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Chapter 382: “Fortify the Wall and Clear the Fields”

Chapter 382: “Fortify the Wall and Clear the Fields”


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 382 “Fortify the Wall and Clear the Fields”

  Boulder City.

  At the trading post at the east gate, two-headed cows carrying large and small bags lined up from the city gate to the elevated road bridge opposite.

  Weapons with a total value of 50 million chips will be delivered to the northern suburbs of Qingquan City within a week.

  These include 10,000 drone assault rifles, 10,000 sets of protective gear such as bulletproof vests, helmets, and 3,000 sets of KV-1/2 exoskeletons.

  In addition to light weapons, there are also 80mm mortars, various types of light and heavy machine guns, etc.

  It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the manpower is sufficient to support it, these equipment alone are enough to arm an entire infantry division!

  Faced with the threat from the Legion, the City Hall of Boulder City almost opened the door of the arsenal and sent all these weapons prepared for the wave to the northern suburbs. What

  surprised Chu Guang in particular was that Boulder City sent the incendiary bombs and high-explosive warheads used to deal with the wave.

  These warheads are mainly carried by aircraft and fired in a laser-guided or unguided manner. They are usually used to clear slime mold fruiting bodies in the area.

  It is effective against slime molds, and naturally it is also effective against humans!

  With just a little modification, these warheads can be installed on the rocket vehicles of Goblin Technology, and a large amount of firepower can be poured into the Legion’s position in a short period of time.

  As for the power, there is no doubt about it.

  When fighting against the wave, Chu Guang once spent tens of thousands of chips to buy an air strike, and he knew very well how strong the physical killing effect of that thing was!

  As for how to board the airship…

  the answer given by Jushi Military Industry is that although they have some good ideas, it will take some time. There are

  indeed aerospace landing crafts in the era of the Human Alliance, but those things are usually prepared for space stations and large starships. As for aerospace landing crafts in the atmospheric environment…

  they have only been thrown from high orbit to the ground, and I have never heard of landing from the ground to the sky. Would

  n’t that be an “antique” like a rocket?

  But Chu Guang was not in a hurry.

  Facing such a behemoth as the Legion, he did not expect this war to end in a short time.

  But what he didn’t expect was that just when he was having a headache about how to break through the defense of the airship, Goblin Technology gave him an unexpected surprise…


  North of Shuguang City, shooting range.

  In front of Chu Guang at this moment, there was an aluminum tank that was as thick as a thigh and as long as an arm. The shape of this thing was a bit similar to the oxygen tank carried by divers. There were multiple connecting rings around the tank, and it seemed that it could be used by multiple people.

  Chu Guang stared at this thing and pondered for a long time but couldn’t figure it out, so he simply asked.

  ”This… Can you tell me how to use it?”

  Mosquito smiled and said proudly.

  ”Of course! I’m about to introduce you to the latest masterpiece of our Goblin Technology! I call it-three-dimensional maneuvering device!”

  Hearing this word, Chu Guang almost couldn’t hold it in, and said with a dry cough.

  ”Can you change the name?”

  Mosquito looked at the manager strangely.

  Although he didn’t know what was wrong with this name, he still spent a little brain cells and scratched his head to think of a new one.

  ”Uh, that rocket?”


  Chu Guang sighed as if giving up, and continued.

  ”Tell me about its functions first.”

  Without seeing the helplessness in his eyes, Mosquito nodded excitedly.


  The structure of the whole set of equipment is very simple, mainly consisting of a launcher with a built-in winch and a “rocket” carrying a rope.

  The working principle of this thing is very similar to that of a recoilless gun.

  The only difference is that the charge and the temperature of the tail flame are adjusted, and there is a rope made of devil’s wire behind the rocket.

  The whole set of equipment is disposable, with a maximum effective range of 700m.

  A trigger fuse is installed at the front end of the warhead, which will trigger a secondary explosion after hitting the target, and use the energy-gathering effect to drive the hook lock into the target.

  Then, the winch inside the tank will start to rotate, and driven by the motor, it will pull the user from the ground to the high-altitude target.

  This thing is like a large hook launcher.

  However, since it is accelerating continuously like a rocket, the launch distance is far beyond that of a normal hook, and since the flying speed of the hook is not very fast, the impact of the deflector shield will be minimized.

  Mosquito stopped talking after talking for a long time and suggested.

  ”It’s better to practice than to talk too much. I’d better show you how to do it!”

  Chu Guang thought it made sense. He was confused and nodded.

  ”Okay, here?”

  ”Of course not, we have to go to the south to find a tall enough building, and…”

  Mosquito glanced around the shooting range and locked his eyes on the little apprentice he had accepted not long ago.

  ”Koke, come here quickly, I’ll give you a glorious task!”

  Being stared at by Mosquito, Kokoda instinctively felt a little uneasy.

  ”What do you want to do?”

  ”Of course, to test the new equipment of the alliance!” Mosquito said with a grin, “This is an opportunity to show off in front of the administrator, you should seize it!”

  Upon hearing this, Kokoda was immediately unhappy.

  ”Damn it, I won’t do it! I just resurrected the day before yesterday! You want to send me down again, change it to-”

  ”600 silver coins!”


  When he said these two words, he didn’t even frown, and ran towards the “three-dimensional mobile device” with a happy face. It was

  completely invisible that he looked unhappy a few seconds ago.

  Chu Guang, who was standing aside, was dumbfounded.

  Good guy.

  What kind of capitalist is this?

  Glancing at the happy little newbie, Chu Guang hesitated for a moment and said.

  ”Is it okay for intelligence players?”

  Mosquito laughed and patted his chest.

  ”Don’t worry, Mr. Administrator, I assure you! The equipment of goblin technology can be used normally even for intelligence players!”

  Seeing his confident expression, Chu Guang always had an ominous premonition.

  The group left the shooting range and came to the northern part of Qingquan City, where they found a relatively sturdy 100-story building.

  Kokoda fastened the nylon buckle tied to his body to the large sky rocket, and then carried it on his back and squatted.

  ”…The reason for this posture is mainly to make the tank touch the ground and stabilize the launch angle.”

  ”No need to explain to me,” Chu Guang said with a light cough, “Let’s get started.”


  Looking at the hundreds of meters high building, Mosquito raised the telescope to glance at the roof, and then said.

  ”Elevation angle 79°, target due south–”


  With his order, the device on Kokoda’s back made a bang.

  A thin rocket was seen spraying out of the tank, dragging a white gas column and rope into the air.

  Except for the smaller caliber, it was really the same as the RPG launch method!

  Chu Guang looked up in amazement, and saw that the rocket hit the roof of the building straight, and after hitting it, it exploded into a cloud of dust, and the hook inside the warhead was driven into the wall.

  A rope made of devil’s wire was firmly connected between the building and the ground.

  It actually…

  worked! ?

  Chu Guang’s eyes were full of surprise, mainly because he didn’t expect that this equipment that was put together purely by imagination could actually work.

  Holding the telescope, Mosquito shouted excitedly.

  ”Confirmed hit! Prepare to land!”

  ”Okay, Master!”

  Although he was a little scared at first, seeing that this equipment was not as bad as he imagined, Kokoda’s face gradually showed some expectations.


  at the moment he pressed the switch, the accident still happened.

  The winch suddenly exerted force, pulling him to the roof and pulling him forward at the same time.


  Kokoda let out a short wail, and then like a pendulum hanging in the air, it slammed against the wall with the transmitter on its back.

  It happened too suddenly.

  There was no time to react at all.

  Looking up at the bloody launch tube being dragged to the rooftop, and the shocking mark left on the wall, Chu Guang’s heart was not disturbed at all, but rather had a feeling that it was as he expected.

  Perhaps in his psychological expectation, he had never expected the product of Goblin Technology to succeed at once.

  ”Uh… my my, this thing is still suitable for the straight-up and straight-down launch method, not suitable for angle launch. I made a low-level mistake,” Mosquito said with an embarrassed expression, “but I assure you that this design idea is absolutely fine!”

  ”Once our players get close to that iron lump, the rest will be much easier! Whether you crawl in from the bomb bay or use a cutter to cut a hole in it and drill in, you can easily control it!”

  Looking at the mosquito who was swearing and drawing cakes there, Chu Guang nodded subtly.

  ”I believe you.”

  Whether he believes it or not, he has no better way for the time being except this bad idea.

  The road to success is always tortuous, and it seems unrealistic to expect to achieve it in one step.

  However, Chu Guang still hoped that Brother Mosquito could make a dummy next time.

  Goblin technology weapons rarely disappoint him.

  But this research and development method is too labor-intensive…


  Three days have passed since the towering airship vented its doomsday-like flames towards the earth.

  The survivors living in the nearby area also spent three days in anxiety.

  The legion collected food everywhere, causing people to complain.

  Fortunately, a group of soldiers wearing exoskeletons ran out to teach those beasts a lesson, and beat those patrols and transport teams to flee in panic, which was considered to be a vent for them.

  These soldiers usually act in groups of four and specifically target those patrols that are left alone.

  They occasionally come into contact with locals, but there is not much communication, mainly to replenish fresh water and inquire about the movements of the legion.

  These soldiers claim to be from the enterprise, but they do not speak the human-linked language very fluently, and their grammar is quite strange.

  The local survivors did not think much about it.

  Maybe this is how people on the East Coast speak, anyway, they have never been there…

  At dusk.

  The north gate of Katin Post Station welcomed a group of uninvited guests.

  Looking at the team of soldiers wearing black robes and armed with live ammunition at the gate, the mood of the village chief Mudka sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

  The legion had just come yesterday and took away 5 cows and 1,000 kilograms of green wheat from them.

  Unexpectedly, they came again today.

  And the number was ten times that of yesterday, with more than 200 people coming…

  Although he guessed that it was definitely not a good thing, the old man still moved his leaden legs and walked forward with his head held high.

  ”Sir… I am the village chief here. We met yesterday.”

  The wrinkled face was full of flattering smiles, but the leading officer did not look at him.

  Glancing at the camp, Kolwe narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a leisurely voice.

  ”Yesterday, one of our patrols was attacked nearby.”

  Upon hearing this, the old man’s forehead was immediately covered with cold sweat.

  He did hear gunshots last night, but it was quite far away from here, at least three or four kilometers.

  This kind of thing is not uncommon in the wasteland. Either two groups of wastelanders are fighting, or they encounter alien species active in the forest. He didn’t take it seriously at all.

  ”That, that has nothing to do with us… It must be done by the people of the enterprise. I seem to have seen those guys wearing exoskeletons!”

  Those people said that they could blame them if they encountered danger. Anyway, they didn’t care about this.

  Of course, Mudka would not be polite and immediately revealed their identities.

  Korway continued expressionlessly, not interested in this kind of information.

  ”Whether it has anything to do with you or not, this place has become a war zone.”

  ”Before we dig out those bugs and get rid of them, you need to migrate with us to the designated place to camp.”

  As soon as the voice fell, a commotion spread around, and the survivors standing next to the camp showed surprise, astonishment and even panic on their faces.

  ”Migrate?” Mudka stared at the officer in front of him blankly, and asked in a trembling voice, “But, but why-“

  Kelway interrupted him unceremoniously.

  ”No reason, this is an order.”

  ”We are protecting you, I hope you don’t be ungrateful.”

  This is the plan made by General McLen.

  The Legion will build a large camp near the Fallen Leaf Ridge on the northwest side of Ruigu City to accommodate survivors within a radius of 100 miles.

  It is the intersection of mountains, forests and plains, with abundant water resources. The planned camp is expected to accommodate 100,000 people.

  When everything is ready, they will go all the way east, destroy the settlements of survivors along the way, and migrate the conquered population and spoils here.

