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Chapter 374 Actually, it’s OK if You Don’t Change Your Mind

Chapter 374 Actually, it’s OK if You Don’t Change Your Mind


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 374 Actually, you don’t have to change your mind.

  “Is that all?”

  On the hill northwest of Ruigu City, Zhimahu looked up at the six balloons floating in the sky, with a hint of confusion in her eyes.

  She felt that…

  this thing was a little different from the “communication base station” she understood.

  Tail, who was standing next to her, was not worried at all. He got up from the ground with a whoosh and clapped his hands in a successful manner.

  “Oh, it must be fine! Tail followed every step according to the instructions!”

  The so-called communication base station is actually a box the size of a washing machine and six hydrogen balloons connected by a thin rope.

  Its usage is as simple and easy to understand as its structure.

  Find a place with open terrain and relatively high ground, put the signal repeater tied to the balloon into the sky, and don’t forget to turn on the power supply, and the whole set of equipment can start working.

  The device has two built-in metal hydrogen batteries, which are enough to maintain the rated power for at least one week when disconnected from the power grid, and provide information services for VMs within a range of 10 to 20 kilometers.

  Although the channel width of the whole set of equipment is not large, it is still no problem to meet the needs of thousands of people to update map information and receive tasks.

  Anyway, players can’t use VM to watch short videos in the game.

  As a substitute for satellites, this thing is similar to hot air balloon WiFi, and it can be said to be very useful.

  The only thing to note is that there is a risk of being struck by lightning on rainy days, and flying too high is likely to attract predators or other strange things.

  However, these are actually minor problems.

  As a temporary means of communication, the whole set of equipment can provide communication services for 1 to 3 weeks, which is enough. No one expects it to work all the time.

  The alliance’s communication system mainly relies on optical cables, cables, large signal towers and countless small base stations.

  These facilities will be built by professionals.

  ”Let’s go back to the camp to meet up with Sisi and Rourou!” After confirming that the signal condition was good, Wei put away the VM and reached out to grab the backpack thrown on the ground.

  It contained some mountaineering tools.

  She took a lot of effort to move the iron box up.

  ”But… is it really okay to just leave it here?”

  Zhimahu looked at the six balloons that had already flown away in the sky with a worried look, and he was still a little worried.

  ”Don’t worry, this is a wasteland, there are not so many people. And it took us a long time to climb up, so it will be fine!”

  He gave his companion a convincing expression, and Wei La said with reason.

  ”And even if it breaks, it doesn’t matter. I believe our respected manager will definitely send a plane to drop another one!”


  Just as Wei La and Zhimahu were deploying the communication base station, Si Si was standing in a tent, looking at the man named Luo Hua lying on the bed.

  The current situation of this NPC can’t be described by a simple word “miserable”.

  His body was wrapped in bandages, almost like a dumpling, and his weak breathing seemed like he might die at any time.

  If he was so seriously injured in the real world, he could basically explain his funeral, but this is a game world after all, and key plot characters should not die so easily.

  Sisi guessed that he must have some bionic parts installed on his body, so he could hold on to his breath.

  The bionic parts of Ideal City are worth hundreds of thousands each! It’s okay if

  he’s fine.

  What if he’s in trouble?

  We can’t waste it…

  At this moment, Kariman, who was also standing in the tent, didn’t know what “evil” thoughts the beautiful girl next to him was thinking. He thought that the drooping eyebrows were sad for her companion’s experience.

  He sighed softly and said in a comforting tone.

  ”He has a good physique and recovers quickly. If an ordinary person suffered such a serious injury, he would have returned to the embrace of the desert spirit long ago.”

  Sisi nodded.


  Seeing the girl’s silence, Kariman couldn’t help feeling distressed, but he couldn’t think of any words to comfort her.

  After thinking for a while,

  he suddenly seemed to have made up his mind and spoke slowly.

  ”The prophet told us that our world will one day return to the embrace of the spirit of the sea of ​​sand, and the legions that roam the world will bring down the final judgment at the end of the world. However, before the arrival of eternal peace and extinction, we should be merciful and not abandon any of our compatriots trapped in the quicksand, whether they are men or women, free men or slaves… Only in this way can we reduce our sins.”

