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Chapter 392 Embrace Evolution

Chapter 392 Embrace Evolution


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 392 Embrace Evolution

  ”I’m very sad about your friend’s matter. I’m sorry… It’s a pity that I only inherited part of the authority, otherwise I could help you find her.”

  The low and hoarse voice in the old radio was still the same, but the intermittent breathing seemed to have added new injuries.

  Not only that.

  In the noisy sound of electricity, there seemed to be a few more metal knocks than before.

  According to Yong, many things happened in Shelter 79 when the management authority was handed over. In addition, the shelter was in disrepair for a long time, and the security systems of many rooms malfunctioned.

  In short, illegal entry into unauthorized areas may trigger the alarm system, causing the door to lock automatically.

  He has been missing for so long and there is no news. He is probably in danger.

  If it weren’t for the post posted by Sisi on the forum, everyone might really believe his lies.

  ”Let’s put our friend’s matter aside for now… Are you really okay?” Zhimahu whispered while holding the radio.

  ”I’m fine… A few little mice got into the office, and I’ve dealt with them.”

  The forced voice was somewhat insincere.

  After coughing twice, he suddenly realized something and continued to speak.

  ”… Wait a minute, what do you mean by putting your friend’s affairs aside? Did you hear what I said just now? She may have met with an accident…”

  ”I heard it,” Wei, who had been silent, made a sad expression on his face, and tears actually squeezed out of his eyes, “We will miss Sisi!”

  ”Me too!” Rourou raised his hand, but his face was serious.

  It didn’t look like mourning, but rather like a vow.

  Zhimahu showed a troubled expression, and nodded with a smile.

  ”I… will miss Miss Sisi too.” It is

  indeed uncomfortable not to be online for three days, but to say that you are sad… it’s not at all.

  If a good friend AFKs, she will of course feel a little lonely and sad.

  However, every day when she logged off, she could see Sisi posting the experimental logs of Shelter 79 from the game on the forum. At this moment, she did not feel any sadness, but had to hold back her laughter.


  The radio was quietly flowing with noise, and she could probably feel the confusion and speechlessness flowing quietly.

  She suddenly felt sorry for the NPC.

  Just like the DM in the script-killing store.

  Although they have been playing their roles very carefully, it is obviously impossible to expect players to be the same as them…

  In this quiet silence, the three walked to the end of the tunnel, where the entrance to the dungeon was.

  The continuous gunfire was far away, and the Death Corps had pushed the progress of the strategy to the end.

  The building blocking the front of the research area has completely become the nest of the Death Claw. The scales and excrement that fell from the molting skin can be seen everywhere, and it has completely turned into the shape of the Death Claw.

  Before the players came, the ecological environment of the underground city of No. 79 had been in a state of dynamic balance.

  As the top of the food chain, no creature has ever been able to invade the lair of the Death Claw.

  But at this moment, this balance was torn to pieces.

  The strength player wearing a KV-1 with welded steel plates stood in the front row, holding a chain saw in his hand to prevent the Death Claw from bypassing from the side.

  The player holding the assault rifle followed closely behind, and the fierce firepower suppressed the Death Claw.

  The orange-yellow trajectory opened up a dense net in the narrow corridor, and only roars and screams could pass through the net.

  The player in the back row set up a 20mm light cavalry rifle and fired an armor-piercing incendiary bullet when he found the right opportunity.

  Under the tacit cooperation of the players, the positions of hunter and prey were completely reversed.

  ”Brothers, try harder!”

  ”Let’s go!”

  ”Oli Gei!”

  ”Well, can we change to a more interesting slogan?”

  ”? What slogan can be more interesting than these two?”

  ”??? Two?”

  Blood was flying in the corridor, and the air was mixed with the smell of burnt paste and the pungent smell of gunpowder.

  Exhausted people carried the wounded and evacuated from the front line, and soon another wave of eager players took over.

  In the corridor less than 20 meters away from the front line, a group of players who had just come down from the front line sat on the ground.

  Looking at the two scars on his chest that were almost visible to the bones, the construction site boy and the brick bandaged themselves while cursing.

  ”Damn… I almost died.”

  The roller shampooer sitting next to him wiped his sweat and complained.

  ”How many Death Claws are there?”

