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Chapter 37 Crawlers!

Chapter 37 Crawlers!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 37 Crawler!

  But why in the daytime? !

  A chill ran down my spine.

  Without time to think about this question, Chu Guang suddenly raised the muzzle of his gun, pulled the trigger, and shouted sternly.



  The muzzle sprayed flames.

  However, the distance was too far, and the bullet did not hit the target, leaving only a deep bullet hole on the wall behind the crawler.

  Enraged by the splashing stones and shrapnel, the crawler bit off the leg bone in its mouth, and let out a shrill roar from its bloody mouth.


  The players were all frightened by the momentum, standing next to the cart motionless, their feet seemed to be glued to the ground.


  This is much more shocking than the predator!

  ”How many times do I have to say it! Scatter away from the cart!” Chu Guang shouted, his hands moving without stopping, quickly pulling the bolt to continue shooting, and firing several bullets in succession.

  Thanks to the experience he had gained from hunting these days, although he didn’t become a sharpshooter who could shoot wherever he pointed, at least his movements of reloading were much smoother than when he first touched the gun. The

  four arms of the crawler danced quickly, and soon his figure flashed and got into the window beside him.

  At this time, the two players finally reacted, hurriedly raised the muzzle of the gun, and aimed nervously.

  ”Master Manager, we are not going anywhere!”

  ”No, that’s right! Defend to the death-”

  ”I told you to get out of the food!”

  Looking at these two idiots who were still stuttering and reciting the lines, Chu Guang wanted to kick them in the ass.

  However, this was obviously not the time to do so.

  He could feel that the danger was approaching quickly.

  The crawler was different from the gnawer.

  Although both were the product of the erosion of mutant fungi, the latter was obviously more like a zombie without independent consciousness, retaining only the instinct to eat, afraid of sunlight, and even less combat power than the mutant hyena.

  But the former was different. This guy was almost the same as a “living” creature. They did not rely on instinct to hunt, but on their brains.

  Not only do they think about tactics, they will even chase after targets that have been lost from their sight. The sun will scare them, but it cannot restrict their actions.

  Which idiot provoked this thing!

  A drop of cold sweat slid across Chu Guang’s forehead. His sight quickly moved among the concrete builders along the street, and his nerves were tense to the extreme.


  Or right?

  Seeing a shadow from the corner of his eye, Chu Guang suddenly turned the muzzle of his gun and pointed it at the second floor of the shop along the street on the right.

  Almost at the same time, the hideous crawler waved its four arms and rushed towards him fiercely.


  The index finger on the trigger moved by itself.

  In a flash, this bullet luckily hit the shoulder of the crawler.

  Black blood splashed everywhere.

  The crawler screamed in pain and rolled to the ground.

  Although they were half a beat late, the two players finally reacted and quickly raised their 5mm iron barrel rifles to fire.

  However, since both guns were inferior without rifling, and neither of them had any shooting experience, the two gunshots were in vain. They

  didn’t even touch the hair.

  The gunshot wound on the shoulder did not stop the crawler, but instead aroused its bloodiness. It rolled over and adjusted its body shape, and rushed towards the target it thought was the biggest threat.

  Death came like the wind.

  Chu Guang, who had just finished reloading, almost instinctively let go of the iron pipe rifle in his hand, pulled out the steel pipe that he had inserted into his back as a javelin, and held it horizontally in front of him to block the bloody mouth that was biting towards him.

  The steel pipe made a creaking sound under the heavy load, and Chu Guang clenched his teeth tightly, and every inch of muscle in his body was tensed to the limit.

  However, 9 points of strength may be different from ordinary people, but it is still slightly inferior to an alien species like the crawler.

  Even though Chu Guang tried his best, he still felt his feet gradually losing control of the ground. He was pushed backwards by the alien species crawling on the ground, and crashed hard into the bus that had broken down in the middle of the road.


  The completely rusted car shell was cracked and dented by the collision, and Chu Guang felt that his back was unconscious for a moment.

  However, it was also because of this that the threat of death ignited his instinct to survive.


  His eyes gradually became bloodshot, staring at the fangs that were gradually approaching.

  Chu Guang suddenly felt that a force was constantly gushing out from his swollen blood vessels, and it actually stopped the big mouth that was approaching him, and even faintly forced it to retreat.

  Perhaps it smelled a hint of danger from the prey in front of it, and the crawler suddenly raised its two forearms, intending to grab the prey’s shoulders and tear him apart completely!

  However, in this lightning moment, two gunshots rang out one after another. One shot hit the bus, and the other shot hit the crawler’s shoulder blade.


