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Chapter 383 Codename Pangolin?

Chapter 383 Codename Pangolin?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 383 Codename Pangolin?

  Exoskeleton is convenient to wear, but not so convenient to take off.

  The battlefield guy who got into the grove struggled for a long time before taking off all his equipment and bringing it out to Kakarot.

  ”Good brother, I’ll entrust my clothes to you!”

  Now he was wearing a torn sack and holding another one in his hand. He looked even more like a scavenger than a scavenger. His shabby appearance made Lao Hei want to take out his wallet. Kakarot

  stretched out his hand very straightforwardly.

  ”Where’s the VM? Hand it over too.”

  ”Damn! How can I mark the location without the VM?”

  ”Are you stupid? Can’t you go offline and mark the location on the official website?” Kakarot rolled his eyes, “Wearing this thing, is there any other use besides proving that you are a resident of the shelter?”

  ”That’s right… I can go offline to report the location.”

  The battlefield atmosphere group suddenly realized, decisively took the VM off their arms, and stuffed it into Kakarot’s hand.

  Black stared at him strangely until his back disappeared into the woods.

  ”Is this guy really okay?”

  Kakarot grinned and patted him on the shoulder.

  ”Who cares? It doesn’t matter if the person is okay or not, as long as the equipment is okay. Let’s go, it’s time to set off!”


  The group split into two groups.

  Kakarot and I, Blackie, returned to the Stormtroopers’ camp in the east, while the Battlefield guy followed the survivors’ footprints and headed northwest alone.

  This journey was not peaceful.

  Maybe it was because the outfit was too deceptive, or maybe it was because he was alone, even the mutant hyenas dared to come and attack him.

  Fortunately, his level had broken through the bottleneck of LV20, and his gene sequence had reached the third stage.

  Even without hot weapons, he still relied on his agility and the weapons he picked up to easily kill the two hyenas that pounced on him and scared away the last one.

  ”Damn it, I should have kept a dagger with me!” Looking at the hair and blood on his hands, the Warlord threw away the branch that was broken into two pieces and cursed.

  At this moment, he suddenly realized that walking alone in the wasteland without a weapon was more strange than carrying a gun.

  However, it was too late to think about this problem now.

  Picking up a wooden stick and sharpening it with a stone to use as a short spear, the Warlord continued to move forward along the footprints on the ground.

  After walking about ten kilometers, from morning to noon, he finally passed through the dense jungle and came to a relatively open area.

  The sound of gurgling water came from not far away, and the Warlord’s eyes suddenly lit up.

  ”Water source!”

  ”It should be not far ahead!”

  As we all know, the vicinity of the water source is the best place to camp, and the larger the size of the team, the more it should choose the upstream area as much as possible.

  Realizing that the location of the legion’s camp was nearby, the Warlord was not in a hurry. He walked straight to the side of the stream, intending to clean the sticky blood on his hands and wash his face by the way.

  However, just as he was about to scoop up a handful of water and splash it on his face, his hand suddenly stopped.

  ”Tsk… My game character is so handsome, if you get close to me, I’m sure people will notice something wrong.”

  That won’t do.

  With a turn of his eyes, the Battlefield Man simply let go, picked up a lump of mud from the river and smeared it on his face. After rubbing it, he looked at the water again and nodded with satisfaction.

  Not bad.

  It finally looks like that.

  It’s just this smell…

  It smells weird.

  Without staying by the stream for long, the Battlefield Man leaned on the wooden stick in his hand and searched upstream, intending to find the specific location of the camp, and then look for a landmark reference nearby and withdraw.

  However, what he didn’t expect was that before he reached the camp, he ran into several soldiers with rifles and black robes.

  The other party obviously noticed him and looked straight at him.

  His heart jumped to his throat, and the Battlefield Man secretly said in his heart that he was going to be in trouble, and tightened the wooden stick in his palm.


  the elite monster standing in front of him seemed to be confused by his outfit and did not directly trigger the battle. He just raised his gun and aimed at him cautiously.


  The battlefield guy stopped obediently, and without waiting for the other party to let him drop his weapon, he took the initiative to throw away the sharpened wooden stick in his hand.

  The soldier stared at him and continued.

  ”Who are you?”

  ”I, I…”

  The battlefield guy was about to answer, but his human language was too poor. There were only a few words in his stomach. He searched his brains for a long time but couldn’t make it up. He was so anxious that he was sweating.


