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Chapter 376: The dog planner is doing something new again?

Chapter 376: The dog planner is doing something new again?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 376: Dog Planner is doing something new again?

  In the clear sky, a W-2 Mosquito attack aircraft was sticking to the edge of the clouds, heading towards Ruigu City.

  About 30 kilometers behind it, a “Dragonfly” transport aircraft carrying a “hydrogen balloon” communication system followed.

  Tail was indeed right. The respected administrator certainly would not leave his little player alone, and generously sent a second set of communication equipment. However, generosity is generosity.

  This kind of “high-tech density” equipment is also not cheap for the alliance.

  Before dropping the second airdrop box, Chu Guang needs to figure out what happened to the last communication base station that failed, so as to avoid the new communication base station from repeating the same mistake.


  the army over is too slow. There is no way to drive without a road network. Even if all members of the Storm Legion are equipped with the most basic exoskeleton, they can only march 30 kilometers a day.

  Although the player corps is very powerful and has the aura of “morale lock”, the discipline will plummet due to “boredom”. It is not realistic to expect a forced march of more than 100 kilometers.


  we can only trouble the Air Force.

  ”This is Luo Yu… We are approaching the target airspace and searching for ground signals.”

  Glancing at the VM tied to his thigh and looking at the approaching Ruigu City, Luo Yu pressed the joystick in his hand and controlled his vehicle to get out of the clouds.

  According to the mission requirements, he needs to get in touch with the players on the ground, learn from them what happened to the communication base station, report the news to the “Dragonfly” transport plane in the rear, and take a few photos to take back.

  This mission is very easy.

  It even made him yawn.

  However, just when he was about to get in touch with the players on the ground, a dark shadow in the distant sky attracted his attention.


  ”What the hell?”

  The towering steel airship is like a Kunpeng with its wings spread.

  What is shocking is not only the pure metal shell, but also the dazzling array of weapons all over its body.

  It is hard to imagine how such a huge thing can be suspended in the air.

  What is even more unimaginable is that the driving force provided by it is actually a long row of parallel propellers.

  The two completely different concepts, primitive and advanced, are miraculously compatible.

  Luo Yu’s eyes widened, his face full of surprise, he couldn’t believe his eyes.

  Soon, all the shock turned into intense excitement and shock in an instant.

  It’s simply amazing!

  But –

  it seems to have encountered some trouble.

  Luo Yu vaguely saw that on one side of the wing of the airship, one of the propellers was flashing with tiny flames.

  It seemed to be lit.

  Just when he was about to fly closer to take a look, he suddenly found that a thick and long gun barrel on the top of the airship was slowly turning its angle and pointing straight at him.

  That caliber.

  At least 100 mm!

  The moment his eyes met with the gun barrel, Luo Yu’s face changed instantly.

  ”Damn it!”

  There was no time to hesitate.

  He immediately hit the joystick hard, trying to fly under the airship.

  At the same time, he switched the communication channel to the “Dragonfly” transport plane 30 kilometers behind him, reporting the situation on the front line to the rear.

  ”Airship! An unidentified armed airship was spotted over Ruigu City, suspected to be–”

  Before he could finish the last few words, a streak of orange-yellow flame cut off his thoughts.

  He didn’t even hear the sound of the cannon, and the blue pop-up window of [Disconnected] was projected into the bottomless darkness. He

  slowly took off his helmet.

  Luo Yu, sitting on the bed in his bedroom, looked around in confusion, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses.


  They opened fire without even saying hello.

  It’s totally unethical!



  ”Wait, what is suspected?”

  ”Hello? Brother, are you still alive?”

  Above the clear sky.

  Sitting in the cabin, Unprofessional Fan Man repeatedly confirmed the situation in front of Luo Yu in front of him.

  However, the voice that was cut off never answered.

  Listening to the noise coming from the communication channel, Unprofessional Fan Man gradually realized that the situation might be more serious than he thought.

  Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated. While pulling back the ignition switch, he tilted the joystick to the left, controlling the plane to draw an arc in the air and return to the airport in the north of Shuguang City.

