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Chapter 371 Bloody Chips

Chapter 371 Bloody Chips


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 371 Bloody Chips

  As soon as Lao Bai finished speaking, his right index finger had already lifted the safety of his rifle.

  The same was true for the more than 20 Burning Legion players beside him.

  The undisguised murderous aura made the strong man named Tie Ci’s eyes shrink slightly.

  ”Hey, wait, do we have any misunderstandings?”

  Cold sweat oozed from his forehead. He raised his hands and backed away while trying to ease the tense atmosphere. He didn’t know how he had offended this guy, but his intuition told him that this was an extremely dangerous thing.


  This time, Tie Ci finally understood what the man in front of him said.

  And his eyes were completely imprinted with a layer of deep fear.

  ”…The Alliance never negotiates with predators, nor does it do business with predators. Every penny you earn may become a bullet shot at civilized people.”

  Fang Chang took off the Dawn Longbow on his back and pulled out an arrow and put it on the bowstring.

  ”So the deal is canceled.”

  ”Since you believe in fists, let’s talk with fists!”

  ”You talk too much nonsense!” Tie Ci, who retreated to a safe distance, roared with a fierce light in his eyes, “Fire for me! Kill them!”


  the sound of the machine gun did not sound.

  Instead, a thunderous gunshot cut off his preemptive joy.

  At the window not far away, the man lying in front of the machine gun had a blood mist burst out of his head and fell to the ground.

  At the same time, the assault rifles held horizontally in the hands of the players had pointed their muzzles at him.


  The order to fire was issued cleanly and neatly, and Lao Bai pulled the trigger in his hand at the same time.

  Bang, bang, bang!

  The muzzle jumped with thick and long tongues of fire, and orange-yellow bullets burst out, completely tearing the tranquility on the street.

  Tie Ci and several of his brothers were shot into sieves on the spot, and fell to the ground without a groan.

  Everything happened in an instant. The gunmen hired by Edmund had no time to react and were caught off guard by the sudden burst of gunfire.

  However, their reaction was still quick.

  Rifles soon appeared from the windows on the second floor of the cinema. The gunmen squatting there began to fight back at the players downstairs.

  However, they were facing a group of T0 echelons of the alliance.

  In the battlefield of Xizhou City, these players had already experienced countless tests of iron, fire and death. How could a group of violent people resist?

  Whether in terms of tactics, fighting will, or proficiency in street fighting, both sides were not opponents of the same level.

  The players skillfully spread out in all directions, quickly locked the firepower points outside the cinema, and fought back with alternating firepower under tacit cooperation.

  Although there were more than a hundred gunmen in the cinema, facing the offensive of more than 20 players, they were suppressed and couldn’t raise their heads for a while!

  Not to mention the sniper lying on the tall building not far away, like a roll call, harvesting the gunmen who showed their heads.

  Even though not every shot would take a life, the death that might come at any time brought them great psychological pressure.

  The two gunmen squatting at the door tried to close the modified and reinforced door.

  However, at this moment, an arrow “swooshed” into the door and exploded in flames in an instant.

  The fragments of the explosion flew everywhere, and the two gunmen guarding the door were killed on the spot.

  At the same time, a drone folded its rotors, glided down from a high altitude, and rushed into the window of the second floor of the cinema with a buzzing sound like the flapping wings of a wasp. A

  devastating explosion sounded.

  Orange-red flames rolled out from the dark windows, shaking off large pieces of gravel and dust, and shaking off the half-collapsed outer wall of the building with gravel and cement chips.

  The slaves on the open space on the first floor huddled in iron cages, trembling uneasily.

  And in the windows on the second floor, the muzzles of the guns that were originally hidden there were all silent at this moment.

  The relatively narrow space will multiply the power of the explosion shock wave.

  The power of the “switchblade” that fell from the sky was completely beyond the expectations of the gunmen. Even if most people were not killed on the spot, they were stunned by the explosion.

  ”Prepare for the assault!”

  Old White, who seized the opportunity, raised his left fist, made a clean and neat gesture forward, and took the lead in advancing.

  The three team members beside him followed closely and quickly rushed to the main door.