  ”Who knows…” The young man and the brick muttered to each other at the construction site, “But fortunately, the space here is narrow, and the large monsters can’t move freely. If it were like other games, it would be impossible to fight! And compared to the Death Claws, I think those savages are more difficult to deal with!” It was

  completely different from the encounter in the wilderness.

  Here, the adult Death Claws were completely like meat on the chopping board, and the juvenile Death Claws would be more dangerous.

  Based on his countless hunting experiences, the centipedes might be more difficult to deal with here. The mollusk

  covered with tentacles has a strong vitality. Even if it takes a burst of rifle bullets with its face, it can still jump forward.

  The “hexagonal warrior” like the Death Claw is really suitable for jungles and cities.

  Especially in cities.

  The adult Death Claw is a terrifying existence that can hunt down evolved bodies and wipe out the awakened team…

  The debt-ridden big-eyed man who was sitting on the ground panting suddenly spoke.

  ”I suddenly realized… this place is quite suitable for making a fish pond.”

  The young man and the brick on the construction site were stunned.

  ”Fish pond? What does that mean?”

  ”It means fishing!”

  Seeing that his good brother was still confused, the debt-eye took a breath and continued.

  ”Aren’t there mind interference devices for sale at the resurrection point? That thing can be used to tame aliens. We encountered death claws outside before, and either we couldn’t beat them, or even if we beat them, they ran away. This is not a problem here. There are only two ends of a corridor, and there is no place to run… hehe.”

  Hearing this, the players sitting nearby were stunned.

  ”What the hell?! Are you catching Pokémon?”

  ”Awesome… The Intelligence Department is going to rise again?”

  ”Hey, you are not a human being,” sighed the Edgepad, “All sequences are being strengthened, only the Perception Department has not been touched… Is this really reasonable?!”

  The Drum Shampooing Machine couldn’t help but say.

  ”I agree. Ever since the switchblade came out, the Intelligence Department has been really outrageous. No matter if others use guns or knives, they have to rush up to fight. This guy never goes to the front line, but outputs in the back. His DPS is not low.”

  ”Narrow it down.”

  Seeing everyone shouting to narrow it down, Debt Eyes couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

  ”You, are you so ashamed to say that? Which sequence is the weakest in the entire Alpha version? It’s only a few versions stronger… What’s wrong with letting me feel good?”

  Can’t you just hope for the best for your brothers?

  The construction site boy and the brick looked at the ceiling, muttering: “Narrow it down, please, planner.”

  Debt Eyes: “@#%@!”

  Although it was just a joke, if you think about it carefully, it seems interesting to use this place as a Death Claw breeding base.

  The pet-based gameplay has existed for a long time, but it has never become mainstream.

  One of the main reasons is that it costs too much to train a pet, and dead pets cannot be resurrected. It is better to

  raise a power-based animal than a deathclaw. The latter is at least cheaper, and you won’t feel bad if it dies, because it will be alive and kicking again in three days.

  But if there is a fish pond that can stably produce SSSRs, the situation will be completely different.

  A deathclaw with autonomous combat awareness is much better than a drone that needs real-time control.

  Just as these wounded soldiers who retreated from the front line were talking and giving bad ideas, the White Bear Knights came over from the cleared corridor.

  The tail riding on Rourou’s shoulder waved and greeted him from a distance.

  ”Oh, brothers, how is the progress of the strategy?”

  Bianbian Pashui looked up and responded.

  ”There’s only a little left. It’s estimated that it won’t be done until tonight. It should be done before noon.”

  ”Not bad, not bad.” Tail nodded with satisfaction, “Good luck guys! When we get the serum, let’s feed it to Rourou first!”

  ”Eh?! Wait, why am I the one drinking it?”

  Tail said with sparkling eyes.

  ”Doesn’t Rourou want to become a human? Don’t worry, Rourou, you were so beautiful when you were a bear, and you will definitely be a big beauty when you become a human!”

  ”Maybe it’s white hair!”

  A player suddenly interrupted, and the drum shampooer that was drinking water spurted out with a puff. ”

  Fuck, when you say that… I suddenly think Rourou is actually pretty.”

  ”Really?” Tail said proudly, “Our Rourou is so beautiful, I have her photo.”

  Upon hearing this, the animals were instantly excited.

  ”Oh my god.”

  ”In real life? Is it true?”

