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Chapter 375 Legion and Heart of Iron!

Chapter 375 Legion and Heart of Iron!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 375: Legion and Heart of Steel!

  The thick barrel sprayed out flames, and in a flash, two soldiers were torn apart in an instant.

  The explosion of gunpowder almost shattered Hei Lik’s eardrums, and he fled behind the bunker in a panic. Just as he was about to raise his gun to fight back, he saw a brother hit by the whistling claws.

  Blood and flesh flew everywhere!

  The big white bear seemed to be frightened by its own fierce impact, not to mention the soldiers wearing black cloaks.


  Seeing that two brothers were killed by the machine gun fire in an instant, Hei Lik raised the muzzle of the gun angrily and fired a burst

  of bullets at the front of the car. The bullets hit the welded steel plate at the front of the machine gun, making a clanging sound, but it had no effect at all, leaving only a string of sparks and pits.


  Tail reflexively shrank his head, deftly dodged the bullets, and held the machine gun with both hands without panic.

  Zhimahu, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, was startled by the bullets that were fired at him.


  She subconsciously buried her head under the steering wheel, and her feet were welded to the accelerator.

  Looking at the oncoming truck and the steel plate that could not be penetrated at all, Herik, who was holding the submachine gun, had a trace of despair in his eyes.

  Especially when he saw the thick barrel on the roof pointing at him.

  For a moment, his heartbeat was even frozen.


  it was not the oncoming bullets that made him lose consciousness in the end.

  It was the front of the car that hit his chest straight.

  In the last moment of losing consciousness, he vaguely heard someone shouting something.

  Although he didn’t understand it at all…

  ”Awei! Leave him alive!”

  ”Oh! Got it!”


  Cold water was poured on his face.

  Herik woke up from his coma and saw a black muzzle of a gun.

  ”We always convince people with reason, so you’d better not act rashly.”

  Sisi returned this sentence to the guy lying on the ground, but saw that he was looking at her with eyes like a monster.


  She touched her chin with her left hand.

  Is it so scary?

  She was quite satisfied with her game character.

  ”I was scared to death… We suddenly received a mission saying that you were in trouble, so we rushed over immediately. Just now, I saw that you were shot many times, and my tail and I thought you were dead.” Zhima Paste got off the truck and walked over with a worried look on his face.

  ”Thanks to the bulletproof vest, but a few ribs were broken.”

  Sisi said nonchalantly.

  Although she felt that her condition was probably not as simple as a few broken ribs.

  However, such serious internal and external injuries have recovered by 30% to 40%.

  It was considering the possibility of such a situation that she chose the physical system. Now it seems to be an extremely correct choice.

  The excessive pain will be blocked. This is probably one of the most convenient functions of this game, which is equivalent to bringing tranquilizers and painkillers.

  Otherwise, no matter how high your physical points are, you can’t bear the pain.

  ”As expected of Si! That line just now is so cool!” Wei said with sparkling eyes. Rourou

  looked at her worriedly.

  ”Are you really okay? You were shot so many times…”

  ”It’s okay.”

  Sisi showed a gentle smile on her face.

  ”…Thanks to you for coming in time, if I was alone, I might have been captured.”

  ”Especially Rourou, very brave!”

  ”What are you talking about… How can I shrink back when I see my friends in trouble.”

  Lifting the heavy bear claws, the shy Rourou scratched the back of his head embarrassedly.

  As a result, his head was covered with blood.

  The sentimental atmosphere became a little subtle and bloody.

  However, at this moment, an inappropriate voice suddenly turned the topic in a strange direction.

  ”Giao! Prisoner, prisoner?! Will the plot in the book happen?!”

  Zhimahu looked confused: “Book?”

  Looking at someone with sparkling eyes, Sisi sighed helplessly.

  ”Awei, please watch less of that kind of stuff.”

  ”!!! Did you install surveillance cameras in my house?”

  ”Hey, you woman… are not simple.”

  The gunshots and commotion attracted people nearby, and the first to arrive were Kariman and his guards.

  Although his guard chief strongly opposed intervening in the disputes among the wastelanders, he still came with his men despite the fact that he had promised to protect the safety of these people a few minutes ago.

  However, when he arrived here, he found that the battle was over.

