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Chapter 393: Bloody Battle in the Mist

Chapter 393: Bloody Battle in the Mist


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 393 Bloody Battle in the Fog

  ”Giao!? Bighorn Deer God?!”

  Walking in the corridor of the sample library where the serum was stored, with the tail of the earphone hanging on his ear, he couldn’t help but shout in surprise. At

  this moment, the expressions on Rourou and Zhimahu’s faces were also full of surprise, although the former’s expression change was not so obvious.

  Because Brother Edge had been using the microphone and the signal was not blocked, the translated subtitles were quickly transmitted to all nearby VMs simultaneously.

  Not only them.

  Including the good brothers of the Death Corps.

  At this moment, all the players active in the nearby area have completely gone through the plot triggered by Brother Edge.

  ”No wonder… that guy said that half of the chaos in this land came from here.” Rourou muttered softly.

  Through genetic engineering, the process of natural selection was artificially accelerated, and alien species with strength far exceeding the general level were cultivated…

  and not just alien species.

  Including those predators who maintain the life of the tribe.

  They are not all descendants of clones produced by the experiment in Shelter No. 79, but some of them obviously merged the genes that flowed out from here.

  They have strong bodies, some organs develop differently from ordinary people, and even show animal characteristics under certain circumstances…

  That is not awakening at all.

  But –

  ”Gene pollution…” Zhima Paste whispered while holding the radio.

  Tail suddenly found the blind spot and spoke.

  ”Wait… That Death Claw Mother said that she is the manager of Shelter No. 79, so who is the guy on the radio?”

  Rourou: “Yongshi?”

  Tail tilted his head.

  ”But didn’t that plan fail?”

  Zhima Paste thought for a moment and said.

  ”Maybe… Only the manager of Shelter No. 79 thinks it failed, but some people don’t think the experiment failed? After all, didn’t that Death Claw Mother say that some of the experimental subjects ran away…”

  In terms of the results, they did not cultivate an immortal and morally perfect “Emperor”, but they did not gain nothing.

  They successfully broke through the limit of 23 pairs of chromosomes and transplanted human consciousness to a more powerful existence, thereby breaking through the limit of what humans can achieve.

  And this is exactly what they said “power that is not limited to the form of life.”

  The guy who called himself “Yongshi” obviously believed from the bottom of his heart that the experiment had been successful.

  He not only completely embraced evolution, but also completely accepted himself now, thinking that he was the ultimate form of Plan 79.

  The three of them almost subconsciously thought of the Death Claw outside.

  The Death Claw regarded Xiangling Town as its own territory, and kept the survivors there in the library to guard the legacy of pre-war civilization and the entrance to Shelter 79 for itself.

  On the way to the research area, they found the bodies of mercenaries and bounty hunters.

  Judging from the clothes and weapons of those people, they obviously did not belong to this place, but more like wastelanders from outside.

  Obviously, in this century, they were not the first survivors who were “tricked” into here, nor were they the first people to help that guy get the serum.

  All the clues were connected together, and the truth finally surfaced.

  Rourou said to herself with a look of realization.

  ”No wonder he needs to rely on others to help him get the serum… With such a large size, it really can’t get in here.”

  The entire shelter is designed entirely for human habitation, and there are no passages or rooms prepared for the Death Claws.

  The Death Claw Mother who calls herself the “Big Horned Deer God” is the best example. It has an infinitely expanded size and can only lie in it and can’t move.

  It can’t even get food by itself, but needs to rely on the help of those thin younger generations… It’s really hard to say who is keeping whom in captivity.

  For some reason, Rourou’s mind suddenly emerged with an eye-catching picture, and he immediately shook his head to drive the picture out of his mind.

  Weiba frowned, touched his chin and thought.

  ”But… the administrator is still alive, right? How did he get the administrator’s authority?”

  Zhimahu shook his head.

  ”That’s unknown. Maybe it was deception, maybe it was coercion, maybe there was some mechanism for the transfer of administrator authority that we don’t understand… In short, no matter what method was used, he obviously got the authority to the shelter gate before he had the opportunity to escape from this shelter.” It’s

  not even just the authority to the shelter gate.

  It’s the authority to all the rooms along the way from the research area to the shelter gate.

  The administrator authority of this shelter seems to be divided and not completely in the hands of the administrator.

  After a pause, Zhimahu looked at the sample library in front of him that stored the serum, and continued with a complicated expression.

  ”I even have a feeling that perhaps the experiments here have never ended, and natural selection is still going on, including us… and those mercenaries who died a long time ago, are all part of the ongoing experiments.”

  ”And the reason why ‘Yongshi’ is eager to get the serum is not only because he needs it to prolong his life, but also because he needs to use the experimental results here… use the serum that condenses countless experimental conclusions to become stronger.”