  It was precisely because of his reaction that the other party relaxed his vigilance.

  Looking at the frightened wastelander with contempt, the soldier’s eyes clearly showed some contempt.


  The battlefield guy’s eyes lit up and nodded quickly.

  ”Yes! Yes!”

  ”Where did the blood on your body come from?”

  The battlefield guy shook the sack in his hand, slowly reached in, and took out the bloody mutant hyena inside.

  Seeing the branch stuck in the hyena’s neck, several soldiers looked at each other, not hiding the mockery between their eyebrows and words.

  ”I said it before, the survivors here are like monkeys.”

  ”Tsk tsk, they don’t even have a decent weapon, and they are still fighting with alien species with bare hands.”

  ”It’s a pity that they can survive.”

  ”They will thank us, at least we brought them civilization!”

  The leading soldier didn’t say anything, but he no longer doubted it. He lowered the muzzle of his gun, pointed at his feet, and then pointed at the woods behind him.

  ”Throw the things here, and people move forward.”

  Although the battlefield guy didn’t understand much, he still understood the gesture, and he was also laughing and crying in his heart.

  What the hell is this?

  He just planned to come and take a look and leave, but he didn’t expect to be arrested as a scavenger.

  Those soldiers obviously didn’t mean to let him go. The

  battlefield guy hesitated for only half a second, then put down the things in his hands obediently, and walked obediently in the direction pointed by the soldier’s finger.

  After walking about 500 to 600 meters, a spacious camp gate came into his sight.

  The north side of the camp was close to the hills, and not far to the east was a stream flowing down from the mountain.

  The entire camp was large in scale, but the facilities were extremely simple, with only a row of wooden fence walls, a few scattered wooden watchtowers, and a few dozen tents.

  Soldiers in black robes were standing guard and patrolling nearby. It was unknown how many there were, but it was estimated that there would be no less than two hundred-man teams.

  The center of the camp was filled with black, obviously the survivors who were driven here. It was also impossible to count their number, but it could only be estimated that there should be no less than 5,000.

  If they had not gathered together, the battlefield guy could not imagine that there were so many survivors living in the small Ruigu City.

  Unlike him who was empty-handed, everyone here was carrying large and small bags of luggage, and their faces were all confused, frightened or dull.

  Most of them were brought to this strange place without explanation, and stayed with a group of people they had never seen before.

  Before the Warlord could come to his senses, he was pushed to the back of the team at the entrance of the camp by a soldier with a gun pointed at him.

  There was a table at the entrance, and an officer was sitting behind it. He held a pen in his hand, writing on a piece of paper, and casually threw a sign with a number on it to the survivor standing in front of the table.

  Finally, it was the Warlord’s turn.

  The officer tapped the table with a pen, and when he saw that the man didn’t respond, he said impatiently.


  The Warlord understood this daily language, but of course he couldn’t report his game ID, that would be too weird.

  In a hurry, he blurted out.


  The officer didn’t say anything, just drew two strokes on the paper, and then threw the sign to the Warlord. Most of the wastelanders have little culture, not to mention using animals as names, there are many who use tables and chairs as names.

  The Warlord suspected that the guy didn’t hear what he said, but he didn’t stop at the door. He glanced at the number on the sign and walked into the camp.

  A group of people stood in a daze in the open space.

  He didn’t know where to go.

  Just when he was at a loss, a survivor who looked similar to him suddenly came over.

  ”Dude, where are you from?”

  The Warlord said nonsense.

  ”…Bethe Street.”

  The survivor looked confused.

  ”Bethe Street? I haven’t heard of it.”

  ”It’s a bit far from here… I was caught by bad luck.” The Warlord wanted to express it this way, but his vocabulary was too limited, and he stumbled and said a lot. The other party was confused and could only think that he might be a stutterer.

  ”Really? You have bad luck… Although I’m not much better.”

  The man sighed and continued.

  ”My name is Li Ba, I’m from Shikeshu Village… Those guys in black robes drove us here without any explanation.”

  ”My name… is Pangolin.” The battlefield man then asked about the thing he was most concerned about, “What are those people going to do to us?”

  ”I don’t know.”

  Li Ba’s face was obviously worried.

  ”They didn’t say anything. After arriving here, they confiscated our food and two-headed cattle, saying that they would centralize management, and then left us here and told us to wait…”

  As he was speaking, a man with a bulge in the middle of his nose, led a line of soldiers, and walked in front of all the survivors.

  His eyes were like those of a vulture. Just the contact of his eyes made the noisy crowd quiet down instantly as if a basin of cold water was poured on them.

  Looking around at all the survivors present, Korwe raised his chin slightly and spoke in a commanding tone.

  ”From now on, the area around Ruigu City is designated as a war zone for the Legion and the Enterprise. But don’t worry, the Legion will provide you with protection until the end of the war.”

  ”In exchange for not shedding blood, you need to pay with sweat and labor as a reward for our kindness!”

  No one dared to stand up and object.

  No one dared to say a word.

  Everyone’s face was full of panic, only the battlefield guy mixed in the crowd had a strange expression on his face.

  Good guy.

  These Legion people really believed that it was the Enterprise people who were fighting them.

  No wonder they didn’t move forward after repairing the engine. It seems that they planned to stop the Enterprise’s reinforcements here…

  Korway waited for a while and continued.

  ”My name is Korway, and I am responsible for all matters here.”

  ”Standing next to me is the logistics officer Mr. Finod. He will explain the work to you, demarcate the living area, and arrange the tasks that need to be completed every day.”

  The man named Finod had a warm smile on his face, which formed a sharp contrast with Korway’s intimidation.

  This made him look like a very easy-going person, but the battlefield guy could sense the arrogance in his eyes.

  It was obvious that he did not regard the wastelanders in front of him as human beings, but as a pile of supplies or consumables and similar things.

  Kelway looked at Finod.

  ”Do you want to say a few words?”

  Finod said with a smile.

  ”Go ahead, it’s just those things anyway.”

  Kelway nodded, continued to look at the survivors in the camp, and raised his voice.

  ”Don’t think about being lazy, everyone here has to work, no exceptions! Lazy people who fail to complete their tasks will not have food, let alone any sympathy.”

  ”In addition, for residents who perform outstandingly, we will not only improve his treatment, but also give generous rewards. For example… let him serve as a centurion.”

  After a pause, he stared at a pair of turbid eyes, and a hint of mockery rose at the corner of his mouth.

  ”Even a centurion!”


  East of Ruigu City.

  After marching for a full five days, the baggage team and more than a hundred players finally successfully joined forces with Brother Quanshui and his group who arrived in Ruigu City first.

  The supplies that filled five trucks finally solved the supply problem for the Stormtroopers.

  The NPCs that arrived with the players will be divided into two groups, one will return to Dawn City to continue transporting supplies, and the other will stay in the camp to assist the players in building positions and using building materials to reinforce tunnels, anti-artillery bunkers and other fixed fortifications. It

  was almost dusk.

  After looking at the time on the VM, the Fountain Commander looked at me and asked.

  ”Where’s that bastard from Battlefield? Why hasn’t he come back yet?”

  I was the darkest and said helplessly.

  ”How should I know? He just said he would try to come back before dark.”

  ”I don’t think so,” Kakarot, crossing his arms, shook his head. “It’s a distance of 20 to 30 kilometers. Without an exoskeleton, it will take at least several hours to run. Even if he found the camp before noon, he would have to wait until tomorrow to get back.”

  Commander of the Fountain nodded.

  ”That’s right. Let’s ignore him for now.”

  Kakarot looked at the fountain and asked.

  ”What about us? What should we do now?”

  Commander of the Fountain knew that he was asking about the countermeasures against the Legion, and said after thinking for a moment.

  ”Well… it’s not easy to deal with. They drove all the local residents to one place. We can’t hunt down scavengers who go out to collect resources.”

  It’s not entirely a sensitive moral issue. The key is that doing so is extremely inefficient and will completely push the local residents to the Legion.

  Suddenly, Commander of the Fountain moved and looked up and said.

  ”By the way, did you take pictures of those destroyed camps?”

  Kakarot nodded.

  ”I did take some photos… What’s wrong?”

  Commander Fountain Water continued.

  ”Take your people to contact the nearby survivor settlements, show them the photos you took during the day, and persuade them to leave the village and seek refuge outside.”

  Kakarot was stunned and hesitated.

  ”Will they listen to us?”

  Escape is not a trivial matter.

  It is a bit unrealistic to persuade the locals to leave the place where their ancestors have lived for generations with just a few photos.

  Commander Fountain Water said simply.

  ”Tell them that there is a place called Dawn City in Qingquan City, 150 kilometers away from here. The people there are willing to provide them with shelter. When we end the war with the Legion, they can return to their homes.”