  The wastelanders in black cloaks were lying on the ground in a mess, and their deaths were extremely miserable.

  A 10mm caliber machine gun hit a person, but it was more than just a bullet hole. The flesh and limbs torn by the huge kinetic energy were scattered around the wreckage of the tent, which made him feel sick to his stomach when he left the desert for the first time, and his face turned slightly pale.

  ”What happened here…”

  The guard chief with a beard on his face stepped forward and squatted on the ground.

  He stretched out his index finger and touched the face of one of the corpses, and his expression suddenly became solemn.

  ”People from the Legion…”

  There are people of all skin colors and hair colors in the wasteland, but only the people from the Legion have a bulge in the middle of their noses.

  One theory is that they used the DNA of ancient people, and another theory is that they made certain modifications to their genes in order to make their noble bloodline stand out.


  Kariman chewed these two words over and over again, and hatred and anger appeared in his eyes.

  At this time, the merchants, guards and mercenaries who had been hiding far away saw the gunfire stop and rushed back.

  Seeing the miserable scene on the ground, a merchant suddenly showed a painful expression on his face.

  ”Damn, what have you done! My tent, my bag, my luggage… are all destroyed by you.”

  Looking at the truck parked next to the tent, several mercenaries carrying rifles surrounded it.

  ”It’s just a few tents…” Sis threw a few dinars on the ground, “Is that enough?”

  This amount of money was obviously not enough. The merchant wanted to say something, but was gently pulled back by the guard next to him.

  ”Those three girls are awakened… If we really fight, I’m afraid we will suffer heavy losses.”

  The merchant’s face flushed, and he was angry, but he finally swallowed his anger, picked up the gold coins on the ground, and walked away silently.

  The residents nearby looked at this place from afar, watching the excitement.

  To the north of Katyn Post Station is the residence of merchants and travelers. As long as the bullets don’t fly into their homes, no one will care about the death of a few wastelanders.

  However, it has been many years since the fight was so fierce as today. Just as

  everyone was talking about it, an old man in his fifties walked out of the crowd.

  His skin was dark, his face was full of wrinkles, and he looked weathered, but his body was still strong.

  The dozen strong men following him were also dressed in the same way, with a revolver on their backs.

  After taking a look at the corpse and the man lying on the ground, and then at the three people and the bear next to the truck, the old man frowned and said.

  ”My name is Mudeka, and I’m the village chief here.”

  ”Sisi, and over there are Awei, Zhimahu and Rourou.”

  Sisi also introduced herself to her companions, although she felt that the old man in front of her didn’t care what their names were.

  And the fact is that the old man didn’t ask where they came from, and said directly.

  ”This is a safe zone. You broke the rules here and need to compensate the residents and cattle and sheep in the village who were scared.”

  Sisi said expressionlessly.

  ”Oh? Since it’s a safe zone, why didn’t you stand up before they took action?”

  ”I came here after hearing the gunshots. No matter what, you drove around in the camp, crushed tents and luggage, and fired machine guns… These are too much.”

  Tail, who heard half of it, protested dissatisfiedly.

  ”Hey, I didn’t hurt innocent people–”

  Sisi interrupted Tail’s explanation, stared at the old man, and said word by word.

  ”This is a matter between the Alliance and the Legion. Are you sure you want to intervene?”

  She could see that the old man wanted to extort something from them.

  If she hadn’t thrown out those dinars just now, there might not be this trouble. Sure enough

  , when he heard the word “Alliance”, the old man’s attitude changed immediately.

  There was an obvious fear and suspicion in his fierce and cunning eyes.

  Of course, he had heard of the Alliance and the rumors in the east.

  The suddenly rising Alliance blocked the Bone Chewing Tribe’s southward progress and ended the chaos in the Valley Province that lasted for a year.

  Before that, the towering giant wall was the only beacon within hundreds of miles.

  ”…Are you from the Alliance?”

  Sisi looked at him and said.


  The old man’s face was slightly stiff, including the several strong men beside him.

  He did think of extorting money from these girls. After all, there were a lot of good things on the truck, and the compensation he asked for was reasonable.

  But now, the situation is different…

  Listening to the conversation between those people, the survivors who were watching exchanged surprised glances with each other.