  A three-engine transport plane made of A3 aluminum alloy and equipped with a full set of instruments is much more expensive than the shoddy W-2.

  Sitting in the rear cabin, Bing Yuhuozi shouted.

  ”…Why did it turn? Aren’t we going to Ruigu?”

  ”The situation has changed… Luo Yu said he saw an airship.”


  Bing Yuhuozi was a little confused.

  What’s there to be afraid of that kind of antique that was almost eliminated in the First World War. It’s a

  pity that the 37mm gun was installed on another “Dragonfly”.

  If he hadn’t given him an angle, he would even have the confidence to shoot that thing down with a gunship.

  ”I don’t know… I don’t think it’s a simple airship. It can shoot him down the moment Luo Yu found it. It must have noticed it a long time ago.”

  ”Are you saying that there is a radar on that airship?” Bing Yuhuozi said in surprise.

  The unprofessional man thought for a moment and said,

  ”It should be. Radar is not a difficult thing. Even airships have it. It can’t be a predator… However, I estimate that it probably doesn’t have guided weapons, but anti-aircraft guns or other things.”

  After all, if there are missiles, they will probably be shot down by the enemy before they enter the visual range.

  Flying technology from the First World War, fire control system from the Second World War… What kind of industrial garbage is this?

  However, even if it is industrial garbage, it is not something that their broken transport plane can deal with.

  At least give him a “CJ-6”.

  No need to carry AA bullets, two 7.62 aircraft machine guns are enough… As long as there are no accidents.

  Without any hesitation, the unprofessional man pushed the switch to the maximum and decisively ran away with full power…


  Heart of Steel.

  Inside the bridge.

  Looking at the black slag on the table, McClane was stunned for a moment, and then a trace of anger quickly appeared in his eyes.

  ”What is this thing?”

  ”General, this thing is entangled in our propeller. It is hanging under the balloon. It should be a line…”

  Standing in front of General McClane, the engineer wearing a high-altitude work suit lowered his head, swallowed nervously, and spoke quickly. The

  technical officer accompanying the army took a half step forward, pinched a small handful with his index finger and thumb, stared at it and thought for a long time.

  ”…It contains carbon and silicon, a bit like optical fiber.”

  This kind of thing is very common in the wasteland, and can be seen in almost every concrete building.

  It is said that in the distant prosperous era, people were animals that would die if they did not speak. Everyone had speakers all over their bodies, and every wall was covered with radios or similar things.

  This optical fiber made of silicon carbide composite material is as thin as a hair. It crawls all over the city like capillaries, forming a huge and complex information matrix.

  Although this technology has been systematically lost, those hair-thin “ropes” have survived like those concrete garbage.

  Its characteristics are that it is light enough and tougher than ordinary ropes, but its strength is lower than that of metal wires, and it is not resistant to high temperatures, so ordinary scavengers will not deliberately collect this thing.

  Of course, this is not so absolute.

  Some survivor settlements will use it to transmit information, although this is not common.

  ”…It should be that someone tied this fiber to a hydrogen balloon and happened to be rolled into our propeller.”

  ”The short circuit caused the hydrogen hung in the engine to explode and ignited the oil on the drive shaft.”

  The navigator made a judgment based on his own experience.

  However, the adjutant standing aside was not satisfied with his statement.

  ”Coincidence? I don’t think it’s a coincidence. Who would release balloons into the sky for no reason? This is clearly a deliberate and malicious trap!”

  ”I think so too. It should be an anti-aircraft balloon…” The staff officer said thoughtfully, “We have encountered similar things in the survivor settlement in the west before.”

  However, the anti-aircraft balloons they had seen were much larger than the one they encountered just now, and the steel wires connecting the balloons were also stronger.

  I think that this is why their radar and observers didn’t notice the balloon at all.

  ”Are there any similar things nearby?” McLen looked at the navigator and asked with a straight face.

  The navigator shook his head and said.

  ”No, I asked the observer to check carefully. There is only this one in the entire airspace nearby!”

