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Chapter 379 The War Has Begun

Chapter 379 The War Has Begun

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 379: The War Has Begun

  The light of the bonfire disappeared.

  The dark forest returned to silence.

  Vito, who was crawling on the pile of rocks, moved his right eye away from the scope of the sniper rifle, and a moment of surprise flashed across his brows.


  His eyes narrowed slightly.

  He decisively put away the sniper rifle, raised his index finger and gently touched it beside his ear, and said to the other two hunters who approached.

  ”Valet, Xiu, pay attention… the other party is an awakener, suspected of hearing and visual enhancement. They have entered a state of alert, you be careful.”

  Two responses came from the headset.



  After the order was issued, Vito did not hesitate at all, pulled out the signal gun on his waist, and fired a shot at the sky.

  The red signal flare flickered and rose into the sky, hanging in the night sky like a red lantern.

  Five kilometers away, there was a patrol team carrying out a search mission. After seeing the signal they sent out, they would immediately rush to reinforce.

  At this time, Valet’s voice came from the headset. The muscular guy said in a teasing tone.

  ”Is it necessary to call for reinforcements? They are just three little girls, with at most a half-dead wounded soldier and two stupid bears.”

  In his opinion, his captain was completely too cautious.

  He admitted that the disastrous defeat of the 29th Marine Regiment was indeed worthy of vigilance, but there was no need to scare himself.

  Those unlucky guys whose heads were blown off were just a group of recruits who had not served for two years. Whether in terms of ability or experience, they were not at the same level as the elite Marines.

  Hearing his teammates’ ridicule, Vito just replied indifferently.

  ”Be careful.”

  Whether the opponent is an old man, a child, or a woman, as long as it is a living enemy, he will not take it lightly.

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”In addition, I only saw two just now, which is different from the three people in the intelligence.”

  A low laugh and the creaking sound of rubbing bones came from the communication channel.

  ”That’s perfect, Xiu and I will each take one.”

  Xiu, who had not spoken from beginning to end, said impatiently. .

  ”Stop talking nonsense, finish the job quickly and go back.”

  Valite clenched his fist and grinned.



  As the campfire went out, the camp was shrouded in darkness.

  Her eyes gradually adapted to the dark environment. Crouching behind the tree trunk, Zhimahu held her breath and was alert, listening attentively to the sound of the wind passing through the forest and the rustling whispers hidden in the wind.

  The awakening of LV10 did not give her particularly powerful abilities, but it gave her unparalleled hearing. Any slight movement within a radius of 100 meters could not escape her ears.

  Time passed by minute by minute.

  The other party did not launch an offensive immediately.

  Just when she thought the confrontation would continue, there was a sudden bang of a gunshot in the distance, and a red flare rose into the sky. The

  faint light from the air sprinkled into the woods, and looking up at the flare in the sky, Sisi’s face changed slightly.

  Almost at the same time, a loud roar suddenly tore through the silence in the forest, and with heavy steps, a burly figure rushed towards the camp. The

  two-meter-five body was as strong as an ox, and what was particularly incredible was the exaggerated running speed. In a few breaths, he had already approached the edge of the camp.

  Zhimahu pulled the trigger first, and dozens of bullets were poured out in the flash of fire, setting up a dense firepower network in the forest, but it did not stop his charge at all.

  ”Is it fake?!”

  She didn’t have time to be surprised, and hurriedly replaced the empty magazine.

  Just when Zhimahu stopped firing, Sisi, who was calmly aiming, finally waited until the man entered the attack range.

  The magnetic slingshot that was ready to go suddenly fired, focusing fire on his face, but the next scene made Sisi open his eyes in surprise.

  I saw that the man raised his thick left arm, not only resisted the six magnetic accelerated projectiles, but also ran without any pause.

  This guy –

  is he a mutant? !

  ”Haha! It’s useless!”

  With a rebellious laugh, Valet threw the hatchet in his right hand.

  The distance of more than ten meters passed in an instant. Seeing that the flying hatchet was about to hit Sisi’s chest, the big white bear in steel armor roared, slapped the flying hatchet away with a slap, and then rushed forward with his legs.

  Seeing that the big white bear rushed towards him, Valet was not panicked at all, but went forward without dodging, and fought with Rourou in close combat.

  ”Are you the talking bear?”

  Being stared at by the two pale green eyes, Rourou was panicking in his heart, but he still forced himself to be calm and shouted at him intimidatingly.

