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Chapter 368 Invitation from the Manager of Shelter No. 101

Chapter 368 Invitation from the Manager of Shelter No. 101


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 368 Invitation from the Manager of Shelter No. 101

  ”That’s all?”

  Hedin stared at the production equipment in front of him with a look of bewilderment and confusion on his face.

  The flour was fed into the mixer according to the proportion, and after a series of processes such as aging, rolling, shredding, steaming, cutting, frying, etc., it finally formed golden noodles.

  What surprised him was not the efficiency of this production line or the magic of the production process, but just the opposite…

  That’s all?

  ”… The residents of the shelter rarely buy these noodles. We usually sell them to the mercenaries in Boulder City and the caravans there. Especially the caravans, they usually buy in large quantities, buying 10 to 20 boxes at a time. They not only eat them on the road, but also sell the uneaten ones as trading items to local vendors.”

  Standing next to Hedin, Wang Yan introduced his own factory while observing the expression on the face of the man next to him.

  He is the director of the instant noodle factory.

  It was the task assigned to him by the manager himself to take this merchant from Ideal City to visit the instant noodle factory of the Alliance.

  As one of the “star enterprises” on par with Nuka-Cola, this factory controlled by the shelter has created a large amount of foreign exchange income for the alliance.

  Wang Yan didn’t understand why the manager wanted to show the technology of producing instant noodles to others, but it was not something he should worry about. What

  he couldn’t understand was why the merchants from the legendary ideal city that was like heaven would be interested in their factory?

  The reserve of “civilized people”?

  It was really weird.

  After standing there for a long time, Hedin finally came to his senses and quickly cast his eyes on Director Wang who was standing beside him.

  ”Just fry the flour? Didn’t you add anything else?”

  Wang Yan was stunned for a moment, nodded, and shook his head.

  ”No, no, all the equipment is these. Adding other things… salt and water count?”

  Hedin looked at him blankly.

  He thought that the magical pancake was produced through some very complicated process, and even considered that it might be made by a black box, but he didn’t expect the production process and the raw materials used to be so simple.

  But thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is really no need to add anything else.

  Carbohydrates are dehydrated after frying, and the high osmotic pressure of heavy oil and salt makes it almost impossible for microorganisms to survive. As long as they are sealed with plastic to isolate oxygen and moisture in the air, it is easy to prevent food from spoiling…

  However, what confused Hedin was.

  It is a principle that can be understood at a glance, why has no one thought of it?

  After a long time, he moved his eyes away from the factory director and looked at the production equipment in front of him again.

  ”…How long can these produced noodles be preserved.”

  Wang Yan said immediately.

  ”If they are sealed in plastic, they can be preserved for six months! They can be eaten after six months, but the taste will not be so good.”

  In fact, he didn’t know whether they could be preserved for six months. After all, their production line was put into production only two months ago.

  It was really sold out during this period after the Northern Expedition. As for the “six-month shelf life”, it was all said by the manager himself.

  But Hedin didn’t doubt it.

  Six months…

  Hedin silently calculated in his mind.

  Most merchants would not exceed this number when they went on a long journey. After all, the time spent on the road was too long, and both the economic cost and the time cost would be very expensive.

  The shelf life is six months, which is completely enough!

  After all, this thing is not a food reserve, but a pre-prepared food that is easy to carry and cook, and cheap.

  It doesn’t even have to be very healthy.

  As long as it can guarantee the morale of the caravans and the traveling teams, there will be a lot of caravans and mercenary groups willing to pay for it.

  This is much more delicious than those freeze-dried vegetables!

  Or you can combine the two and seal the instant noodles and freeze-dried vegetables together.

  Thinking of this, Hedin looked at the golden noodles waiting to be sealed in plastic, and his pupils were hot.

  In his eyes, the noodles have become stacks of banknotes!

  Hedin can’t wait.

  He can’t wait to fly back to Yunjian Province now and start his grand business plan!


  Just when Hedin was imagining how to make a fortune in Yunjian Province with these instant noodles, Chu Guang was sitting on the train to Xizhou City.

