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Chapter 37 Plump Knee Pillow

Chapter 37 Plump Knee Pillow


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 37 Plump Knees

  The next morning.

  Luo Xian’er’s eyelashes trembled slightly, and she woke up slowly from her sleep.

  She propped up her soft body a little dizzy, her long hair falling softly like a waterfall, but two tufts of hair sticking up beside her ears, making her look a little confused and cute.

  ”Is it dawn?” Luo Xian’er looked around and saw several clothes and dresses stacked beside her, as well as the silk stockings and embroidered shoes that were taken off yesterday.

  The girl suddenly woke up and hurriedly shouted outside the cave: “Young Master, are you still there?”

  ”I’m here.”

  Outside the gap in the haystack, a figure could be vaguely seen walking from not far away: “Are you awake?”

  Luo Xian’er responded softly, and the heartstrings that had just been raised were finally relaxed.

  But when she looked down and saw her own exposed appearance, her face blushed slightly: “Young Master, wait a moment, I’ll change my clothes first.”

  ”Okay, I’ll sit outside.”

  Yang Shifei’s laughter came: “I just caught two fish and are grilling them. Come out and try them.”

  Luo Xian’er touched her still hot face, shook her head to get rid of distracting thoughts, and silently put on her silk dress.

  After a while.

  In front of the bonfire, Yang Shifei was turning the branches with fresh fish on them.

  There are no seasonings available in the suburbs, and whether it is edible or not basically depends on the heat.

  Although he spent most of his time in Niujia Village working in the fields, he also tried to go down to the river to catch fish twice and grilled them with Aunt Niu once, so as not to get too busy.

  ”——So you have this skill, Young Master?”

  A light voice came from behind, which made people’s hearts tremble slightly.

  Yang Shifei turned around.

  In the morning light in the forest, the girl looked like a fairy descending from the earth, with a bright face and a glimmer in her eyes as she put her hair together and pursed her lips, adding a bit of tenderness and charm.

  ”Sir?” Luo Xian’er stretched out her hand and waved it in front of him: “What’s wrong?”

  Yang Shifei came back to his senses and praised: “This is the first time I see you just woke up, you look pretty.”

  Luo Xian’er felt her cheeks getting a little hot.

  Obviously, they just saw each other last night.

  The girl sighed softly while hesitating to speak, brushing her long skirt behind her waist and sitting beside him.

  ”Thank you for the compliment, sir.”

  ”How was your rest?”

  ”Very good.” Luo Xian’er responded subconsciously, but soon frowned again and looked sideways: “Sir, did you rest well?”

  The girl’s eyes were filled with worry, obviously remembering that the other party was also injured.

  Yang Shifei smiled: “With the cold air you gave me, my injury has improved a lot. But there are many hungry beasts in the wilderness, so I practiced martial arts outside the cave all night and just went to the stream to wash.”

  As he said that, he handed over the slightly browned grilled fish: “Try it?”

  Luo Xian’er did not take it, staring at him with a faint gaze, which made Yang Shifei feel a little uncomfortable.

  ”Uh, is there anything strange about me?”

  He subconsciously lowered his head to look at himself.

  Although the outer robe was given to the eldest lady as a quilt, he was still wearing an inner shirt and pants, so he was considered intact.

  ”Young Master, you have to take good care of yourself.”

  A hint of darkness flashed in Luo Xian’er’s eyes, and she suddenly grabbed Yang Shifei’s sleeve and pulled him over forcefully.


  Yang Shifei was shocked, what a strong force!

  He didn’t react for a while, and his head was already resting between the beauty’s knees.

  ”You took good care of me last night, I am very grateful.” Luo Xian’er lowered her head with a complicated look in her eyes: “You have worked hard all night, now you should have a good rest, I will help you keep watch.”

  Smelling the intoxicating fragrance of the girl, Yang Shifei’s expression was a little stiff, and he raised the grilled fish in his hand as if he was a beat slower: “But this thing…” ”

  I’ll feed you.”

  ”Uh, there are other things”

  ”Let’s talk about it after you wake up, it’s okay. And I have arranged everything in the city.”

  Luo Xian’er’s eyes showed a helpless smile, took the skewer, pulled off some tender fish meat with her fingernails, blew on the hot air, and then handed it to Yang Shifei’s mouth: “Young master, open your mouth.”

  Yang Shifei’s mouth was full of saliva, and he couldn’t help but open his mouth to hold the fish meat.

  For a moment, he could hardly tell whether it was the fresh fragrance of the fish meat or the soft and sweet girl’s fingertips in his mouth.

  Luo Xian’er also tasted a small bite herself and nodded slightly in praise.

  ”The fish you grilled tastes good.”

  Seeing Yang Shifei’s dazed look, the girl’s smile became softer: “Why are you so nervous, I won’t eat you.”

  ”.You said it.”

  Yang Shifei turned around shamelessly, facing the sky, and his sight was covered by two towering peaks.


  Luo Xian’er’s body stiffened slightly.

