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Chapter 387 The human wave tactic is used!

Chapter 387 The human wave tactic is used!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 387: Human wave tactics!

  On the street just south of the library, the sound of gunfire was like setting off firecrackers, mixed with the screams of wounded soldiers and the roars of death claws, creating a mess.

  The whole street had turned into a bloody meat grinder.

  The narrow streets made it impossible to maneuver, and the soldiers of the legion could only rush in in waves in teams of ten or five.

  Facing the thoroughly enraged death claws, the bulletproof armor on their bodies was completely useless, and the 7mm rifles in their hands were like fire sticks. On the other hand, the

  death claw was nearly two stories high.

  With just a slight swing of its half-meter-long claws, a man was split diagonally in half, with organs and flesh scattered all over the ground.

  The hellish scene made the surrounding soldiers pale and their stomachs churn.

  ”Suppress it with firepower! Don’t be afraid!”

  ”Damn, didn’t the artillery blow it up?!”

  ”Fuck… our bullets can’t penetrate it at all!”

  ”It’s not that we can’t penetrate it, it’s that its wounds heal too quickly!”


  Failed to dodge in time, another soldier was torn in half.

  Looking at the continuous casualties of his subordinates, Korway, who was standing on the roof wearing an exoskeleton, gritted his teeth, as if his heart was bleeding.

  Standing next to Korway, the adjutant, who was also wearing an exoskeleton, swallowed his saliva and spoke with difficulty.

  ”Sir… why don’t we use artillery to send it directly into the sky?”

  Sending infantry to deal with the Death Claw…

  In his opinion, this is simply crazy!

  Hunting and war are two completely different concepts, especially when facing a monster as strong as the Death Claw that is unreasonable, even soldiers who have experienced hundreds of battles can’t do anything.

  Korway frowned and said nothing.

  Of course, he knew that hunting and war are two different concepts. To deal with such a monster, a 100mm artillery is more useful than a rifle. Three 100mm indirect firepower is enough to overturn the entire street.


  General McLennan wanted the guy’s head, not a pile of crushed meat.

  At this time, a soldier with blood on his forehead trotted down from the front line, stood in front of Korwe and saluted.

  ”Sir! More than half of our team has been killed or wounded!”

  ”Brothers can’t stand it anymore!”

  The adjutant on the side also advised.

  ”If we continue to fight like this, even if we kill all the remaining people, I’m afraid we may not be able to get the head of that beast.”

  They only brought a team of 100 people.

  Although it should be enough, no one expected that this Death Claw would be so difficult to deal with! A 100mm artillery bombarded it at a close distance, and it was almost destroyed. However, within a few minutes, the internal and external injuries were almost healed. Is

  this still a carbon-based creature?

  Korwe obviously saw that there was no point in fighting like this except to increase casualties.

  They needed infantry artillery, iron fist rocket launchers, anti-armor weapons that could deal with mutants, and… local cannon fodder.

  Gritting his teeth, he gave the order.



  On the top floor of the library, next to the guardrail of the rooftop, a man and a bear were quietly lying behind the cover, watching the exchange of fire on the street just a stone’s throw away.

  ”Oh! Come on, big garbage man!” With his eyes shining, Tail clenched his fists and shouted excitedly, cheering for the Death Claw on the next street. Rourou, who was

  piled up in a ball next to him, looked at the besieged Death Claw with concern and whispered.

  ”Should we help it?”

  It felt like it couldn’t hold on any longer.

  However, Tail rejected her proposal and said seriously.

  ”Rourou, this is a duel between men! It’s better for us not to intervene.”

  What kind of duel is it for a group of people to beat up one person?

  Looking at Awei who was lying with his eyes open, Rourou complained in his heart, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

  But thinking about it carefully, it’s really not easy to help.

  If it was just a team of ten, they could handle it, but the other side sent a team of a hundred, and there was indirect fire support. If

  the other side really went all out to surround them, they would be rushed in minutes.