  The whispering sound also spread around with that sight.

  ”Alliance? They are actually from the Alliance.”

  ”I heard that the warriors of the Alliance are brave enough to fight ten people with one, and they only needed more than a thousand people to crush the Bone Chewing Tribe.”

  ”No wonder…”

  The strength of the Alliance is definitely not as good as the Legion, but it is their neighbor after all.

  The Legion is separated from here by half a continent, located on the far west coast.

  ”I’m afraid this matter will be very difficult… From the Alliance to us, it will take at least a week, and if it’s fast, it may take two or three days.” A middle-aged man lowered his head and whispered beside the old man.

  Mudka said “um” calmly, staring at the young girl in front of him.

  After a long while, he slowly spoke.

  ”…We have no intention of interfering in your dispute, but we also hope that you will not disturb our lives.”

  As he said that, he waved his dry right hand and turned away with the tribesmen next to him.

  As for the compensation, it was not mentioned again.

  Lying on the ground, Herik’s eyes moved back and forth between the three people and the bear.

  He had never heard of the alliance, and had no interest in understanding it. His mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about how to escape from the current situation.

  However, when his sight stopped at the black muzzle of the gun, he finally relaxed his tense shoulders and gave up the option of running away.

  The strength shown by the other party was beyond his cognition.

  Whether it was the woman who was shot several times and acted like nothing happened, or the mysterious weapon that killed five of his brothers in an instant.

  Until now, he didn’t even know what that thing was.


  something really changed in the Valley Province.

  ”Are you sure you want to be the enemy of the Legion?”

  Hei Lik lowered his voice and brought up the name of the Legion, trying to threaten these people to let him go.

  Si Si looked down at him.

  ”Even if we don’t have this plan, won’t trouble come to us on its own?”

  As she said, she shook the muzzle of the gun.

  ”Don’t waste my time, what’s your name?”

  ”Hei Lik…”

  ”What do you want that Luo Hua for?”

  The man’s face sank slightly, and a slightly sarcastic arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  ”Haha, want-”


  The sudden explosion of gunfire startled the survivors who were watching.

  Of course, the one who felt the smell of gunpowder the most directly was the one lying on the ground.

  The bullet hit the ground next to his ear, and the splashed mud covered half of his face.

  Looking at the smoking muzzle and the pair of merciless eyes, Herick felt a chill deep into his bones.

  ”I, I was just about to say…” The voice that was so brave a second ago began to stutter the next second.

  This was not out of fear, but a subconscious instinct.

  ”Hurry up then.” Turning on the recording function of the VM, Sis urged impatiently.

  ”… Enterprise, Enterprise’s people.”

  ”Of course I know that the guy you are chasing is from the Enterprise, and then what?”

  Herik swallowed his saliva and continued to speak quickly.

  ”… That mobile fortress rushed into the desert. Our servants heard that they were looking for some treasure there. No matter what it is, we can’t let them take it away from our territory.”

  ”Servants?” Tail tilted his head.

  ”Falcon,” Kariman, who walked aside with a gloomy face, interrupted, “The kingdom that rules Oasis No. 2… A group of servile cowards who abandoned their dignity and beliefs and dedicated their souls to the barbarians in the no-man’s land.”

  Tail: “?”

  Sis sighed and said, pressing his slightly sore eyebrows with his left hand.

  ”…Does it mean a vassal state?”

  Kariman nodded stiffly.


  Sis fell into deep thought.

  Combining the discussion on the forum and the information disclosed on the official website, she probably understood the whole story.

  In short, the vassal of the Legion discovered the Pioneer and reported the information of the Pioneer to the Legion.

  In order to prevent the Enterprise from mastering Shelter 0, the Legion is suspected to have sent an expeditionary force of unknown size to the desert to cooperate with the locals to trap the mobile fortress.

  Although the Pioneer has powerful firepower, no matter

  how powerful the technology is, it is impossible to create something out of nothing. At least electricity and minerals cannot be conjured out of thin air.

  And Herick’s next statement also confirmed her guess.

  ”…We surrounded them while the Pioneer was searching for supplies, and they had to withdraw to the ruins with the fuel rods. Those power armors are very strong, but their number is limited. We quickly divided and surrounded them. Some people fled into the desert, some were surrounded in the ruins, and several were trapped in the fortress.”