  Even though she had seen many storms, she had never experienced this scene before.

  Even though her skin was not touched, the burning gaze was like a substance, and in just a moment, her face flushed and her body became numb.

  Yang Shifei’s eyes widened even more.

  I forgot that the young lady’s underwear was still hanging next to her in the sun, and it was not dry.

  ”Young Master, don’t, don’t look here.”

  Luo Xian’er quickly raised her hand to cover it, her voice trembling slightly.

  Yang Shifei smiled stiffly, “Don’t be nervous, young lady, I won’t eat you either.”

  Luo Xian’er felt a little embarrassed and annoyed in her heart, as if he was deliberately

  making trouble for her. She simply pretended to ignore it and continued to pick some fish meat and handed it to her.

  Yang Shifei ate a bite of the fish meat, turned around again, and faced the girl’s flat belly.

  Luo Xian’er: “.”

  The young lady’s face became more and more rosy, and she whispered with her cherry lips.

  I found that this man was a little bad and a little vulgar.

  Just a glance at the unhealed bruises on his body, thinking of the pain he endured last night and not sleeping all night, the girl was silent for a moment, and her heart softened a little.

  ”Young Master.”

  ”Well, shall we stop together?” Yang Shifei’s expression was also a little embarrassed.

  If the two sides continued to “tease” each other, it would not end well.

  ”Okay, no more trouble.” Luo Xian’er raised the corner of her mouth slightly: “Eat something to fill your stomach, and you can close your eyes and sleep peacefully.”

  ”Thank you.” Yang Shifei’s emotional intelligence was still there, and he did not refuse.

  Enjoying the plump and soft lap pillow of the beauty, eating mouthfuls of fresh fish meat, surrounded by the faint fragrance on his face, he gradually felt a little sleepy, relaxed his tense mind, and fell asleep.


  Luo Xian’er gently stroked Yang Shifei’s hair, with a complicated expression.

  Even though he was teased frivolously, he felt a little warm in his heart, and he really couldn’t get angry.

  ”Although I am a little greedy for beauty, but…”

  Luo Xian’er’s mind gradually calmed down, closed her eyes and smiled lightly.

  The warm morning light was scattered, and the two of them were like being bathed in holy light, quiet and picturesque.

  Hundreds of feet away, in the open woods.

  Several police officers from the government came here wearing masks and carefully checked the surroundings.

  ”——Got it!”

  As soon as he finished speaking, Tie Hanyang quickly moved over and appeared next to several bodies that died in a miserable state.

  Seeing this bloody scene, several police officers couldn’t help but change their faces: “Who are these people, how could they die like this.”

  ”If my guess is correct, they are five masters of Qi. Counting the 17 bodies of Juyuan and Dongling warriors collected last night, Qi really spent a lot of money this time.”

  When Tie Hanyang said this, the police officers were all shocked.

  The masters are so powerful in the martial arts world, and they can be said to be the existence that everyone admires, but now they are miserable and exposed in the wilderness.


  can do this tragic death of the master?!” “To have such means, it should be Miss Luo.” Tie Hanyang said calmly: “One sword will kill him immediately.”

  The police officers held their breath.

  Although they knew that the eldest lady of the Luo family was of a very high status, they didn’t know that this woman had such unpredictable cultivation.

  Being able to kill a master with one sword, doesn’t that mean he is comparable to the best martial arts masters of the time?

  But after being shocked, they also thought that this stunningly beautiful swordsman already has someone in his heart.

  The young detectives were stunned for a moment, and soon they gnashed their teeth.

  Yang Shifei was really the envy of others. He was just a little more talented in martial arts and a little more handsome.

  Thinking back to the sweet scene of the young couple “flirting” in the government office, they almost broke their teeth.

  ”First pack up all the bodies and transport them back to the city. Don’t touch them with your hands at will.”


  ”Chief detective, there is another body here!” Someone shouted not far away, and everyone surrounded them.

  After seeing the face of the corpse clearly, the detectives all looked gloomy: “It’s Xiang Tianlin.”

  ”There seems to be no sword wounds on this person?” “Could it be that he didn’t die at the hands of Miss Luo?”

  ”Yes.” Chief Constable Tie took a look and nodded slightly: “The injuries are mostly from punches and kicks, which are very powerful, enough to break Xiang Tianlin’s internal energy protection. I think it was done by Young Master Yang. I didn’t expect his skills to progress so quickly.”


  The detectives looked at each other and put away their distracting thoughts in disappointment.

  Well, it’s okay. Young Master Yang and Miss Luo are really a

  perfect match. I admire them. “Deal with it as soon as possible.” Chief Constable Tie turned his head to look at the distance and said in a deep voice: “Bingtan and his party arrived in Dongcheng ahead of time. The troops of the kings have arrived, and even the masters of Yunshang Sect are here. We must go to greet them quickly.”

  The curtain of Dongcheng is just about to begin.

   I hope everyone will follow and vote more. Thank you~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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