  And the most fatal thing is that if the battlefield is not cleaned up, some fish slipped back and let the Iron Heart’s command know that there are people who look like Enterprise here, they will probably be washed by 400mm artillery.

  Even if they can escape, the survivors here will suffer because of them.

  Although Rourou didn’t think that Awei had thought as much as she did, she had to admit that it was the best choice to watch silently at the side.


  it’s better to support this “big garbage man” in spirit.

  As if responding to the expectations of the two, the huge Death Claw let out a shrill roar, shaking the leaves downstairs.

  Facing the unkillable monster, the soldiers of the Legion finally couldn’t stand it anymore, and evacuated from the narrow bunkers one after another, and began to retreat backwards in an organized manner.

  When the last soldier in black robes withdrew from the street, the 100-man team waiting in the distance also withdrew.

  The amber pupils glared at the backs of the black-robed soldiers. The “Big Trash” did not chase after him, but shook his bloody tail and staggered in the opposite direction.

  Watching the tall figure disappear in the night, the tail excitedly waved his fist back.

  ”Good job, Big Trash!”

  Rourou: “Trash will cry if he hears…”


  Fortunately, the battle last night was a false alarm. The people of the Legion and the Death Claws outside fought to a draw. They withdrew in a panic and ran away to an unknown place.

  Standing at the window on the third floor, Wu Tao’s face was full of sorrow. He smoked one cigarette after another, and his thoughts were tangled into a ball of twine.

  Outside were the people of the Legion, and under his feet lived a group of bloodthirsty aliens. It was said that there were also savages who ate raw meat and drank blood…

  He didn’t sleep well the whole night yesterday.

  At this time, Wang Xu came over with an iron rifle on his back.

  This middle-aged man in his thirties was a famous hunter in Xiangling Town, but at this moment he looked tired and decadent, with thick bags under his eyes.

  He didn’t sleep at all the night before and stood guard on the roof all night.

  ”Old Wu.”

  Looking at Wang Xu who was walking towards him, Wu Tao put out the cigarette and stuffed it back into his patched pocket.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  Wang Xu was silent for a moment and said.

  ”How about… let’s move away.”

  ”Move away?” Wu Tao said with a wry smile, “Where can we move to?”

  ”No matter where we move to, it’s better than staying here.” Wang Xu said firmly, “We can’t rely on a beast for safety, not to mention that it’s now unknown where it has gone. God knows when the people of the legion will come back, and they may even vent their anger on us… What are you going to do then?”

  Hearing Wang Xu’s words, Wu Tao fell silent, not knowing how to answer.

  Perhaps, as he said, moving away from this troubled place as soon as possible is the right choice. However,

  this sentence is easy to say, but how can it be so simple to do?

  They have lived here for a century. Even if the conditions here are difficult, at least they still have a home here.

  Leaving here means wandering in the wasteland. God knows what more terrible things are waiting for them ahead.

  It may be worse than the current situation.

  Wu Tao frowned with a trace of premature aging, looking at the devastated streets outside the window, and sighed after a while.

  ”Let me think about it…”

  Wang Xu was about to say something when a man came in trotting outside. The man was the gatekeeper of the settlement, and his face was full of panic.

  ”Old Wu, someone is coming outside!”

  Another person? !

  Hearing this, Wu Tao felt nervous, but he quickly calmed down when he thought of what the strangers had said to him about reinforcements.

  ”Someone is coming? Where is he?”

  The guard who came to report the news said nervously.

  ”There are about twenty people on the wall of the garage on the north side… They all have automatic rifles, which are similar to the models of the three strangers!”

  Wu Tao’s heart moved and he said immediately.

  ”Let them wait for me for a few minutes!”


  The guard nodded quickly and turned to leave the room.

  Wu Tao didn’t stay here for long, and followed him out, but he didn’t go outside the library, but went to the second floor and found the three strangers who came here the day before yesterday.

  After knocking on the door three times and hearing a “Come in”, he reached out and pushed the door open.

  However, before he stepped into the door, a strong smell of blood wafted towards him.

