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Chapter 388 Good brother, lend me your head!

Chapter 388 Good brother, lend me your head!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 388 Good brother, lend me your head!

  On the southwest side of Ruigu City, a group of rabble dressed in various clothes were lined up in a crooked formation, led by ten soldiers in black robes, and moved towards the northeastern urban area.

  These scattered soldiers with different uniforms were basically local survivors. Some of them were scavengers, some were hunters, and even farmers and herdsmen.

  In the legion, this kind of troops composed of survivors of the occupied area or “non-core population” in the territory are usually called “entourage troops”.

  Unlike the well-equipped legion soldiers, they not only have malnutrition on their faces, but also are as thin as a stick. The equipment is also simple, even worse than some slightly stronger predators.

  Everyone only received a “rippers” rifle, and they would be given fifteen or thirty rounds of ammunition before going to the battlefield. When they ran out of bullets, they would either pick up their teammates’ bullets or fight with bayonets.

  Before that, they had not even received professional training, and at most they had only dealt with a few mutant cockroaches and rats.

  However, there is actually no need for training.

  In the eyes of the soldiers of the Legion, these people are just cannon fodder they recruited cheaply, used to consume the enemy’s ammunition.

  No one expects them to come back alive, and it is even better to say that they are better off dead.

  Of course, this is only the view of most people in the Legion.

  These people who are labeled as cannon fodder obviously do not see themselves in this way.

  The Legion promised them that if they survived three battles, they would become “their own people” and have the opportunity to be promoted to decapitators. If they survived six battles, they would have the opportunity to be promoted to centurions.

  In addition to this, there is another “shortcut” to take.

  That is the head of a certain Death Claw!

  As long as you can cut off the head of that beast, you can not only become a centurion, but also get a reward of ten slaves!

  Upon hearing this good thing, many survivors who have signed up for the entourage volunteered to join the hunting team.

  Although the reputation of the Death Claw is terrible, there are only a few survivors who have actually seen it, and even fewer who have seen it and survived.

  In the imagination of most survivors, with artillery support and various anti-armor weapons, facing a beast that can be killed with a little effort is much easier than going to the jungle to fight with the elite troops of the enterprise.

  After all, the latter has beaten the regular army that trained them dizzy. If they really face those guys, they may be sent to see the big-horned deer god without seeing the enemy anywhere…

  Li Ba’s face was full of obsession as he stroked the rifle in his hand.

  He had never touched a rifle with such fine workmanship.

  In the village of Ten Trees, the double-barreled hunting rifle of the old hunter who lived next door to him was already a very amazing weapon in his eyes.

  He dreamed of having one.

  The battlefield guy carrying the rifle glanced at this guy and wanted to complain, “It’s just a rubbish gun for cannon fodder, what’s the big deal?” But his spoken English was so bad that he couldn’t hold it in for a long time and couldn’t say it, so he had to swallow it back.

  However, just when he looked away, the NPC named Li Ba suddenly took the initiative to talk to him.

  ”Dude, are you from Beth Street?”


  ”Do you have a Death Claw?”

  His face was full of anxiety and tension, but in addition to these negative emotions, the Warlord unexpectedly saw a hint of excitement. After

  all, he had never been to the battlefield, so he probably had some unrealistic fantasies in his heart.

  The Warlord replied briefly.


  Li Ba: “Awesome! Have you seen it?”

  Hearing this, the corners of the Warlord’s mouth suddenly curled up with a smile.

  ”Haha, more than I’ve seen it.”

  It was simply that they were seen every time they looked up.

  There was a big one outside the shelter, and a small one inside. Occasionally, one or two Death Claws would wander around the nuclear bomb crater in the Elm District.

  He was no longer surprised.

  Li Ba’s eyes lit up, and he immediately asked.

  ”Is the Death Claw powerful?”

  ”It’s just so-so. It can blow a person’s head off with a slap, and a claw can pull a person’s intestines out of the stomach.”

  Hearing this, Li Ba’s face turned slightly pale.


