Switch Mode

Chapter 369 “Method”

Chapter 369 “Method”


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 369 “Method”

  ”Sell the replaced parts?”

  After hearing Lao Na’s suggestion on the phone, Fang Chang was stunned.

  What kind of behavior is this? ?

  ”…That’s right! Anyway, if you don’t sell it, you will find a place to bury it. What a waste! Think about it, after all, it is the organs of an awakened person. It’s not too much to be three times more expensive than normal people, right?”

  On the phone, Irena vividly described the business plan he stole from a newbie.

  Fang Chang, leaning on the sofa, pressed his index finger on his forehead and thought for a long time before speaking.

  ”But…organ transplantation also needs to consider matching, right?”

  Irena said with a grin.

  ”I know, but the game is not reality. Even bionic organs have been made. It’s unreasonable not to solve the rejection reaction, right?”

  Fang Chang

  : “…” What the hell?

  That said…

  it seems to make sense?

  He brought in his real-life experience first.

  However, this is a game world after all, and the setting is still 2341.

  A future farther away than 2077…

  it might not be a big deal if the organ matching is not done well?

  Resurrect once every three days.

  Earn 20,000 to 30,000 silver coins each time.

  What kind of business can make so much money?

  The only limitation is that there are not enough rich people in Boulder City.

  Fang Chang thought about it and felt that it was a good idea. He decided to talk to the black market merchant who sold him his bionic prosthesis and said it on the phone.

  ”I’ll ask him.”

  Irena said excitedly, “Okay! I’ll let them freeze their kidneys first!”

  The phone was hung up.

  Fang Chang got up from the sofa and left the Alliance office in Boulder City without saying a word, heading to the residential area on the edge of the industrial zone.

  Familiar alley. The

  mannequin hidden in the shadow of the window continued to scare the unlucky passers-by, but Fang Chang had long been accustomed to its tricks and walked straight into the suspicious clinic without paying any attention.

  Lifting the curtain and coming to the deepest room, Fang Chang saw the bald middle-aged doctor pacing back and forth, seemingly troubled by something.

  When she saw Fang Chang, Gracie’s eyes lit up, and she immediately showed an unusual enthusiasm and walked over to him.

  ”You’re just in time! My friend.”

  Fang Chang looked at him strangely.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  ”Nothing, just saying hello,” Gracie smiled shyly, looked behind Fang Chang and asked, “Where’s that little girl named Duo? Why didn’t she come with you?”

  ”It’s working hours now, she has her own work to do…” Looking at Gracie who obviously had something to say, Fang Chang asked directly, “Just say what you want to say.”

  Seeing that her thoughts were seen through, Gracie stopped beating around the bush and said with a grin.

  ”I have an unwelcome request to trouble you.”

  Seeing that the task seemed to be triggered, Fang Chang asked.

  ”What unwelcome request?”

  ”Didn’t the corporate delegation arrive in the northern suburbs recently? One of my big customers wants a bionic kidney produced by Ideal City, but has no channels.”

  As she spoke, Gracie’s eyes lit up with eagerness.

  ”Do you have a way to get that thing?”

  ”The bionic prosthesis of Utopia… that thing is not cheap.” Fang Chang remembered that he took a look at the price. One kidney cost 600,000 silver coins.

  From the perspective of cost performance alone, it is not worth it at all. At least 50% of it is “brand premium”.

  However, Gracie didn’t care at all and still looked at him eagerly.

  ”I know, but aren’t you a resident of the shelter? Don’t you have an internal preferential price?”

  ”How can there be such a thing?” Fang Chang rolled his eyes.

  The preferential price is okay.

  Thank God that the idiot planner didn’t increase the price to sell it to them!

  In order to deal with the problem of numerical inflation in the late stage of the game and prevent the economic gap between players from being too large, planners are creatures that do everything they can.

  But objectively speaking, this is not all a bad thing.

  After all, if these things are not done, when everyone’s warehouse is piled with tens of millions of units of silver coins, it will not make the game more fun, but will only make the silver coins completely lose their meaning.

  ”Okay… Even if it’s not cheap, you name a price.”

  ”One million silver coins.” Fang Chang said without blushing or beating his heart.

  ”One million?!” Gracie’s eyes widened instantly, looking at him in disbelief, “Are you kidding?”

  Fang Chang continued to speak when he expected this reaction.

  ”Don’t get excited, I’m talking about silver coins, you only need to pay me 500,000 chips.”

  Gracie calmed down.

  500,000 chips…

  It’s not unacceptable when you think about it.

  After all, a bionic liver produced in Boulder City costs 10,000 or 20,000 chips.

  The bionic liver produced in Ideal City…

  After crossing a large area of ​​wasteland and sending it here, the price of 50 times seems cheap. Even if it’s

  1 million chips, there will probably be 80% of people interested.

  Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated and nodded without saying a word.


  ”But I have a condition, one hand pays the money and the other hand delivers the goods, I want to see the goods before paying!”

  The frank agreement made Fang Chang wonder if the price he offered was too cheap?

  But he couldn’t break his promise.

  At worst, I can just raise the price next time.

  ”No problem. By the way, I have another proposal. I wonder if you are interested.” Fang Chang asked.

  ”What proposal?” Gracie looked at him and asked.

  Fang Chang smiled and explained the purpose of his visit.

  ”The bionic prostheses produced by Ideal City are expensive. Not everyone can afford them. I also have a batch of… uh, awakened organs. I wonder if you are interested?”

  ”Awakened organs?” Gracie was stunned for a moment, looking at the man standing in front of him with a strange expression.

  ”Yes, whether it’s eyes, livers, kidneys… or anything else, there are ways to get them. Although they are not as good as bionic prostheses, they are absolutely natural.”

  Gracie sighed and interrupted Fang Chang’s speech.

  ”That thing can’t be sold at a high price.”

  Fang Chang frowned.


  Gracie said concisely.

  ”Although it is not difficult to solve the rejection reaction, people who can afford bionic prostheses will not consider using living parts. People are a sophisticated machine, but the parts on this machine do not serve efficiency.”

  ”And living organs are much simpler to produce than bionic prostheses. It is not troublesome to make a mentally castrated clone and pick it at will.”

  Gracie made a shocking statement in a casual tone.

  In fact, this is not a rare thing.

  Things that are forbidden in the prosperous era can be done in the wasteland era. And cloning itself is not a complicated technology. Slave trading and organ trafficking have long formed a mature industrial chain in Boulder City.

  Fang Chang stared at this guy blankly.

  He suddenly realized.

  This game is not only for players.

  NPCs are also very hard to deal with.

  Seeing that Fang Chang did not speak, Gracie paused and continued,

  ”… However, if you can get some kidneys with strong metabolic functions, or eyes with outstanding optical capabilities, I can buy them. Maybe there will be mercenaries interested… But I’m afraid the price will disappoint you.”

  Fang Chang asked immediately.

  ”How much can you give?”

  ”As for the kidneys…”

  Gracie gestured with two fingers.

  ”2000 chips would be more reasonable.”

  ”2000?!” Fang Chang looked at him in surprise, and his eyes suddenly alerted, “Are you kidding me?”

  Gracie laughed.

  ”Kidnap? Then you can sell it to others and see if anyone is willing to take it.”

  He was obviously not as enthusiastic as before about the parts of the awakened.

  Seeing that this guy did not seem to be lying, Fang Chang did not say much.

  The main reason was that apart from this guy, he did not know who else would buy this thing.

  Forget it.

  No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

  2000 chips can also be exchanged for 4000 silver coins, and at least one more zero can be added when converted into RMB.

  You can earn 4000 silver by being offline for three days.

  There should be good brothers in the physical department who are willing to cooperate.

  ”I will help you get the bionic liver produced by Ideal City, as well as the organs of the awakened. You prepare the bargaining chips, and in a week, we will exchange the money and the goods.”

  ”No problem, by the way, how many awakened parts do you have?” Gracie asked in a straightforward voice.

  Fang Chang smiled faintly.

  ”I have as many as you want, this will be a long-term cooperation.”

  Gracie was stunned, staring at the guy in front of him with an indescribable weirdness.

  I thought it was just one or two, so I didn’t take it seriously, but I didn’t expect this guy to say that he would have as many as he wanted.

  And he plans to cooperate for a long time?

  Is this awakened person a leek grown in the ground?

  Where can I get so many awakened people? !

  ”Then prepare 20 kidneys for me first.” Gracie said in a joking tone.

  He thought the man in front of him would feel embarrassed, but he didn’t expect the man in front of him to agree without saying a word.

  ”No problem.”

  ”Only twenty, that’s easy!”


  ”Isn’t this too harsh?”

  Browsing the forum through VM, Chu Guang showed a helpless expression.

  Good fellow.

  These people have already started to buy “parts” on the forum.

  Of course, they are parts in the game.

  Transactions that violate the laws and regulations of the user’s place of residence are also prohibited from discussion on the forum.

  ”Master, do you want to remove the post? (°°)” A small window popped up on the top of the VM screen. The message was sent by Xiao Qi.

  Chu Guang thought about it and replied.

  ”That’s not necessary.”

  The pamphlet he sent to the players did not make similar regulations. Although he did not agree with their doing this business, they did not seem to do anything that affected others, and people who could not distinguish between virtual and real would not be able to get the closed beta qualification.