  The crawler, shot in the back, let out a shrill howl.

  The sharp teeth biting the steel pipe unconsciously loosened, and the head suddenly rose back, losing balance for a moment, and also losing control of the prey. ”

  Ahhh! Go to hell!”

  Throwing away the gun in his hand, Fang Chang picked up the 9mm iron pipe rifle that Chu Guang had thrown away earlier, and charged with a howl. Good

  shooting skills?

  Then just shoot closely!


  The trigger was pulled, and the fire sprayed, and black blood exploded on the back of the crawler.

  This shot was still not enough to kill, but it was enough.

  Chu Guang seized the opportunity, raised the steel pipe in his hand that was completely bent into a V shape, and stabbed the pointed end into the crawler’s neck.



  Three times!

  Then he used all his strength to stir.

  The black blood gushed out, like a faucet turned on, rushing up to the sky and soaking Chu Guang.

  The crawler howled miserably, waving its arms wildly, struggling backwards, and finally fell heavily to the ground in a twisted posture, twitching a few times, and stopped moving.

  Chu Guang, who was leaning on the bus, panted, raised his arm to wipe the black blood off his face, and spat on the ground.

  ”Thank you.”

  Seeing the blood-soaked manager, the two players were shocked.

  So strong!

  If they were to fight, let alone fight this crawler, they would not even last one round and would be dead.

  ”You’re welcome… I’ll help you up.”

  Fang Chang was the first to come to his senses.

  Seeing that the plot should be over, he immediately stepped forward to help the manager up, but saw the manager raised his hand to stop him.

  ”No, I’ll take a break…”

  Chu Guang, panting, glanced at his throbbing arms, as if he saw the blood vessels beating under the muscles.

  Is this the potential hidden in the gene sequence…

  When he was forced into a desperate situation before, he felt an infinite power surging from his arms, and he was evenly matched with the crawler.

  It’s hard to describe the feeling just now.

  Chu Guang gently clenched his sore fists and decided to have a physical examination after returning.

  He wanted to know what happened to his body just now.

  At this time, Ye Shi, carrying a gun, also came over.

  ”Master Manager, why don’t we go to the shop next door to rest for a while? The street is too empty, I’m worried about danger…”

  ”Indeed, there were so many gunshots just now, if there were people nearby, they would definitely hear it.” Fang Chang also echoed.

  In fact, Chu Guang wanted to say that any survivor who heard the howling of the crawler would hide far away and dare not even look over here.

  But now his muscles were sore as if they were broken, and he really needed to rest.

  ”Okay… Fang Chang, help me go to the restaurant across the street. Ye Shi, you drag our cart to the door.”

  Ye Shi nodded vigorously.

  ”Okay! By the way, do we need to recycle the body of the crawler?”

  Chu Guang shook his head.


  ”Its meat can’t be eaten.”

  The crawler’s nervous system has been completely eroded by mutant fungi, and every inch of its cells contains neurotoxins that are deadly.

  Strictly speaking, the black blood that was poured on him is also poisonous, but it is a hooligan to talk about toxicity without considering the dosage. As long as you don’t suck it twice to commit suicide, basically you will be fine.

  Besides, he has a 7-point constitution. His recovery ability, abnormal state resistance and immunity are basically 140% of that of a normal adult male. He is not that easy to be poisoned.

  Speaking of which, I don’t know if this crawler is a mammal or not. Can it be thrown into the active substance extractor for recycling?

  If I can get the generator, I can give it a try.


  Looking at the cart full of food, Chu Guang sighed silently in his heart.

  What a pity.

  There is no load anymore.

  I can’t pile that guy’s body on the food I want to eat…


  Ye Shi trotted towards the cart.

  Chu Guang put one hand on Fang Chang’s shoulder and limped towards the restaurant across the street corner.

  However, when the two of them passed through the open store door and were about to find a place to sit and rest for a while, they suddenly noticed a person sitting at the bar of the restaurant.

  It was a red-haired woman.

  Her heroic face was pale due to blood loss, her thin eyebrows were tightly locked, and beads of sweat could be seen on her forehead.

  The most terrible thing is the lower part – the part below her right leg below the knee is gone, and the wound is simply bandaged with a half-sleeve and a bandage.

  Good guy.

  So you are the one who caused the hatred.

  But you didn’t faint, you are a wolf.

  Chu Guang finally figured out where the human leg in the mouth of the crawler came from.

  ”New NPC!”

  Fang Chang was still there in surprise, Chu Guang had already snatched his rifle from him and aimed at the woman lying on the ground without hesitation.

