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Chapter 380: The Flood Boat, Before the Holy Land

Chapter 380: The Flood Boat, Before the Holy Land


Author: Mei Ke

   Chapter 380: The Flood Boat, the Holy Land

  In the raging waves before the Holy Land, the ice ball was like a boat in the storm, swaying back and forth.

  Yang Shifei panted and put down Shuili, and the gap that had just been cracked on the meat ball was quickly filled again.

  Luo Xian’er beside him couldn’t help but praise:

  ”Husband, you did a good job!”

  The monster just now said every word with conviction, as if it was really some kind of heavenly way that controlled life and death, which made people disgusted and angry.

  Although I don’t know how effective this sword is, as long as I can use the sword to vent my anger, it is enough.

  At the same time, she and Yue Rui Yunqin put their palms on the back of the fairy mother and quickly passed their own breath.

  Yan Lingshuang put her palms against the meat membrane, trying her best to maintain the ice shell and resist the continuous raging waves outside.

  Boom boom boom –

  everyone in the meat ball was forced to shake, and deafening roars continued to come from outside the meat ball.

  The rolling magma was hot and scorching, cold and filthy like an evil curse, and rolled up bursts of biting cold wind.

  Under the double impact, the Fairy Mother and Yan Lingshuang could only grit their teeth and hold on.

  If they relax, everyone present will be swept into the torrent, and they will probably end up with nothing left.

  ”Fairy Mother, can you call your real body now-”

  ”I can’t do it now!”

  The Fairy Mother’s face turned slightly pale, and she gritted her teeth and said weakly: “I have consumed a lot of energy to complete the seal, and I don’t have time to recover my physical strength. And the remaining power of this clone is not enough to take everyone out of such a dangerous situation.”

  Yang Shifei’s mind turned quickly, holding Shuili, and then letting the magic knife flesh climb up his arm, raised his palm and pressed on the back of the Fairy Mother.

  ”I will also help everyone hold on together!”

  Everyone worked together to keep the outer shell of the meat ball intact, and it continued to sink and rise in the torrent.

  There was no time to talk anymore. Xian’er and others closed their eyes and meditated, concentrating on combining their internal strength for the Fairy Mother to mobilize and use.

  Yang Shifei absorbed the excess filth in their bodies and turned it into a warm current for them.

  With Shuili and the magic knife sharing the burden, he was still able to stay awake. He glanced and happened to see Yan Lingshuang, who was about to collapse.

  ”Auntie Shuang, can you still hold on?!”

  ”I can do it.”

  Yan Lingshuang’s breathing became more and more rapid, and her whole body began to stiffen and freeze.

  Yang Shifei secretly thought that it was not good. Auntie Shuang might be under too much pressure to be alone.

  When he was about to pull out his hand to help, a soft hand pressed Yan Lingshuang’s shoulder first.

  ”–You are exhausted, let me take over next.”

  Tianhuaxian quietly stepped forward and said coldly: “I will borrow your body for a while.”

  Yang Shifei was stunned when he heard it: “Miss Tianshuang, are you going to–”

  But before he finished speaking, his illusory body suddenly turned into a wisp of ice wind and flowed into Yan Lingshuang’s body.

  This scene made Yang Shifei look shocked: “Auntie Shuang!”

  ”.No need to shout.”

  Yan Lingshuang’s pupils moved, and her temperament also changed drastically, becoming more indifferent and cold.

  She just glanced sideways and murmured, “She’s fine, I just have to control this body temporarily. At least, we have to work together to get through this crisis.”

  As she spoke, she pinched her finger seals again, and it seemed that ice lotuses bloomed in her palms and were casually pressed onto the flesh membrane.

  The flesh ball, which had been gradually showing cracks in the torrent, was once again protected by the icy wind and sealed tightly.


  Yang Shifei’s eyes flickered, and he felt relieved.

  ”Miss Tianshuang, as a great demon of the Yan State, you know what happened here…”

  ”I told you, I was disturbed when I was resurrected, and my rebirth is not complete.”

  Tianhuaxian whispered, “I really know very little about the turmoil in this underground. I didn’t expect that the leader of those monsters would show up in person.”

  ”So, the seal we spent so much effort to repair is useless?”

  ”The only exception is that monster.”

  Tian Huaxian quickly shook her head: “Even if it is eroded by the torrent, the seal will be able to last for a few years. They can’t cause any trouble during this period.

  And even if the monster can appear, it can’t break the seal with its true body. It can only say some deceptive words outside.”

  At this point, she once again used ancient methods to repair the ice shell that was shattered by the impact, and it seemed quite easy.

  Yang Shifei just relaxed for a moment, but when he felt the vibration under his feet, his face soon became gloomy again:

  ”If this goes on, where will we be washed by the torrent?”

  ”The underground environment is all around, like a tangled tangle. We can only blindly guess when this underground torrent will end, let alone where it will stop.”

  Tian Huaxian murmured: “Now all we can do is protect ourselves. Only when the torrent stops can we go out and find out.”

  Yang Shifei was silent for a while, and once again put all his energy into it.

  Thanks to the concerted efforts of everyone, the frozen meat ball remained intact in the waves, flowing to the far end of the earth vein at a very fast speed

  . It was difficult to tell the time.

  Xian’er and Xiaorui were so tired that they fell into a coma. Yunqin also fainted after holding on for a while. The

  fairy mother and others struggled for a long time, and even Tianhuaxian dared not be careless anymore, and was sweating from exhaustion.

  Swords and knives were suspended beside them, each emitting the breath of exorcism and demon suppression, so as to share the external pressure.


  Yang Shifei was sweating profusely at this time, and he pressed against the backs of the fairy mother and Tianhuaxian to help them practice and regulate their breathing.

  After an unknown amount of time, the fairy mother was exhausted and lay in Yang Shifei’s arms with a pale face.

  ”Shifei, I…”

  ”It’s okay, leave it to us next.”

  Yang Shifei covered her lips and comforted her softly: “You should rest well and talk about it after you wake up.”

  Seeing that the fairy mother fell asleep quickly, he looked at Tianhuaxian beside him again.

  ”Miss Tianshuang, Aunt Shuang, let’s hold on for the last time.”

  ”It’s not like you to say such discouraging words.”

  Tianhuaxian clasped his hands together and added another layer of ice shell.

  Seeing that she was still insisting, Yang Shifei took a deep breath and grinned: “With you here, I haven’t lost heart yet.”

  The two looked at each other silently, and immediately put all their minds into it.

  Boom –

  the earth suddenly shook violently, and cracks were everywhere.

  Outside a cave deep in the mountains, it seemed that there was a burst of cold and hot air, and dust and fallen leaves were rolled up in an instant.

  ”What happened?!”

  Two women in the cave ran out quickly, looking at the mess on the ground, with a look of surprise on their faces.

  This place is the holy land of the clan, and ordinary people cannot get close to it. And there are no strong enemies attacking at the moment, how could it suddenly become so chaotic, just like a storm passing through.

  ”The ground seems to have cracked suddenly. Is it an earthquake?”

  ”Not sure, let’s report it quickly and let Her Highness the Goddess decide it herself. Eh?”

  One of the women took a closer look, and soon showed surprise on her face, and then stepped closer.

  In the messy open space, there was a huge meat ball that was gradually disintegrating and melting, and soon several figures were lying on the ground.

  ”Is there really someone?”

  They approached carefully, took a closer look, and their eyes were quickly attracted by a handsome face.

  ”This person. So handsome and dazzling”

  ”Why are these people unconscious here? Wait! This face looks so familiar!”

  The two women looked at each other, both showing astonishment, and immediately turned around and ran back into the cave.

  ”Your Highness the Goddess! The man of destiny is here. The man of destiny has come to our Feng tribe!”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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