  ”No matter what choice they make in the end, we will only do what we can.”

  We will persuade as many as we can.

  It is better to drive people away than to let them be captured by the Legion as coolies.

  After explaining the task, Commander Fountain Water immediately walked to the side of the baggage team, found the NPC in charge, and handed him a locked iron box.

  The box was very light and contained only a card.

  The card was handed to the White Bear Knights by Zhimahu before they went to explore the entrance of Shelter No. 79.

  It is said that it is a very important mission item, which may change the direction of the battle. Please find a way to deliver it to the administrator.

  The commander of the fountain must be inseparable from the front line. He has also arranged specific tasks for each player in the corps. The only ones who can be asked are these NPC soldiers.

  Although they are logistics personnel, their loyalty is also unquestionable.

  It is not so much loyalty as it is a belief.

  ”We have a wounded person with a special identity here. Please send him back to Dawn City… and this box, please be sure to hand it to the administrator!”

  Hearing the order of the commander of the fountain, the logistics officer nodded solemnly, reached out to take the box, and put his right fist against his chest.

  ”Make sure to complete the task!”

  The commander of the fountain looked at him and nodded, and touched his chest with his right fist as a return gift.

  ”For the Alliance!”


  Official website forum.

  Today is as lively as ever.

  The news here is much more explosive than the “Survivor Daily”. Every now and then, players from the Storm Corps will bring first-hand battle reports.

  Including where they ambushed another patrol of the Legion, how many people were killed, and how much equipment was seized, which made the spectators very excited.

  Of course.

  The most exciting thing for players and cloud players is the intelligence brought back by the Battlefield brothers…

  ”The latest news! The Legion has established a new base near the Fallen Leaf Ridge on the northwest side of Ruigu City. The name is Fallen Leaf Camp!”

  Fountain Commander: “Fuck, you finally popped up!”

  I was the darkest: “We thought you were dead outside.”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Hehe, something unexpected happened. I was going to take a look outside and leave, but it happened that I ran into the patrol of the Legion… Anyway, when I came to my senses, I was already in that camp.”

  The Battlefield guy didn’t dare to tell the fact that he had peeled potatoes for an afternoon, because it was too embarrassing.

  Fortunately, the people in the legion did not discover his identity as an awakener, nor did they suspect him as a mute who could not speak clearly. Instead,

  the NPC, who was like a cook, praised his speed in peeling potatoes, praising him for completing three times the workload of other laborers, and transferred him from the large dormitory where the laborers lived to the four-person room next to the kitchen, where he was responsible for peeling potatoes.

  Kakarot: “What the hell?!”

  Kevin with a Broken Leg: “There is such a good thing?!”

  Ye Shi: “Oh my goodness… I just say oh my goodness.”

  Mole on the Run in the Canyon: “How many people are in there?”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Not many, not many. Probably around five or six thousand. Most of them are locals captured by the Legion from nearby survivor settlements.”

  Debt-Eyed: “I don’t understand. What is the Legion trying to do by gathering those survivors together?”

  Professor Yang, the King of Lightning: “You don’t understand this. Population itself is a resource. Zero maintenance cost, no technical content. A bowl of rice can be used for half a day. What machine can be used so well by people? (grin)”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Almost. The Legion organized some people to hunt, some to scavenge, and some to grow yams and feed cattle… Most of the products produced here All the supplies were supplied to the airship, and the only food for the survivors was nutrient paste. Damn, that stuff smells terrible, I feel like it’s mixed with stones or sawdust or something.”

  Irena: “Are you sure it’s sawdust, not bone residue or something like that? (Funny)”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Fuck! Don’t say it, I’m going to vomit! (Vomit)”

  Elf King Fugui: “Be optimistic, brother, that’s just a hypothesis, maybe it’s wild fruit, bark or alien species. (Funny)”

  Canyon Fleeing Mole: “It feels like the Legion is up to something.”

  Fang Chang: “I have this feeling too… It seems that they should be planning to support a local force as their pawn in the River Valley Province, just like what they did in the Luoxia Province.”

  Teng Teng: “Luoxia Province? 0.0”

  Fang Chang: “Well, I talked about this with Hal, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper from Luoxia Province. The Falcon Kingdom in Luoxia Province is the vassal state of the Legion east of the Great Desert.” Commander

  Quanshui: “Anyway, the Legion has taken countermeasures against our guerrilla tactics, and we have to adjust our tactics appropriately.”

