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Chapter 368: The Ten Palaces of Determination, the Daughter of Illusion

Chapter 368: The Ten Palaces of Determination, the Daughter of Illusion


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 368: Determining the Pulse of the Ten Palaces, the Illusionary Woman

  The sound of the wind kept whistling in his ears, and the dark and deep hole seemed to lead to the abyss of the underworld

  . Yang Shifei’s face became more and more solemn, and he thought to himself that it was not good. This big hole is much deeper than expected.

  ”Fairy Mother, how deep is it?!”

  ”I don’t know.”

  The Fairy Mother lay in her collar, blown by the wind and said intermittently: “It may be hundreds of feet, or it may be thousands of feet-”

  Yang Shifei couldn’t help but burst out with a swear word, and hurriedly said: “All of you hold on to my shoulders and arms!”

  After everyone held on in mid-air, he pulled out the magic knife at his waist and shouted: “Can you withstand the force of falling?!”

  The magic knife hummed softly, and it separated into bloody and fleshy blades by itself, and it broke through the air and stretched to the side with a whoosh.


  The blade pierced deeply into the rock and soil, opening and nailing like a spider web.

  Yang Shifei held the handle tightly and took everyone to the cave wall like a swing.

  Yan Lingshuang and Yuqin clapped their palms together, and their profound skills rolled up a strong wind, which completely offset the force of the crowd’s collision and fall.


  Yang Shifei stepped on the stone wall with one foot, looked down at the still bottomless hole below, and couldn’t help but smack his lips: “Could it really lead to the ‘ground vein’?”

  Yue Rui leaned on his shoulder and whispered: “Will there be a hell in such a deep hole?”

  ”Those things are gods and ghosts, and they can’t be believed.” Luo Xian’er patted his back gently to comfort him.

  But Yan Lingshuang’s expression became more solemn: “How did the ancient creatures build the ruins so deep underground, and even set up a seal?”

  ”I don’t remember it very clearly.” The fairy mother said softly: “Let’s go into the ruins and take a look, we should be able to gain something.”

  ”Okay, let’s go down slowly.”

  Yang Shifei looked up at the magic knife that was stretched to more than ten feet long: “Can you hold it?”

  The handle of the knife was slightly hot, as if responding softly, indicating that he was fine.

  ”That’s good.” Yang Shifei swung his long knife, and the bloody and broken blade flew to the opposite side like a long whip, and then inserted into the stone wall.

  Immediately, he began to swing the “rope” with the force, leading everyone to swing left and right along the stone wall.

  After nearly a quarter of an hour, the filth below was so dense that it was terrifying, as if they were in a devil’s cave.

  There was a faint black fog all around, which made people shudder.

  Yang Shifei’s eyes moved slightly, and soon he saw some light below.

  ”We seem to have reached the bottom.”

  He immediately retracted the magic knife, and Yan Lingshuang and Yun Qin stepped on the light skills, and helped everyone land steadily on the ground.


  But as soon as they landed, everyone’s faces were a little ugly.

  Because the “ground” under their feet was not rock and soil, but a gloomy piece of white bones, and the surroundings were covered with hideous flesh and blood, which was shocking.

  ”These bones seem to be very old. And they are not just human bones.”

  Yun Qin was the first to regain her composure and said in deep thought: “The Xuanming Cave has been closed for many years. This place should be left over from the ancient times.”

  Yang Shifei looked around and found that the light just now was emitted by some strange ore. The light was green and faint, and it really felt like being in purgatory.

  ”The environment here is dangerous. We should not be able to stay for too long.”

  Luo Xian’er covered her mouth and nose and whispered: “We must find the seal that the Fairy Mother mentioned as soon as possible-”


  Yue Rui suddenly stretched out her hand and pointed, her pretty face tense: “The breath is terrible.”

  Everyone looked in the direction of the finger and could vaguely see the outline of the towering palace.

  When they approached carefully, a flesh and blood palace appeared in their field of vision. There were ruins everywhere, as if they had experienced a disaster.


  Yang Shifei touched the carving marks on the stone pillar and murmured in surprise: “The craftsmanship in the ancient times was so exquisite?”

  Thinking of the “immortal world” thousands of years ago, he had some guesses in his heart.

  ”The seal is inside.”

  The Fairy Mother said softly, “This palace is one of the ‘Ten Palaces of Fixed Veins’. It was built by the human race thousands of years ago. It is used to seal the earth veins and suppress filth.”