  Sis asked immediately.

  ”Have you occupied the Pioneer?”

  Herick replied.

  ”The battle is over. It’s only a matter of time before we occupy it, but we don’t want a pile of junk. They set a password for the power room. We can’t get in from the outside. If we force our way in, the remaining nuclear fuel will be injected into the self-destruct unit… and then there will be nothing.”

  ”Does that Luo Hua know the password?”

  ”…I don’t know, but he seems to be a key figure on the Pioneer. He is suspected of having some clues about Shelter No. 0… The general ordered me to capture him before he meets up with the Enterprise’s reinforcements. If I can’t catch him alive, I can take his head back.” ”


  Tail touched his chin, looking thoughtful, “Not simple, they actually knew that the Enterprise had sent reinforcements.”

  Zhima Paste said with a subtle expression.

  ”…Uh, do you still need to guess this?”

  Staring at Herik lying on the ground, Sis continued.

  ”Tell me the unit number you belong to, the name of your superior, and how many people you sent to the desert.”

  ”Iron Heart…”


  ”My unit,” Hellick swallowed and whispered, “Iron Heart… 29th Marine Regiment, our commander is Captain McLennan.”

  ”How far are they from here?”

  ”Right here.”


  Sis was stunned.

  Including Wei Ba, Zhi Zhi Mu and Rou Rou, as well as Kaliman and his guards, they all stood there in a daze.

  Sis was about to ask more questions, but he saw that Hellick, whose face was full of fear a second ago, suddenly had a hint of fanaticism in his eyes.

  He looked straight at her.

  But the pupils were not focused on her face, but on the back of her head.

  Sis’s eyes gradually showed a bad premonition.

  ”Right behind you… You will know if you look back.” Hellick smiled.

  No matter what he was proud of, Sis knew very well that this was definitely not a trick of “Look, UFO”.

  From the beginning, the people watching the excitement around turned their eyes away from here and cast their eyes to the sky in the distance.

  Now, those unfamiliar faces were all filled with confusion, hesitation and fear.

  ”What is that?”

  ”Whale, whale?”

  ”God of the Great Horned Deer…” Some herdsmen knelt on the ground, their foreheads pressed tightly against the ground.

  Many mercenaries were at a loss, but some far-sighted merchants recognized the guy.

  ”The airship… It’s the Legion’s airship!”

  Looking at the northwest of Ruigu City, Kariman’s eyes widened,

  and his pupils were changing between confusion and fear. The guards standing beside him couldn’t help but tighten their guns.

  The towering steel emerged from the bottom of the clouds, like an iceberg floating on the sea. The wings stretched out on both sides were like the wings of Kunpeng, and the rows of whistling propellers tore through the clouds like the fangs of a beast.

  So the airship of the Legion looks like this…

  He often heard rumors about it from people, but this was the first time he saw it.

  It looked like a giant whale flying in the sky… Although he had only seen that kind of animal in photos.

  Several players were also dumbfounded.

  Especially Sisi.

  Compared with where this airship came from, she wanted to know more about how the steel monster flew into the sky.

  The shell full of metal texture did not look like a canvas painted at all. This was definitely not the kind of airship in reality.

  And if it was an airship made of alloy, even if it was made of aluminum alloy, even if its thickest armor was only 10 mm, its tonnage would be hundreds or even thousands of tons.

  And such an unscientific product, the way of propulsion actually relied on a row of parallel propellers?

  Sisi felt that her common sense was impacted, and her brain was a little down for a while.

  Although this was not the first time…

  Herick, lying on the ground, admired the stunned profile and said sinisterly.

  ”It’s still not too late for us to surrender now…”


  A gunshot interrupted him.

  Herick covered his left ear in pain and curled up on the ground.

  After putting away the smoking pistol, Sisi adjusted the direction of the headset and took a photo of the sky.

  However, just when she opened the VM and was about to sync the photo to the official website account, she found that the network was disconnected.

  The signal is gone?

  At this moment, Wei Tail, who was also stretching his neck to look north, suddenly changed his face and shouted.

  ”Giao! My balloon!”

