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Chapter 374: Strange Thoughts and Secrets, the Seal of Agreement

Chapter 374: Strange Thoughts and Secrets, the Seal of Agreement


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 374: Strange Thoughts and Secrets, the Appointment of Dingyin

  The black mud in the pool surged, but gradually fell silent.

  Yunqin’s eyes became more and more solemn, silently clenched the sword, and some uneasiness rose in her heart.

  Why hasn’t Shifei emerged from the pool yet? Is this pool really that deep?

  The fairy mother on the side stared at the black pool, and a strange color flashed in her eyes.

  What seems to have happened in the pool?

  Yang Shifei stood

  still, his face cold and tense. He thought for a moment in silence, and replied coldly: “If I refuse, will you still force yourself to take action?”

  ”The man of destiny is joking, I am not so ignorant of romance.”

  While she smiled charmingly, her soft fingertips slid down again, teasing back and forth on her chest.

  ”Besides, we may not be enemies.”

  ”Don’t play tricks anymore.”

  Yang Shifei suddenly swept away the black mud in front of him, his expression became more serious: “Just say what you want to say, there is no need to beat around the bush. ‘

  ”It is I who said too much.”

  Her arms were wrapped around her from behind, as if a beautiful body was leaning on her back.

  In her mind, she was still whispering and laughing: “I didn’t consider the temperament of the Man of Destiny. It’s my fault.”

  Yang Shifei frowned slightly, and was about to turn around and shake him off, but heard him whispering:

  ”Man of Destiny, you have now stepped into the depths of the earth veins, and even came to the Ten Palaces of the Determined Veins in the past. What do you think of this place that seems to be endlessly dirty?”


  Yang Shifei’s heart moved slightly, it seemed that the other party was finally willing to communicate with him normally.

  He thought to himself, and responded in his mind: ‘The earth veins are so polluted, it is very difficult for the human race to survive in peace. ‘


  The female voice in her mind was a little surprised, and she smiled: “I thought the Man of Destiny would say some bold words, determined to purify the filth of heaven and earth and save the people of the world.”

  Yang Shifei frowned and responded silently: ‘If you want to hear irrelevant words, I can tell you again. ‘

  ”Hehe. No need. I prefer to hear the truth.”

  The soft lotus arm ring was hooked in front of the neck, and it seemed that there was a delicate head and chin resting on the shoulder. She smiled softly and said: “Although Tianmingren is young, he can see the situation clearly.

  From my own point of view, the destruction of the human race is a foregone conclusion. No matter how the remaining mortal kingdoms work together, no matter how much they rely on the Taiwu Saint Soldiers handed down from ancient times, they cannot escape the result of destruction.”


  Yang Shifei was silent again.

  He couldn’t figure out the other party’s identity and intentions, but these words made him feel uneasy.

  ”Tianmingren, do you know the real reason?”

  I don’t know.”

  ”It’s actually very simple.” It seemed that there were soft lips against his ears: “The human race is the alien.”

  Yang Shifei’s heart was shocked, and he said in a deep voice: “What does this mean. ‘

  He still remembered what those great demons and monsters had said, and combined with the matter of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

  ”‘Heaven and earth’ are not on the side of the human race. Everything you have seen in the earth veins has never been eroded by any external force. It has always been real.”

  The mysterious woman exhaled softly in her ear again: “For this world, the human race is the ‘filth’ that needs to be eliminated.

  And forcibly sealing the earth veins a thousand years ago was against the will of heaven, and sooner or later it would lead to a stronger counterattack from the might of heaven. With the shallow foundation of the human race, it will soon be submerged by the filth that covers the sky and the earth, and completely exterminated.”


  Yang Shifei’s face became colder and colder.

  Although he had already speculated, he still felt heavy in his heart when he heard these words.

  ’What is your intention in telling me this. ‘

  ”Because you are carrying the spirit of a true dragon, you should know the truth.”

  The mysterious woman giggled in his ear: “Maybe you can turn the desperate situation around and leave a trace of inheritance for civilization.”

  Yang Shifei frowned; “Are you not a demon?”

  ”It doesn’t matter whether you are or not.” The mysterious woman hugged him tighter: “You just need to know that I stand with you.”

