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Chapter 388 Why are there grappling techniques everywhere?

Chapter 388 Why are there grappling techniques everywhere?


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 388 Why are there grappling hands everywhere?

  The promotion of the university towns in the four first-tier cities is coming to an end, and the resources have been almost integrated.

  From a business perspective, this is equivalent to a series of isolated islands in the vast ocean. Although the area is not large, the good thing is that it can form an independent micro-business closed loop, which is not possible in other areas.

  Because the business environment around the university town cannot be said to be very good, but the business types are the most comprehensive.

  In particular, the strong cooperation of the Linchuan business group and the strong assistance of Zhiyou to the group buying have led to the university town’s plan to build a strong wall and clear the fields faster than expected.

  During the May Day holiday, Tan Qing arranged for the branches of each first-tier city to organize Zhiyou to have a dinner according to Jiang Qin’s plan.

  This plan is called “Playing all over xx (city name) in three days”.

  Before the plan started, they analyzed each business district in the city one by one, and after determining the target and location, they began to sweep the streets. Zhiyou only need to carefully evaluate the stores they are responsible for experiencing.

  At the same time, Zhihu also launched an activity for eating, drinking and having fun, recommending the top food and ceiling services that only locals know about in your hometown or school location.

  After cleaning up online and offline one by one, three days later, Entrepreneurship Base 208 had collected countless data and information.

  In order to process this information, the major branches also worked overtime to select the merchants and stores with the highest mentions and the best scores, and then made district maps based on their locations.

  Such maps are available in the offices of a number of group buying websites such as Lashou.com, Suixintuan, Nuomi, and Wowo.

  However, theirs is a national map, while Pintuan’s is a route map of each city.

  After completing these preliminary preparations, the people in Pintuan’s marketing department began to convene a meeting to study how to get merchants to sign exclusive agreements. The main lecturer was Sun Zhi, the deputy manager of Pintuan, who used to sell health products and the project director of the Jinsinan Foundation. The method was YY voice.

  ”When signing an exclusive agreement, it is important not to let the target merchants feel that they are restricted.”

  ”Don’t mention obligations first when you enter the door, and don’t tell the merchants what you need to do for us. This is a taboo. Your only goal is to tell the merchants what they can get after signing!”

  ”Let them feel that they have taken advantage, and a big advantage!”

  ”And you have to package yourself very high-end and glittering, and let them know that if you miss this village, you will not have this store tomorrow!”

  Sun Zhi’s voice kept ringing in the YY channel, and with his ups and downs and extremely bewitching style, he concisely explained the core of the promotion of the exclusive agreement.

  At this time, a user named Jeju Wu Yanzu in the channel typed the word “awesome”.

  Seeing such praise, Sun Zhi was obviously more excited: “Next, I will invite Manager Tan to demonstrate a general process and steps for everyone.” The

  ice-breaking queen coughed and said, “I am Tan Qing. Next, I will cooperate with Manager Sun and play the role of a merchant to be signed.”

  ”Hello, boss. I am the manager of Pintuan. May I ask if your store has opened a group buying channel?”

  ”Yes, it has been opened. Group buying is very popular now. Who are you and why are you asking this?”

  ”I am the business manager of Pintuan, the first group buying website in China. I am currently working on the market here and plan to roll it out within half a year. Because of the excellent quality of your store, after discussion by our expert group, you have been rated as a representative merchant on this street.”


  ”Our website specializes in quality services, and we very much hope to cooperate with high-quality merchants like you. As long as you sign a cooperation agreement, we will provide a settlement fund of 2,000 to 10,000 yuan.”

  Tan Qing put away his exaggerated voice at this time: “According to the marketing department, the current settlement amount of Lashou.com ranges from 500 to 1,000, so this sentence is very attractive.”

  Sun Zhi paused: “Manager Tan, please continue.”

  Tan Qing coughed: “So much? But why are the amounts different?”

  ”The 2,000 is a pure settlement fund, and the 10,000 is a deep settlement fund.”

  ”What’s the difference? I dare not take advantage of this if it is not made clear.”

  ”The difference is that if you take 10,000, Pintuan will reach a deep cooperation with you in the later stage and become your top priority online partner. If you take 2,000, you can find anyone to cooperate with.”

  After Sun Zhi finished speaking, he added: “Note that our signing of exclusive does not mean that we will cheat merchants. Although we cannot let users feel restricted, the contract terms must still be made clear, and the signing process must be recorded throughout to avoid subsequent troubles.”

  Tan Qing coughed: “Then I’ll take 2,000. I still want to open more channels to make money.”

  ”Boss, you misunderstood. Even if we sign an exclusive in-depth agreement, we will not stop you from cooperating with other websites. As long as you do not violate the other party’s rules, you can still use the channels of other websites.”

  ”What’s going on?”

  ”Didn’t I just say that our business has not yet been expanded. I am the pioneer. I came to you to sign a contract in advance because your store has a very high praise rate. Our agreement will not officially take effect until our business is expanded.”