  Battlefield Man chuckled.

  ”I was kidding you, why don’t you go up and try later?”

  Li Ba didn’t say anything.

  Seeing that the guy looked cowardly, Battlefield Man stopped bullying him and said with a smile to comfort him.

  ”Don’t worry, we probably won’t see that guy today.”

  Li Ba was stunned.



  Of course, Battlefield Man would not tell this guy that he had leaked today’s plan to his good brothers in the Storm Corps.

  Xiangling Town is the entrance to Shelter No. 79.

  Before there is progress in the strategy of Shelter No. 79, they can’t let the Legion get rid of the BOSS guarding the door.

  Looking up at the sunlight climbing over the treetops, Battlefield Man muttered to himself,

  ”It should be soon.”

  Almost at the moment when the voice fell, there was a sudden explosion from the area of ​​​​houses in front.

  There was a flash of light, and the heavy bulletproof armor plates exploded and flew everywhere. A soldier in a black robe in the crowd flew backwards like a kite with a broken string, and his upper body was blown into a bloody mess.

  Seeing this, the battlefield guy was surprised.

  What a guy.

  Anti-material rifles hit people!

  What a punishment!

  He was familiar with the sound. He knew it was the Alliance’s 20mm “light cavalry rifle”, which can use three types of warheads: armor-piercing, high-explosive, and incendiary.

  This weapon is very useful whether it is against infantry or aliens. The four parallel guns can be used as anti-aircraft machine guns, and can be disassembled individually to be used as snipers.

  It can be said to be very useful.

  ”There is an ambush!”

  ”Everyone disperse! Find shelter!”


  Although they were caught off guard, those soldiers in black robes were well-trained aviation marines after all, and they responded immediately when they were attacked.

  The officer in black robes roared, and rushed to the bunker next to him with his three surviving men. The puppet army composed of the survivors also quickly came to their senses and took shelter in the nearby bunkers.

  However, their opponents were certainly not vegetarians.

  Almost at the moment when the thunderous gunshots rang out, the machine guns deployed in the windows also spewed out raging flames.

  7mm bullets poured down like raindrops, and in an instant, a bloody storm was set off on the street opposite.

  The soldiers who had no time to dodge fell down like wheat being cut, and more than ten people were killed and injured in an instant. Although the remaining soldiers were scattered behind the bunker, they were still suppressed by the fierce firepower and could not move, and could not raise their heads at all.

  The moment the first gunshot rang out, Li Ba was completely dumbfounded.

  He didn’t even know how he got behind the bunker. He only heard the bullets whizzing around, and sparks, gravel and cement chips flew everywhere.

  Holding the rifle tightly, he sat against the broken concrete wall, his pale lips trembling constantly, but he didn’t say a word.

  Just three meters away from his feet, a bloody corpse was lying on the street. The person was undoubtedly dead, but his legs and feet were still thrashing.

  He let go of the hand that was holding Li Ba’s collar, dragged the guy into the battlefield atmosphere group of the bunker, and glanced at the corpses on the street next to him.

  Although these dead cannon fodders were also victims of the Legion’s invasion, the soldiers of the Alliance would not show mercy.

  This is a battlefield.

  ”Hey, are you okay?”

  ”I… I…” Li Ba opened and closed his mouth with a pale face, and his originally pale face suddenly turned liver-colored.

  ”Take a deep breath, calm down, don’t suffocate yourself to death without being shot to death… That would be too embarrassing.” He

  patted the guy’s shoulder hard, looked at his completely frightened expression, sighed, and comforted him with a few words of poor human language.

  Then, he grabbed the rifle that was thrown aside and pulled the bolt to load the gun.

  At this time, the roar of an officer came from the alley not far away.


  ”Everyone, push forward!”

  ”I see who is hiding behind the bunker like a soft egg, I will kill him with my own hands!”

  There was the roar of machine guns in front and the roar of the supervisor behind.