  Zhimahu said with a face full of laughter and tears, looking at the disappearing signal on the VM.

  ”I said… I told you not to put it so far away, but you insisted on climbing to the top of the mountain.”

  ”I, I just thought the signal would be better…” Wei Tail said in a guilty voice, “and it’s written in the manual that we should find a higher place.”

  ”But that’s too high!”

  ”Don’t worry… the manager will definitely throw another one over.” Wei Tail patted Zhimahu’s shoulder, but the guilty tone didn’t sound like comforting others, but more like comforting himself.

  Are you going to ask her to pay for it?

  It shouldn’t be… right?

  ”Ah… I finally made it to the hot search again.” Rourou sighed and sat down on the ground.

  ”Wuwu… Damn, my heart hurts.”

  Unlike those NPCs who fear the Legion, they are not afraid of any Legion.

  Whether it is the plunderer, the Legion, or the mutants and other alien species that are not considered human at all, they are nothing more than monsters of a higher level.

  In comparison, they want to spread this hot news to the forum.

  The dog planner has done something new again!


  the photos can only be uploaded later.


  Iron Heart.

  Suspended on the bridge below the airship, the man in luxurious clothes raised his chin slightly, looking down at the mountains, city ruins, vast forests and plains outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the handsome face reflected in the floor-to-ceiling windows.

  His name is McLen, the captain of the Iron Heart airship, belonging to the Eastern Legion,

  and his rank is a captain of ten thousand men. Although the captain of the legion does not mean commanding ten thousand people, he who stands here is undoubtedly above ten thousand people.

  The core of the entire airship is an unfinished Human-United Aerospace Force frigate, which contains a power room composed of a fusion reactor and a deflector shield generation unit for “kinetic weapons”.

  Although most of the technology can no longer be analyzed, and it is difficult to restore even if it is analyzed, it does not affect its continued use.

  Even in another form.

  In short, this airship embodies the crystallization of pre-war civilization technology and the peak of the Legion’s attainments in the field of machinery.

  It can not only serve as an aircraft carrier flying in the sky, but also go to the front line after the enemy loses air superiority and pour tons of explosives on the enemy’s head.

  There are very few forces in the entire wasteland that can stop them.

  And except for the group of rats hiding in the swamp, the dung beetles hiding under the holy shield, and the cockroaches curled up on the east coast… even if other ants have the ability to shoot down this airship, they will definitely not dare to look up at them.

  No one knows how many airships the Legion has, and no one knows how many unused munitions stocks they inherited two hundred years ago.

  Except for the Marshal himself who ruled everything.

  ”Dear General, you are at the foot of Ruigu City! The plain ahead is the southern corridor of the Valley Province, and its western gate is open to you!” Standing next to General McLen, the adjutant said respectfully.

  However, this flattery seemed to hit the horse’s leg.

  ”I don’t need you to popularize the history of this tiny land to me, you just need to tell me where the cockroaches crawling from the east coast are now.”

  General McLen spoke slowly, but there was a hint of obvious impatience in his tone.

  He should have been enjoying the service of servants in Oasis No. 2, but because of a piece of intelligence from the Bugera Free State, he was sent here by his superiors to intercept the reinforcements sent by the enterprise from the east coast.

  Speaking of superiors, the old fox named Griffin is actually only half a level higher than him, with one more star on the shoulder strap of the ten thousand-man commander.

  However, there is no way, even if it is half a star, it is higher than his own rank.

  What’s more, that person is the commander of the Eastern Legion and the personally appointed front-line commander.

  Not to mention flying an airship, even if it was a space battleship, he would have to obey his command.

  Whenever he thought of this, McLen was furious.

  The Pioneer had been captured, and the remaining crew members were trapped in the ruins of pre-war civilization. Without logistical supplies, surrender was a matter of time. The spoils

  could be divided soon, but he was sent to this remote place.

  He was just an employee of a company.

  Is it so important?

  ”… Griffin’s ambition is not small. He probably wants to take this opportunity to bring the entire Luoxia Province into the sphere of influence of the Eastern Legion.” The staff officer standing aside whispered.

  This sentence sounded like a dream.

  There is a large desert between Luoxia Province and the core territory of the Legion.

