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Chapter 379: The seal is complete, the world is in turmoil

Chapter 379: The seal is complete, the world is in turmoil


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 379 The seal is complete, the world is in turmoil


  After a while, Yan Lingshuang leaned against Yang Shifei’s arms, her plump body slightly shaking, as if she was choking.

  Not far away, Tianhuaxian had already slumped on the ground, covering her lips tightly, her eyes blurred.

  Her originally peaceful and calm state of mind had been forcibly opened, and the sweet joy kept drilling into it, stirring her heart and soul

  . When the afterglow gradually faded, Tianhuaxian came back to her senses.

  Thinking of the many feelings just now, she couldn’t help but hold her lower abdomen and subconsciously looked at Yang Shifei not far away.


  Silently watching the back, Tianhuaxian’s eyes became more complicated.

  If I can leave the earth vein and return to the human world, what should I do next?

  Several hours passed quietly, and the broken dragon spine was almost healed.

  The fairy mother had a solemn face, pinched her black fingers, and the blood marks around her kept changing and flowing, as if engraving talismans on various parts of the dragon spine.

  Yang Shifei still held Shuili tightly, and when he heard footsteps, he opened his eyes.

  Yunqin was squatting beside him, holding up his robe, and reached out to support his shaky body.

  ”Why are you here?” Yang Shifei forced a grin: “Xian’er and the others are now…”

  ”They are so tired that they can’t even stand up straight, so let’s forget it.”

  Yunqin pinched his shoulders, and her cold tone softened a little: “You are able to persist until now, which is really worthy of praise.”

  Yang Shifei teased: “This is no different from normal practice, it’s just more tiring. Besides, there are ladies cheering for you, which is quite comfortable.”

  ”You are playing tricks.”

  Yunqin poked him on the forehead lightly: “If you are tired, just say it directly, why say these dirty words.”

  Yang Shifei sneered twice: “You all take turns to come and ask about my well-being, I can’t bear to see you worry.”

  ”Silly.” Yunqin whispered: “Just rest assured and be taken care of.”

  She glanced at the dragon’s spine under her feet: “How long will it take to complete?”

  ”Soon.” Yang Shifei curled the corner of his mouth: “Judging from the posture of the Fairy Mother, she should be finishing it.”

  ”That’s good.”

  Yunqin quietly stroked his lower back and flicked it lightly with her jade fingers twice.

  Yang Shifei felt a numbness in his waist and took a deep breath. Then he heard a gentle whisper in his ear: “Relax, this time I’ll make you feel comfortable.”

  ”Okay, I’ll hold it in.”

  Yang Shifei’s expression gradually relaxed, and his originally tense body slowly relaxed. The heat in his abdomen rose again, making his whole body feel a little warm.

  Yunqin carefully nurtured him, and her superb fingering brought him an irresistible pleasure.

  But every time she touched him, her charming face under the mask would blush, and her heart would become more and more unbearable.

  Half a minute later, a little light bloomed from all over the dragon ridge of the palace.

  The women guarding outside looked back one after another, with surprise and joy on their faces: “Finally succeeded?!”

  The fairy mother’s beautiful eyes suddenly opened, put down her hands, and breathed a sigh of relief:

  ”It’s done.”

  The movement around the palace subsided again, and it returned to silence.

  Yang Shifei was at a loss for a moment, and looked at Yunqin beside him, and immediately smiled.

  After persisting for several hours, it was finally done!

  ”Shifei, you can pull Shuili out.” The Fairy Mother stood up and walked over, smiling easily: “Now that the seal is complete, we can leave this place–”

  Before she finished speaking, her expression suddenly froze, and she turned back to look behind.

  Wisps of black air spread from the dragon’s spine, quickly interweaving into an illusory black shadow.

  Seeing this, everyone present was terrified and hurried to Yang Shifei to be on guard.

  ”Why is there still a foul breath?!”

  Yang Shifei was even more surprised and doubtful: “Could it be that the Dragon Spine Seal has not worked?!”

  ”The seal is very solid.” The Fairy Mother’s eyes flickered: “But it can’t be completely blocked.”

  ”This is not an ordinary monster, nor is it a monster native to the earth veins.”

  A cold light flashed in Tianhua Fairy’s eyes: “This is their ‘master’.”

  ”——Fairy Mother, Tianhua Fairy.”