  Controlling the western exit of the southern corridor is equivalent to blocking the throat of Luoxia Province to the eastern provinces.

  General McLen’s ambition is not satisfied with being ordered around by General Griffin. Catching a runaway corporate employee and blocking the reinforcements sent from the east coast is not a big achievement.

  He wants to expand the Legion’s sphere of influence 500 kilometers further east to lay the foundation for the Legion’s next expedition.

  Since there is no vassal worth supporting in this area, just build one yourself.

  This is not difficult for them.

  They don’t need to worry about how so many people survive. People are just like weeds all over the ground. No matter how bad the conditions are, as long as they keep lowering their living standards and moral bottom line, some of them will survive.

  They will support some obedient people to be the leaders of the survivors, and lead them to farm, pick up garbage, and work.

  And those leaders who are pushed to the front, in order not to be hanged by the slaves, can only do their best to please them who hold the guns tightly.

  As the masters of these slaves, they don’t need to do anything, but can collect supplies from them more efficiently.

  It’s killing two birds with one stone.

  Mudka’s lips trembled, and he was so scared that he couldn’t say a word.

  But the young man next to him stepped forward and said with courage.

  ”We don’t need your protection. We have lived here for many years… It’s always been good.”

  Kolwe didn’t have any interest in talking nonsense with such a small person. He didn’t even look at him. He just looked at the time on his watch, and then looked at Mudka.

  ”You have one hour to pack your luggage.”

  ”I will burn the rest for you.”


  The next morning.

  The three little players came to the door of Katin Post.

  The densely packed tents in the original camp were no longer visible, and now there was only a mess.

  From the wooden fence gate to the center of the camp, the ground was full of torn rags and damaged wooden boxes.

  Everything that could be taken away was taken away, and everything that could not be taken away was burned.

  The entire camp was completely devoid of traces of human habitation.

  ”Fuck… these dog coins are really cruel.”

  Looking at the tragic scene in front of them, the battlefield atmosphere group couldn’t help but click their tongues.

  The same was true for [I’m the Blackest] and [Kakarot] who followed behind him, with surprised expressions on their faces.

  ”Is this the legendary scorching the walls and clearing the fields?”

  ”Good guy… there really is nothing left.”

  ”But there seems to be no trace of fighting here, and no blood.”

  I don’t know if this is the case here, but the same is true for a camp they passed by before.

  The battlefield atmosphere group said after a while of hesitation.

  ”Let’s search nearby first.”

  The two players nodded.

  ”Got it.”

  Keeping the radio silent, the three agreed on the meeting place and time, spread out in all directions, and carefully explored the camp.

  At this moment, their attire was no different from the scavengers that could be seen everywhere in the wasteland. They all wore straw hats and patched rags, which completely concealed the exoskeleton underneath and the equipment hanging on the exoskeleton.

  Forests, mountains and urban areas can easily hide their whereabouts, but the survivors’ settlements are mostly distributed on the plains at the edge of the forest, and there is a high probability that they will be paid special attention by the observers on the Iron Heart. No matter how they are divided into small pieces, as long as the opponent is not blind, they will not be unable to see the exoskeleton walking on the plain. Although

  this skin is not good-looking, it can help them avoid the eye in the sky.

  Even if the Legion never cares about accidentally injuring passers-by, it will not be so extravagant as to waste shells on a few passing scavengers.

  If that were the case, two more airships would not be enough.

  Ignoring the airship floating in the distance, the Battlefield Atmosphere Team searched the camp and picked and chose, occasionally picking up two pieces of burnt charcoal and throwing them into the sack.

  First, it looked more presentable, and second, it would be useful for cooking instant noodles later

  . Their purpose of coming to this survivors’ settlement was to inquire about the news of the Legion and to fill the kettle.

  Unfortunately, neither of these two goals could be achieved.

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Team noticed that the only two wells in the camp had been filled with garbage.

  With the water source blocked, the village was basically ruined.

  ”…No bodies were found.”

  Kakarot walked back from the side and continued to look at the Battlefield Man, “The Legion took away everyone here, whether men, women, old people or children… and their two-headed cows.”

  The Battlefield Atmosphere Team nodded, looking thoughtful.

  ”It seems that they are getting anxious…”

  In three days, they have launched more than 12 attacks as planned, specifically targeting those patrols with weak strength, and each attack is strictly controlled within three minutes.

  No matter what the outcome of the battle was, they would retreat immediately after three minutes, never get stuck in a stalemate, and never give the other side a chance to call for fire support.

  This set of tactics was very effective.

  In fact, most of the ten-man teams could not last more than three minutes in front of the four-man team composed of players.

  Ammunition consumption?

  That kind of thing did not exist at all. When the LD-47 bullets were used up, they simply used local materials and picked up the weapons of the Legion.

  The “Blade” assault rifle of the Air Marine Corps was not as well-made as the “Falcon” of the Youth Army, but its firepower was not inferior.

  Maintaining this combat mode of fighting to support the war, while they consumed the Legion’s manpower, the ammunition not only did not decrease, but increased, and the firepower became more and more sufficient.

  In the face of the guerrillas’ continuous harassment, the Legion had to shrink the patrol range and expand the size of each patrol.

  But what he didn’t expect was that the Legion’s gang was also ruthless enough to simply demolish the survivors’ settlements within the force projection range.

  After all, they were taught in the same military academy. The strategy adopted by the Iron Heart is almost the same as the strategy adopted by the Bone Chewing Tribe in Xizhou City.

  I can’t help but ask.

  ”Where will the survivors be taken?”

  Kakarot shook his head.

  ”I don’t know, but I don’t think they will be taken to the airship. They should be set up in a concentration camp or something like that, and let those people help with work and collect supplies from nearby cities.” There

  is still a slight difference between the legion and the plunderer, at least they don’t eat people.

  Hearing Kakarot’s guess, I was stunned.

  ”Those survivors are so obedient?”

  Kakarot rolled his eyes: “Traveling merchants and mercenaries are another matter. The survivors living in the local area always have families, so it’s not easy to make them obedient.”

  Whether it’s using rations or other things as a threat, or hiring plunderers and mercenaries as supervisors, there are more than ten methods he can think of.

  Not to mention those “professionals”.

  The simplest one is just like what they saw, directly demolishing the survivors’ homes.

  Without a home to return to, and not wanting to sleep in the wilderness and become the excrement of alien species, they can only stay in the camp controlled by the legion.

  After all, only a few survivors can survive alone in the wild.

  Most people will not be much more optimistic about losing their freedom if they leave the stable survivor settlement.

  ”…But this may be an opportunity for us,” the battlefield atmosphere team touched their chins, “as long as we find the camp where they take in the survivors, we may be able to sneak in and cause trouble.”

  Kakarot’s eyes lit up.

  ”That’s a good idea.”

  I didn’t expect that this reckless man could occasionally come up with one or two ideas that sound good.

  I hesitated for a moment and said cautiously.

  ”I suggest that we should go back to the base 20 kilometers away and tell Brother Quanshui about the situation here.”

  ”Besides… our baggage train should arrive today, so it’s time to go back and reunite.”

  ”That makes sense,” Battlefield Man thought for a while and said, “How about this… we split up, you and Kakarot go back first, and bring the exoskeleton back with you. I’ll search along their footprints, and once I’ve determined the location of the camp, I’ll go back and reunite with you.”

  It shouldn’t be difficult to follow them while the footprints are still there.

  After a while, for example, if it rains or something, it won’t be so easy.

  Although I’m the Darkest, I nodded.

  ”Then be careful.”

  Battlefield Man grinned and gave his good brothers a reliable look.

  ”Don’t worry, don’t you know what level I am?”

  I’m the Darkest showed a subtle expression, and Kakarot simply rolled his eyes.

  ”Stop bragging, take off your equipment and get out of here.”

  Battlefield Man chuckled.

  ”I can’t take it off here.”

  He glanced at the grove next to him.

  ”Wait for me for a moment.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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