  The so-called Great Desert is not as simple as a place name, but a life restricted area spanning thousands of kilometers.

  The Legion cannot rule the enclave of Luoxia Province at all, not to mention that it is far away from their core interests.

  If it weren’t for taking over the Great Rift Valley, they wouldn’t even have to keep a vassal.

  Although the Eagle Kingdom contributes a lot of wealth to them every year, every general of the Eastern Legion knows very well that compared with their investment in that vassal state, the dinars and slaves offered by the honest king are not worth mentioning at all. However


  the disastrous defeat of the expeditionary army and the death of General Kras finally made some of the legion’s senior officials realize that it is a naive idea to expect to take over the Great Rift Valley, which once caused the company to suffer a great loss, within a few months.

  They need to invest more strength, build more reliable logistics, improve supply lines, and mobilize more manpower to polish the shoes of the centurions – whether mobilizing their own or mobilizing the vassal state.

  In the final analysis, they need to strengthen their control over the East.

  There are many ways to choose.

  For example…

  to support the honest king to become the emperor.

  ”… So you deliberately sent us away, wanting to take all the credit for yourself.”

  Thinking of Griffin’s arrogant face, General McLen narrowed his eyes slightly, and his heart suddenly moved.

  Looking at the wilderness in the southeast, a cruel arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  ”Letting these barbarians who eat raw meat and drink blood live here is simply a blasphemy to the heritage of our ancestors. In my opinion, the border of the Legion should be expanded 500 kilometers to the east.”

  ”We are fully capable of doing this!”

  The adjutant and the staff officer beside him showed surprised expressions at the same time.

  ”…It is not a good idea to create trouble. I think we should defeat the reinforcements of the Enterprise as quickly as possible and then return to Oasis No. 2.”

  General McLen said expressionlessly.

  ”What’s the point of going back? That old fox will probably find another reason to send us away. When we open up the southern corridor, the southern gate of the Great Rift Valley will be open to us. Not to mention the legion commander, even the marshal cannot ignore our contribution.”


  ”No buts.”

  Interrupting the staff officer’s words, McLen looked up at the French window in front of him, and a happy smile gradually appeared on his face.

  ”Let us bring real order and civilization to these barbarians!”

  Almost at the moment when the voice fell, the airship moving forward suddenly tilted to the right at two angles, and the connecting parts made a creaking buzzing sound.

  It was just a small swing.

  However, at this moment, McLennan’s attention was completely on the handsome face in the French window.

  He was caught off guard and lost his balance, and his nose almost came into close contact with the handrail next to him.

  Fortunately, the adjutant next to him was quick-witted and held him up as he almost fell.

  ”Sir, are you okay?”

  McClung picked up his hat from the ground and cursed angrily.

  ”What happened just now? Which idiot was driving the boat!”

  ”Maybe it’s just the airflow…”

  Facing McClung’s roar, the adjutant spoke tremblingly.

  However, before he finished speaking, a soldier trotted in from outside the bridge and reported nervously.

  ”Captain! Our right propeller seems to be entangled with something!”

  ”Send someone to fix it immediately!” McClung roared.

  ”Yes!” The soldier straightened his back and saluted, and immediately ran away in a hurry.

  McClung returned to his position cursing.

  The officers around him looked at each other, shut their mouths, and dared not make a sound, for fear of offending him and being used as a punching bag.

  The deflector shield was not triggered, which means that the impactor was not moving very fast. Perhaps it hit a dazed bird, so it shouldn’t be a big problem…

  But to be honest, that was not a good sign.

  ”The man I sent to the ground… his name was Herick or something, is there any news?”

  Hearing the captain’s question, the adjutant on the side hurriedly said.

  ”Not yet, but his last report said that he had locked onto the caravan… There should be news soon.”

  McLennan felt a little better.

  Catch that Enterprise employee, and then deal with the reinforcements sent by the Enterprise. By solving the troubles one by one, he can also free up time to do his own things.

  While the Heart of Steel was busy checking the fault, Chu Guang, who was more than 150 kilometers away, stared at his VM with a confused look on his face.

  Where’s the signal?

  It was full just now, and he was staring at the screen intently.

  Why did it suddenly disappear?

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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