  For the players who can be resurrected, at least they will not really lose anything. The only moral flaw is probably that they did not donate for free. The

  active substances in the shelter are no longer so scarce. Ten gnawers can provide one unit of active substances, and it will only double after passing level 10.

  However, although Chu Guang rarely interferes with the players’ game progress directly, but focuses more on the formulation of rules, he still spends some time to pay attention to what the players are doing. On

  the one hand, it satisfies his curiosity.

  On the other hand, it is to see if there are any loopholes in the rules, so that he can fill them in time.

  He may not know what the NPCs are doing, but he knows what the players are doing.

  Even without the “backdoors” on the VM and many peripherals, he can track relevant clues from the posts on the official website.

  Although not every player will visit the forum, few players with a strong sense of presence can resist going to the forum to “show off”.

  ”Rather than telling them how to play this game, I want to know what choice they will make.”

  Reaching out to turn off the screen, Chu Guang cast his eyes forward. They have reached their destination.

  The gate of Shelter No. 101 is right in front of them. The huge gear-shaped gate is exactly the same as Shelter No. 404.

  At this moment, following Chu Guang are 10 soldiers of the Guards.

  There was also Horn, the mayor of Camp 101.

  However, Horn did not take him to the gate, but took him to a tent not far from the gate and handed him a pair of glasses.

  The shape of the glasses was a bit like AR glasses, but the black lenses could not let any light through.

  Chu Guang took the glasses and looked at them for a while, then looked at the old man named Horn and asked,

  ”Is it okay to wear these glasses?”

  Horn nodded respectfully.

  ”Yes, respected Mr. Administrator.”

  Chu Guang looked at Lv Bei, who followed him closely.

  ”Wait for me at the door.”

  Lv Bei was slightly stunned, with a hesitant expression on his face.

  ”But sir…”

  Chu Guang sat down on the chair next to him and did not intend to explain.

  ”This is an order.”

  Lv Bei was silent for a while, and finally saluted and turned to walk out of the tent.

  Following him out of the room, Horn glanced at the boy and said softly.

  ”Don’t worry, it’s just a VR goggles. We can’t do anything to threaten the safety of your administrators.”

  Lv Bei did not speak.

  He also felt that these people were unlikely to do anything to harm the adults.

  He just couldn’t believe that the person whose face he had never seen was the administrator of Shelter No. 101.

  The same was true for another soldier standing next to him.

  The man said with a stiff face.

  ”It’s better.”

  If anything happened to the administrator, he swore that he would flatten this place.

  What about the shelter?

  Can’t blow the door open?

  Then blow up the whole tunnel and cover this place with cement!


  After the door closed.

  Chu Guang fiddled with the glasses for a while, and then put them on his nose.

  Surprisingly, no picture appeared on the dark lenses.

  Instead, the moment he closed his eyes, colorful ripples spread from his eyebrows to the surroundings, pulling his five senses to merge with the huge information. It was

  just a moment of trance, and when Chu Guang opened his eyes again, he was already standing in a completely different world.

  There were birds singing and flowers blooming around, and green trees were shady. People were walking on the red brick road, talking and laughing.

  There was a statue standing in the distance, but because it was facing away from him, he couldn’t see the face of the statue.

  This seemed to be a park.

  Chu Guang stared at everything in front of him in a daze, and muttered to himself like Meng Yi.

  ”…This is.”

  At this time, a voice came from behind him.

  ”Welcome to Shelter No. 101.”

  Hearing this, Chu Guang immediately turned around and saw a strange man standing there.

  He was neither tall nor short, slightly thin, and his face was the kind that you would not be able to find in a crowd, but his smile had a unique affinity.

  The most special thing was his eyes, which were like the deep ocean, as if they had the penetrating power to see through everything.

  He was holding the hand of a girl, who should be his daughter.

  However, she only inherited his eye color, not his shiny black hair.

  Chu Guang suddenly felt that the girl looked familiar, but only a little.

  ”Dad?” The girl looked up at the man next to her and said crisply, “Is he your friend?”

  ”I guess so.”

  The man patted the girl’s hand gently and said in a soft voice.

  ”Go to your mother first and tell her that I’ll be there in a while.”

  The girl nodded, sensibly let go of her father’s hand, turned around and ran towards the crowd.

  Chu Guang watched her back disappear into the crowd and frowned subconsciously.

  ”Is it okay to let the child go alone?”

  As if he heard something interesting, the man smiled and said.

  ”Don’t worry, there is no crime here.”

  Chu Guang’s face showed a thoughtful expression, and he suddenly stomped his right foot.

  The numbness from the sole of his foot and the motionless red brick, everything seemed real.

  However, he still felt a little bit of disobedience.

  Because if it was real, with his strength, the floor tile under his feet should have been broken.

  ”Is this a virtual world?”

  The man’s face showed an appreciative smile.

  ”As expected of you, I was just thinking, you will find out in a few seconds.”

  Hearing this seemingly ambiguous statement, Chu Guang couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

  ”You seem to know me?”

  The man nodded and said happily.

  ”Well… Although I only knew you for a few seconds, it’s great to meet you.”

  Chu Guang didn’t understand what was good about it.

  And the man obviously didn’t explain the meaning of his words, but just continued to talk to himself.

  ”Let me introduce myself. You can call me… Method. This is the signature I most often use in my papers, and my friends always call me that.”


  Chu Guang frowned, and a hint of surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes.


  Is it the “method” of the college?

  He remembered that Yin Fang had told him a long time ago that the three founders of the academy were Principle, Method, and Conclusion.

  He had met Dr. Principle in that lost virtual image before. In his impression, that person was an optimistic idealist. Later, he went to the northern part of the Valley Province and participated in the establishment of the post-war reconstruction committee…


  He had not been to the Wandering Swamp yet, but he had already met two founders of the academy.

  However, what Chu Guang couldn’t figure out the most was…

  ”Why are the founders of the academy here?”

  ”Academy… What a nostalgic name.”

  The azure eyes seemed to be immersed in the memories of the past, but soon drowned in a faint smile.

  ”But I’m not that great. The academy was not founded by me. It existed in the distant prosperous era. I just spent a little time to help my friends rebuild it in the new world.”

  ”As for why I am here…”

  Dr. Method paused for a moment, as if thinking about how to answer.

  ”This question is a bit strange, but I can feel what you want to ask. Simply put, not all shelters were launched during the three-year war, and some began to operate after the war ended.”

  Chu Guang said thoughtfully.

  ”So… you came here after you founded the academy?”

  ”I guess so, but that was a long time ago. I would have almost forgotten it if you hadn’t said it.”

  At this point, the man changed his tone to a cheerful one.

  ”Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to satisfy the curiosity of an insignificant person like me. The moment I saw you, I had the answer to my confusion.”

  ”My VM has been given to Horn, and he will hand it over to you later.”

  Chu Guang looked at him silently, and suddenly spoke.

  ”I’m just the opposite of you. After meeting you, I’m even more confused.”

  Dr. Method smiled gently and said in a polite tone.

  ”It’s my honor to answer your questions. You can ask me any questions you have.”

  Chu Guang smiled.

  ”Really? Then there are too many things I want to ask, such as… who are our enemies?”

  He has been thinking about this question for more than a year, and he has been confused since he first woke up.

  ”Enemy…” Dr. Method thought about this question for a while, “Two centuries ago, we did have some conflicts with our compatriots in Nanmen II, but I don’t think they are our enemies.”

  Sure enough.

  A hint of understanding appeared in Chu Guang’s eyes.

  The books collected from Shelter 117 mentioned the method of “spacecraft jumping between large mass celestial bodies”. Obviously, the Human Union in the prosperous era has mastered the FTL engine related technology. The

  mind interference technology preserved in Shelter 117 also comes from the communication between the colonies.

  All signs show that as early as the prosperous era, the Human Union had already stepped into the world outside the solar system and completed at least one colony.

  Dr. Method’s words confirmed some of his conjectures.

  What he didn’t expect was that this war actually broke out between the mother planet and the colony?

  He thought it would involve extraterrestrial civilizations, such as excessive expansion that aroused the vigilance of the “Fallen Empire”.

  However, what surprised Chu Guang the most was not these things, but the reaction of the man in front of him.

  Let the war destroy an era.

  Chu Guang always felt that he seemed to be too calm.

  ”…Even if your world has become like this?”

  Dr. Method nodded and said in a casual tone.

  ”Yes, the war is just the final showdown, and the seeds of contradictions and differences were planted a long time ago. It makes no difference whether they sprout today or tomorrow. There are many complicated reasons involved, which cannot be explained in a few words.”

  ”We have tried to stop it, including my beloved mentor. Many people have made a lot of efforts during their lifetime.”

  ”However, in the face of the wheel of history, the power of one or two people is too small.”

  ”After realizing that everything is irreversible, the only thing we can do is to preserve as many sparks as possible when everything is irreversible, leaving a little hope for future generations.”

  ”…Or, leave a little possibility for the future.”

  The voice was very light. It was clearly in front of him, but it felt like it was floating from far away.

  Looking at his “negative” attitude, Chu Guang couldn’t help but say.

  ”Have you ever thought about making some changes?”

  As if he expected Chu Guang to say this, Dr. Method smiled.

  ”How do you know I didn’t do anything?”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode