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Chapter 39 That boy seems to like you

Chapter 39 That boy seems to like you


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 39 That boy seems to like you

  Xu Xiuwen watched from the side for a while.

  An Shishi was very inefficient in handing out flyers, often taking half a day to hand out one flyer.

  He was not a nosy person, but he had a shortcoming – he was too soft on beautiful women.

  Xu Xiuwen walked over, took the flyer from the girl, and said without turning his head, “You don’t hand out flyers like this. How long will you finish doing this?”

  An Shishi was stunned for a moment.

  But his body instinctively followed Xu Xiuwen.

  Xu Xiuwen walked and said, “First of all, you have to find a good place to hand out flyers. There are many people who come to the computer city to buy computers, but not many people can walk to your location. You should stand at the entrance of the computer city or other places with a lot of people, and hand out flyers to people who are coming and going or preparing to buy computers or accessories. Secondly, you have to be able to talk. If you hand out flyers to people so stiffly, I wouldn’t be interested in reading them.”

  As he spoke, he had already walked to the entrance of the computer city.

  Compared to inside, there are indeed a lot more people here.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t waste words and walked up to the mother and daughter.

  ”Auntie, we’re having a promotion for the opening of our new store. Buy a computer and get a keyboard for free. Take a look. We have Aiguoxiang, Guipu, and Dale in our store. They are all international brands with guaranteed quality…”

  An Shishi watched with her own eyes that a mother and daughter who had no interest in buying computers actually agreed to go into the store with Xu Xiuwen to take a look after listening to his introduction. Flyers were also distributed naturally, one for each mother and daughter.

  The difficulty was completely different from the previous ones she distributed.

  But she was a little worried because the boss didn’t agree to Xu Xiuwen’s offer to give a keyboard for free when buying a computer.

  Xu Xiuwen led the mother and daughter into the store. After a few steps, he saw that An Shishi was still standing there, so he urged her, “Why are you still standing there like an idiot? Come quickly.”

  ”Oh.” An Shishi returned to the store, still worried about how to explain to the boss.

  I heard Xu Xiuwen say to the boss, “Boss, this aunt and her sister are planning to buy a computer for study. Can you recommend a suitable brand? By the way, the promotion you mentioned before, where you get a keyboard for free when you buy a computer, is it still in the promotion period?”

  The boss was also a smart person. He understood Xu Xiuwen’s meaning in seconds and immediately continued, “What a coincidence, today is the last day of the promotion. Hey, sister, do you want to buy a computer for your child…”

  Not long after, the boss actually opened another order.

  An Shishi was stunned.

  The boss made another order and was in a good mood. He praised Xu Xiuwen, “You are talented, why don’t you come and work with me?”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t say anything to look down on this or that. Wouldn’t that offend people?

  He just made up an excuse, such as too many things to do at school and couldn’t get away to get by.

  The boss actually regretted the moment he said it. How could someone who could get more than 10,000 to buy a computer sell a computer to him?

  When the boss saw the flyers in Xu Xiuwen’s hand, he quickly guessed what was going on and said to An Shishi, “I was just saying this this morning. It doesn’t matter if you can’t finish handing out the flyers. You can go home later and I’ll pay you.”

  But An Shishi refused without hesitation, “No, I promised you that I would definitely finish handing out the flyers.”

  After that, the girl walked up to Xu Xiuwen, took the flyers, and walked out. After

  An Shishi left, the boss saw that Xu Xiuwen had not left, and asked with a smile, “Do you like this girl?”

  Xu Xiuwen knew that even if he denied it, the other party probably wouldn’t believe it, so he just smiled and didn’t say anything.

  The boss understood immediately and praised, “This girl is a good girl, beautiful, hardworking, sensible, and has a bottom line.”

  ”It’s a pity that her family conditions are too poor.”

  When Xu Xiuwen came out of the computer store and saw An Shishi again, she was standing in the place where Xu Xiuwen had just said to hand out flyers. This time she was also more flexible and said something similar to Xu Xiuwen’s words. Although it was not very fluent, the effect was good.

  Xu Xiuwen watched from the side for a while, and she had already handed out more than ten flyers.

  One or two of them agreed to go into the store and take a look.

  Xu Xiuwen had only one thought after seeing it.

  That is, there are still too many LSPs.

  If An Shishi was not so pretty, even if she could hand out flyers faster than before, she would not have made such great progress.

  Especially those who took An Shishi’s flyers were mostly men, and many of them looked at her pretty face with shining eyes.

  An Shishi obviously did not notice this, and she was probably still happy about her progress in her heart.

  The remaining more than 100 flyers were quickly handed out.

  Before An Shishi finished handing out flyers, Xu Xiuwen had already returned to the store first.

  The boss had a smile on his face all the time, probably because there were many more customers coming into the store today than usual.

  I asked the boss, the computer parts were still on the way.

  Xu Xiuwen thought for a while and said to the boss, “How about this, I won’t take the computer now, when the parts arrive, you can help me install the computer and send it to my dormitory downstairs.”

  Of course, the boss agreed.

  Xu Xiuwen’s cost for this order was no more than 10,000 yuan at most, and even after deducting the commission given to An Shishi, he could at least make a few thousand yuan. Not to mention delivering the computer to the dormitory building, even if he was asked to deliver it in person, he would not hesitate.

  Seeing the boss agreed, Xu Xiuwen said, “Well, I’ll go get the money now, and I’ll pay the money first. And the commission that should be given to the girl, don’t let her down.”

  After An Shishi handed out the last flyer, she felt much more relaxed.

  After handing out the flyers, she could get her part-time salary.

  This was her first salary in her life. Although it was not much, she was still full of joy in her heart.

  She turned around and looked behind her. Xu Xiuwen had been standing there just now.

  She wanted to share this joy with Xu Xiuwen, and at the same time she felt proud, as if to say, look at me, I’m smart, you teach me once and I’ll learn it.

  But she didn’t see Xu Xiuwen.

  An Shishi thought he had returned to the store, so she hurried back to the store, but still didn’t see him.

  Fortunately, the boss saw it and said with a smile, “He went to get the money and will be here soon.”

  Seeing that the girl’s nervous expression relaxed when she heard the words “will be here soon”, the boss smiled and said, “That boy seems to like you.”

  An Shishi was shocked when she heard it.

  After calming down, she waved her hand and explained, “Boss, you misunderstood. How could he like me? He…he has a girlfriend, and she is my roommate.”

  ”Is that so? That’s a pity.” The boss said this, but in his heart he was thinking, this guy is a playboy. He has a girlfriend but he still hooks up with others.

  The boss couldn’t help but take a look at the girl, thinking that such a beautiful and innocent girl would probably not escape the clutches of the boy.

  There is an ATM next to the computer city.

  Xu Xiuwen withdrew 20,000 yuan. It only cost 15,000 to buy a computer, and the rest was kept for him.

  Back in the store, Xu Xiuwen noticed that the atmosphere was a little wrong, but he didn’t know what was wrong.

  He paid the money readily, left his phone number and dormitory address to the boss, and asked the boss to write a receipt. He waited for An Shishi to receive her salary and commission before they came out of the store together.

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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