  Sisi looked at him blankly, not knowing what this NPC was suddenly talking about.

  But Kariman did not stop explaining and continued.

  ”We set out from Oasis No. 9 and headed for the giant wall in the south of the Valley Province. We shouldn’t have spent so much time on the road, but when he cast his pleading eyes at us, we couldn’t just watch him being swallowed by the yellow sand.”

  Sisi: “Uh, thank you.”

  ”I’m ashamed. I really don’t deserve your thanks,” Kariman said with a complicated look, “Because just last night, I was still discussing with my companions and planning to throw him to you… After all, we have left the desert and are no longer obliged to take him with us. The road ahead is not easy to go, and he is a complete burden with such injuries.”

  Sisi was about to say that it was okay and leave it to her, but the man didn’t give her a chance to speak, and made a decision on his own with a resolute look.

  ”But now, I have changed my mind.”

  ”Beyond the sea of ​​sand is a wilderness, full of dangerous beasts and bloodthirsty barbarians, far away from the embrace of the great existence… I can’t throw this trouble to a group of powerless ladies, it goes against my beliefs!”

  Sisi stared at this guy blankly.

  After a long while, she spoke in a non-standard human language.

  ”… Actually, you don’t have to change your mind.”


  perhaps her way of expression was too euphemistic, and this guy named Kariman was completely immersed in his own world.

  ”Don’t be embarrassed, I’m just implementing the teachings of the Spirit of the Sea of ​​Sand! I will stay with half of the guards and accompany you on the road.”

  ”Until you return home safely.”

  The gentle look gave Sisi goose bumps all over the floor.

  Just as she was about to say something, the VM on her arm suddenly vibrated.

  A light blue pop-up window flashed on the screen. It was a communication request from the manager, which interrupted her words that she had just organized.

  ”I’ll go and tell my companions about the subsequent itinerary.”

  After bowing like a gentleman, Kariman turned and left the tent, leaving only the sleepy Luo Hua and the laughing Si Si.

  ”Forget it… I’ll explain it later.”

  You can’t just leave the manager’s call alone.

  Compared with the wild NPC whose way is unknown, the favorability of the camp leader is of course more important.

  Lifting her hair and putting on the headphones, Si Si reached out and pressed the connect button. A calm and handsome face soon appeared on the VM screen.

  ”Dear manager, I was delayed for a while just now. May I ask what’s the matter?”

  ”Where’s Luo Hua?”

  ”He’s here.”

  Not surprised at how the manager got the news, Si Si adjusted the direction of the headphones and pointed the camera at the bed next to him.

  Seeing that the man wrapped like a dumpling was still breathing, Chu Guang breathed a sigh of relief and asked slowly.

  ”How is he?”

  Si Si shook his head.

  ”It’s hard to say. He has a very high fever and has not yet regained consciousness. I suggest that he rest here for a few days before his condition stabilizes.”

  Given his current physical condition, he might die on the road if he continues on the road.

  They brought some basic medical supplies in their truck, including hemostatic bandages, syringes, infusion bags, saline, glucose, and antibiotics.

  Although most players will decisively choose to restart after being seriously injured, long-distance travel is different from activities around the resurrection point after all, and the cost of death is too high.

  If you can rescue him, you still have to rescue him.

  Hearing Sisi’s suggestion, Chu Guang nodded slowly.

  He remembered that this player seemed to work in a hospital in reality. Although it was not a popular department, he should still have basic medical knowledge.

  ”Then let him rest here for a while as you said.”

  ”Tell me if you need anything. During this time, I’ll trouble you to take care of him. When he wakes up, please tell me as soon as possible!”

  Sisi gave a thumbs up to the camera.

  ”Oh, leave it to me!”

  Although she is not a very good doctor, she will do her best.

  After the communication ended, a light blue pop-up window appeared on the VM screen. Looking at the previously triggered task, Sisi showed a surprised expression on her face.

  ”2000 silver coins and 1000 contribution points?!”

  So much?