  Finally unable to withstand the pressure, a survivor rushed out of the bunker like crazy, shouting loudly to vent his fear, and rushed towards the tall building in front of him with a rifle.

  However, before he ran two steps, a blood mist exploded on his body, and his shouting stopped abruptly. He fell straight on the street soaked with blood before he could even scream.

  The survivors who were about to rush out of the bunker were frightened by this scene, and their legs felt like they were filled with lead and they couldn’t move at all.

  The officer leaning against the back of the bunker looked at the body that was still in the fountain, and he was so angry that he cursed on the spot.

  ”Are you a pig?!”

  ”I told you to go around from the side! Who told you to rush in front and block their sight!”

  Unfortunately, the dead can’t talk, and the bloody corpse obviously won’t pay attention to him.

  But with that living example, the other cannon fodders have learned their lesson. They all buried their heads, stuck close to the bunkers, and moved forward from the side.

  However, after all, they have not received proper training. Even if their bodies have gradually adapted to the battlefield, their combat skills are still almost non-existent.

  Everyone swarmed into the alley and soon became a mess like headless flies.

  The machine gun in the distance stopped for a second or two, and these rookies who had not trained for more than 24 hours didn’t even know which direction to run.

  However, the battlefield guy knew it clearly.

  ”It’s time to go.”

  He stretched out his hand and pulled Li Ba up from the ground, and took this weak-legged coward to the alley where the machine gun fire could not cover.

  Staying where you are will definitely lead to death.

  The people of the Legion will not hesitate to execute them as deserters and make an example of them.

  Moreover, as a double-dealer, it is impossible to expect to gain the trust of the enemy by surviving to the end.

  Last night, Zhandi Lao and his good brothers discussed this matter in the group.

  According to Brother Quanshui’s plan, the Storm Corps will launch an ambush based on his intelligence to intercept and block the hunting team sent by the Legion to Xiangling Town.

  And after thwarting the Legion’s plan for the day, he will be given a chance to pick up a head.

  Almost at the same time that Zhandi Lao went around to the alley on the south side, three 100mm artillery accurately hit the housing area not far in front of him.

  Billowing smoke exploded instantly, and the hot air waves and smoke columns rushed up to more than ten meters high, blasting three huge craters on the originally intact concrete wall.

  The splashing debris scared the surrounding puppet soldiers so much that they lay on the ground one after another, with their heads pressed tightly against the ground and dared not move.

  Amid the rolling artillery sound, the roar of the officers was faintly heard.

  ”Everyone, get up! Don’t stop! Everyone, move forward!”

  ”Get those scum who attacked us out of that building!”

  However, this roar was not very effective.

  One reason was that the distance was too far to hear clearly, and the other was that many people had not yet recovered from the sound of the cannon, lying on the ground and not daring to move.

  This time, Li Ba refused to move forward no matter what, and the battlefield guy did not continue to carry this burden. He rushed through the hot smoke alone and rushed into the building that was bombarded by artillery fire.

  A light cough came from above the damaged stairs.

  The previous round of heavy artillery did not kill the players hiding in the concrete building, but from the sound, it was obvious that they were seriously injured.


  The battlefield guy tentatively shouted up the stairs, and waited for a long time before hearing a response.

  ”I’m Lao Gui! Damn… these dog coins on the opposite side directly used artillery, which is not a martial arts ethics.”

  Lao Gui is the nickname of [Grave Ghost Catcher], and he is also a member of the Storm Corps. The battlefield guy knew who the person above was as soon as he heard it, and laughed and teased.

  ”Isn’t it a basic operation to reset the artillery?”

  He paused and urged.

  ”Stop talking nonsense, hurry up, do you want to solve it yourself, or should I come up to help you?”

  A chuckle came from the stairs.

  ”Wouldn’t it be too boring to just give the kill to you?”

  The game rules prohibit malicious PK, and the “non-submission arbitration” approach to resolving in-game conflicts will result in equal penalties for both parties. Almost no one will joke about the closed beta qualification, and those who dare to joke will be kicked out of the server before they even complete the “passing on the torch” mission.

