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Chapter 386 Wait for me to go to the forum to ask for help

Chapter 386 Wait for me to go to the forum to ask for help


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 386 Wait for me to go to the forum to ask for help Shelter

  No. 79 –

  or rather, Underground City No. 79.

  The flashing lights of guns were moving quickly from the entrance of the shelter along the wide corridor towards the nearest building.

  The elevator had been in disrepair for many years and could only be moved through the stairs in the safety passage.

  The corridors hundreds of meters high were covered with moss, and the most deadly were the mutant creatures that shuttled through the corridors.

  It was not just one building.

  Every building here was the same.

  Fortunately, they did not have to fight all the way from the top floor to the surface, but could move along the skybridges between the buildings.

  The manager named Yong had already planned the nearest route for them and downloaded it into the VM. It was enough for them to move forward along the set path.

  But even so, it was not an easy task to “pass the level”. Even

  if they did not take the initiative to cause trouble for those alien species, the alien species would take the initiative to find them.

  ”My god! What on earth are these guys?!”

  Seeing the multi-legged aliens running wildly, Tail, who was riding on Rourou’s back, was startled. He held the machine gun with both hands and pulled the trigger with his index finger.

  The orange-yellow trajectory instantly tore the alien apart, but soon more rushed up.

  Rourou roared, and the bear claws inlaid with steel armor plates slapped out fiercely, instantly slapping the two monsters that rushed up and falling into the abyss outside the corridor.

  Sisi and Zhimahu held rifles in their hands to fill the gap in firepower.

  The shells thrown from the gun barrels hit the alloy floor one after another, and the clang clang clang sound was completely covered by the explosion of gunfire. In just a few breaths, the three had fired hundreds of bullets.

  Fortunately, this game does not have an infinite monster spawning mechanism.

  Faced with the overwhelming firepower of the White Bear Knights, the surging offensive eventually weakened.

  The group finally broke through the encirclement of the aliens and rushed to the building at the end of the corridor.

  The space here is wide, as big as three or four basketball courts. Opposite the semi-arc-shaped front desk are rows of seats. I think this should have been a registration office or something similar. The

  sliding door was shut heavily.

  With her back against the cold metal door, Sisi put her rifle aside, took a long breath and slowly sat on the ground.

  Her face was slightly pale, and her chest rose and fell gently.

  Zhimahu, who was standing next to her, also calmed his breathing, and his index finger hooked the collar that was stuck to his neck by sweat and loosened it.

  ”It’s a spider…”

  ”Well…” Sisi took a breath and nodded her head, “Although it is reasonable that arthropods are more adaptable in narrow terrain…but if possible, I really don’t want to deal with this kind of thing.”

  From the entrance of the shelter to the current position, they have made about 3% of the progress.

  First, they got rid of two “saber-toothed tigers”, and then faced a group of large wolf spiders as tall as waists.

  The death claws have not been faced yet, but they saw one through the bulletproof glass.

  The size of the death claw is not very large, but it is still a little bigger than the garbage man.

  ”Huh? Si is afraid of spiders!” Wei looked over with sparkling eyes as if he had discovered a new world.

  Si Si looked away with a subtle expression.

  ”… Actually, it’s okay. If it’s just an arthropod, it’s okay, but if it’s an arthropod and it’s furry… I can’t stand it.” It would be great

  if the game helmet could block this feeling.


  a game in closed beta can’t be expected to be as perfect as the officially released game.


  ”… Don’t play pranks, Wei.”

  ”No, is Wei that kind of person?”


  ”Woo woo woo, my Si actually hesitated!”

  Si Si smiled and was about to say something, but at this moment, there was a slight creaking sound in the distance.

  It was like stepping on the dust on the ground.

  Si Si was alert and immediately reached for the rifle, but three sounds of breaking through the air sounded almost at the same time.

  There were only three whooshes, and she didn’t have time to get up from the ground and groaned. She fell to the side and pulled the trigger in the direction of the sound.

  The thunderous sound of gunfire echoed in the empty room.

  At the same time, Wei Ba and Zhi Zhi Paste reacted quickly, deftly dodged the flying arrows, raised the muzzles of their guns and fired back at the uninvited guests outside the window.

  Sharp screams were heard soon.

  Those who shot arrows were frightened by the flaming sticks, and they screamed and fled in all directions, using the walls, chairs, and counters as cover.


  Seeing the faces in the darkness, Si Si’s eyes showed a surprised expression.

  However, these people were not speaking human language.

  Or to be more precise, it didn’t sound like language at all, but more like the roar of a wild beast.

  Looking at Si Si lying on the ground, Wei Ba rushed over immediately, his face full of worry.

  ”Si! Are you okay?!”

  ”It’s okay…”

  Two arrows shot into the chest, but with the bulletproof vest blocking it, he felt almost nothing.

  The more troublesome thing is the one stuck in the shoulder…

  Sisi reached out and grasped the arrow shaft, moved it gently, and soon gave up pulling it out, instead breaking it in the middle.

  Looking at Sisi who stood up from the ground with a rifle, Zhimahu said worriedly.

  ”…Why don’t we retreat first.”

  This shelter didn’t seem like it could be conquered in one day.

  Wei Ba and Rou Rou also nodded in succession.

  ”Wei Ba thinks so too!”


  ”Well, anyway, let’s go back to the entrance of the shelter first…” Looking at the worried companions, Sisi nodded.

  At this time, her eyes suddenly fell on the body that was shot and fell to the ground.

  With a thought in her mind, she walked forward and squatted down to observe.

  The man was wearing clothes made of leaves and vines, and his skin was pale, and it was a sickly white, as if he hadn’t seen the sun for a long time. His eye sockets were deep red, his pupils were bloodshot, and his facial features were similar to those of humans, but his arms were slightly longer and his nails were sharp.

  Sisi frowned slightly, stretched out her index finger and ran it across the man’s chest. After carefully feeling around for a while, she took her hand back.

  ”Did you find anything?” Rourou, who was following behind her, leaned forward curiously.

  ”…26 ribs.”

  ”26 ribs?” Wei was bewildered.

  ”Normal people have 24… This guy shouldn’t be human, at least not the same kind as us,” Sisi clapped her hands and said, getting up from the ground, “Let’s take one back to study it.”


  The group returned along the original route and came to the door that connected to the shelter before, a room that overlooked the entire underground city.

  The old radio was placed by them at the entrance of the room.

  Zhimahu walked up and picked it up.

  Apparently having seen the battle just now, a compliment came from the radio.

  ”Not bad, you are stronger than I thought.”

  ”It seems I was right.”

  Hearing this, Zhimahu smiled shyly… Although she only understood the general idea, she could vaguely feel the tone of appreciation in that sentence.

  As for Tails, it was not so modest, and raised the corners of its mouth happily.

  ”Oh! Tails is so awesome!”

  ”Haha, awesome, awesome, but you still need to work harder…” A happy laugh came from the radio, but the voice sounded a little meaningful.

  Sisi suddenly spoke.

  ”Why are there people inside?”

  The radio answered nonchalantly.

  ”They are just savages who have degenerated into animals… Don’t worry, you can treat them as monkeys.”

  After a pause, it changed the subject inconspicuously.

  ”It’s getting late… Compared to those savages, I suggest you treat your wounds as soon as possible.”

  The time in the game was approaching evening.

  Unknowingly, they had stayed in Shelter No. 79 for a whole day.

  The milky white light from the dome was slowly converging, and the underground city outside the French window was gradually swallowed by darkness.

  It seems that there is not only a steel jungle here, but also the alternation of sun and moon.

  If this fortress hadn’t fallen…

  ”…If the world is over, it feels good to live in a place like this.” Standing at the door of the buffer room, Zhimahu, who was looking at the French window behind him, suddenly said with some emotion.


  ”Why do you think the people here want to run away?”

  ”Who knows, maybe they are too full.”

  Sisi said nonchalantly, but she glanced at the radio in Zhimahu’s arms from the corner of her eyes.

  She always felt that this matter was not that simple.

  After thinking for a moment, Sisi said in human language.

  ”This is not a solution. We don’t have enough manpower… Do you mind if we call more people over?”

  The radio answered nonchalantly.

  ”No, what’s there to mind.”

  He wished that more people would come to help.

  However, his understanding of “call more people” was obviously not the same as what Sisi wanted to express.

  A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Sisi continued.

  ”Then I feel relieved.”


  The elevator slowly went up.

  It stopped on the second floor of the Ruigu City Library.

  After walking through the rows of bookshelves to the door, Sisi stretched out his hand to open the door, and saw that Wu Tao, the mayor of Xiangling Street, was waiting at the door with several strong survivors.

  The weapons in their hands can be said to be varied, including iron rifles, hoes, hatchets and meat-cutting knives.

  When Sisi and Zhimahu went back to call their teammates, they did not go back empty-handed, but killed the tiger with protruding teeth at the door and carried it back.

  When the survivors of Xiangling Town saw the hideous alien being carried out of the room on the second floor of the library, they were all terrified.

  Compared with the tiger with teeth longer than a dagger, the big white bear named Rourou was simply handsome and naive.

  When Sisi offered to help them get rid of the alien in the basement of the library, the local residents no longer rejected them from entering the settlement, and took the initiative to help them make a stronger ladder and help Rourou climb in from outside the wall.

  Without waiting for Sisi to speak, Wu Tao, who was standing at the door, asked hurriedly.

  ”What’s the situation down there?”

  Sisi said with a serious face.

  ”Very bad! There is an alien nest under your feet!”

  ”Alien nest?!”

  The air was quiet.

  Wu Tao’s face gradually showed a trace of fear.

  Including the people behind him, everyone’s face was filled with fear, exchanging doubtful looks with each other.

  ”And, it’s not just aliens, there is also a group of…savages who can’t communicate at all. We brought back a corpse, right over there.”

  As she said that, she glanced behind her and motioned Rourou to put the corpse they brought out of Shelter No. 79 on the ground.

  Staring straight at the dead body on the ground, Wu Tao swallowed hard, and then moved his eyes to her shoulder.

  There was a broken arrow stuck there.

  ”Your injury…”

  ”Don’t worry, I’m just going to deal with it…” Sisi continued calmly, “Shelter 79 has fallen, but we can’t just leave it there. We will clean up the monsters down there, and we may have to stay here for a few more days.”

  There are many entrances to Shelter 79, but most of them are ruined due to years of disrepair.

  She and Tail had explored down there before, and the only entrance that can be easily accessed is the elevator on the second floor of the library.

  Hearing this, Wu Tao nodded without any hesitation.

  ”It doesn’t matter, you can stay as long as you want!”

  Sisi smiled happily.

  ”Well, don’t worry, with us here, those aliens can’t hurt you.”

  After a pause, she continued.

  ”However, our strength alone may not be enough. Our companions will come here to help us in a few days… Can you prepare a few more rooms for us?”

  Wu Tao was stunned and hesitated.

  ”How many of you are there?”

  ”About thirty or forty?”

  Or maybe one or two hundred.

  Sisi gave a conservative number, mainly because she was not sure how many people she could call.

  However, even so, after hearing this number, Wu Tao, who was standing in front of her, still showed a surprised expression on his face.

  ”…Are you a mercenary group?”

  Then, he added in a vigilant whisper.

  ”We can’t afford the reward.”

  Sisi smiled.

  ”It doesn’t matter, we don’t charge.”

  No money?

  There is such a good thing? !

  Hearing her words, the faces of the residents surrounding the door showed surprise, suspicion, and even disbelief. The expression

  on Wu Tao’s face was equally wonderful, but he couldn’t think of a reason to refuse, let alone what these people were after.

  After exchanging glances with several survivors beside him and whispering a few words, he finally looked at Sisi and nodded slowly.

  ”We can lend you the second floor, and we will move the books to the room on the third floor. Here… I’ll trouble you.”

  … ”

  Wasteland OL” official website.

  Every day when the peak offline time comes, the forum is very lively.

  Especially in recent days.

  As the battle reports from the front and the information of the new map are released one after another, the enthusiasm of players for discussion is getting higher and higher.

  At this time, a special post suddenly appeared.

  Sisi: “Looking for a team to open up Shelter No. 79! Level LV10 or above required, no equipment limit, interested friends, please send me a private message!”

  Edge paddling: “Me, me, me!”

  Debt eyes: “Raise your hand!”

  Lao Wang next door: “Wait, Shelter No. 79 is in Ruigu City, right!? The straight-line distance is 150 kilometers… This is too far.”

  Sisi: “You won’t parachute at a location of about 120 kilometers.”

  Lao Wang next door: “Fuck, yeah, you can take a plane there!”

  Aoao Zhimahu: “Well, if you plan to parachute over, can you bring us some ammunition? Our ammunition is a little bit exhausted… I beg you. QAQ”

  Fang Chang: “Although I probably can’t spare the time to go over, I still have to say one more thing. Discuss the profit distribution before starting the group. The problem will be better. ”

  ” Oh, rest assured, we have considered this! Gold, it is assigned to all group players according to the degree of contribution! Interested expressions. “There is something.” According to the numerical system he designed, a LV10 player, if you choose a task with moderate risks, the one -day task




  the range of 80 ~ 100




  As for losing money?

  From the players’ perspective, there is indeed such a risk.

  But as the tyrant of the players, how could Chu Guang let his hardworking little players suffer?

  When the levels are cleared, he will calculate a relatively reasonable profit based on their total expenses and the difficulty of the levels, and pay them a reward that other players will envy but will not affect the balance.

  And he himself does not even need to worry about the specific strategy process, just move the mouse and keyboard, and he can “get” a shelter for free.

  Thinking of this, Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile.

  It’s worthy of the players he brought up.

  Not only can they lead troops to fight for him, but they can also open up new bases for him, and he doesn’t even need to worry about the initial investment.

  It’s really not a poke.


  Just when Sisi was shaking people on the forum, the second floor of the Ruigu City Library, under the busyness of a group of survivors in Xiangling Town, the room where the elevator was located had been emptied.

  All the bookshelves and books have been moved to the third floor, and the whole room is left with only the bare floor and the luggage brought by the White Bear Knights.

  Maybe it was for the sake of the serum, or maybe it was for the safety of the books.

  The manager named “Yongshi” said nothing and acquiesced to their behavior of transforming the elevator entrance into a temporary camp.

  The night gradually deepened.

  Sisi and Zhimahu, who were curled up in their sleeping bags, had already left the line, while Weiba and Rourou sat next to the two sleeping bags, guarding the first half of the night.

  There was nothing to do, and Weiba, who couldn’t sit still, yawned out of boredom, but Rourou, who was sitting next to him, was still very energetic, stretching her not-so-obvious neck to look around.

  ”By the way, what are you looking at, Rourou?” Seeing that she was always looking around, Weiba looked over curiously and asked.

  ”Well, nothing, just a little concerned,” Rourou muttered softly, “By the way… there is a camera of the manager in this room,

  right?” “Yes, you just found out?”

  ”Not that I just found out, but I just feel that this means… he is watching us while we sleep?”

  Weiba looked at Rourou in surprise.

  ”My giao! When you mention that, I suddenly feel like a queen!”

  Rourou said with a smile: “Don’t make it sound like I’m the queen… Don’t you think it’s weird? There’s a camera next to you when you sleep.”

  Wei Ba pinched his chin and thought about this question seriously for a while, then nodded and said.

  ”Well… It would be really weird if it was in reality, but this is a game, right? And we’re not changing clothes here.”

  If you must say, the entire “Wasteland OL” is full of operational “cameras”, right? And the people watching are not NPCs, but programmers and siege lions in reality.

  Otherwise, how does the dog planner improve the game content through the game behavior of closed beta players?

  Thinking of this, Wei Ba’s face suddenly changed slightly.


  If that’s the case…

  Didn’t the dog planner hear all the weird songs she sang while taking a bath? !


  Seeing the suddenly red face of the tail, Rourou, who was sitting next to him, was stunned.

  ”What’s wrong with you…”

  It was the first time she saw this guy blushing.

  And it was red all the way from his face to his ears.

  ”No… nothing.”

  The twitching eyebrows and the forced smile were as stiff as they could be, and his knees were rubbing against each other restlessly. No matter from which angle you look at it, it doesn’t look like nothing is wrong.

  Just when Rourou was curious and wanted to continue asking, there was a loud “boom” outside the window, and the floor and walls were shaking.

  The awkward atmosphere was swept away in an instant.

  The man and the bear jumped up from the ground reflexively.

  ”South! The sound came from the south… The view here is too narrow, I can’t see anything!”

  Rourou approached the window nailed shut with wooden boards and tried to take a look outside through the gap in the window, but was helplessly blocked by the plants and buildings outside the house.

  Looking at Rourou lying completely on the window, Wei Ba said immediately.

  ”Rourou! You stay here to guard Sisi and Zhimahu, I’ll go upstairs to take a look!”

  ”Got it!” Rourou replied immediately.

  An angry roar came from the distance. Disturbed by the sound of artillery fire, the Death Claw outside seemed to have gone berserk and was killing people. The sound of

  gunfire rang out everywhere

  . Wei Ba grabbed the rifle and rushed out the door quickly. He ran up to the third floor and ran into Wu Tao who came in a panic

  . He had a shotgun on his back and his eyes were full of panic.

  Wei Ba grabbed him and spoke in non-standard human language, breaking down the words syllable by syllable.

  ”What happened outside?”

  ”Army, Legion!”

  The hunter, who had just become the mayor for a few days, screamed incoherently in a stammering voice, “Those soldiers in black robes! They’re back again!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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