  Generally, in the level range of LV10~LV20, the task rewards are just over three digits. It is already quite rare for a single person to get a task with a reward of 1000 silver coins.

  Especially 1000 contribution points. It is

  simply too generous to be believed.

  However, she did not show a surprised expression on her face. Instead, she touched her chin and fell into deep thought.

  ”…From this point of view, there may be subsequent tasks.”

  I always feel that this journey has become troublesome…


  At the door of the tent, four armed guards are on duty.

  Kariman, who had left here earlier, has disappeared. He probably went to discuss with his companions.

  Seeing Sisi walking through the curtain and outside, Rourou, who was squatting next to the truck, immediately came up and asked with a worried look on his face.

  ”How is the NPC?”

  Because she was worried about scaring the patient, she was very considerate and did not go in, but stayed beside the truck.

  ”He hasn’t woken up yet. Just now, the signal came. The manager told us to take care of the NPC. When he wakes up, it will probably trigger other tasks.”

  ”I just received it. The reward is 2,000 silver coins!” Rourou said excitedly.

  ”The more rewards you give, the more trouble you may encounter. The goods we are pulling now are at least 200,000 silver coins… To be honest, I don’t want to cause trouble, but I can’t just leave him alone.”

  Sisi sighed with some trouble, looked at Rourou and said.

  ”I’ll go get some hot water and come back. Do you remember where you put the medical kit?”

  ”It’s in the car. I remember the location!” Rourou patted her chest with her bear paw with full energy, “Leave it to me!”

  ”Then I’ll leave it to you.”

  Sisi took down the kettle hanging on the side of the truck and walked towards the well. However, before she walked far, a strange feeling suddenly crept into her heart.

  Squinting her eyes slightly, Sisi scanned the surroundings, but apart from the rows of tents, there was no one in sight.

  However, this was also the abnormality.

  There was no real safe zone in the wasteland, and the Katin Station with only a hundred permanent residents was even less likely to be such a place.

  The tents were still there, but the people were gone, and there was not even a person left to look after the luggage. The public security here was obviously not good enough to allow people to pick up things on the road.


  there was only one possibility…

  With no change in her expression, Sisi was about to return the same way.

  However, she had just taken a step back when the rustling sound of footsteps came from behind the rows of tents.

  The group of people were wearing black cloaks, blocking all her retreat routes.

  ”It’s obvious that they are coming for me…”

  When she saw the mission reward before, she had a bad feeling in her heart that something bad might happen.

  But she didn’t expect everything to happen so quickly.

  Cursing the bastard plotter in her heart, Sisi completely gave up the idea of ​​escaping. She reached her right hand into her pocket and counted the people around her.

  There weren’t many people, only eleven.

  However, Sisi knew very well that only a part of them were standing in the open, and the other part was probably pointing guns at this side from a distance.

  The man closest to her was probably the leader of this group of people. The raised middle part of his nose was quite similar to that of some people in the prisoner-of-war camp.

  The same was true for the other ten people.

  The identities of these people were self-evident.

  She could guess it with her toes.

  ”Are you from the legion?”

  ”Your reaction is very sharp, which is worthy of praise.” The man standing in the first place looked at the girl in front of him with appreciation, “But unfortunately, it’s still a little late.”

  The black muzzle of the gun was looming under the cloak. Sisi silently glanced at their weapons. They were all Pu-9.

  This submachine gun, which fires 9mm subsonic bullets, can pour a huge amount of firepower on close-range targets in a short period of time.

  Due to its fast firing rate and low recoil, although this submachine gun is the standard weapon of the Legion, many survivor settlements have copied it.

  However, this weapon still has a fatal flaw.

  That is, the penetration is too weak!

  Although the huge kinetic energy can still form effective killing, for some large alien species, this small water pipe can’t break the defense at all.

  Sisi is very clear about the performance of this weapon.

  After all, she has used it herself.

  ”I advise you not to act rashly. Even the awakened can’t stop the bullet,” the man looked at her with a smile.

  ”Oh, what do you want.”

  ”Bring that Luo Hua out and hand it over to us.”