  ”Good brother, share it!”

  ”Wait, is this the point! Also, it’s not certain what the function of that serum is! And shouldn’t the serum be injected…” Rourou said with a smile.

  Tail pondered for a while, and suddenly sighed.

  ”Damn! Sisi is gone… Rourou’s spitting skills are completely different.”

  Rourou: “Are you an M…”

  Zhimahu, who was holding the radio, smiled weakly.

  ”Ha…haha…I feel like I can’t keep up with the pace of young people.”

  Since the players were communicating in Mandarin throughout the whole process, Yongshi on the other end of the radio didn’t understand what they were saying at all, but just felt that these people were a little too optimistic.

  This is the Death Claw’s lair.

  At least be serious!


  he couldn’t find fault with the fighting power of these people. The few mercenaries and natives who were fooled by him before didn’t even break through the mutant spider’s lair at the door, let alone push all the way here.

  At this time, a shrill howl suddenly came from the direction of the stairs.

  Everyone stopped talking and looked in the direction of the stairs.

  At this time, a hoarse voice suddenly came from the radio that had been silent.

  ”Mother of Death Claws…”

  There seemed to be a hint of fear in the voice.

  After barely understanding this sentence, Zhimahu asked immediately.

  ”What is that?”

  ”…Deathclaws are a matriarchal society. Female Deathclaws are often much larger than males and have a longer lifespan. There are several rooms downstairs that are used as hatching nests by the Deathclaw mothers, but don’t worry… those big guys won’t come out, and the widest corridor here can’t accommodate them.”

  ”Then how did they get in?” Tails asked curiously.

  ”Of course they crawled in before they grew that big…” There was a cough from the radio, “Don’t worry about those things, you don’t need to go downstairs, go through the corridor in front, and you will see the door to the research area. The door there is open, you can go in directly, and I will tell you how to get the serum!”

  Everyone looked at each other.

  Everyone standing here was spoiled and knew that this guy was lying.

  Not letting them go downstairs…

  is it because there is something there?

  ”…Rather than saying there is something there, could it be that it is out of his control?” Zhimahu suddenly said, “I don’t think he was lying when he said that before, but rather that he was hiding part of the truth…”

  Rourou was stunned for a moment and said, “You mean… his authority is not complete?”

  Zhimahu put his index finger on his chin and nodded slightly.

  ”Well, either the authority is incomplete, or the part of the area occupied by the alien species is indeed damaged due to disrepair. Otherwise, he could have cut off that part, right? Most of the doors we passed along the way… are closed, right?”

  Including the corridor where Sisi disappeared.

  When they went there again, all the doors that were originally open were closed.

  The biggest difference between there and other areas is that it is not occupied by alien species.

  Zhimahu suddenly thought of a possibility.

  Could it be that it was because Yongshi, as the manager, lost control of that part of the area that led to the occupation of that part of the area by alien species?

  In this case, that may be the only place in the entire shelter that can avoid his inability to fully control…


  As he said this, Tail glanced at the edge guy and gave him a thumbs up.

  ”I’ll leave the downstairs to you!”

  Edge understood, put the rifle on his shoulder, and said with a hearty smile.


  ”…What are you talking about?” A hoarse voice came from the radio. He felt something was wrong, but he couldn’t tell what it was.

  Those people always communicated in a language he couldn’t understand, which confused him.

  What dialect is this?

  He has lived for so many years, but this is the first time he has heard it.

  Tail: “We are discussing the battle plan!”

  ”Plan…Okay, it’s right to have a plan, but the most dangerous area has been cleared by you. There shouldn’t be any danger later. Go quickly…get the serum and leave this place as soon as possible.”

  The voice on the radio was urging.

  The coveted treasure was right in front of him.

  He couldn’t wait…


  The White Bear Knights walked through the cleared corridor and headed to the research area.

  The players of the Death Corps were scattered near the main entrance of the research area to prevent alien species from flowing in from other areas.

  Inadvertently approaching the stairs, Edgewater opened his perception tentacles towards the dark corridor, letting his consciousness blend into the darkness, sensing the subtle fluctuations from the weak air flow.

  ”…The sound of a beating heart.”

  He muttered softly, determined the direction of the target, loaded the rifle, and walked downstairs.

  Downstairs was a dark hall with load-bearing columns standing tall, without a single light.