  A roll of plastic sheet was spread on a long table that was dragged from somewhere, and a disemboweled corpse lay on the plastic sheet.

  The aluminum tray next to it contained bloody organs and several bones that had been removed from somewhere.

  Looking at Sisi holding a slender knife in his hand, his breath froze for a moment, and his stiff expression was really like seeing a ghost.

  Sisi looked at the NPC at the door as if nothing had happened.

  ”What’s the matter?”

  Wu Tao swallowed hard and stammered, his Adam’s apple moving.

  ”Outside, a group of people came… Their guns look similar to yours.”

  Sisi’s eyes showed a hint of surprise.

  So fast?

  Throwing the scalpel on the tray, Sisi took off his plastic gloves and linen mask and said immediately.

  ”Take me there.”

  ”Okay…” Wu Tao, with a pale face, nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice, and walked towards the door with weak legs.

  When he went downstairs, he didn’t stand firmly and almost fell down. Fortunately, he quickly grabbed the handrail of the stairs and stood firm.

  Sisi, who was following behind him, looked at the guy’s back with a strange expression.

  It’s just a dissection of a specimen…

  Is it necessary to be so scared?


  The wall next to the garage on the north side of the library.

  Looking at Sisi who appeared on the wall, the big-eyed brother standing in front of the team waved his arms and said jokingly with a smile.

  ”Hey, rich woman Leihou!”

  ”I said I’m not…”

  Sisi said helplessly, his eyes passed over his head and looked at the familiar faces next to him, and a hint of surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes.

  There were a total of 25 players present, all from the Death Legion.

  The highest level among them was naturally the leader of the edge brother.

  This big guy has broken through the LV20 bottleneck. Although his sequence is the perception system, his overall combat quality is not weak at all. He is a T1 echelon player.

  Most of the other players are also above LV10, mainly with strength and agility, supplemented by physique and intelligence. They are all the backbone of the alliance’s combat power.

  What surprised her was not that so many big guys came.

  But the people she just shook on the forum last night arrived early this morning.

  ”Are there too many people coming?” Bianbian said with a smile.

  ”How could that be?” Sisi smiled after coming back to his senses, and then said, “Thank you for your support.”

  ”Haha, you’re welcome. We are mainly here to join in the fun of the new map. We were planning to come over here in two days,” said Bianbian with a hearty smile, “By the way, there are still a hundred good brothers behind. If the convoy is almost full, remember to tell me in advance.”

  ”No, the more people the better. Shelter No. 79 is equivalent to an underground city. Its area is larger than the shelters in the alliance. We can’t explore it all by ourselves.”

  After a pause, Sisi continued.

  ”Don’t stand outside, come in and talk.”

  The survivor guarding the door put down the ladder.

  More than 20 players of the Death Corps crossed the wall one after another and soon entered the survivor settlement called Xiangling Town.

  Facing this group of uninvited guests who suddenly visited, the survivors living here showed worried expressions on their faces.

  Although they looked quite kind, the weapons in their hands were not at all friendly.

  However, the players did not disturb them and went straight to the entrance of the “copy” on the second floor of the library.

  Along the way, Bianbianhuashui and Sisi briefly explained how they came here.

  At about two or three o’clock in the morning, Brother Mantou drove the “Dragonfly” transport plane and dropped them and the airdrop box to the mountainous area 20 kilometers away from Ruigu City.

  Since the Northern Expedition, not only the players of the Burning Legion, but most of the players in the Alliance have learned parachuting through continuous practice.

  Now in the entire new alliance, almost all the corps above the T2 echelon are quick reaction forces, and each person is a “special force”.

  Whether hunting or fighting, it’s no problem!

  Edge of the water: “Originally, Brother Shaji and his team were planning to come, but they received other tasks last night, and the entire corps was transferred to the front line to support Quanshui and his team.”

  Sis: “Ruigu City is getting more and more lively.”

  Edge of the water said with a smile: “Yes. And I heard from Lao Bai and others that the planner seemed to hint in the group that the next version will push the front line to the neighboring Luoxia Province, and then this will be our bridgehead for the westward advance.”

  Sis: “The next version of the matter, let’s talk about it in the next version. The most urgent task is to clear Shelter No. 79. The army of the legion came here once last night, and I don’t know when they will come again. If they know that there is a shelter hidden here, it will be a big trouble.”

  Looking at Sis with a frown, Edge of the water said with a smile.

  ”Legion, don’t worry too much about that.”

  Sis glanced at him unexpectedly.


  Edge Strike continued.

  ”Just before going online, Battlefield Guy told us in the group that the Legion seemed to be planning to pull a team of locals from the Fallen Leaf Camp to deal with the Death Claw. He said that whoever could drag the head of the Death Claw back would be rewarded with ten slaves and the title of Centurion.”

  Upon hearing this information, Sisi showed a surprised expression on his face.

  The head of the Death Claw?

  That thing…

  is there any special use?

  And from what he said, it seems that the Legion is determined to get the Death Claw and will not give up until they achieve their goal.

  Why don’t we have to worry?

  ”And then…”

  ”And then? What’s the next?” Edgewater said with a smile, “When our Battlefield guy heard about this good thing, he joined the team on the spot. The Legion people also gave him a rifle… although it was a bolt-pulling rifle.”

  ”Ah, this… he doesn’t want to peel potatoes anymore?”

  ”No, he said he had to peel potatoes during the day and at night. The task assigned to him by the dog planner was too damn excessive. He decided to do something a man should do,” the debt-eye who interrupted the topic said with a grin, “Yesterday we were still teasing him, saying that when he became the leader of the puppet army, he would recruit us too.”

  Is it possible? !

  Sisi was stunned on the spot.

  After calming down, she hesitated.

  ”But in this case… won’t you have to run into Brother Quanshui and the others?”

  Edgewater said with a smile.

  ”It doesn’t matter. We have discussed it with the Storm Corps. When we really have to fight, we can arrange a fixed time to practice, just as an exercise.”

  Anyway, the players will not really die, as long as the equipment is not lost, there is no loss.

  Appropriately let go of the water and give some “credit” to good brothers. Soon, the puppet army and officers on the opposite side will all be our own people.

  At that time, how to fight the war will still be decided by them.

  ”… In short, we have our people on the opposite side. If the legion has any big moves, he will inform us in advance in the group or on the official website. We just need to focus on the strategy of Shelter No. 79.”

  Sisi looked at these guys in amazement.

  This operation is too cool…


  The second floor of the library.

  Pushing the door open and going in, Edgewater was frightened by the “bloody” corpse on the table like Wu Tao.

  ”Damn… What the hell is this?”

  Sisi replied in a casual tone.

  ”The savage we met in Shelter No. 79… I was a little concerned at the time, so I took it back and dissected it.”

  The construction site boy and the brick swallowed their saliva, and looked over curiously, then turned back to look at Sisi and asked.

  ”Did you find anything?”

  Sisi’s expression suddenly became a little subtle.

  ”Well… how should I put it? It has two more ribs than a normal person, its leg bones are thicker, and the distribution of its body muscles and the structure of its brain are also quite strange. Rather than saying it is a savage, it is better to say… this guy is more like a combination of a human and some kind of animal.” ”

  Fuck… is it so wicked?” I said in a daze.

  Edgewater frowned slightly.

  ”Are you sure?”

  ”Not sure, I’m just a small doctor in the pathology department, don’t embarrass me too much…” Sisi sighed, and suddenly noticed the tail squatting in the corner.

  ”Ah Wei, what are you doing?”

  ”I’m saying hello to the manager of Shelter No. 79! Hello, hello, are you there? Mr. NPC, we are going to disturb you again today.”

  Listening to the sizzling sound of electricity, Tail patted the radio, muttering and making a final effort to wake up.

  ”Strange… it was fine yesterday.”

  Rourou raised his bear paw and scratched the back of his head.

  ”Is it broken?”

  Zhima Paste standing next to him looked a little troubled.

  ”Do you still need to bring it with you?”