  Luo Xian’er frowned, “Are there any mechanisms inside?”

  ”Looking at the situation here, the palace has already collapsed and damaged. There is no need to worry.”

  After getting the Fairy Mother’s assurance, everyone did not let down their guard and stepped into the palace carefully.

  The flesh and blood of the demons around him gradually became less and less. When he stepped on the stone slab again, the dark environment was completely visible.

  ”It seems that there is nothing here.”

  Yan Lingshuang’s voice gradually faded away until it suddenly disappeared.

  Something is wrong!

  Yang Shifei’s pupils shrank suddenly, and he hurriedly turned back, and was shocked to find that all the people who accompanied him had disappeared.

  At the same time, a thin mist filled the surroundings, covering the palace like ice mist in the cold winter. However, in just a few breaths, it seemed to have turned into a dreamlike deep snow scene.


  Yang Shifei glanced at his collar, and even the Fairy Mother disappeared.

  Only the magic knife and the water glass in his hands were still tightly grasped, and they trembled in response.

  ”If the demons are doing something in the dark,”

  he did not lose his composure, and quickly raised the water glass, just about to use the power of the holy weapon to forcibly break through the mist of the illusion.

  But a gloomy wind suddenly rolled up not far away, and it seemed that a vague figure appeared from it.

  Yang Shifei looked intently, and could only vaguely see that the person who appeared was a woman, and everything else was like clouds and mist, and could not be seen clearly.

  ”The demon that is haunting here is you—”

  Before he finished speaking, he felt a chill behind him, and he suddenly dodged to the side following the call of danger. The sharp edge almost brushed his chest, and the virtual woman had already dodged to the side.

  ”So fast!”

  Yang Shifei’s eyes were sharp, and he glanced at his side coldly, while twisting his waist and turning his body to exert force.

  The virtual woman tapped the ground with her toes, turned around and swept her fingers, and her slender five fingers flashed like a blade.

  Yang Shifei tilted his head to avoid another attack, and raised his knife to chop it up.


  the virtual woman blocked it casually, and the magic knife seemed to sink into a quagmire, only a few ripples were created in the middle.

  Yang Shifei didn’t have time to think about anything else, and immediately urged Shuili, and the holy weapon shone brightly.

  But the virtual woman had expected it and attacked instantly, hitting the wrist as fast as lightning, and then flicked the hilt with her fingers. With a flash of light, Shuili was actually forced to fly out of his hand.

  The sword and the knife failed, and Yang Shifei’s middle door was now wide open, and he had almost no time to stop and resist.

  ”Real dragon, damn it.”

  The illusory woman murmured, and her finger was like a sword, piercing straight into his face.


  Yang Shifei grabbed her wrist fiercely, and his veins popped up all over his body, and the cold air surged like a torrent.

  With each breath, the hot dragon energy surged, and it seemed that even his body had surged three feet, and his face was as cold and terrifying as an angry killing god.

  Seeing this, the illusory woman couldn’t help but be stunned, as if she was shocked by this momentum: “This is… Woo!”

  Yang Shifei immediately stepped forward, and his right fist blasted into the opponent’s chest like a heavy artillery, and the fierce and fierce force exploded like a storm, like thunder.

  With a bang, the illusory woman was immediately knocked back by a punch and hit the palace wall more than ten feet away.

  Dense cracks suddenly exploded, and she couldn’t help but groan. Just as she was about to raise her hand to fight back, the magic knife and the holy sword flew at almost the same time!


  Both palms were pierced by the sword and nailed to the wall.

  Yang Shifei moved forward and attacked, his elbow ramming into the opponent’s chest. The strong force almost caused the front stone wall to collapse completely.

  The illusory woman choked and coughed, and was suppressed by the power of the magic knife and the holy sword. She immediately tilted her head and fainted.


  Yang Shifei still had a calm face and did not dare to relax.

  In the brief confrontation just now, he could hardly feel anything, as strange and unpredictable as facing the abyss.

  If it were not for the magic knife and Shuili suppressing him, he might not be hurt at all.

  Yang Shifei’s mind turned quickly, trying to hold his chin and slowly lift his face.

  Who on earth is it that appears here? !

  After seeing the other party’s face clearly, Yang Shifei was stunned.

  This face… is Aunt Shuang? !

  No, this is definitely not Aunt Shuang herself, but why is there this almost identical face?

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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