  ”You’d better be honest… My injury is definitely less serious than yours.”

  The woman’s hand had already touched the pistol on the ground.

  Seeing the black muzzle of the gun pointed at her, she curled her lips in desperation, pushed the pistol to Chu Guang’s feet, and simply closed her eyes.

  ”Is she an enemy?”

  Noticing the manager’s actions, Fang Chang nervously confirmed the other party’s identity with him, but in the latter’s opinion, asking this question in the wasteland itself is stupid.

  ”I don’t know.”

  It doesn’t matter.

  Giving an ambiguous answer, Chu Guang motioned him to help her sit on the chair next to him, then pulled the bolt with a “click” and slapped the rifle on the table.

  Hearing the sound of the bullet being loaded, the woman’s eyebrows twitched, and her tightly closed eyes were full of regret.

  Who the hell could have thought of this.

  The gun in this guy’s hand was actually unloaded…

  Although he was in great pain, Chu Guang still squeezed out a happy expression from his face.

  ”We can talk.”

  The woman tried to be calm and said calmly.

  ”What do you want to know?”

  Chu Guang didn’t beat around the bush, first introduced himself, and then got straight to the point.

  ”Chu Guang, what’s your name?”

  ”Xia Yan.”

  ”Who are you?”

  ”A mercenary from Boulder City.”

  ”Where are your teammates, are you the only one?”


  ”Oh…how many died?”

  Xia Yan’s mouth twitched, and he said through gritted teeth.

  ”Three…except me, all dead.”

  Chu Guang nodded, looked at Ye Shi who was pulling a cart out of the door, and said in Mandarin.

  ”Leave the stuff at the door, don’t drag it in. Go look around here to see if there are any corpses dressed like the lady on the ground.”

  ”If you find any, bring back their equipment.”

  Ye Shi looked at the woman slumped in front of the bar in confusion, not knowing where this NPC came from.


  Did I miss the plot again?

  Staring at the man who turned and left, Xia Yan’s eyes flickered slightly. She could not understand the bird language Chu Guang said, nor did she know what this person was doing.

  ”By the way, I almost forgot to ask you, what’s the matter with the crawler?” Chu Guang looked at Xia Yan who opened her eyes, and then asked, “How did you get involved with it?”

  ”It targeted us,” Xia Yan did not hide it and said frankly, “We were searching for the entrance to Shelter 117, and we met it… It chased us all the way out of the subway, and we were almost wiped out.”

  The crawler is indeed very difficult to deal with, especially in narrow terrain, even experienced veterans will find it difficult.

  Chu Guang also encountered this thing for the first time. In the past, he only heard old Charlie from Beth Street say that if you encounter a monster with four hands, run quickly and run as far as you can.

  Now think about it, it’s a good thing I didn’t listen to that old man.

  How the hell can it run away!

  ”The entrance to Shelter 117? What is that?” Chu Guang asked curiously.

  ”We don’t know. We only know that it is roughly located near the New World Department Store Station on Line 7 in the northern suburbs of Qingquan City, and there are things our employer wants inside.”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  He didn’t really care whether what this guy said was true or not, and he didn’t care at all. There might be some good things in Shelter 117, but it’s not worth his risk.

  Look at this guy’s miserable appearance.

  Even professionals were beaten like this, who knows what dangers are waiting there.

  The top priority now is to develop and expand the outpost, and Chu Guang doesn’t intend to make things complicated. When the strength is strengthened in the future, wouldn’t it be better to just throw it as a copy to the players to study?

  Why take that risk yourself.

  Seeing that Chu Guang didn’t seem to be very interested, Xia Yan asked tentatively.

  ”You’re not interested?”

  ”Why should I be interested.”

  ”I heard there is a power armor inside.”

  ”Oh, did you see it? Let me see the photo.”


  Chu Guang smiled faintly.

  ”Then wait until you have it before you talk to me about this.”

  For him, chatting with this guy is just a way to kill time. When Ye Shi comes back from looting the bag, he will probably be almost done with rest.

  He will keep the pistol on the ground for her.

  As for whether he can survive, it has nothing to do with him.

  ”By the way, is your hair dyed or natural?”

  Xia Yan was stunned.

  The topic was too jumpy and he didn’t react for a while.

  ”…Hey, natural.”

  ”Oh, the color is pretty, but it’s time to wash your hair.”

  Xia Yan glared at him angrily.

  ”Are you teasing me?”

  Chu Guang smiled and thought it was quite funny.

  However, just when he was about to make a few more jokes, a sharp shout suddenly came from the door.

  ”Let her go!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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