  However, the rules only prohibit “malice”, and task requirements or special circumstances are not prohibited.

  I always hear Brother Quanshui bragging about how powerful Brother Zhandi is, and Laogui wants to take this opportunity to test his skills. The

  Battlefield guy was slightly stunned, and just happened to see the hair-thin tripwire at the entrance of the stairs, then looked up and smiled.

  Little guy.

  You are still playing half-hearted with me.

  ”Okay, then let’s fight?”

  A hearty laugh came from the top of the stairs.

  ”Haha, that’s what I mean!”

  ”Come on! Fight to your heart’s content!”


  One is LV15 strength system, and the other is LV22 agility system.

  Whether it is panel data or combat experience, the Battlefield atmosphere group has the advantage, and there is no reason for them to lose.

  Not to mention that Brother Laogui was also injured in the previous bombardment.

  He won the PK without suspense, but the Battlefield guy still gave his good brother some face and let him choose a way to die after the battle.

  ”Tell me, what do you want to do?”

  The grave ghost catching man lying in a pool of blood panted, looking at the battlefield atmosphere group throwing and catching the knife in his hand, and said with a chuckle.

  ”Ahem… Alliance, there are no cowards! Let those ghosts see my bravery!”

  The battlefield guy suddenly realized and nodded.

  ”I understand, I’ll fill a few more holes for you later.”

  ”Please! By the way, remember to disfigure me!”

  After explaining his last words.

  The old ghost rolled his eyes and consciously went offline.

  Looking at his good brother lying motionless on the ground, the battlefield guy held the knife in his hand, sighed leisurely, and walked forward.

  ”Good brother, I’m sorry.”


  Although I know it’s a game, although I won’t really die, although there are so many althoughs, it’s still scary when I really do it.


  everything is for the Alliance.

  Thinking of this, I feel much better.

  While praying for Lao Hei in my heart, the battlefield guy dragged the bloody “mission props” back to hand in the task.

  Seeing the blood-soaked Battlefield Atmosphere Team walking out of the ruins, not only the survivors who were forced to move forward were stunned, but also the four surviving legionnaires.

  ”… Just this one.”

  Throwing the corpse and the remains of the weapon on the ground, the Battlefield Atmosphere Team looked at the stunned officer in front of him and said sparingly.

  The officer finally came to his senses, his Adam’s apple moved up and down, and it took a long time for him to squeeze out a few words stiffly.

  ”Very good…”

  Who is

  this guy… ?

  The battle was over and the casualties were counted.

  Of the 121-man team, 31 died, including a soldier from the Air Marine Corps.

  The hunt had not yet begun, and the casualties had exceeded expectations. After the remaining four legionnaires reported the situation to their superiors, they took the rest back to the Fallen Leaf Camp.

  When he first returned to the camp, the Battlefield Atmosphere Team was still wondering if his “merit” would be taken away by the officer who led the team, but he soon found that his concerns were completely unnecessary.

  Back in the camp, the Battlefield Guy had not rested for a while before he was called to Korwe’s tent by the legionnaires who came over.

  This centurion with three stripes is the highest person in charge of the Fallen Leaf Camp. I heard from the soldiers of the legion that this man is Rachel’s direct subordinate and has an extraordinary status.

  In the tent.

  Korwe stared at the bloody man in front of him and spoke slowly.


  The battlefield atmosphere group, who had already replaced the role, stood up straight and answered skillfully.


  The officer in front of him did not speak, but stared at him with his eyes, his sharp eyes swept back and forth on his body, and I don’t know what he was thinking in his heart.

  The battlefield guy couldn’t help but murmur in his heart.

  Could this big nose be interested in me?

  Not really…

  Just when he was thinking about whether to show his true colors, Korwe standing in front of him suddenly showed an appreciative expression and nodded slowly.

  ”Not bad!”