  Tan Qing was silent for a moment: “Then I’ll sign the contract after you guys come over.”

  Sun Zhi smacked his lips: “That’s fine too, but by then our entry fee may not be that high. After all, by then… there will be only one website here.”

  ”What if you can’t come over? The competition among group buying websites is fierce now. A few days ago, the people on this street were from LaShou, but in just two days, they have changed to SuiXinTuan.”

  ”If we don’t come over, then the agreement will be invalid. You should eat and drink the ten thousand yuan as a gift from us.”

  Tan Qing broke away from his acting state, and his pretended deep voice disappeared: “This is basically the routine for negotiating a contract. As for the details, I hope everyone can adapt to the circumstances.” Sun Zhi

  added: “Group buying is very popular now. Many merchants are scrambling to join when they hear that a new website has come out. After all, they can get the entry fee, so this is not difficult. You don’t need to be too nervous when doing business.”

  ”Manager Sun is right. The market has been heated up by other websites spending money. Merchants all know that there is money to be made in group buying, so they won’t resist too much.”

  ”Another point, don’t say you are a salesperson for group buying. Say you are a manager, a regional manager, or a city general manager. Your work badges have been prepared for you. Dress up and go there. You must understand that you represent the face of group buying.”

  Sun Zhi couldn’t help but speak again: “The boss said that when you go out, you give yourself a face. Look at those real estate people, they are all dressed in suits. There are five people in a room, four managers and one general manager. They look so fucking professional.”

  ”Well, your boss is right.”

  Jeju Daniel Wu spoke, then took off his headphones and pulled out a score sheet.

  Tan Qing’s leadership ability and execution ability were each increased by 1, and Sun Zhi’s incitement ability, marketing ability, and boss-praising ability were each increased by 1.

  Afterwards, the person in charge of each branch station began to distribute badges and work badges. The badges were all manager xxx of the group buying business department, and the work badge was the one hanging on the chest, with large characters on it saying “Lashou.com ground promotion employee”.

  ”No, boss, this badge was given to the wrong person. Why is it Lashou.com?”

  ”That’s right, the boss said that when you go out on the street, wear your badge, and take it off and put it in your pocket when you get to the door of someone’s store. Go ahead, with the boss’s expectations and glory.” ”

  Okay, then why do you need two ground-promoting employees? They and I don’t live in the same direction, so it’s troublesome to act together.”

  ”You wear the Lashou badge to show other websites, but if you are unlucky and meet a real Lashou employee and are exposed, the two ground-promoters will evolve into war weapons on the spot.” The

  sub-stations in each city began to take action, with one marketing specialist leading two ground-promoting employees, and each group of three was responsible for one area.

  The marketing specialist was responsible for finding merchants to sign contracts, and the ground-promoting employees were responsible for security, trying to avoid meeting other websites. On

  the third day of the exclusive contract business, Nuomi.com had already rushed to Shenzhen, relying on the merchant resources of Suixintuan and the funds in hand, and quickly took root in Shenzhen.

  However, according to a manager surnamed Wang from Nuomituan who was once in charge of Shanghai University Town, he suddenly ran into an employee of Lashou.com when he was leading a team to promote the product in a food street that day.

  Then he arrogantly told the person to get out and pushed him. When he was pushed to the ground, he suddenly felt familiar and kind, and was a little dazed for a while.

  I don’t know why, at that moment he seemed to have returned to Shanghai University Town, that bright spring day.

  They must have had the same coach, Manager Wang said confidently, and then shouted that the promotion industry was really fucking involuntarily, and how could those who did the promotion be all martial arts masters?

  At this time, at the Entrepreneurship Base 208, Jiang Qin looked at the progress of the exclusive signing that was constantly reported from the branch station, and couldn’t help but nod slightly.

  What is the group buying website in the small capital round stage playing? It’s the popularity and quantity. If

  you popularize two first-tier cities and sign two thousand merchants, and you popularize one city and sign one thousand merchants, the money you can raise is definitely not of the same order of magnitude.

  Therefore, websites like Lashou.com and Suixintuan.com all target cities and buy whatever they see. They have no intention of selecting high-quality merchants for exclusive contracts.

  One reason is that the cost of exclusive contracts is too high and the added cost is too huge.

  The second reason is that they are busy grabbing the market and have no energy to run around for merchants.

  The third reason is that they don’t have external information tools like Zhihu, so they don’t know who to sign with when they want to sign a few exclusives. However,

  Jiang Qin has been a little melancholy during this period, because he couldn’t help but think, what if he won this war and became a positive example for others to learn from, but people found out that the history of Pintuan’s rise is actually a bullshit history?

  Boss Jiang was silent for a moment, left 208, and sat on the sofa in the next room 207 for a while. Oh, that’s it.

  Damn, what is the bottom line? Only winners are worthy of talking about the bottom line.

  (Monthly ticket requested!)

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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