  The other four teams of four did the same, spreading out and advancing forward, like a thumbtack nailed from the front.

  The door was quickly captured.

  Then came the stairs.

  The clanging sound of crossfire broke through from bottom to top, and the gunmen who tried to block were killed one after another and rolled down from the top of the stairs.

  Rushing to the second floor.

  Old White held the rifle in his hand and issued a clearing order to each team, and then continued to move forward with his team members.

  The five teams that attacked the second floor in three directions carefully searched every corridor, every screening room, every seat, and every inch of corner.

  A gunman was holding onto the wall, stumbling and trying to escape from the safe passage, and happened to run into the muzzles of a group of people.

  Holding the rifle tightly, Sha Bi stared at the man and shouted at the top of his voice.

  ”Put down your weapon!”

  However, the gunman ignored him and even tried to raise his gun to fight back.

  Seeing that persuading him to surrender was useless, Sha Bi pulled the trigger without hesitation and fired a burst of bullets to send the guy away.

  Looking at the body lying in a pool of blood and the muzzle of the gun emitting green smoke, Sha Bi muttered and cursed.

  ”Fuck, I used the human language this time!”

  Prisoners can at least be exchanged for some contribution points and silver coins.

  The corpse can also accumulate active substances.

  ”Maybe he was deafened by the switchblade just now.” The kidney fighter on the side suddenly said.

  ”…Uh, it seems to make some sense.”

  On the other side, after completing the cleanup of the northern area, Fang Chang raised his index finger and clicked on the headset to report the situation here.

  At the same time, the reports of other teams also sounded in the communication channel.

  ”The west room has been cleared.”

  ”The east room has been cleared.”

  ”The corridor has been secured.”

  ”We found the operating room… Three doctors were found on the scene, one of whom is suspected to be Edmund.”

  ”Wait for me there.”

  After saying this, Fang Chang opened the VM to confirm the map location, and immediately rushed towards the operating room.

  When he arrived at his destination, a tall and thin man was raising his hands and had retreated from the operating table to the corner.

  He was wearing an apron stained with blood and grease, like the kind that chefs wear.

  Next to him was a man and a woman, also dressed in the same clothes. They should be his assistants, and they also had terrified expressions on their faces.

  The previous explosion and a series of gunshots almost scared them to death.

  On the operating table lay a boy, about twelve or thirteen years old, with a relatively strong physique, as if he often engaged in physical labor.

  But at this moment his breathing was very weak, like a candle in the wind.

  Fang Chang noticed that there was a fresh knife wound on his left abdomen.

  Feeling the increasingly strong murderous intent in everyone’s eyes, Edmund said tremblingly.

  ”I, I didn’t tie him here…”

  ”Then he volunteered?”

  ”I paid!”

  ”How much?”

  ”50… No, not just 50, but 300 to honor Mr. West. That gentleman is the second in command of the Dagger Gang, and this kid lives on his street.”

  Fang Chang had heard of the Dagger Gang, but that was all he had heard of it.


  this was not the time to discuss this.

  He glanced at the boy lying on the operating table, and then at the man in front of him.

  ”What’s his condition now?”

  Edmund said nervously .

  ”Hand, there was an accident during the operation… The bomb you just threw, my hand shook a little.”

  Fang Chang asked.

  ”Can he still be saved?”

  Edmund’s expression was a little ugly.

  ”Yes, yes… But I’m afraid he needs a new pair of kidneys.”

  Looking at the translation on the VM, Lao Bai didn’t say anything.

  Glancing at his teammate next to him, he took a suitcase from the latter and placed it on the iron rack next to the operating table.

  Under Edmund’s surprised gaze, Fang Chang stared at this guy and continued.

  ”Put it on him.”

  ”Then we’ll discuss your problem.”

  Edmund glanced at the suitcase quickly, and a trace of pain flashed in his eyes.

  It should have been his stuff!

  However, the grim muzzle of the gun made him not have the courage to say this at all. He could only curse these untrustworthy guys in his heart.

  He swallowed his saliva and nodded nervously.

  ”Okay, okay…”


  The operation went smoothly.

  The boy’s breathing gradually stabilized.

  Although the effect of the anesthetic had not completely subsided, he had regained a little consciousness.

  Edmund and his two assistants were taken out of the operating room by Lao Bai and his group.

  Looking at the boy lying on the operating table, Fang Chang spoke.

  ”What’s your name?”

  His cracked lips moved slightly.


  A one-syllable name is quite common in the wasteland.

  Fang Chang, who often collects intelligence in the tavern, has even seen people who call tables and stools.

  ”Where are your parents?”

  ”Beside… the giant wall.”

  It should be the slums.

  After understanding the general situation, Fang Chang paused for a moment, changed to a gentle tone and continued.

  ”We will send you back. Don’t tell anyone about our affairs. This is for your own good.”

  Although the awakened parts are not valuable enough to make people lose their minds, it is hard to say if this thing appears on a child.

  Edmund and his assistant will be sent to the prisoner-of-war camp. As long as he does not take the initiative to tell others that he has awakened parts on his body, no one will know about it.

  Even the operation will not be known to anyone.

  ”Thank you…” When the boy said this, his eyes were a little confused.

  He didn’t know why these people did this.

  When he was working part-time at the trading station before, people clearly wanted them to die.

  However, just when he was about to leave this world, someone reached out and pulled him back.

  Watching the back figure disappearing at the door of the operating room, the boy rested his head on the pillow, staring at the ceiling with his eyes straight , muttering softly.

  What a group of strange people…


  After leaving the operating room, Fang Chang, who was standing at the door, looked at Edmund in the corridor.

  Being looked at by that person, Edmund’s heart was in his throat, and he said nervously.

  ”I have saved that boy…”

  Fang Chang said unceremoniously.

  ”You deserve this.”

  Edmund paused for a long while before speaking humbly.

  ”Do you want money? My chips and everything here belong to you. I just ask you to let me live.”

  Fang Chang interrupted him and said bluntly.

  ”Of course we will take your ill-gotten gains. They are our spoils of war.”

  Hearing this righteous speech, Edmund almost vomited blood.

  But at this moment, he suddenly thought of something, and a trace of obvious panic appeared in his eyes.

  ”You… are from the New Alliance?”

  Fang Chang looked at him strangely.

  ”Didn’t Gracie tell you?”

  ”He didn’t say… He just told me that there was a seller who could provide parts for the awakeners and asked if I was interested. As long as I gave him a sum of money, he would introduce the seller to me.”

  Edmund said tremblingly, and a trace of regret suddenly appeared in his eyes.

  ”That damn beast, I knew he had bad intentions!”

  Several players looked at each other with strange expressions.

  Calling others beasts is fine.

  ”I’m not interested in the grudges between you.”

  Fang Chang interrupted Edmund’s whisper and looked at him and said, “You and your assistant, as well as several other surrendered plunderers, will be sent to where you should go and be tried there.”

  Edmund protested.

  ”Wait, this is not the territory of the New Alliance. Why do you use the laws of the Alliance to convict me–”

  Fang Chang glanced at him.

  ”Because we don’t like you, is this reason enough?”

  ”Or there is a gun on the ground over there, you go pick it up, and we can communicate in a different way.”

  Edmund looked at him stiffly, his calves slightly hot, and finally swallowed the words that were on the tip of his tongue.

  This reason is indeed correct.

  After all, this is a wasteland.

  It is a no-man’s land.

  He can decide the life and death of others at will.

  Of course, others can also freely decide which set of standards to use to deal with him.

  This is reasonable.


  Edmund and his men will be sent to the court of Dawn City to be tried there.

  The photos taken by the players at the scene and the video footage in the action recorder are enough to make these beasts spend the rest of their lives in the prisoner-of-war camp.

  On the first floor of the cinema.

  In an open-air courtyard reinforced with garbage and concrete.

  The players used the butts of their guns to break the rusty chains on the iron cages and released the survivors trapped inside.

  These people were ragged, skinny, and stood at a loss in the middle of the open space.

  Looking at the rifles in the hands of the players, many of them had fear in their eyes, not knowing what would happen next.

  Seeing the fear in their eyes, Lao Bai walked up to them and said in not-so-fluent human language.

  ”You are free.”

  ”Go back and reunite with your family.”

  ”No matter what reason you are locked up here, don’t do stupid things in the future.”

  Soon after the voice fell, the survivors seemed to come back to life, exchanging glances and whispering to each other.

  Almost everyone’s eyes were full of surprise.

  They thought they were just going from one group of villains to another group of villains, but they didn’t expect that these people would let them go.

  A ragged man staggered forward two steps.

  He raised his head timidly and looked up at the benefactor in front of him.

  ”Can you tell me…your name?”

  Lao Bai said with a hearty smile.

  ”My name is not worth mentioning. There are many people here…we are all from the Alliance in the northern suburbs.”


  the man lowered his head.

  He chewed the word over and over in his mouth, and there seemed to be light in his turbid pupils.

  ”…Thank you.”

  He bowed deeply, walked towards the gate and left.

  Some people followed him and walked towards the wasteland outside the gate.

  However, some people stayed.

  Lao Bai roughly counted and found that there were quite a few people who stayed, more than fifty.

  ”Aren’t you leaving?”

  Hearing this, people exchanged glances.

  One of them stepped forward and said with his eyebrows lowered.

  ”We…have no home, please allow us to follow in your footsteps.”

  Hearing this request, Lao Bai’s face was in trouble.

  According to the general RPG game, if I agree to it, I will have to become their leader, not only responsible for their eating, drinking, defecating and urinating, but also helping them to unclog the toilet.

  Managing a group of NPCs is much more troublesome than managing players.

  ”You don’t have to follow me, you should live your own life. But… if you have nowhere to go, you can go back to the Alliance with us.”

  ”There are many people like you there, they will help you start a new life.”

  The expressions on everyone’s faces were full of confusion at first.

  But when they heard the latter sentence, people’s eyes still had a little longing for a new life.

  There were also a few people who had no reaction from beginning to end, probably clones without a complete mind.

  Lao Bai had seen similar beings in the lair of the Blood Hand Clan before.

  Dealing with these guys is also a tricky problem.

  But he didn’t plan to worry about it.

  He came to play games.

  Although it’s cool to pretend to be cool, it’s too troublesome to consider what will happen next.

  Let the respected administrator worry about these troubles!


  Although the transaction was cancelled, the players unexpectedly discovered that their gains from this transaction exceeded their expectations.

  The chips looted from the basement piled up into a small mountain.

  Although the face value of each chip was not large, the total amount was 180,000!

  The only capital was just a few dozen magazines and a “switchblade”.

  It was a pity that they did not bring the RPG, otherwise it would be even cheaper.

  Looking at the small mountain of chips, the Killing Dagger could not help but sigh.

  ”Sure enough… robbing robbing is the most profitable.”

  ”What do you mean by robbing robbing!”

  Fang Chang rolled his eyes and refuted his statement, “It’s obviously the hammer of justice!”

  ”We confiscated their chips, used these chips to upgrade equipment, and then used the upgraded equipment to save more survivors. It’s obviously a just thing. You actually said it was robbing robbing? Do you have the nerve?” The

  Killing Dagger was stunned for a moment.

  What the hell?

  That makes sense!

  Listening to Fang Chang’s nonsense, Lao Bai laughed and said in a teasing tone.

  ”Okay, stop talking so much nonsense. Just play the game for your own pleasure. What’s the point of talking about big principles? How do we divide these chips? Give me an idea.”

  ”Just divide it equally like the next time. What else can I do?”

  After listening to Fang Chang’s suggestion, Lao Bai snapped his fingers.

  ”Okay, then we’ll do as you say. When Ye Shi and Kuang Feng come back, we’ll each have a bag.”

  Upon hearing this, the players cheered.

  ”Boss, you’re awesome!”


  ”We’re getting rich!”

  According to the average distribution, each of them can get more than 8,000 chips, which is equivalent to 16,000 silver!

  What kind of task can give so much money?

  Such a huge sum.

  It can be said that they became rich overnight!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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