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Chapter 377: Breaking through together and rebuilding the Dragon Ridge

Chapter 377: Breaking through together and rebuilding the Dragon Ridge


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 377: Join forces to break through and rebuild the dragon spine


  Both Luo Xian’er and Yue Rui showed joy in their eyes.

  Yang Shifei nodded slightly to them to show his reassurance.

  He urged the water glass in his hand again, and the green light shone brightly, forcibly forcing back the filthy black tide surging around.

  At the same time, Yan Lingshuang and Yun Qin stepped on the mysterious steps and flew to both sides of Yang Shifei, emitting cold martial arts thoughts.

  ”Two Taiwu Holy Weapons.”

  The strange demon with half of its body cut off can still speak now.

  They pressed down the cut torso and said in a low voice: “A pile of nutrients, and you dare to resist.”

  Yang Shifei’s eyes condensed slightly. The monster that Xian’er and Xiao Rui faced just now was indeed unusual.

  After being cut off by the water glass and the magic knife, it was still standing, unlike the ordinary filthy demons.

  ”Two immortals, why don’t you quickly take action to eliminate these mortals?”

  They spoke again, but the topic was directed at the Immortal Mother and Tianhua Immortal: “Don’t be afraid of the Taiwu Holy Soldiers in his hands. Together, we can devour all these mortals.”


  The Immortal Mother leaned out from behind Yang Shifei, with a calm face and no intention of replying.

  Tianhua Immortal was isolated from the crowd, but he also ignored the “invitation”.

  ”We can’t delay any longer.”

  Yang Shifei’s face was solemn, and he broke the silence: “Everyone work together to attack and kill in.” The

  two strange demons couldn’t help but take two steps back, seeming a little unbelievable.

  They couldn’t understand how these two famous immortals would betray their old clan and turn to these human beings? !


  Yang Shifei suddenly shouted and threw Shuili up.

  Luo Xian’er seemed to have a blessing in her heart. She immediately jumped out and took the sword with her palm, and the vast sword intent enveloped the four directions.

  There was no need for husband and wife to say more. She immediately activated the Holy Soldier with the peak state of heaven and man, as if endless starlight sword light swept the road ahead, and in the blink of an eye, all the monsters in front were killed!

  ”You will regret it!”

  The two strange monsters only had time to resist for a moment before they were chopped into pieces by the Holy Soldier’s sword.

  Yang Shifei tightly grasped the magic knife and rushed towards the black pool. Facing the rolling black mud gushing out from the ground, Yan Lingshuang and Yun Qin, who followed beside him, used martial arts to forcibly break a way out.


  A slender and terrifying black monster appeared at the bottom of the black pool, with countless barbs and hooks all over its body, and its arms were like blades that could capture people.

  As soon as it appeared, it immediately swung its arms towards Yang Shifei, but was forcibly blocked by Cang Yan’s sharp claws.

  Yue Rui’s long hair fluttered, horns grew on her forehead, and her pretty face was full of murderous coldness.

  Ding, ding, ding, ding!

  In just a breath, it seemed that dozens of cold rays collided between the two sides, and the clanging sound continued.

  At the same time, she lifted Yang Shifei’s feet and threw them towards the depths of the black pool.

  Whoosh –

  Yang Shifei flew through the air, glanced at the corner of his eyes, and swung his knife to sweep away the waves of black mud.

  Just as he was about to land on the stone platform, two black-patterned claws tore through the stone platform and grabbed him.

  In an instant, the Fairy Mother and Tianhua Fairy flashed out from the side, turned around and kicked the claws away in the air.

  Yang Shifei seized this fleeting opportunity and reached out to press the jade mechanism that had not yet been destroyed.

  ”Filthy mortal, die–”

  A huge head smashed through the stone wall, opened its huge mouth and bit down on Yang Shifei’s head.

  Yang Shifei didn’t even raise his head and slapped the jade with one palm. At the same time, the magic knife split and exploded, forcibly holding up the demon’s huge mouth that was about to bite, and then turned into countless sharp blades, smashing and tearing its entire head.


  Yang Shifei’s veins popped up all over his body, his eyes widened with anger, and the dragon energy and coldness burst out all over his body.

  The jade in his palm began to sink rapidly until it was embedded in the groove of the mechanism, and the lock of the last branch hall was completely opened.

  ”All four locks are open, go in!”

  Tianhuaxian shouted, and slammed the wall of the hall with her backhand.

  With a deafening roar, the layers of stone walls collapsed and fell, revealing the “main seal” hidden in the center of the four branch halls.

  The fairy mother reached back and sent Xian’er and others over through the air.

  Yang Shifei rushed into the main seal hall first, and when he looked closely, it seemed as if he was stepping on a fragmented dragon spine, full of filthy black mud, and dense cracks were constantly expanding.

  He remembered the fairy mother’s guidance, and immediately waved to call Shuili, jumped to the center of the hall and inserted the sword into the dragon spine.

  Buzz –

  Shuili groaned, and the mysterious light burst out, almost illuminating the entire palace like day.

  The fairy mother flashed and came, waved her hand and sprinkled a piece of blood, smearing strange patterns around.

  She immediately sat cross-legged, with her palms against the cracked dragon spine seal.

  Yang Shifei held his breath and concentrated, tightly grasping the hilt of the sword. The magic sword simultaneously split and reorganized into armor covering half of his body.

  As the two of them worked together with one sword, the momentum of the dragon spine breaking under their feet began to gradually slow down until it stopped.


  The noisy and shaking palace soon became quiet and deserted.


  Yan Lingshuang and others followed closely, their chests heaving, and looked around in doubt.

  The filthy black mud that was originally running wildly slowly stopped, and the constantly pouring out underground demons also disappeared.

  ”Aunt Shuang, what’s the situation now?”

  Seeing that the danger was over, Luo Xian’er finally had the opportunity to take a breath: “Have my husband and the Fairy Mother successfully repaired the seal?”

  ”Not completely successful yet.” Yan Lingshuang exhaled lightly, pointing her sword at the ground covered with hideous cracks under her feet: “According to the Fairy Mother and Tianhua Fairy, it will take at least several hours to completely repair the seal here.

  Fortunately, those monsters have been suppressed back into the underground veins, otherwise I’m afraid all my efforts will be in vain.”

  Yunqin covered the wound on her arm and stared at Yang Shifei’s back: “Next, we just have to protect Shifei and the Fairy Mother.”

  ”Who is that woman?”

  Yue Rui suddenly spoke, staring at Tianhua Fairy not far away: “The breath is similar to that of a demon, but she helped us just now, eh?”

  When she saw the other person’s face clearly, she was stunned: “Ice girl?”

  Tianhua Fairy glanced at her, crossed her arms, and did not speak.

  ”She is the great demon of Yan State.” Yan Lingshuang smiled helplessly: “Let me explain the whole story to you first.” The

  silence in the main seal palace was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Several entrances were guarded by Xian’er and others to prevent any more demons from suddenly appearing.


  Yang Shifei closed his eyes and concentrated, breathing slowly.

  He silently continued to transport dragon energy into the dragon spine, and then absorbed the excess filthy breath back to maintain the circulation balance.

  The fairy mother performed the sealing technique beside him, repairing the broken dragon spine around it bit by bit to its original state.


  After a long silence, Yang Shifei frowned and a trace of cold sweat appeared on his back.

  Even if there was continuous feeding and recovery from the filth, the internal dragon energy was constantly lost, and he could still gradually feel the fatigue.

  ”This matter is indeed not simple.”

  Yang Shifei endured the severe pain of absorbing filth and the weakness of losing energy, and could only laugh at himself twice in a bitter way.

  This destiny person is not easy, huh?

  His mind moved, and he soon felt a soft caress on his chest. When she opened her eyes slightly, she found that the magic knife was massaging her gently in her arms to relieve the pain.

  Yang Shifei smiled softly: “Good girl.”

  The magic knife turned into pink flesh and blood, gently soothing her. Wherever she felt sore, she would go there and kiss and rub her, which was very considerate.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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