  Hearing this, McLen’s face couldn’t help but look a little ugly.

  There was only this one balloon nearby, and it happened to hit the engine of his airship. For

  a moment, he didn’t know whether to complain about the accuracy of the balloon or the good reception of his own airship.

  ”Anyway, this trap appeared on our route. The person who set this trap not only knew we were coming, but also predicted our route…” The

  staff officer put his index finger on his chin, a trace of solemnity on his face, and continued to speak slowly.

  ”Although the trap itself is not clever, they can cause us so much trouble with such a low-cost trick… I’m afraid these people’s strength should not be underestimated.”

  McLen asked in a deep voice.

  ”Who do you think did it?”

  The staff officer thought for a moment and said.

  ”The Great Rift Valley is too far away from here, and we have spies in the Bugera Free State… The only force nearby that is capable of doing this is the Boulder City. But I can’t make a conclusion. After all, the reinforcements of the Enterprise have also arrived nearby, and maybe those people did it.”

  As for the survivors of Luoxia Province, he completely ignored them.

  Although the residents in the desert don’t like them, most of them dare to be angry but dare not speak.

  The few people who dare to resist them are simply incapable of doing such a thing.

  After all, analyzing the route is too mysterious.

  Constantly monitoring their position in real time, and monitoring the atmospheric air flow, and even so, only a few possible routes can be predicted.


  fact, rather than planning for a long time, he also suspected that it might be a coincidence.

  However, if it is explained as a coincidence, it does not explain why such a string of incomprehensible hydrogen balloons appeared on a barren mountain. “The Stone City… I remember that they are the remnants of the previous civilization.”

  The adjutant took out a notebook from his arms, turned two pages in his hand, and continued muttering.

  ”According to reliable intelligence records, the post-war reconstruction committee helped them build a wall and gave them some weapons to fight against the “wave”… I heard that there are tens of thousands of people living there, maybe hundreds of thousands. Their settlement is not far from here, only 150 kilometers… But why do they want to deal with us?”

  ”Maybe they want to warn us to stay away from them? But the probability is very small.”

  The staff officer proposed a hypothesis, although he himself felt that this was unlikely.

  This stupid behavior is more like a provocation than a warning. It

  has no deterrent effect except wasting their time.

  It will only anger them.

  ”This group of rats who only dare to hide in the gutter.”

  McLen snorted coldly.

  ”Whoever did this had better pray that I don’t find out… I swear, I will make that guy regret being born into this world.”

  When he caught that guy, he would strip him naked and hang him under the airship until he was frozen into an ice stick and then throw him down.

  After saying this harsh word, McLen looked at the shivering engineer standing aside.

  ”How long will it take to fix it?”

  ”A week… No, three days, it should be no problem to give me three days!” The engineer said with sweat on his forehead.

  Hearing that it would take three days, McLen’s face instantly showed a trace of impatience.

  However, he knew that it was useless to urge.

  There was no high and high airport here that could help them quickly replace the damaged parts.

  If they wanted to repair it, they could only descend and throw down the anchor chain that fixed the airship.

  Then, extend the bracket from the hatch and hang the engineer outside the airship like a fishing rod, carefully remove the broken parts, and replace them with new ones.

  Alternatively, you can choose not to repair it and turn off one of the engines on the symmetrical position of the left wing.

  The remaining propeller can still propel the airship, but the lack of two engines will reduce its speed by 20%, and its maneuverability and stability will also deteriorate.

  The reduction in maneuverability is acceptable, after all, such a behemoth itself cannot rely on maneuvers to avoid attacks.

  However, sailing in turbulence is something that McLen cannot tolerate in any way.

  In particular, he can imagine that if he goes back with a broken propeller, the old fox Griffin will definitely laugh at him.

  Even if it is not a serious loss.

  The staff officer standing by gave a suggestion in a low voice.

  ”The intelligence we have in our hands is several years old, and I am afraid it is outdated.”

  ”Anyway, we have to repair the engine. I suggest setting up camp on the spot and sending a ground force to investigate the situation in the nearby area. After collecting more intelligence, we will make the next decision.”

