then

  he immediately ran away. It really surprised her.

  Then she was dragged into this alley by the two men.

  When she was dragged in, she shouted loudly and asked for help.

  But all the passers-by were like deaf people, and left in a hurry, as if they were afraid of getting into trouble.

  The girl leaned against the cold wall.

  She was only fifteen years old this year.

  She was obviously very scared, but she still tried to pretend to be calm and said to the two men: “Let me go quickly, I can pretend that nothing happened tonight.”

  ”Haha, it’s impossible to let you leave, don’t dream!”

  ”Yes, beautiful girl, if you don’t play with us brothers, how can we let you leave.”

  The girl warned: “Do you know who I am?”

  ”Haha, who you are has nothing to do with me.”

  The girl was a little anxious, “My mother is the mayor, if you dare to touch me, my mother will not let you go.”

  The girl’s words made the men laugh.

  ”If your mother is the mayor, then I am the mayor’s father.”

  ”Look at you, little scavenger, wearing such revealing clothes at night, you just want to be fucked, don’t pretend to be reserved.”

  ”Don’t worry, as long as you play with me for a while and serve us well, we will let you go.”


  Listening to the dirty words of the two men.

  The girl was so anxious that she almost cried.

  She was extremely annoyed.

  If she had known it was so late, she would never go to KTV to sing with her male classmates.

  When she thought that she would be abused by these two men later, her tears flowed out involuntarily.

  Xu Xiuwen approached quietly in the dark.

  When he came behind the three people

  , he heard their conversation clearly.

  However, none of them noticed his arrival.

  Xu Xiuwen did not act immediately.

  He took a look at the three people in the dim light. He

  was stunned.

  One of the two men happened to be the man he met in the KTV last time, who stopped Xu Mingxue from leaving.

  Xu Xiuwen could only sigh at the coincidence of fate.

  took another look at the girl.
Xu Xiuwen’s

  eyes lit up immediately.

  Her facial features were delicate and tender, and she was a typical beauty.

  The girl was wearing a T-shirt and shorts, revealing a pair of slender and tender white legs.

  Her figure was a little immature, but she also had a special taste.

  It was easy to tell that the girl was not very old and was a young girl.

  Xu Xiuwen was fair.

  If he was a gangster, he would not be able to help but be moved when he saw such a beautiful girl appearing on the street in the middle of the night.

  But this does not mean that Xu Xiuwen supports and agrees with the two men’s actions.

  Xu Xiuwen looked at the girl who was blocked by two gangster men.

  She was young, but she was able to remain calm in the face of this situation.

  It showed that her mental quality was very good.

  However, at this moment, the girl was on the verge of collapse.

  Xu Xiuwen stopped watching the show.

  He suddenly said, “Gold necklace, what are you doing!”

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly spoke, startling the three of them.

  After the three of them reacted, they all subconsciously looked towards the sound.

  The girl was delighted when she saw someone coming, thinking she was saved.

  But when she saw that the other person was just one person, and although he looked tall, he was not very strong, she became nervous again.

  The men were very nervous when they heard someone coming, but when they turned around and saw that only Xu Xiuwen was there, they breathed a sigh of relief.

  The gold necklace, no, it was the man with the gold necklace who didn’t speak.

  The man next to him yelled at Xu Xiuwen, “Get out! Otherwise, I’ll beat you to death!”

  Xu Xiuwen laughed, “Gold necklace, do you still recognize me?”

  Gold necklace carefully identified Xu Xiuwen’s face.

  Soon, he recognized who Xu Xiuwen was.

  A flash of anger flashed across the man’s face, “It’s you!”

  Xu Xiuwen laughed, “You remembered me.”

  Gold necklace saw his enemy, and he was furious and wanted to retaliate against him.

  But thinking of the last time they fought, he was unable to fight back when the other party took him, so he hesitated and didn’t dare to step forward.

  The man next to him didn’t think so much.

  Seeing that Xu Xiuwen didn’t leave,

  he couldn’t help it and rushed over and punched him.

  Xu Xiuwen dodged the man’s fist flexibly, then kicked out and kicked the man hard on the side of his waist.


  The man was kicked two or three meters away by Xu Xiuwen, and stopped when he hit the wall, and then his body tilted down. He

  fainted directly.

  Xu Xiuwen smiled faintly and said to Gold Necklace: “What about you, do you want to fight!”

  Gold Necklace saw that his companion was knocked unconscious by the other party, and he didn’t know that he was not his opponent at all.

  Gold Necklace threatened fiercely: “Don’t come over, my brothers are all nearby, I just need to make a phone call and they will all come, you will be dead!”

  ”Oh, threatening me?” Xu Xiuwen raised his eyebrows and looked playful.

  Gold Necklace panicked and said subconsciously: “I didn’t.”

  ”Haha…” Xu Xiuwen was overjoyed.

  Gold Necklace’s face was also hot.

  He also knew that threats were useless to the other party.

  Gold Necklace knew that he would definitely not be able to beat the other party.

  He was a little helpless for a while.

  He asked hesitantly, “What do you want?”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t say anything, just looked at him calmly.

  Jin Yanjiao was also a perceptive person, and quickly said, “Forget about the last time, we don’t interfere with each other, just let me go.”

  Xu Xiuwen laughed, “It’s not impossible to let you go.”

  He raised his leg and stepped on the wall.

  He patted his thigh and said to the man, “I can let you go, get through here.”

  Jin Yanjiao was furious when he heard it.

  But he didn’t dare to turn against Xu Xiuwen.

  After hesitating for a long time, he asked hesitantly, “Will you really let me go?”

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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