  Edge: “Speaking of which, what about the Boulder City? Is there any reaction?” Fang Chang

  : “Of course, but I can’t say whether it is a high war sentiment or just panic. Anyway, after that day, I saw a lot of arms sent to the northern suburbs. The top leaders of the alliance should have reached some kind of agreement with the top leaders of Boulder City… I guess.”

  Edge: “Hey, if the people from the enterprise left two days later.”

  Everyone talked one after another, and the post soon had thousands of floors.

  Especially after hearing that the officer named Korwei promised that those who made outstanding contributions would be appointed as decurions or even centurions, many people who were curious about the situation encouraged the battlefield guy to perform well and strive to get a “fake army leader”.

  Chu Guang, who was sitting in front of the computer, was also surprised at this moment.


  Is this considered infiltrating the legion?

  ”Xiao Qi.”

  ”What’s the matter, Master?” Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the table, tilted his head.

  ”Can the task interface be connected to the official website forum account?” Chu Guang thought for a while and described his idea. “In simple terms, it is to allow players to confirm their tasks through the official website account outside the game.”

  He wanted to do this before, but because there was no need for it, and he was busy during this period, he forgot about it.

  After listening to Chu Guang’s needs, Xiao Qi immediately nodded with enthusiasm.

  ”No problem! This is very simple, leave it to Xiao Qi!”

  It is really easy for it to connect the two already developed systems together. Just make a data exchange on the server. It

  didn’t take a minute, and the software program update was completed.

  Now players can not only check the progress of tasks on the official website, but also receive new tasks on the official website.

  Holding the mouse in his right hand, Chu Guang browsed Xiao Qi’s masterpiece, and a smile appeared on his face.

  Not bad.

  Players have gained convenience, and I have gained convenience in commanding players. There is no doubt that this is a change that has the best of both worlds.

  I am simply a genius!


  At the same time, in a bedroom in a parallel world.

  Someone who was sitting in front of the computer with a silly smile on his face and watching the number of replies soar suddenly sat up straight in his chair and let out a strange cry.

  ”What the hell? This works?!”

  Just now, the Battlefield atmosphere team suddenly found that there was a small red dot in the user information column in the upper right corner of the official website.

  Curiously, I clicked it and saw that it was the task bar!

  ”When was it updated?”

  The Battlefield guy was confused, but after clicking the mouse twice, the confused expression quickly turned into ecstasy.

  In the past, this broken game could not even complete tasks without the VM system.

  Now the dog planner has finally made a compromise on authenticity. Players can not only check the progress of tasks on the official website, but also check newly triggered tasks!

  It’s really awesome!

  [Task 1: Lurk in the Fallen Leaf Camp and inquire about the Legion’s movements. The reward amount is determined by the value and accuracy of the intelligence. ]

  [Task 2 (optional): Infiltrate the management of the Fallen Leaf Camp and gain the trust of the Legion. 】

  【Task 3 (optional): …】

  Looking at the rows of new and exciting tasks, Zhandi Lao couldn’t wait to cut off the page, and excitedly ran to the forum to open a new post to announce the good news.

  ”Brother, cute! The dog planner has been updated!!!”


  Players from the entire forum are giving Zhandi Lao bad advice to help him improve his undercover personality. Chu Guang feels that he should not worry too much.

  Placing spies in the legion’s camp is just an attempt. The outcome of the war will ultimately be decided on the battlefield.

  Chu Guang never bets his expectations of victory on a certain piece of equipment or one or two people, but it does not rule out that the brother from Zhandi may bring him unexpected surprises.

  What if?

  What if he becomes the leader of the puppet army and successfully gains the trust of the legion?

  Although the probability is almost zero, it is not completely impossible.

  In short, with Brother Quanshui commanding the front line, Chu Guang has designated Ruigu City as a war zone and has given him full authority over all matters within the war zone.

  Numerous previous battles have proven this player’s command and organizational abilities. Chu Guang believes that he should be able to plan the location of each machine gun position, so he doesn’t need to worry too much.

  He only needs to take care of the logistics and ensure that the front line has sufficient ammunition, and he will naturally give him a satisfactory answer.

  In contrast, Chu Guang is more concerned about another team that is carrying out the mission.

  Three days ago, the White Bear Knights set out from the action camp and went deep into the urban area of ​​Ruigu City to search for the entrance to Shelter No. 79.

  Judging from the posts that Sisi continues to update on the forum, their “treasure hunt” seems to have made new progress…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode