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Chapter 385 Shelter No. 79!

Chapter 385 Shelter No. 79!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 385 Shelter No. 79!

  ”What the hell!”

  In the mess hall of the Fallen Leaf Camp, the Warlord holding a knife stared at the pile of potatoes in front of him, his chin almost touching the ground.

  Are you cooking for pigs? !

  How many tons of potatoes do these guys eat a day? !


  the cook who gave him the task didn’t care about the expression on his face at all, but just gave orders in a commanding tone.

  ”You… your name is Pangolin, right? These potatoes are your job today. I hope to see them all washed and peeled before the evening.”

  ”If the work is not done, you will have a hard time.”

  After throwing down this sentence, the cook disappeared.

  Looking at the knife in his hand, and then at the three skinny survivors next to him, the Warlord felt like crying but couldn’t.

  ”This… How long will I have to cut it?”

  Yesterday he was still bragging on the official website that he only took half a day to complete the workload of three people. As a result, as soon as he went online today, the workload completed yesterday directly became today’s standard, and it was quadrupled.

  This is like catching a fat sheep and trying to grab it.

  The key is that there is no mission reward yet!

  Compared with the people in the legion, their respected administrator is simply a living Buddha!


  These dogecoins are also worthy of being compared with the administrator? ?

  The more the battlefield guy thought about it, the angrier he became. He clenched his knife and almost couldn’t help chasing out and opening the eyes of the arrogant fat pig’s ass.

  However, thinking of the hidden mission unlocked on the official website last night and the generous mission rewards, he finally took a deep breath and endured it patiently.

  A real man can bend and stretch.

  For the supreme administrator… I will endure it!

  ”We have to improve the tools. With this knife, we won’t be able to finish peeling potatoes by this time tomorrow.” The Warlord looked back at the three apprentices behind him, gesturing with his hands and speaking in poor human language. The

  three apprentices looked at each other, and their faces were full of confusion after hearing only a half-understanding.

  The Warlord sighed, picked a guy who looked a little smart, and asked him to go to the scavenger’s garbage station to find some iron sheets.

  After getting the parts and tools, he used flint to grind through the middle of the iron sheet, and then wrapped it with iron wire several times to make four simple peeling knives.

  This thing is a bit like a razor.

  Although it is not completely automated, it is at least much faster than using a dagger.

  After his patient guidance, the three apprentices quickly learned how to peel potatoes more efficiently.

  This time, the Warlord learned his lesson. Instead of rushing to show off everywhere, he squatted next to the three apprentices and started to work.

  Looking at his leisurely appearance, the apprentices on the side couldn’t help but say with envy.

  ”Brother, do you often peel potatoes?”

  ”No, what’s wrong?”

  ”No… I just saw that you are quite skilled, and the improved tool is quite useful.”

  The battlefield man said with a smile.

  ”What’s the big deal? We all peel potatoes this way. I also learned it from others.”

  Upon hearing this, the expressions on the faces of the three apprentices became even more envious.

  In the wasteland, crops with a planting cycle of more than two months are not affordable for ordinary people.

  Most survivor settlements plant green wheat, not because people like the unique oxalic acid taste, but because other crops cannot wait until they are mature, either being eaten by predators or being ruined by alien species.

  The more chaotic the times, the more people tend to plant crops with short growth cycles and low requirements for soil, fertility, and manpower.

  This is true in any world.

  Anyway, he was free, so the battlefield man simply used the half-baked human language to talk to these apprentices about life in the alliance.

  Of course, he did not mention the alliance and Dawn City, and still used Beth Street as a substitute.

  After talking for a while, the Warlord paused and suddenly noticed that there was a row of residents standing in the open space outside the kitchen.

  ”What are they doing over there?”

  An apprentice squatting next to him quickly answered.

  ”I heard that the legion is recruiting soldiers…”

  ”Recruiting soldiers?”

  ”Well, anyone who is strong or has special abilities can sign up. They say that as long as you join the legion, you can eat potatoes and beef.”

  As he spoke, the apprentice had an envious expression on his face, and was obviously tempted.

  But perhaps because he thought that he might be sent to the front line as cannon fodder, he finally did not make up his mind to try his luck.

  The Warlord looked at this guy with a strange look on his face, and threw the potatoes that he had been peeling for a long time into the box next to him.

  Those two-headed cows and potatoes…

  weren’t they all from your home?

  Just as the Warlord was peeling potatoes and thinking about whether to try his luck at the recruitment place, Kolway, who was standing in the center of the camp, was looking at the list sent by his men.

  In four days, they gathered a total of 7,400 survivors and emptied nearly 17 survivor settlements.

  The largest survivor settlement had a population of 1,000 people, and there was even a cast iron cannon in the camp.


  in front of the 400mm main gun, that thing was just a toy.

  Especially when the residents heard that “the steel airship annihilated the entire 100-man team of the enterprise with just one shot”, the locals had no courage to resist and obediently packed their bags and followed them to migrate here.

  They have deployed firewood generators in the camp to power the nutrient paste synthesis device, and will later build a few smelting furnaces here to remelt the garbage picked up by the scavengers from the city into useful metal castings to make ripper rifles and ammunition. The

  task assigned to him by General McLen was to train a 1,000-man team composed of locals within two months to fight with their air and space marines.

  Lay the foundation for them to bring the southern plains of the Valley Province into their sphere of influence.

  Standing next to Korway, logistics officer Finod looked at the survivors standing in a row and the camp that had begun to take shape, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

  ”We have to speed up… The people in the enterprise have discovered our actions, and our patrols have come up empty-handed several times.”

  Korway: “I have reported this problem to Mr. Rachel, and we will increase the number of patrols later…”

  ”One more thing.”

  ”What’s the matter?”

  ”I heard that a two-story-high Death Claw appeared in the survivor settlement at No. 79 Xiangling Street… Is that right?”

  Kolway remembered this and nodded.

  ”That’s right. I reported the situation there to Mr. Rachel. Considering that there were only two or three hundred survivors, and those locals might not survive the mouth of the Death Claw, I asked my men to cross out that survivor settlement… Is there a problem?” He was not

  afraid of that thing, but he felt that it was not worth wasting his men’s lives and precious ammunition to kill a beast.

  The number of the Air Marine Corps was limited and could not be supplemented from the rear. The guerrillas of the enterprise had been giving him enough headaches these days.

  Finod said with a pleasant face.

  ”No problem. Two or three hundred less people is not a big deal. But General McLennan is very interested in that beast. He saw that guy on the bridge and kept talking about hanging that guy’s head on the bow of the Iron Heart and taking it back to General Griffin.”

  Kelway looked at Finold in surprise and couldn’t speak for a long time.

  Finold’s smile remained unchanged and his tone was still gentle.

  ”Can I trouble you?”

  Of course it would be best if he could refuse, but this was General McLennan’s order.

  Even though he was reluctant, Kelway could only nod his head with a tingling scalp.



  ”…Doesn’t this library have a basement?”

  In the dim tunnel.

  Sis looked around with a flashlight. This place gave her the feeling of an air-raid shelter, although she had never seen what an air-raid shelter looked like in reality.

  Zhimahu walked beside her, holding a radio in his arms, his cat ears erected alertly, and his eyes looking around.

  At this moment, the radio, which was very quiet a second ago, suddenly let out a teeth-grinding laugh, scaring her so much that she almost dropped it on the ground.

  ”…Who did you hear that from?”

  ”Local residents.”

  ”Hehe…what do they know?”

  That’s true.

  Sisi nodded thoughtfully, and did not continue to ask questions on this irrelevant issue.

  If anyone can find the entrance to the shelter, it will undoubtedly be a torture for both the people inside and outside.

  Both physically and mentally.

  The two continued to move forward along a dark tunnel, which became wider and wider. From the initial allowance of only four people to walk side by side, it is now as wide as two lanes.

  Looking at the fork in the road beside the passage, Sisi became more and more certain of her previous guess.

  Shelter No. 79 should have more than one entrance.

  And the number of people accommodated is far more than a thousand people!

  The elevator hidden behind the bookshelf on the second floor of the library is just one of the entrances through this tunnel.

  As for how they found that intersection, we have to start from half an hour ago.

  Half an hour ago, they found the radio on the second floor of the library that was receiving signals from an unknown source.

  The person on the radio claimed to be the manager of Shelter No. 79, and said in a tone that was hard to tell whether it was self-deprecating or self-blaming, “Half of the barbarism on this land can be traced back to him,” and urged the two to leave this place of trouble as soon as possible.

  Sisi had reservations about his statement.