  ”What if I refuse?”

  The smile on his face remained unchanged, but the man’s eyes turned cold.

  ”That would be the worst result. We don’t want to kill people, but if you force us to do so, we won’t be merciful.”

  Sisi suddenly smiled.

  ”When did the Legion become so reasonable?”

  The man raised his chin slightly.

  ”We have always convinced people with reason. Now, slowly pull your hand out of your pocket, and then squat on the ground with your head in your hands.”

  ”Or we can make a few holes in you first.”

  It seems that they probably want to capture him alive…

  and there shouldn’t be too many people, otherwise there is no need to wait until I am alone, just find an opportunity to attack directly and it will be over.

  While Sisi was thinking in her heart, she silently pulled her right hand out of her pocket.

  The people present did not notice that there was a light silver ring on her right wrist.

  The silver ring contains six magnetic projectiles with a diameter of less than 5mm. After activation, the projectiles will float around the bracelet and fire according to the preset attack instructions.

  Its name is magnetic slingshot.

  Since the maximum killing range is only 20 meters and the caliber of the projectile is too small, it is considered a flashy equipment.

  At the end of the last expansion, she was lucky enough to draw this equipment, but soon found that it was even more useless than she had imagined, so she never used it once in actual combat.


  I didn’t expect it to come in handy today.

  ”It looks like I’m going to break a few ribs…” Sisi muttered in her heart, waiting for the bracelet to automatically lock onto the nearest target, and was ready to lie down.

  Seeing that there was no weapon in her open palm, the man smiled happily.

  ”Very good, squat now–”

  Before the voice fell, a series of air-breaking sounds rushed

  in all directions. The man’s heart suddenly aroused a warning, and he almost subconsciously fell to the ground.

  And the hot touch also flew over his head at almost the same time, even burning his scalp.

  What is that? !

  Looking at the five brothers who fell down with blood holes on their foreheads, his eyes were instantly blood red, and he roared and ordered.

  ”Fire! Kill her for me!”

  There was no need to give orders at all-

  almost at the moment the change happened, his soldiers had already pulled the trigger.

  Five PU-9 submachine guns spurted out flames at the same time, and fierce firepower broke out in an instant!

  Sisi, who was shot several times, groaned, and took advantage of the brief gap in the encirclement to rush into the tent beside her.

  The 9mm bullet did not penetrate the devil silk bulletproof vest, but even so, the huge kinetic energy still broke several of her ribs.

  Fortunately, the excessive pain was blocked by the helmet.

  Otherwise, even if the awakened person of the physical system has extremely strong resilience and recovery ability, the pain just now would be enough to make her faint.

  The bullets that were fired almost followed her footsteps into the tent.


  ”One shot missed!”

  The broken equipment was really unreliable…

  There was no time to hesitate, Sisi decisively pulled out the dagger, cut a hole in the back of the tent, and rushed out without stopping.

  Struggling to get up from the ground, the man with a raised nose looked at the tent that was shot into a sieve, and was completely stunned.

  He was shot more than a dozen times and he was still fine.

  Is this still a human being? !

  It must be fake!

  But –

  whether it is or not, there is no time to hesitate now.

  ”Chase after him!” Grabbing the submachine gun on the ground, he roared and called his men to chase after him.

  However, at this moment, a deafening roar came from the side.

  A white bear with a steel plate hanging on its chest suddenly broke into everyone’s sight.

  The man looked over there suddenly, his eyes suddenly shrank, and a trace of fear was instantly printed on his whole face.

  What frightened him was not the savage white bear, but the rows of tents crushed by the wheels and the trucks that were crashing straight towards them.

  The heavy machine gun welded on the roof of the car was already pointed directly at him.

  ”Sh! Hold on!”

  ”We’re here to help you!!”

  (Thanks to the leader “Empty Spirit” for the reward! To be honest, when I wrote this thank you, I felt ashamed… My typing speed has really dropped a lot recently, and it’s not even 1000 words per hour. Sometimes I try hard to write out the imagined plot, but I always feel that it’s a little bit lacking… I’m sorry brothers.)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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