  Rourou: “Hiss… maybe this is really possible.”

  ”Oh!” Wei’s eyes sparkled, “So amazing! Is Zhimahu actually a detective in real life?”

  Being looked at by two pairs of admiring eyes, Zhimahu’s cheeks turned slightly red, and the cat ears on his head shook embarrassedly.

  ”I, I… I’m just an ordinary teacher.”

  There are already so many clues.

  Normally, you can think of it…

  The two people and the bear standing at the door of the laboratory are talking openly.

  Although the radio is in Zhimahu’s arms, because of the language barrier, Yongshi can’t understand what they are saying.

  And since then, the sound from the radio has disappeared, not even the clanging sound of metal knocking against each other.

  ”What should we do now? Take the serum out?” Tail asked, stroking his chin. Rourou muttered

  , “That two-story-high death claw must be waiting for us outside… The legion’s centurions were all driven away by it before, and we’ll probably be in trouble if we go there.”

  That guy is almost immortal.

  Even if it was hit by a 100mm artillery at a close distance, it was still alive and kicking as if nothing had happened. Even if it was hit in the head by bullets, it could still avoid death with its strong recovery and toughness.

  At this time, Zhima Paste’s eyes turned slightly.

  ”…I have an idea.”

  Tail gave a thumbs up without asking.

  ”Oh! Then let’s do as you say!”

  Rourou: “…?”


  There is a whole box of serum stored in the laboratory, a total of 26 bottles, which seem to be produced by some kind of automated equipment.

  As Zhima Paste guessed, this experimental facility is still working and has been working according to the preset experimental process for a century.

  Under the observation of intelligent experimental equipment, they extract evolution factors from the winners of natural selection, purify them and synthesize mutation-inducing serum.

  And through the conversation with the manager of Shelter No. 79, the players have learned the purpose of these serums.

  They are not used to reverse the evolution that has already occurred, but to allow the mutated individuals that have already occurred to continue to evolve in a more extreme direction with stronger adaptability to the environment, and finally give birth to a terrifying existence beyond nature.

  That is –

  the King of Death Claws!

  The dog planner did not give a name to the BOSS wandering outside, so the players could only use their imagination to name it.

  At this time, Big Eyes in Debt suddenly had an idea and said.

  ”By the way… what if we give Garbage-kun an injection?”

  The drum shampooer was stunned.

  ”I don’t know, how about tricking it over and trying it out?”

  The construction site boy and the brick said excitedly.

  ”That’s a good idea! I’ll go to the forum and call him later!”

  Edge Paddle coughed and patted his brothers on the shoulders.

  ”The serum has been obtained… We should also withdraw.”

  After obtaining the serum, the players gradually withdrew from Shelter No. 79 and returned to the Municipal Library at No. 79 Xiangling Street.

  Put the radio on the table.

  Tail, Rourou and Zhima Paste met each other, cleared their throats vigorously, made a serious expression and reached out to turn on the power.

  It was like completing some kind of religious ceremony.

  ”Dear Mr. Yong, we have successfully obtained the serum!”

  After a brief electric current noise.

  A hoarse and low voice came from the radio.


  Although the voice was full of fatigue, it still couldn’t cover up the surprise that was about to overflow.

  ”Oh! Really!”

  Tail nodded vigorously in response to the surprise, and then continued, “By the way, how should the serum be used? Just catch an alien and give it an injection?”

  ”Ahem… Of course not, this serum is only effective for death claws.” As if worried that these people would waste the serum, the voice on the other end of the radio immediately said.

  ”Ah? So that’s it.” Tail made a disappointed expression on his face, “But… How can we catch the death claws?”

  The voice on the radio said patiently.

  ”Death claws… are indeed difficult to deal with, but don’t worry about it. I know an expert in this field. He has a way to make wild death claws obedient and accept treatment obediently.”

  Zhima Paste suddenly interrupted and asked thoughtfully.

  ”But if we reverse the mutation that has already occurred… the degenerated death claws will soon be eliminated by natural selection, right? How can we ensure that the trait can be inherited?”

  ”Don’t worry about that. The change in the trait will not happen immediately, but will gradually accumulate during the inheritance process… This will be a slow process.”

  It seemed that he could not make up any more stories. After fooling around for a while, Yong ended the topic abruptly.

  ”The technology involved is too complicated and cannot be explained in a few words… You don’t have to understand so much, just do what I say. Please… Just think of it as for the people who are still alive in this world.”

  This sentence again.

  Wei Ba, Zhi Zhi Pa and Rou Rou looked at each other.

  Although it was the same sentence, they clearly felt the change in this guy’s attitude.

  After learning that the serum had been taken out of the shelter, this guy was too lazy to make up an excuse carefully.

  Maybe in his opinion, it was not difficult to snatch the box of serum from them.