  But at present, this guy seems to be the only one who knows the entrance to Shelter No. 79.

  She thought it would take some effort to gain the trust of the manager, but to her surprise, she hardly spent much time talking, and actually used that lame human language to convince this guy to agree to let them take a look at Shelter No. 79.

  To be honest.

  Such a simple persuasion was so easy that Sisi even couldn’t believe it.

  Could it be…

  that her hidden charm value attribute is actually very high?

  Thinking of this, Sisi’s face showed a subtle expression.

  At this time, the radio suddenly spoke.

  ”By the way, I forgot to ask, what is Shelter 404?”

  ”It’s just a very ordinary shelter?”

  ”Oh, so…”

  ”What’s wrong?”

  ”Nothing, I just want to make sure if I’m interfering with other friends’ work… Hehe.”

  That smile was somewhat meaningful.

  But Sisi didn’t think much about it.

  After all, this old radio, even if it doesn’t say anything, is emitting electric noise all the time.

  ”By the way, how should we call you?”

  ”Just call me the manager.”

  ”But we already have a manager, there must be a distinction.”

  The voice pondered for a while.

  ”Sorry, I’ve been alone for too long, and I haven’t used my name for a long time. I thought about it for a while. You can just… call me Yongshi.”

  Sisi was slightly surprised, but didn’t say much. He nodded with an “oh”.

  Most of the NPCs in this game have strange names, including their manager, who has always called himself “Shuguang” and only occasionally uses the name “Chu Guang”.

  But from what this guy said, it seems that he is an old monster who has lived from the pre-war era to the present…

  This mission is getting more and more interesting.

  Zhimahu, who was walking beside them, didn’t understand what the two were talking about at all, and asked nervously.

  ”How long will it take us to get there?”

  Sisi repeated her question, and the radio quickly answered.

  ”It’s just ahead… But before that, I hope you can be mentally prepared. I said that there has never been any survivors there.”

  ”I’m ready.”

  As a guide for the dungeon, this NPC said too much.

  Just as Sisi was thinking this, a huge gear-shaped alloy door finally appeared at the end of the tunnel. The number

  79 printed in the center of the gear has not faded even after two centuries.

  Excitement instantly appeared in the eyes of the two.

  Mission accomplished!

  The entrance to Shelter No. 79 has been found!

  ”It’s a pity that Tail is not here… Should we call her over?”

  ”It’s a waste of time to go back and forth. We finally got here. Let’s take a look at what it looks like inside…”

  Restraining the excitement in her voice, Sisi looked at the radio in Zhimahu’s hand and asked in human voice.

  ”…How should we get in?”

  As soon as the voice fell, the stones on the ground suddenly jumped lightly.

  There was a tremor like an earthquake under her feet, and the giant gear with an unknown tonnage slowly rolled to one side.

  Looking at the straight corridor behind the giant door and the spacious buffer room that looked like a playground, Sisi opened her eyes wide in surprise.

  The area in front of her alone was 10 times that of Shelter No. 404…

  However, what surprised her even more was yet to come.

  When she and Zhimahu passed through the wide buffer room and the door at the end of the corridor, the floor-to-ceiling windows more than ten meters high quickly came into their eyes.

  And behind the floor-to-ceiling windows, their perception of the shelter was completely overturned.

  Square buildings, like sharp-edged rulers, are distributed in an unusually wide area, extending into the bottomless underground.

  Steep passages connect those square buildings together.

  They are like interconnected blocks, stacked and connected to each other, making the best use of space in a way that is acceptable to human aesthetics.

  At this moment, they are standing at the highest point of this “underground city”…

  Sisi opened her eyes wide, subconsciously touched her ears, and her fingertips were completely stuck to the shutter of the headset.

  Zhimahu, who was standing next to her, was stunned on the spot. Not only did his eyes open wide, but his mouth was so wide that it seemed that an egg could be stuffed in.

  ”Is this… really a shelter?”

  ”Welcome to Ruigu City 2.0.” A cheerful voice floated from the radio, “There have been no new guests here for a long, long time.”

  The moment the voice fell, the eyes under the cat ears suddenly flashed a trace of alertness.

  Zhimahu quickly pulled out the 12mm caliber revolver inserted in his waist with his right hand, and his thumb pressed the hammer skillfully.

  This was a pistol she bought from the manager a long time ago, mainly used to deal with large aliens.

  Behind the door she was aiming at, a tiger twice as big as hers was staring at the two through the glass window on the door, growling dangerously.

  A pair of teeth turned outward on the outside of its lips, like a sharp dagger!

  Its claws scratched the door, its teeth rubbed the door frame, and its eyes were full of impatience, as if it had been hungry for a long time.

  The moment she met its eyes, the instinct of the creature made her feel the hair on her body stand up.

  Also sensing the dangerous breath, Sisi swallowed hard, and loaded the assault rifle in her hand with a “click”. While aiming at the door, she asked the radio.

  ”What’s going on here?”

  Why are there aliens in the shelter? !

  The radio sighed.

  ”So I asked you to be prepared… As you can see, the city has fallen.”



  Leaning in Zhima Paste’s arms, the old radio spoke in a very light voice as if it was recounting a past event.

  ”The people here once had a short and prosperous time, but that huge gate can block war and radiation, but it can’t stop people’s yearning for the outside world and freedom… I tried to persuade them to wait a little longer, wait for the radioactive dust to fall from the sky to the ground, wait for the glaciers that freeze the earth to melt, and then we will go to the outside world hand in hand, but…” ”


  ”But they can’t wait any longer, and they are clamoring to leave here, and no matter how I persuade them, they can’t stop…”

  The voice on the radio was a little sarcastic, but soon changed to a relieved tone.

  ”Let’s not talk about those old things, I believe you are not interested. In short, because the door outside is always opening and closing frequently, there is no difference between here and the outside world… It’s even worse than the outside world.”

  ”Our original intention was to help the mutant creatures outside to return to their original state, but who would have thought that some idiots were not satisfied with getting out, and took the creatures carrying the unfinished gene originals out, resulting in those mutant freaks everywhere outside now.”

  Sis frowned.

  ”You mean… all the alien species outside ran away from here?”

  The radio answered briefly.

  ”Probably. Anyway, I estimate that at least half of them are. As for the rest, we have to ask other shelters… God knows what they are doing.”

  After a pause, its tone seemed to carry a hint of deep self-blame.

  ”Of course, we have tried to make amends. Before the last crisis, we have been looking for ways to control the spread of the Primarch. In fact, this great work is almost completed… Unfortunately, at the last moment, the only research area that has not fallen was finally lost.”

  Sisi said with a gleaming look.

  ”We are willing to continue your unfinished work! Restoring the ecology of this planet to normal is also part of our cause of reviving the human alliance!”

  Any major research results found in the wasteland, whether it is encrypted data or sample entities, can be exchanged for generous rewards from the scientific expedition team NPC Yin Fang.

  Such a large shelter.

  The things studied inside must be able to exchange for a lot of rewards, right?

  Not knowing what she was thinking at the moment, a relieved voice floated from the radio.

  ”I’m glad to hear you say that. It seems that I didn’t trust you so much in vain.”

  After a pause, it continued.

  ”There is a silver-white building in the center of the city. Its appearance is very eye-catching. You should be able to see it from here. It is the research area of ​​this shelter. All our research results are stored there, including our experimental data and the serum samples we have completed.”

  Sis: “Serum?”

  ”We have only completed the serum that can reverse mutations for the Death Claws… because they are the most dangerous.”

  The moment he heard this, Sis was stunned.

  ”Is this possible?”

  Reversing a mutation that has already occurred…

  This sounds like a fantasy.

  However, the radio said in a firm tone.

  ”Of course, it is not difficult to do. Let’s get back to the point. If you really want to inherit our business, take those things outside for us. Since you are from the shelter, you must know how to use them.”

  ”Of course, the alien species here are not easy to deal with, including the Death Claw, there are more than one here. You can go back and prepare first, and come back when you are ready.”

  ”I do have this plan…” Sisi glanced at the tiger outside the door.

  She really needs to make some preparations.

  When she entered Xiangling Town before, in order to show her sincerity, she and Zhimahu only carried basic self-defense weapons.

  With the little ammunition in hand, I am afraid that they can’t even deal with the monster behind the door in front of them.

  At least we have to call everyone together!


  At the peak of the day’s offline.

  The official website forum was once again detonated by a post.

  ”Big news! Shelter No. 79 is decrypted! The underground city hidden in Ruigu City! 》

  Quit Smoking: “Fuck! Underground City?!”

  Tail: “Hmm! The monsters in there are super powerful! There are so many trash guys! (ω)”

  Trash Pickup Level 99: “???”

  I’m the Darkest: “666! Isn’t this much better than the shabby broken map of Battlefield?”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Damn, that’s not what you said yesterday!”

  Lightning King Professor Yang: “This scale… isn’t it too much to put another 100,000 activation codes?”

  Irena: “… Tsk, brushing the novice village of Death Claws is much more exciting than brushing the little monkey’s Shelter No. 117. (Funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “And it’s directly brushed on the face. (Funny)”

  Tyrannosaurus Warrior: “Let me in!!! The dog planner won’t send me a helmet report! (Crazy)”

  Lao Bai: “(stunned.jpg)”

  Sisi: “Anyway, that’s basically the situation of Shelter No. 79… Since there is no network here, we can only upload the photos after returning to the Storm Corps’ base in a few days.”

  ”In addition, we also learned that there is a huge reserve of nuclear energy in the shelter. According to the description of the manager named Yong, it is more than enough to run for another three centuries. The serum located in the central research area of ​​the underground city seems to be able to reverse mutations?”

  Ya Ya: “Wait, doesn’t that mean Rou Rou can become a human? (Excited)”

  Teng Teng: “(Expecting) (Expecting)”

  Rou Rou: “Wait a minute, I am a human! (╯°Д°)╯”

  ”Although I am not a human in the game.”

  ”No! It feels weird to say that!”

  Rou Rou, who posted three posts in a row, fell into confusion, but due to the players’ expectations for the new map, it was soon drowned in the flood of replies.

  Browsing the posts from beginning to end, a planner sitting in front of the computer also showed a surprised expression on his face.

  ”…Reverse mutation?!”

  What kind of black technology is this?

  At this moment, Chu Guang’s surprise was no less than that of the player named Si Si.

  Fortunately, he had experts to consult.

  Without hesitation, Chu Guang immediately stood up and went to the B3 floor, where he found Heya who was busy in the laboratory.

  After listening to his advice, Heya paused her work, and a look of surprise appeared in her eyes.

  ”…Are you sure? Reverse mutation?”

  Chu Guang said in a rigorous manner.

  ”I can’t guarantee that the source of the news is accurate, I can only make sure that I didn’t hear it wrong… But by the way, are you so surprised too?”

  ”Well, it’s better to say that I don’t quite understand the significance of this research project than to say that I’m surprised.” With

  her index finger gently resting on her chin, Heya’s face showed a thoughtful expression.

  ”Although the mutant creatures on the wasteland cannot rule out human factors, most of them are actually the result of natural selection. Only species with stronger survival ability can survive on this planet with extreme ecological environment. This is the fundamental reason for the current situation.”

  ”If you don’t change the environment itself, it’s meaningless to only change the traits of one or two creatures. These individuals who can’t adapt to the current environment will soon be eliminated, and the traits can’t be inherited at all.” After

  a pause, she continued.

  ”Moreover, evolution is a continuous process. Which stage does the serum intend to trace the mutations that have occurred back to?”

  ”So he is lying?” Chu Guang frowned slightly after also finding this logical inconsistency. “The research results stored in Shelter No. 79 are not as simple as he confessed.”

  Heya teased, “I think the same as you. Your residents are probably fooled. Sometimes they are really innocent and cute… Speaking of which, can’t Yin Fang find any information about Shelter No. 79? Even the name of the manager?” Chu Guang shook his head. “No,


  shelter is like a black box. From the outside, it looks like a blind box.”

  Heya tilted her head with her arms folded, not quite understanding what a blind box is.

  Chu Guang did not explain, thinking quickly in his mind.

  He could not assert that the “Yong family” was lying, but there was a high probability that the man concealed part of the truth, and the purpose was to let his players take the serum stored in the shelter outside. There

  may be many motives for doing this. Before figuring out what the serum is, it is meaningless to guess.

  However, what puzzled Chu Guang was why he didn’t do it himself?

  As long as the door of the shelter was closed and the power was cut off, the creatures inside would die of lack of oxygen in a few days.

  Even if some of them could survive tenaciously, they would only have to wait a few more days.

  Either the authority that person held was incomplete.

  Or for some reason, that person didn’t want all the alien species in the shelter to die…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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