  Last night, Xia Yan called and told him that the manager of Shelter No. 101 was willing to hand over the VM to him, but in exchange wanted to meet him.

  This request was not excessive, and Chu Guang did not think that the other party had any reason to plot against him.

  Moreover, after all, it was he who made the presumptuous request first.

  For the 3,500 closed beta qualifications, he had to go there in person.

  The dense forest flew past the window, and after driving through a wilderness covered with craters, when the road sign of Qingshi County jumped into view, the scenery outside the car window suddenly became clear.

  Copper ore was piled up into small hills, and people were shuttling back and forth in front of the station.

  There were merchants who came here from Dawn City to investigate the market and purchase ore, and there were also players who went into the forest with VMs and rifles.

  Looking at the busy station, Chu Guang was a little dazed.

  Two months ago, he stood on the broken bridge not far away, and now he could still vaguely hear the vibration of the propeller and the roar of the artillery fire.

  Now, this place has become a well-known copper ore production base, and Dawn City has also benefited from it, becoming the largest copper and molybdenum ore trading center in the southern part of the Valley Province.

  They built a railway.

  We also plan to build another power grid.

  We will connect the power systems of Dawn City and Dawn City together. When the controlled fusion reactor is ignited, a greater miracle will be born on this land where the fire has gone out.

  ”The changes here are quite big.”

  Jiuli, who was sitting opposite Chu Guang, said respectfully.

  ”After all, you came here.”

  Chu Guang smiled and corrected him.

  ”It’s not me who came.”

  ”It’s us.”

  Time changes not only things.

  It also people.

  A year ago, this burly man was not called “Jiuli”, but a single name “Li”.

  In order to avoid the war of the Bone Chewing Tribe, he led his people to flee to the northern suburbs of Qingquan City.

  At that time, he was half in a playful mentality and half in consideration of the reality of survival needs. The shelter must unite all the wastelanders who can be united, so Chu Guang gave him a more domineering name and made him the manager of the refugee camp, responsible for the resettlement of refugees who fled to the alliance from other places.

  Jiuli did not disappoint Chu Guang’s expectations. He cooperated with Luca, the then head of Changjiu Farm, to manage the refugee camp in an orderly manner with limited supplies, and balanced the conflicts between different ethnic groups.

  Although small frictions occasionally occur, there have been no major problems.

  After more than half a year of experience, he no longer has the initial bravery and fierceness, but is replaced by calmness.

  This is also one of the things Chu Guang admires most about him.

  The survivors of Dawn City need a leader who can sympathize with the suffering of refugees and has rich experience in land reclamation. He needs to consider the interests of the alliance as a whole, but he cannot ignore the demands of local survivors, because unity is the foundation for the alliance to exist.

  The original management of Hope Town is obviously not suitable. Both Wu Chengyi, who used to be the mayor, and Yang Duo, who is in charge of the warehouse, are more suitable for carrying out specific work.

  As for Ma Ban, who was airborne to Xizhou City, his appointment was a matter of crisis, and he was more responsible for taking over Hope Town.

  As for construction work, he still lacks experience.

  And he himself also clearly stated in his work report that he was unable to do it, and felt difficult to face nearly 30,000 survivors who needed to be resettled.

  Chu Guang planned to transfer him back to Shuguang City to take over Jiuli’s work and serve as the head of the refugee camp as a talent reserve for the third survivor settlement.

  Looking at Jiuli sitting opposite, Chu Guang earnestly instructed.

  ”…You need to consolidate the relationship between us and the local survivors. I have only one request for you, that is, to

  treat everyone equally.” “The laws of the alliance are implemented as they are stipulated.”

  Jiuli said solemnly with a solemn expression.

  ”Yes! Sir.”


  The train arrived.

  Unlike Dawn City, the station in Dawn City only has a standing wooden board as a station sign.

  In addition to the piles of materials, there is rain-crushed soil and concrete debris that has not been completely demolished.

  A little further north, you can still see the trenches dug by the players before – now these trenches have become tunnels for drainage.

  Everything here is very broken.

  But it is worth praising that the outline of a settlement can be seen to the east of the trench. After completing the construction of the drainage system, the survivors began to pour cement into the foundation, preparing to build the streets and shelter houses of Dawn City.

  Considering the limited land resources, the residences in Dawn City will be mainly medium-density five-story apartments, supplemented by single-family houses.

  In addition, there are some lands open to players for purchase, and players can freely decide what kind of buildings to build.

  As long as it is not too immoral and affects the senses and game experience of other players, the planner will not interfere too much.

  ”Dear manager, Dawn City welcomes you!” Standing next to the wooden sign of the station, Maban said respectfully.

  Standing next to him were Wu Chengyi, Yang Duo and other former leaders of the resistance organization in Xizhou City and Hope Town.

  Of course, now they have joined and pledged allegiance to the Alliance, and are serving as Liming City affairs officers in various departments such as civil affairs and warehouse management.

  Chu Guang nodded, indicating that everyone did not need to be polite.

  ”I am here mainly to deal with the affairs related to Camp 101. You can work at your own pace and do not need to welcome me with fanfare.”

  As he said this, Chu Guang cast his eyes on Jiuli standing aside, and after briefly introducing his identity and work, he handed the place over to him.

  Chu Guang himself walked to the military camp opposite Liming City.

  The Second Corps of the Alliance is stationed here, led by Liu Ding, responsible for the safety of the station, the railway tracks and Liming City not far away.

  At the same time, the fuel rod that the Alliance had seized from Jin Ya was also kept in this military camp, and Yin Fang was responsible for the repair work.

  Half a month has passed since that day.

  Two days ago, Chu Guang heard from Yin Fang on the phone that there was progress, so he just happened to come here to take a look.

  Following the soldiers of the Second Corps, Chu Guang came to the warehouse where the fuel rods were stored. This building is easy to identify because it is the only concrete building in the entire military camp.

  The other tents are far away from here.

  Although controlled fusion is theoretically very safe, there will be no safety risks even if helium-3 leaks, and a fuel rod alone cannot start a fusion reaction that consumes a lot of energy, but people still instinctively want to stay away from this thing.

  Looking at the two soldiers beside him who looked nervous, Chu Guang smiled and said.

  ”Don’t be so nervous, or you can go back first and send me here.”

  Hearing Chu Guang’s words, the two obviously misunderstood his meaning. One of the soldiers straightened his back and said seriously.

  ”Sir, we are not afraid of death, but we are worried that the thing threatens your safety. Please allow us to follow you!”

  His idea is very simple.

  If an accident occurs, at least the manager must be taken out.

  ”I don’t doubt your loyalty, but that thing is not as terrible as you think.” Chu Guang patted the soldier’s shoulder gently, “Wait for me at the door.”

  The soldier hesitated.

  But after all, it was the order of the manager, so he stood with his companions and saluted neatly.


  Without stopping at the door, Chu Guang pushed the door open and walked in.

  The assembled fuel rods were standing in the middle of the room full of parts.

  Standing next to the fuel rods, Yin Fang held a tablet with a data cable in his hand, rubbing his chin with his index finger, as if thinking about something.

  Hearing the movement from the door, he turned his head and glanced, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes.

  ”What brings you here?”

  ”I just happened to pass by and came to see how your research is going.” Chu Guang said with a smile, casting an admiring look at the fuel rods in the middle of the room, “It looks like you have done it.”

  Yin Fang raised his eyebrows proudly.

  ”Yes, as you can see. Although that idiot almost dismantled the fuel rods, fortunately the parts can still be found… By the way, you came at the right time. I just put all the parts back yesterday, and you came today.”

  From his beaming expression, Chu Guang could tell that he was also very satisfied with the masterpiece he had completed in the past half month.

  Throwing the VM-modified tablet on the table, Yin Fang continued proudly.

  ”I checked it again today and basically ruled out the hardware and software faults. Now we just have to wait for the reactor to be repaired, and we can plug this thing in at any time… How is your communication with the engineers at Camp 101?”

  Chu Guang smiled and nodded.

  ”They are already preparing for this work. If nothing goes wrong, the reactor should be able to restart soon after the power grid in Dawn City is built.”

  Chu Guang had discussed this matter with Horn, the mayor of Camp 101, a long time ago.

  When the Alliance’s aid team just arrived at Camp 101, they had already sent engineers and found the emergency reactor deep in the subway tunnel with the help of the players.

  Although the construction period is still uncertain, according to those engineers, it should not take long.

  Whether it was the war two hundred years ago or the war two months ago, the reactor was not damaged at all. It’s just that because it’s too long, some aging parts need to be replaced.

  Chu Guang was not too anxious about this matter.

  After all, Liming City had not built many houses, let alone a power grid, and only a few factories had been moved in.

  It would be great if the construction of the power grid and the relocation plan of the industrial zone could be completed before the end of the year, and the repaired reactor could be integrated into the power grid.

  ”It seems that you already have a plan, so I won’t worry about it.”

  Yin Fang said with a comfortable expression after finishing his work.

  ”I plan to go back to the shelter early tomorrow morning… By the way, are those samples brought back from the city center still there?”

  When he said this, he could not hide the excitement in his eyes.

  A long time ago, he was thinking about the “specimens” of evolution that the Niu Ma team brought out from the city center of Qingquan City.

  In Yin Fang’s eyes, those are all living fossils left by pre-war civilization!

  Priceless treasures!

  Not only are their structures well preserved, but even their “operation methods” have been preserved in the form of biological forms by slime molds.

  For an “archaeologist” who has been excavating the heritage of pre-war civilization all his life, you can imagine how attractive this is!

  Seeing Yin Fang’s fiery eyes, Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile and said.

  ”They are all still there. Heya only extracted the slime mold tissue from the evolved body, and the rest was left untouched.”

  ”But I bet that when you return to the shelter, you will definitely look down on that pile of broken copper and rotten metal-”

  ”That’s impossible!” Yin Fang shook his head and said without hesitation, “Broken copper and rotten metal? Do you know what those things mean?”

  Looking at that determined look, Chu Guang just smiled calmly and continued.

  ”Recently, a group of people from the enterprise came to the northern suburbs, and we got a set of OD-10 ‘Dragoon’ power armor from them. Except for the obvious cracks on the left arm, the overall structure is intact, and even the reactor and battery are intact-”

  ”Where is it!?”

  Yin Fang interrupted him before he finished speaking.

  The fanatical gaze made Chu Guang stunned.

  Speaking of which, the last time I saw this expression on this guy’s face was when I just picked up the holographic recording of Dr. Principle.

  ”In the shelter…”

  Before Chu Guang finished speaking, Yin Fang grabbed the coat on the table, put it on, and hurried to the door of the warehouse.

  ”Fuel rods, find someone to watch… No, just lock the door, don’t let those amateurs outside move around!”

  ”I can’t wait until tomorrow, I’m going back to the shelter now!”

  Looking at the back that quickly disappeared at the door, Chu Guang was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses, and a strange look appeared in his eyes.

  Although he expected that Yin Fang would be so excited after hearing the news, this exaggerated reaction was still beyond his expectations.

  A repairable power armor is certainly valuable.


  is it so exaggerated?

  Walking to the door of the warehouse, Chu Guang looked into the distance and found that the guy had run away, most likely heading straight for the train station.

  The two soldiers on duty at the door also looked in the direction of the barracks and muttered in a low voice.

  ”I told you that thing has radiation…”

  ”Look at that guy, his brain must be broken.”

  The misunderstanding seemed to be aggravated for some strange reason…

  But it doesn’t matter, it’s not necessarily a bad thing.

  Chu Guang coughed lightly.

  Seeing the manager standing at the door, the two soldiers immediately shut their mouths, stood up straight, and put their hands tightly against the seams of their pants.

  Without blaming the two for being absent, Chu Guang simply ordered.

  ”Find someone to lock this door.”

  ”No one is allowed to approach without my order.”

  With a sigh of relief, the two of them saluted at the same time.



  Just as Yin Fang turned into an overseer and urged the staff at the station to unload the goods quickly, a long queue formed in front of the entrance of the First Hospital of Dawn City.

  Most of the people in the queue were players.

  In the eyes of the residents of the New Alliance, this was definitely a rare scene.

  Because it is well known that residents of the shelter never go to the hospital. Minor injuries and illnesses are basically healed by themselves after a trip to the incubator the next day.

  As for the incurable serious injuries and terminal illnesses…

  they seem to be cured after two or three days.

  And it is indeed the case.

  These players in line are not here to see a doctor, but to undergo transformation surgery.

  They cannot afford the high-end goods produced by Ideal City, but some wealthy players can still afford the bionic prostheses produced by Boulder City and worth thousands of chips.

  Although Yin Fang has not been in the shelter for half a month, he is not the only one who can perform prosthetic transformation surgery.

  For example, the surgeon from Shelter No. 117 in the operating room.

  Although he is a little older and his hands are shaking a little, he has a biologist’s resume, has dissected animal specimens, and has received medical training. After all,

  replacing arms and legs is not like inserting a chip into the brain. These “simple” surgical operations are not difficult for him.

  Although the surgical equipment purchased from Boulder City is not as professional as that of Shelter No. 117, it does not affect its use.

  Looking at the surgery applications refreshed one after another in the VM, the old man wearing a surgical cap sighed and couldn’t help complaining.

  ”I don’t understand, you obviously have a healthy arm, why do you want to remove your arm and replace it with… this thing?”

  On the mobile bracket next to the operating table, there was a 90% new mechanical arm.

  Although it had all the joints that a normal arm should have, the knife folded on the inside of the forearm looked very curious.

  Even if it was to improve combat effectiveness, this “self-mutilation” method was too extreme.

  However, the resident of the shelter ignored him and even climbed onto the operating table and lay down, looking at him expectantly.

  That expression was even a little impatient.

  It was really crazy!

  ”I hope you can take better care of your body. After all, it was given to you by your parents…”

  Seeing that there was no way to communicate at all, the old man sighed, picked up the scalpel in the tray, and looked at the assistant who was helping.

  ”Go and close the door.”


  Outside the hospital.

  Trash, wagging his tail, looked at the long queue of people and the good brothers who changed into new equipment with envy.

  ”Damn… why can’t I change it?”

  Irena, who was passing by, happened to hear his complaint and stopped to tease him.

  ”Maybe it’s because the intelligence attribute is not enough?”

  Jun Laji immediately retorted.

  ”Damn! My intelligence… is not low, okay!”

  ”Not low? Isn’t it just 3 points?”


  Jun Laji was so angry that his teeth itched, but he could do nothing about it.

  Posting a screenshot of the attribute panel on the forum was the biggest mistake he made in his life.

  Standing next to Lao Na, a newbie named [Kokoda] looked at the endless stream of people at the hospital gate, and suddenly a strange idea came to his mind.

  ”What about the replaced parts?”

  Jun Laji smiled sinisterly and took the opportunity to say something back.

  ”Usually we will bury them somewhere where Lao Na can’t see them.”

  ”Go away,” Irena rolled her eyes, “I admit that I may be more curious, but no matter what, I won’t eat that kind of thing, okay!”

  ”What a pity…”

  Kokoda suddenly sighed.

  ”According to the game settings, those who are LV10 can be considered awakened. Awakened people should be pretty awesome, right?”

  Irena glanced at him.

  ”What do you want to do? You can’t roast that thing–”

  ”Of course I want to exchange it for money. It would be a waste to roast it,” Kokoda said with regret, “It’s an awakened part after all. Forget about the arms and hands…eyes, liver, kidneys, etc., I think I can exchange them for something, right?”

  Trash was stunned.

  Irena was also stunned, staring at this newbie in amazement.


  This is too cruel, isn’t it? !

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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