  The black shadow shook slightly, and a voice as heavy as the abyss came out: “You who defect to the human race in later generations should know what the end will be.” The

  extremely indifferent questioning voice, without the slightest fluctuation in tone, as if it were the heartless and ruthless way of heaven.

  Tian Huaxian said coldly: “It is not your turn to point fingers at me about how I act.”

  The fairy mother’s eyes gradually calmed down: “The future of this world is still unknown.”

  ”–You rely on the man behind you?”

  There seemed to be a gaze from the shadow, which made Yang Shifei feel cold in his heart, as if he fell into an ice cellar.

  But he quickly calmed down and stood up again with the magic knife: “It’s me, so what?”

  ”Your existence is very strange, and it is indeed the only anomaly. Unfortunately, the trend of heaven and earth cannot be violated, and you can’t make any waves.”

  The shadow shook twice and said slowly: “Thousands of years ago, you were able to suppress the earth veins with a seal, allowing the human race to survive until now. But this time, even if a real dragon is reborn in the world, you can’t stop the wrath of heaven and earth, and the only way is destruction.”

  Hearing this, Yang Shifei’s eyes became colder.

  As his mind raced, he grinned and said, “If you can really break the seal, why would you say all this nonsense?”

  ”You can’t stop it for long.”

  The black shadow slowly approached: “As long as three years pass, even if you rebuild the seal, this world will be completely changed. And before that, you will die here first.”


  Yang Shifei suddenly punched out and forcibly shattered it.

  The black shadow quickly gathered again not far away and said indifferently: “Are you angry?”

  ”Just warning you not to get too close.”

  Yang Shifei shook his hands and said calmly: “I’m not interested in you.”


  The black shadow gradually expanded, and his voice became louder and louder: “You will all die here, no one can escape.”


  In an instant, the ground under everyone’s feet shook again.

  Yang Shifei’s face sank, and he glanced at the dragon spine from the corner of his eye. There was no sign of breaking.

  ”It’s… outside!”

  He immediately ignored the existence of the black shadow, pulled Luo Xian’er and Yue Rui, and ran towards the exit at full speed.

  The Fairy Mother and the others did not suspect anything and immediately followed suit, rushing out of the dark palace together.

  The ground was shaking not only continuously, but even more and more violently, as if a collapse of the sky and the earth was brewing.

  ”–After being suppressed for thousands of years, it was liberated in one day. This is the might of the heaven and earth.”

  The heavy voice of the black shadow came from the palace: “You can experience it for yourself.”

  The Fairy Mother and Tianhuaxian looked into the distance together, secretly saying that it was not good.

  Yang Shifei and others looked over subconsciously, and soon saw

  a raging torrent of magma and filth mixed in the distance, rushing towards them!

  Everyone’s face suddenly changed. It was really a change of heaven and earth.

  With such a scale, there was no time to escape back to the Xuanming Cave above.

  ”Come here!”

  The Fairy Mother immediately pinched the seal, her pretty face solemn: “Let me resist!” As soon as

  the voice fell, the flesh and blood broke out of the ground around her, interweaving into a huge flesh membrane, wrapping everyone inside.

  Yan Lingshuang also stood up, urging all her strength to build an ice crystal shell on the outside of the flesh membrane.

  The next moment, the rolling torrent instantly swept the meat ball in, and the entire palace was submerged. The dark waves that were tens of feet high swept past, deafening like a flood.


  The black shadow loomed in the raging waves: “Even the immortal of the past could not escape death after all-hmm?!” A

  mysterious light suddenly flashed in the waves, and a sword light suddenly bloomed!

  In an instant, the torrent seemed to be pierced by a hollow vortex, spanning a distance of a hundred feet, hitting the black shadow.

  With a clang, the wisps of black smoke almost dissipated in the tearing of the sword energy, and the waves surged.

  The sword style flashed and the movement gradually subsided.

  The mysterious light in the distance gradually went away until it disappeared at the end of the darkness.


  After a long while, the disintegrated black mist slowly condensed back in the torrent and floated above the dragon spine seal.

  However, the black shadow’s figure became tattered, as if it was riddled with holes.

  ”How is it possible?”

  The black shadow felt his own breath frustrated, and then looked at the far end of the torrent, unable to hide his astonishment:

  ”Not only can they stop it, that man can also hurt me”

  ”There’s something wrong with this man of destiny!”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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