  Yang Shifei’s mind turned rapidly. From the other party’s words and deeds, he could feel that she was indeed not on the side of the demon.

  However, why did this woman appear in the depths of the earth vein ? Before he

  had time to think about it, Yang Shifei couldn’t help but cover his mouth and nose, and he couldn’t hold his breath.

  Although he could hold his breath for a long time with his strong internal force, it was really difficult to maintain it for a long time in a dangerous environment.

  He just wanted to try to float up, but his body was quietly entangled by the black mud and he couldn’t move for a while.

  ”God’s destiny, don’t rush to leave.”

  The mysterious woman walked around in front of him and hugged him: “Let me help you breathe.”

  The next moment, his lips suddenly felt cold.

  Yang Shifei almost opened his eyes, and his face was even more stunned.

  He didn’t expect that the other party would really kiss him directly –

  as soon as he thought about it, he felt a cold breath coming from his mouth.

  Yang Shifei quickly recovered his breath, his eyebrows trembling slightly, and he felt that this situation was extremely strange. They

  were obviously strangers, but they could be so intimate. What

  on earth is this woman thinking.


  After waiting for a long time, Yang Shifei secretly thought it was strange. Seeing that she not only did not loosen the restraints, but was still as close as a dragonfly touching the water, he simply used his mouth to counterattack on the spot.


  The mysterious woman trembled all over.

  The breath that was originally at ease was immediately confused. In a few moves, he fell into a passive position and could only dodge back and forth shyly.


  The mysterious woman retreated and dodged in a slightly embarrassed manner.

  Yang Shifei held his breath again, and heard a voice of anger in his mind: “Tianmingren, how can you be so skilled?”

  ”Since the words have been said, should I leave? ‘

  ”You are wrong, Hu Tianming.”

  The body hugged back and kissed the neck intimately: “I said that I have to take you away.”

  As soon as the voice fell, undercurrents gradually rolled up around, as if some mysterious means were brewing.

  Yang Shifei was shocked and struggled hurriedly: “What are you going to do–”

  ”The veins of the earth are interconnected, regardless of the north and south of the sea.” The mysterious woman whispered: “You have kissed it, so come with me to the Kingdom of Jin.”

  Yang Shifei’s mind turned quickly, and a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind, and he immediately absorbed the filth in the other’s body.


  The mysterious woman groaned and hurriedly let go of her hands and legs: “How can you, how can you.”

  Yang Shifei gritted his teeth to endure the pain and forcibly pulled away the black mud.

  At this moment, a ripple spread out beside him, revealing the illusory figure of Tianhuaxian.

  ”Witch, leave quickly!”

  Tianhuaxian raised her arms to protect Yang Shifei behind her, and shouted coldly: “This is the territory of our Yan State, when will it be your turn to run wild!”

  The mysterious woman calmed down a little and smiled: “The power of the Yan State Demon is indeed terrible.”

  After a moment of silence, she cast a look at Yang Shifei again, and murmured ambiguously: “You took away my “part”, you must keep it well, and remember me in your heart~”

  ”If you can be more normal, maybe we can see each other again in the future. ”

  Hearing her calm words, the mysterious woman couldn’t help but smile: “We will see each other soon, take care of yourself. No matter what doubts you have, you can come to Jin State.”

  As the voice fell, her breath and figure completely disappeared.


  Yang Shifei looked strange, he didn’t expect the other party to come and go so decisively.

  Tian Huaxian glanced back and said, “There are quite a few people targeting you.”

  ’Thank you Miss Tianshuang for your help, but you are now’

  ”It’s just an incarnation condensed by immortal thoughts. It has no cultivation at all. It is used to deceive the other party.”

  Tian Huaxian’s figure was also gradually dissipating: “You should move faster, so as not to let the other party come back.”

  Yang Shifei nodded seriously and immediately turned to swim towards the stone platform.

  After swimming out of the black mud and climbing onto the stone platform, he breathed a sigh of relief.

  But at this moment, he felt a slight tingling on the back of his hand, and he quickly took a closer look.

  Only then did he discover that there was a strange mark on the back of his hand, emitting bursts of gloomy evil spirit.

  ”This mark”

  Yang Shifei’s eyes flashed, and his expression became more and more subtle. Could it be the woman named Xingru just now?

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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