  Sis: “I think it’s better to bring it with you.”

  Tail touched his chin and nodded seriously.

  ”Tail also thinks, what if the manager just overslept?”

  ”Emmm… It’s not completely impossible.”

  Although this possibility is very small…

  Sis thinks that it is more likely that he was delayed by other things. After all, judging from the setting of this game, managers are very busy.

  However, no matter what, it is better to bring such a key task prop with you. In case of any emergency, it is better to communicate in time…


  ”Brother Meng! Charge!”


  The sound of gunfire in Shelter No. 79 rang continuously. Regardless of whether there was a charge whistle to boost blood, the tactics of the Death Corps were as fierce and brutal as ever.

  With the addition of more than 20 good brothers, the speed of attacking the level was obviously much faster. The

  wolf spiders taller than the calf rushed towards the players like a tide, but they were still at a disadvantage in the face of the dense firepower network, just like dumplings falling into the bottomless abyss.

  Even if two fish occasionally escaped and broke through the overlapping firepower network, what awaited them were the oncoming gun butts and bayonets, and the outcome would not change at all.

  The buildings from the entrance of the shelter to the central research area were quickly taken down one by one, with almost no resistance. It

  was not until they were only halfway to the central research area and dangerous alien species such as the Death Claw began to appear that the progress of the attack gradually slowed down.

  However, what puzzled Sisi was that the “Yongshi” who helped them open the door of Shelter No. 79 did not contact them for a whole day.

  It was as if he had disappeared.

  Sisi did not take it seriously and continued to lead people to attack the shelter.

  That night, the legion came again, but did not get too close. They just took a look from a distance and left.

  The players took the prey out of the shelter and lit a fire in the open space outside the library. The aroma of barbecue soon filled the entire Xiangling Town, making the local survivors very greedy.

  Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

  After that, more players from the Death Corps arrived one after another, and the number of players stationed in Xiangling Town had exceeded one hundred.

  Just when everyone was about to forget the radio and the “Yongshi” who claimed to be the manager, on the morning of the fourth day, a hoarse voice suddenly sounded from the radio for the first time in a long time.

  ”…How many people are here?!”

  Sisi, who was sitting in the room chewing on dry food, was startled by the sudden voice and almost dropped the biscuit in her hand.

  ”About a hundred…what’s wrong?”

  Sisi was about to continue asking him what he had been doing these days, but the person on the radio did not give her the opportunity to ask questions.

  ”Do you need so many people?! I mean…what if so many people damage the books in the library?”

  The voice was a little nervous.

  Sisi comforted him.

  ”Don’t worry, we cherish knowledge and will not damage the things here. Moreover, we have moved those books to the empty room on the third floor…including the survivors living there, we will do our best to ensure their safety.” ”

  …” The radio did not speak for a long time and fell into a long silence.

  Sisi couldn’t help but feel a little strange. Wouldn’t

  it be better if there were more people?

  The speed at which they attacked the shelter in the past three days was almost several times that of the first day. According to her estimate, it would take at most three days to successfully bring the serum out.

  Although it is not impossible to understand the tension of “many strangers coming to the house”, Sisi always feels that his worry is a bit redundant.


  ”Come to think of it, why does your voice sound a little weird?”


  ”Yeah,” Sisi nodded, recalled for a moment and said, “It feels… hoarser than before.”

  Two coughs were heard from the radio.

  ”I’ve had a cold these past two days… a small problem.”

  Sisi: “Oh, are you okay? Do you need cold medicine? Or you can tell us your location, and we can bring you out while we search for the serum–”

  The radio interrupted her.

  ”No need, I’m safe here, and it doesn’t matter what happens to me. The serum in the research area, please, you must bring it out, for… for the people who are still alive in this world!”

  ”Don’t get excited, we will succeed soon.”

  Although these words were said in a comforting tone, the expression on Sisi’s face became more and more weird.

  I don’t know if it was her illusion.

  I always feel that this guy’s voice… sounds a little hollow.

  Is it really okay?

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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