  He had just experienced a great battle and his aura was not disturbed at all. He rushed into the area covered by artillery fire alone and killed an elite awakener of the enterprise with only a ripper rifle. His combat power was really surprising…

  What surprised Korway in particular was that this person did not show any fear in the face of his temptation.

  This guy is a talent!

  The only pity is that this person is a native, not a legionnaire with noble blood. Otherwise, he would not hesitate to recommend this warrior to his superior Rachel.

  With a trace of regret in his eyes, Korway raised his chin slightly and continued.

  ”From today, I appoint you as the centurion of the escort army.”

  What the hell?

  The battlefield atmosphere group was immediately delighted.

  He became an officer this time? !

  Without any hesitation, he immediately raised his chest and raised his head and answered.


  Korway nodded approvingly.

  ”Perform well, I’m optimistic about you!”


  The undercover plan of the battlefield guy went unexpectedly smoothly.

  After sacrificing an awakener, he not only became a centurion of the puppet army, but also unexpectedly won the appreciation of Korwe, the “BOSS” of the Fallen Leaf Camp.

  At the same time, just as the players of the White Bear Knights and the Death Corps were busy attacking Shelter No. 79, the logistics transport team that brought Luo Hua back from Ruigu City finally rushed back to the northern suburbs of Qingquan City.

  Looking at Luo Hua wrapped like a mummy on the stretcher, Chu Guang couldn’t help but twitch his eyebrows and immediately gave an order.

  ”Send him to the shelter!”

  After taking over the wounded from the logistics team, the medical staff immediately carried the stretcher and rushed towards the direction of the shelter.

  Chu Guang followed behind and returned to the shelter together.

  Although there are hospitals on the surface, the professional level of doctors and medical conditions are obviously not as good as those in the shelter.

  The infirmary on the B3 floor.

  Heya gave Luo Hua, who was lying on the scanning bed, a comprehensive examination and quickly sorted out the scan results on a tablet.

  ”The left arm is completely necrotic, I’m afraid it will have to be amputated…” After saying that, she looked at Yin Fang who was standing beside her, “Surgery, this is something you are good at.”

  Yin Fang did not speak, but cast his eyes on Chu Guang, waiting for him to make a decision.

  He was the only one who was familiar with the wounded here.

  After thinking for half a second, Chu Guang quickly nodded.

  ”Cut it off and replace it with a bionic prosthesis for him.”

  Yin Fang continued to ask.

  ”Which one?”

  Chu Guang said without hesitation.

  ”Of course I bought it from the company.”

  He did not take all the bionic prostheses imported from Hedin to Boulder City to sell. After all, this kind of luxury goods are rare and expensive, and if you sell too much at a time, it will be worthless.

  Yin Fang looked at Chu Guang in surprise.

  I didn’t expect this guy to be so generous?

  But he didn’t say anything, and asked Chu Guang and Heya to leave the infirmary, and then started the operation immediately.

  At the door of the infirmary.

  Heya, with her arms folded, looked at Chu Guang curiously and asked.

  ”Your friend?”


  ”He was really badly injured…”

  Looking at the tightly closed door, Heya said with some emotion.

  ”I found at least twenty shrapnel on him. He is still alive thanks to the bionic organs in his body.”

  Chu Guang did not speak, but took out a silver card from his pocket.

  The card was covered with blood, but the blood lipids did not form on it. Chu Guang stared at it for a while and frowned slightly.

  Noticing the thing in his hand, Heya, who was standing beside him, raised her eyebrows and suddenly spoke.

  ”I think I have seen this thing.”

  Chu Guang immediately looked at her.

  ”Where did you see it?”

  ”I don’t remember where exactly, but this thing… is actually the door card of the shelter? I remember that the function seems to be not only to open the door, but also to attach some permissions to the card.” Heya glanced at Chu Guang strangely, “Don’t you have it here?” ”

  …We are more thrifty, and we don’t need it.”

  Chu Guang said perfunctorily, staring at the card in his hand and fell into deep thought.

  The key to Shelter 0?

  They actually found it…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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