  Valet squinted his mouth, exerted force with his arms, and his knotted muscles swelled like a wriggling earthworm, and actually forced the white bear back half a step.

  The pressure suddenly increased, and Rourou shouted hurriedly.

  ”This guy is so strong… Don’t just stand there, come and help me.”

  ”You guys are too close, I can’t aim at him… By the way, why did you rush up just now?” Zhimahu, holding a gun, looked at the struggling figures with a look of laughter and tears on his face. He aimed at the figures and couldn’t fire.

  The key is that Rourou is too big.

  If he fired at this distance, I’m afraid his teammates would be shot into sieves before the enemy.

  ”I, I, I don’t know, I just rushed up.” The force holding her bear paw was getting stronger and stronger, and Rourou was almost crying in anxiety.

  She admitted that she was a little excited when she saw her friend in danger, and she rushed up without thinking much, but who would have thought that this guy was so strong.

  The opponents she had met before were basically slapped away by her, but this guy actually relied on his body to exert force, and his strength was not inferior to hers at all.

  Is this still a human? !

  Sisi suddenly spoke.

  ”Zhimahu, take Luo Hua and run east. Run as far as you can. If it doesn’t work, hide the person, at least bring the card back.”

  Zhimahu was stunned.



  Without further explanation, Sisi quickly pulled out the dagger tied to her thigh and rushed to help, but someone – or should I say a bear – was one step faster than her.

  Seeing Rourou in danger, Teddy, who had been kept in captivity until he had almost lost his wildness, finally let out a long-lost roar.

  Seeing another mutant brown bear rushing up, Valet’s extremely excited expression finally showed a trace of panic.

  ”Xiu! What the hell are you dawdling about!” He roared anxiously and angrily. A

  slow voice came from the communication channel.

  ”I’m just worried that I’ll ruin your fun.”

  The moment the voice fell, a cold light flashed, and a whoosh sounded.

  Teddy was hit by an arrow in the back and let out a painful roar, but still rushed towards Valet who was in a stalemate with Rourou.

  Holding a short crossbow in his hand, Xiu’s eyes were filled with surprise.

  The poison he applied to the arrow was a dose that could even knock down an elephant, but this brown bear was like nothing happened?

  Just as he was about to fire another arrow, a tongue of fire suddenly shot out from the darkness, and bullets rained down on his exposed position.


  Throwing himself behind a nearby bunker, Xiu threw away his short crossbow and took down the assault rifle hanging on his chest.

  However, just as he was about to raise his gun to fight back, the whistling cold light forced him to give up firing, and he smashed the butt of his gun head-on at the man who rushed in front of him.

  The butt of the gun and the dagger came into close contact, and it was smashed out without any suspense.

  However, Xiu had no time to be surprised, and he saw that the girl in front of him took out two daggers from nowhere, holding one in her hands, and the other in reverse, and the two knives went straight to his vitals.

  He was so scared that he quickly stepped back.

  Without giving him a chance to breathe, Sisi quickly closed the distance and stabbed out with the dagger in his right hand.

  Seeing that the dagger was about to pierce his neck, a gunshot suddenly came from the forest.

  The huge kinetic energy hit her abdomen. Sisi groaned and her body fell backwards uncontrollably, hitting the tree trunk behind her.

  The strong feeling of dizziness almost made her lose the line on the spot.


  After roughly locking the direction of the shooting, she loosened the dagger in her left hand, pulled off the smoke bomb hanging on the bulletproof vest and threw it to prevent the man from shooting again and threatening her teammates.

  The smoke was everywhere.

  However, the second and third gunshots still rang out. Although the bullets were not aimed at her, they made her heart sink even more.

  She thought of Zhimahu who retreated with Luo Hua.

  However –

  at this moment, she was not worried about other people’s free time.

  Holding on to her shaky consciousness, Sisi used all her strength to throw the dagger in her right hand at the approaching man.

  But unfortunately –

  the man just tilted his head, then dodged lightly, and pointed the muzzle at her who was about to draw his pistol.

  ”You are strong, but still too young.”

  ”Surrender, it’s better to be my prisoner than to be the prisoner of that guy Valite.”

  The thin man pointed his chin at the man who was fighting the bear and said jokingly, “I have never seen anyone who can survive in his hands for more than a week.”

  The mutant brown bear finally lay on the ground.

  Sisi didn’t say anything, just stared at him.

  ”Hehe, it seems that you are not ready yet.” Xiu showed a cruel smile on his face, “I need someone to help you.”

  He took a step forward, and at this moment, three faint muffled sounds suddenly floated in the distance.

  Before he could come to his senses, the forest not far behind him exploded with three deafening explosions.

  The heat wave passed through the forest slowly with the evening breeze.

  Xiu was slightly stunned, with a look of surprise and confusion on his face.

  What happened? !

  Sisi was also confused.

  However, the roar of the three explosions seemed to come from the same direction as the previous sniper rifle. Almost at the same time, a familiar voice came from outside the smoke.

  ”Die for me!!!”

  A figure as fast as lightning broke through the smoke that filled the forest, and almost rushed into the battlefield with the flames from the muzzle.

  Xiu’s pupils shrank violently, and he caught a glimpse of the girl holding the assault rifle.

  However, at such a close distance, even if he saw her, he had no time to react.

  Bullets rained down like raindrops, and a blood mist instantly exploded on his body. He didn’t even have time to scream before he was pinned to the ground by the fierce firepower.

  ”Si! Are you okay?” Rushing out of the smoke, looking at Sisi leaning against the tree, Wei Tai rushed forward anxiously.

  ”It’s okay, Ah Wei came in time! Thumbs up to you!”

  A smile squeezed out of the pale face, and Sisi gave her a thumbs up.

  However, Wei Tai didn’t take over the conversation, but was frightened by Sisi’s blood-stained clothes.

  ”Giao! How are you so badly injured!”

  The bulletproof vest was pierced.

  The blood almost dyed the whole clothes red.

  However, Sisi didn’t care. Anyway, this game has a pain shielding mechanism. After the battle, just find a bandage to wrap it up and it will be over.

  ”It’s a small problem. There is no bone injury. I am a physical fitness type. This little injury will be almost healed tomorrow… Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and help Rourou–” ”


  Through the diffused smoke, Valet finally saw the tragically dead brother, and his eyes were instantly filled with blood red.

  With a roar, he suddenly knocked away Rourou who was entangled with him and rushed towards Wei and Sisi.

  It was about to rush to the near side.

  It was said that it was too late, and a “whoosh” sound suddenly came.

  I saw an RPG with a thick tail flame, rushing out of the darkness, and hitting the strong man’s left shoulder straight!

  It was an anti-armor armor-piercing shell.

  The exploding metal jet was like a hot spear of light, ruthlessly pouring into his left shoulder and bursting out from his right half of the body.

  The flesh and blood were burnt and evaporated by the thousands of degrees of heat.

  Even a pure-blooded mutant could not rebuild a half-burned body in such a short time.

  Valet roared in pain, but soon the sound was gone, and his huge body fell to the ground with a muffled sound.

  Carrying the launch tube with green smoke, Zhimahu’s chest rose and fell violently, and her pounding heart almost jumped out of her throat.


  Rourou looked at her in surprise.

  ”You didn’t take Luo Hua with you?”

  Zhimahu whispered.

  ”I… can’t leave you behind.”

  ”Thank you, but having said that… our mission is probably over.”

  Looking up at the red flare slowly falling into the forest, Sisi sighed silently in her heart.


  It’s a game, just have fun.

  Anyway, they did their best.

  What really made her feel sorry was the cargo of Wei’s.

  After all, it only took three days for the person to die, and it would take a long time to earn back the cargo worth hundreds of thousands of silver coins.

  But at this time, Wei’s face was optimistic.

  ”Don’t worry, our reinforcements have arrived!”

  ”Our… reinforcements?”

  Sisi smiled bitterly and was about to complain about how there would be such a thing, but at this moment, she suddenly thought of something and quickly opened the VM tied to her arm.

  I saw that in the dark map. Sure enough

  , a series of green dots flashing with hope were lit!


  Tail nodded excitedly, and continued without stopping, “It was Brother Quanshui and the others! It was a close call just now, I was almost hit by that sniper.”

  It turned out that the two gunshots just now were aimed at Tail who came to support him.

  A trace of realization appeared in Sisi’s eyes.

  As for the explosion…

  it was probably the 120mm heavy mortar of Commander Quanshui.

  If she remembered correctly, the name should be “Destroyer” – the exoskeleton that looks like a water turtle.

  But this is not the point.

  She couldn’t figure out why the Storm Corps appeared here? !

  They… officially set off yesterday

  , right? It would take at least five days to march 150 kilometers in the wasteland. How could it be possible to reach Ruigu City from Qingquan City in less than 48 hours?

  As they were talking, dense gunfire was heard in the distance.

  Seeing the signal flares, the Legion team rushed to reinforce and collided with the elite Storm Corps who also came to reinforce, and a fierce exchange of fire broke out between the two sides!

  Immediately afterwards, three more deafening explosions sounded.

  Faced with the fierce firepower of the players, the Legion squad that came to reinforce soon suffered more than half of their casualties. After leaving behind 20 to 30 corpses, they fled westward in disarray.

  The gunfire in the distance gradually subsided, and the players of the Storm Corps did not choose to pursue.

  After bandaging his wound with a bandage, Sisi soon saw a group of people walking in the distance.

  There were about 20 of them, and judging from their Type 5 light cavalry exoskeletons, these people were the elite of the Storm Corps.

  The man who led the charge was the Battlefield Atmosphere Group – a veteran player in the Storm Corps, and also a tough guy who entered the game in the early version.

  Looking at the familiar teammates, Sisi said in a daze.

  ”How did you… get here?”

  ”Of course I ran.”

  ”… ran?”


  With the rifle on his shoulder, the Battlefield guy grinned and cursed.

  ”The dog coin in the fountain is not a human being. He organized a team of players equipped with ‘light cavalry’ in the group, saying that cavalry should act like cavalry. Then he asked us to form a team of two, take turns to be mounts, one person runs and the other hangs up, and march continuously for thirty hours… Damn, my exoskeleton is almost out of power.”

  Sisi was stunned.

  What the hell is taking turns to be a mount? !

  She tried to imagine the scene in her mind, but felt that her imagination was a little insufficient.

  However, in theory, with the performance of the “Type 5” light cavalry exoskeleton, this operation is not impossible.

  It’s just a little bit inhuman.

  ”…What about the one who often follows you, I’m the darkest?”

  The battlefield guy said with a smile.

  ”He’s helping the fountain correct the firepower!”

  ”That guy’s awakening ability is unexpectedly useful when guiding artillery fire. Not only can it lock the approximate direction of the gunfire in a wide area, but it can also determine the landing point of the shells. The old Goubi who was squatting in the pit and shooting secretly just now has been blown away by our 120mm shells!”

  Tail gave a thumbs up.

  ”Oh! Thanks, brother, that was a close call!”

  ”Hahaha, you’re welcome!” The battlefield guy said with a smile, “You guys are not bad, you can hold on for so long.”

  Tail said with a smug expression, “Just kidding, my Sisi is super brave! Of course, Tail is too!”

  Sisi coughed lightly and changed the subject.

  ”Speaking of which, did you just abandon the baggage train?”

  ”Almost. We only have 23 sets of light cavalry. Except for Quanshui who uses his own Destroyer, other players are equipped with KV-1, which has too weak endurance… By the way, why didn’t you wear the exoskeleton?”

  ”Who brings that when running business… But speaking of which, you didn’t bring any supplies.”

  ”It’s okay, don’t we still have you?” The battlefield atmosphere group laughed, “Brother Quanshui said that when he flew back that day, he felt that something must be wrong with you, and he kept urging us to hurry up all the way. Once we save the rich woman, we can just eat her gigolo.”

  Sisi: “…”

  Tail said enthusiastically.

  ”Oh! Feel free to eat, I brought a lot of delicious food!”

  The battlefield atmosphere team laughed and said, “Haha, just kidding, we won’t take up your supplies for nothing, please just give us the market price, the military expenditure manager will reimburse it anyway.”

  Sis sighed.

  ”Let’s not talk about these polite words for now… We made such a big fuss, we should move to another place. Tail, can you pack your luggage, please?” ”


  Tail went to the truck, and Zhima Paste also went to help.

  The battlefield atmosphere team glanced at the bandage wrapped around Sis’s waist.

  ”Are you okay?”

  Kakarot, who was standing aside, interrupted.

  ”I’m a strength type, I can carry you!”

  Upon hearing this, Kevin with a broken leg immediately shouted.

  ”Damn, aren’t you my mount?”

  Kakarot rolled his eyes.

  ”Get lost! Who the hell is your mount!”

  ”It’s okay… I can do it myself.”

  After taking a deep breath, Sisi picked up the rifle on the ground and used it as a crutch, and stood up with the help of a tree trunk. Just as she was about to go back to the truck, she suddenly saw Rourou sitting in the corner of the camp with his head down and silent.


  The broad back did not respond.

  Moving her eyes downward, looking at the mutant brown bear lying on the ground, Sisi was slightly stunned and fell silent.

  Walking behind Rourou, she put her hand on the furry shoulder.

  Finally, she couldn’t hold it anymore.

  The broad shoulder trembled slightly, and Rourou hung his head and said in a choked voice.

  ”Teddy… it has no heartbeat.”

  Although she had just been joking and left the stupid bear in the group, she had already regarded it as a partner after traveling together for so long.

  The same was true for the other members of the White Bear Knights.

  The clearing was quiet for a while.

  Zhimahu secretly wiped the corner of his eyes. Even the most optimistic and noisy tail was silent at this time, and lowered his head silently.

  The players standing around were also silent.

  Most of them were old players who got the closed beta test qualification of the Alpha version, and they understood the feeling that the people in their memories would never come back.

  The most realistic and worst setting of this game is probably that NPCs cannot be resurrected.

  Players can be reborn with memories, and they will never really die no matter how they commit suicide. They will always have the opportunity to start over and will always see the sun three days later.

  However, the NPCs accompanying them have only one life.

  Those memories are sometimes more like curses, and they are also the only pain that the helmet cannot shield.

  That’s why they rush to the front at any time.

  The battlefield guy scratched the back of his head.

  Although he didn’t want to say too much at this time, and he wouldn’t say comforting words, they had to go.

  ”Brother Quanshui said that we should move immediately after we meet up with you… The other side may send regional firepower to us, and we don’t have much time left.”

  Sisi nodded silently.

  Patting the furry back gently, she said softly.

  ”Let’s take it.”

  Rourou nodded with mixed feelings.



  Iron Heart.

  An officer trotted through the corridor and rushed into the bridge in a panic.

  The door opened.

  He shouted with a trembling voice.

  ”Report! The 29th and 31st Marines were wiped out! Someone blocked the ground forces we sent to the eastern suburbs to recover the parachutes!”

  On the first day of arriving in the Valley Province.

  They suffered such a heavy loss.

  ”A bunch of trash!”

  General McLen cursed in anger, looked at the crew sitting in front of the console, and ordered almost in a roaring voice.

  ”Load the 400mm main gun!”

  ”Blast those wild dogs into pieces!”

  He knew that those people must have run away.

  No one would be stupid enough to stand there and let them blow them up.

  But he still had to do it.

  Not for anything else.

  He wanted those ants to feel the rage rising from hell with their eyes, ears, and souls, let them tremble in front of the artillery fire, kneel on the ground and regret their mindless stupidity.

  No one can stop the Legion!

  No one can stop him!

  The crew member sitting in front of the console responded loudly.



  In the silent night sky, a flash of fire flickered, a thick column of air shot up into the sky, and the sound of the cannon that followed was like rolling thunder that shattered the clouds.

  That night, all the wastelanders in Ruigu City, whether survivors or looters, heard the devastating sound.

  The shells fell on the forest-covered valley twenty kilometers away.

  The red flames engulfed, billowing smoke shot up into the sky, and the flying debris and the spreading shock wave swept across the entire forest.

  Standing on the hillside several kilometers away and looking far away, the commander of the spring handed the telescope in his hand to the battlefield guy standing beside him.

  ”General mortars can’t shoot this far, and it’s probably a rocket-assisted bomb… Judging from the shape of the air column and the area of ​​damage, the warhead should be a fuel-air bomb.”

  The legendary sub-nuclear weapon.

  It can instantly deplete the oxygen in an entire area.

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”The war has already begun.”

  The battlefield guy didn’t say anything.

  It was not until a long while later that he suddenly spoke as if he had come back to his senses.

  ”Fuck, this is powerful enough!”

  ”How about we build one too?”

  Hearing this, Commander Quanshui rolled his eyes.

  ”Without air superiority, what’s the point of building one? Are we going to be used as a living target?”

  The battlefield guy was stunned.

  ”What should I do?”

  He is good at charging, but that’s all he is good at.

  If you ask him how to fight a war, he will be confused.

  Commander Quanshui laughed and said calmly.

  ”Just do what you have to do. It’s not like you can’t fight without air superiority. The only difference is the way you fight.”

  What’s the point of bullying a group of monkeys fighting with fire sticks?

  This is the real battlefield in front of us!

  Looking at the thick smoke that lingered for a long time, Quanshui’s eyes were not afraid at all, but flashed with excitement.

  It’s time to show real skills!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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