  The adjutant on the side also said.

  ”That’s what I thought, too. I suggest we send some people to capture a few local natives and ask them. Maybe we can find out who did it!”

  McLen nodded slowly with a gloomy face.

  ”Let’s do it.”

  As soon as the voice fell, the crew member sitting in front of the bridge console suddenly spoke.

  ”Report! An unidentified flying object has entered our radar identification zone!”

  ”What is it?”

  McLen was a little nervous because a propeller had just been broken, and asked almost reflexively.

  ”It seems… to be a propeller plane.” The crew member said hesitantly.

  Hearing that it was a propeller plane, McLen breathed a sigh of relief and said impatiently.

  ”Let it roll.”

  ”The other party didn’t respond!”

  ”Then shoot it down.”


  A crew member immediately picked up the phone on the console and reported the shooting parameters to the operator in the weapons control room.

  Soon, a cannon shot was heard overhead.

  The thick and long gun barrel spewed flames, accompanied by a slight vibration of the airship, and a ball of fire exploded in the distance.

  ”Hit the target!”

  ”Confirmed destroyed! The target is falling!”

  The crew members sitting in front of the control console reported one after another. Although it was just a propeller plane shot down, there was nothing to celebrate.

  Holding the telescope, McLen soon saw that under the clouds in the distance, a plane with a broken wing was on fire and plunged straight into the city below.

  Although he was not sure what the connection between the plane and the balloon was, the flames still made him feel relieved.

  ”Send a few people to take a look later.” McLen said expressionlessly. The adjutant

  standing next to him stood at attention and saluted.


  Then he looked at the staff officer next to him.

  ”You are responsible for anchoring and deploying ground camps.”

  ”Also, the 29th Marines searching for Enterprise employees, report any news to me immediately.”

  The staff officer: “Understood.”

  Putting away the telescope, McLen turned and left the bridge.

  At this moment, he did not know that the pilot of the plane he had just ordered to be shot down had gone to another world, and was excitedly uploading the photo of his “Heart of Steel” to the official forum of a certain game.

  Luo Yu: “Brothers! Look what I found!!!”

  ”(Picture), (Picture), (Picture)…”

  He took the pictures almost subconsciously at the moment before being shot down.

  Fortunately, before the onboard communication equipment was destroyed, the data was transmitted back to the signal tower in the north of Shuguang City and successfully synchronized to his photo album.

  Although most players were in the game at this point, the enthusiasm of cloud players for discussing the new version was no less than that of the European players who had already obtained the closed beta qualification.

  The post was quickly filled with comments.

  ”Fuck? Another expansion pack is coming out?! (Shocked)”

  ”Iron airship! This naval gun is awesome!”

  ”I’m crying… Damn, Dogecoin planner, the internal test hasn’t even started, and they’re releasing an expansion pack!”

  ”Brother, don’t you want the closed beta qualification anymore? (Funny)”

  ”The planner is awesome! (Cracked voice)”

  In less than a minute, the post was over a hundred times over, and then the entire forum was boiling.

  Judging from the logo on the airship and the size of the cannon, many cloud players speculated that this airship might be the work of the Legion.

  There are also many different opinions on how the iron lump floated into the air.

  Some people say it is anti-gravity, some say it might be some special lightweight material, and some say it might be like the manager’s hammer, based on some unknown technology that manipulates gas molecules.

  Whatever it is, one thing is certain, it must be some kind of black technology that does not exist in reality and even has no signs.

  Almost everyone is looking forward to this “new version of the ship” and what new work the dog planner has done.

  In addition to planning himself…

  the B4 floor of the shelter.

  Looking at the photos on the laptop, Chu Guang, who was sitting on the sofa, was not happy at all, but his face was full of confusion and bewilderment.

  ”…What the hell is this?”

   The second half is really not finished, so I’ll post it first… I admit that my typing speed is very poor. I have been a 2K party for many years, and 6K a day is almost killing me, but I really didn’t slack off TT


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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