  The moment he stepped on the last step, he immediately felt that the sight that had been stuck on the back of his head disappeared.

  However, when Edgewater continued to move forward following the clue he had sensed, the feeling of being stared at suddenly returned.


  Sensing that a powerful existence was approaching, Edgewater tightly grasped the assault rifle in his hand, and his sight carefully searched every inch of the dark corner.

  And at this moment, his sight suddenly met a pair of amber pupils.

  It was a death claw as huge as a dragon.

  Its body, more than ten meters long, was crawling on the ground, its shoulders pressed tightly against the ceiling. The most striking feature was the two ridiculously large horns on its head… In the River Valley Province, ordinary death claws did not have this feature.

  The air froze for a full half minute. A

  low and hoarse voice, accompanied by a hot and smelly breath, floated out of the mouth that could only fit a cow.

  ”Strange, there are still living people here… How did you get here? Did that guy let you in?”

  Hearing the death claw speak human words, the confusion on Bianbianshui’s face instantly turned into surprise.

  ”Fuck, Junk-kun?!”


  The amber pupil stared at him intently.

  It obviously didn’t understand what he was saying, but it read the expression on his face.

  ”…Have you seen other death claws that can talk?”

  Bianbianshui nodded quickly.

  Although he didn’t know why this guy could speak human language, he seemed to have triggered the hidden plot of the level.

  Taking a deep breath, he tried to speak in non-standard human language.

  ”…There is one in our shelter, too.”

  This death claw seemed to know a lot about the shelter and spoke slowly.

  ”Which shelter are you from?”

  ”No. 404.”


  The amber pupils shrank slightly, and the death claw pondered for a while.

  The edge of the water felt that its eyes seemed a little dazed, and seeing that it didn’t speak for a long time, he asked immediately.

  ”Are you the Yong family?”

  ”Yong family… What is that? But this name sounds familiar.”

  Suddenly, the death claw seemed to remember something and snorted from its nostrils.

  ”I remember that experiment… Haha, after so many years, there are still people who remember that thing.”

  Edge of the water: “Experiment?”

  The death claw slowly spoke and continued.

  ”The immortal emperor… his name – or code name is Yongshi. But that crazy plan has failed, and you can see what a mess it is outside now.”

  Bianbianhuashui had read about this plan in the experimental log uploaded to the forum by Sisi, so he was not unfamiliar with it.

  However, what confused him was the identity of the person in front of him.

  He was not that Yongshi, and obviously not an administrator, but he seemed to know everything.

  ”What should I call you?”

  After a long silence, it slowly spoke.

  ”Name? I haven’t used that thing for too long, I have forgotten it myself… Anyway, I have become like this, Death Claw or Mother of Death Claw, you can call me whatever you want.”

  Unable to determine whether he really forgot or didn’t want to mention it, Bianbianhuashui gave up asking questions, took a deep breath and continued.

  ”Then let me change the question… Can you tell me what happened here?”

  ”What happened… This is a good question. Since you know that ‘Yongshi’, you must know the experiments conducted in Shelter 79.”

  Seeing that the person in front of him nodded, the Mother of Death Claw slowly spoke and continued.

  ”Very good, then I don’t need to start from the beginning…”

  ”After the first generation of managers died, we adjusted our experimental thinking and adopted a more radical strategy. We turned the outer area of ​​the shelter into a research area, captured mutant creatures from the wasteland, genetically modified them, and then released them into the research area to simulate a more severe wasteland environment.”

  ”This is a natural testing ground. The cameras can theoretically cover every corner of the shelter, and we can fully observe the entire process of the experiment. After completing these preparations, we began to clone the unfinished experimental subjects on a large scale and sent them to the research area. We recorded their survival rate, survival time and other indicators, and selected the best individuals for improvement, and then repeated the experiment…”

  ”And in this process, it’s not just the clones that evolve. The mutant creatures we captured from the outside world also evolve rapidly under natural selection…”

  Standing aside and staring at the VM and reading the subtitles, Bianhuashui couldn’t help swallowing his saliva.

  What kind of battle royale is this?

  The Mother of Death Claws didn’t stop and continued.

  ”We got a lot of excellent samples… However, the distressing thing is that although they are close to perfect in physical function, they are still far from the ‘eternity’ we envisioned. And more and more experimental data show that when this planet enters a new era, humans’ performance under natural selection is not as good as the other alternatives… Let alone giving birth to a new civilization, maybe in a few thousand years, there won’t even be a shadow of humans on this planet.”

  ”We’ve heard that some shelters are studying human subspecies. It is said that the imagined new humans have a tolerance for extreme environments that even exceeds that of cockroaches. Although I don’t know if they succeeded, their research ideas have indeed inspired us. If we are not bound by the form of life, our civilization can actually continue in another form… In other forms of intelligent creatures.”

  ”Later, we adjusted our experimental ideas for the second time, no longer sticking to clones, but expanding the options to all species in the entire research area. Soon, an excellent sample stood out…”

  Bianhuashui swallowed his saliva.

  ”…Death Claw?”

  ”Yes,” the Death Claw Mother continued after blinking her heavy eyelids, “it possesses powerful vitality and unparalleled physical functions. Even power armor is still slightly inferior to a fully developed Death Claw… and the most important thing is that, with regular injections of special serum, it can theoretically live forever in the true sense.” “Although

  this seems a little hard to accept from today’s perspective, it is hard to say what it will be like in a few decades. When our civilization enters a new era and when everyone embraces evolution, the ‘people’ at that time should not mind what their Emperor looks like, and our mission will be accomplished in another form… The new era will sing the praises of our achievements.”

  ”In the third year of the plan, we successfully cultivated an almost perfect sample that could serve as a new container for our consciousness. Through neural transplantation surgery, we successfully transplanted the consciousness of some residents into the eternal body.” ”

  Unfortunately, however, there was a small deviation in our experiment. Those samples were too smart, so smart that they were difficult to distinguish. Although we have accepted them, they are not very happy to accept us.”

  ”Due to a mistake, some of the experimental subjects broke through the area restrictions, and some even escaped outside. Among them were mutants and those clones that have been marginalized… You should have seen those things in the wasteland.”

  The source of the alien species is actually here? !

  This is an incredible discovery.

  Edge of the Water immediately asked.

  ”Those Death Claws outside… all ran away from here?”

  The Mother of the Death Claws continued.

  ”Most of them, in fact, not just the Death Claws, most of the early alien species in the wasteland have very weak physical functions. After the improved experimental subjects escape from here, it won’t take long for them to replace those naturally mutated alien species… including those byproducts of the experiments, including the clones we originally cultivated.”

  ”Clones?” Edge of the Water was slightly stunned, “You mean… those savages in this shelter?”

  The Mother of the Death Claws said in a calm tone.

  ”Yes, they brought the genes here, including the tribal culture formed in the experiment. For more than a century, you may not see pure-blooded ‘savages’, but you should be able to find some individuals who are different from ordinary people from some primitive tribes, especially the leaders of those tribes.”

  ”They often have physiques different from ordinary people, and even show alien characteristics to some extent… Do you think that is the ability given to them by nature?”

  The mother of the death claw bared her teeth, and the arc at the corner of her mouth seemed to be mocking herself.

  ”However, they can become leaders and pass on their powerful genes in the cruel jungle… This can also be regarded as the result of natural selection.”

  Edge of the water held his breath.

  He suddenly thought of several bosses encountered in the previous version.

  Including the “bear” of the bloody hand clan.

  And the “golden tooth” of the bone chewing tribe.

  Their blood and the culture flowing in their blood, the source of everything is here.

  ”I thought it was awakening…”

  The mother of the death claw laughed dully.

  ”Awakening? Haha, is that what you call that phenomenon?”

  Edge of the water stared at him and suddenly said.

  ”Are you a researcher here?”

  ”Researcher… sort of. I did participate in the experiment.”

  After a long silence, the Mother of Deathclaw shook the long horns on her head and suddenly said in a half-joking tone.

  ”No more pretending. Actually, after saying so much, you probably guessed it… I am the manager here.”

  ”Of course… some people also call me the Big Horned Deer God.”


  (Thanks to “I am the most magical cat”, “What’s the meaning of the name”, “Kong Xiaoyuan”, “Chenzhe”, and “ningyong2” for their rewards!!! Brothers, we have reached the 100th alliance! In addition, there will be more updates tomorrow. I really didn’t catch up today…)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


  1. Sitidara says:


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