  However, perhaps considering the potential risk of serum damage, he was still trying to get the serum from them through coaxing.

  If Sisi hadn’t brought the diary to the official website, they might have been kept in the dark…

  ”Oh, no problem! What should we do?” Wei Tail said with a wink.

  The voice on the radio continued.

  ”I’ll give you a coordinate… You can find the person I mentioned there, and he will tell you how to use the serum.”

  Thinking of the plan that Zhima Paste had said before, Wei Tail asked excitedly: “Now?”

  Yong said patiently.

  ”Of course not now, my friend doesn’t want to risk being discovered by the airship and go out, so let’s wait until the day after tomorrow.”

  ”It should be foggy the day after tomorrow morning… Then you can just take the serum with you.”


  Knowing that the serum had been successfully transferred outside the shelter, Yong Shi, who had been urging them to hurry up, was not so anxious.

  Two days passed quickly.

  At the appointed time, the White Bear Knights followed the instructions on the radio and went to the agreed location with the serum.

  However, to everyone’s surprise, what was waiting here was not a human, but a Death Claw that had just passed its infancy.

  Its limbs were completely bitten off, and only half of its tail was left. It crawled on the ground, and its hoarse breathing sounded like wailing.

  Tail subconsciously clenched the assault rifle in his hand, raised the muzzle and aimed at the wild monster.

  However, at this moment, the radio lying in Zhima Paste’s arms suddenly spoke.

  ”Don’t worry, that guy is harmless, and it has become like this. It has no strength to bite you…”

  accompanied by a teeth-grinding laugh, the voice no longer concealed the excitement and cruelty in the tone.

  Pretending not to hear anything unusual, Zhima Paste took a deep breath of cold air and asked in a serious tone.

  ”Where is your friend?”

  ”He… may not be able to come because of some things, but it doesn’t matter, it’s the same with you guys here.” Yong said perfunctorily in a cheerful voice.

  Sure enough, the residents of the shelter are much easier to deceive than those cunning wastelanders.

  In order to fool those mercenaries and bounty hunters to help him enter the shelter to recover the serum, he kidnapped, threatened death, and promised benefits.

  But now, he just used the excuse of “saving the world”.

  Expecting to save the world with a few serums…

  Only the residents of the shelter would believe this fairy tale.

  Zhima Paste asked seriously.

  ”What’s next? What do you need us to do?”

  ”Well… let me think. First, take the box and walk over, then take out the serum in the upper left corner and give the beast an injection, any place will do.”

  Ordinary needles cannot pierce the scales of the Death Claw.

  But obviously that does not include the one lying in the middle of the street.

  The unfortunate guy was blinded, his limbs and tail were bitten off, and he was almost half dead. His weak breathing was like a candle in the wind, as if he would leave this world in the next second.

  Obviously, Yong Shi did not completely trust them.

  Perhaps the serum came too easily, which made him alert, so he got a little guy from nowhere to “test the poison”.

  But she didn’t intend to use poisoning.

  With the immunity and recovery ability of a hexagonal warrior like Death Claw, it would probably take a dose that could kill it to poison it.

  ”… Let me do it.”

  Giving Tail and Rourou a firm look, Zhimahu pretended not to know and put the radio on the ground, and walked forward with the box.

  She took out a serum from the silver-white box, aimed at the bloody half of the shoulder, and Zhimahu mustered up the courage to poke the needle in her hand.

  As the syringe was pushed down, hoarse screams sounded almost at the same time.

  The Death Claw, which had been shot, suddenly bounced up from the ground as if it had received an electric shock, then lost its balance and fell back heavily.

  It was like a last gasp, twisting its body in pain on the ground like an earthworm, and blood was splattered everywhere.

  In less than a minute, the Death Claw suddenly straightened up and curled up on the ground, completely losing its breath and heartbeat, and stopped moving.

  Witnessing the bloody scene in front of him, Zhimahu, who was standing aside, was terrified and couldn’t help but take a step back.

  ”Fa, what happened?”

  ”Hahaha… Nothing, it’s fine!”

  After throwing down this half sentence without a beginning or an end, the voice disappeared from the radio.

  Almost at the same time, the towering body appeared from the morning mist in the distance, with iron chains hanging all over its body, and it walked towards them with heavy and steady steps.

  Feeling the oppression coming towards them, the eyes of the two men and the bear widened.

  ”My giao…Super-sized garbage man.” Weiba muttered in a low voice, and couldn’t help glancing at the tall building in the distance, and then quickly retracted his gaze.

  Rourou, who was standing next to her, was nervously alert and had already taken a defensive posture.

  ”Another, another female?”

  ”Eh?! How did you know it was a female?”

  Rourou’s face was slightly red.

  ”Look for yourself…”

  The two-story-high Death Claw didn’t take her alert to heart, but just glanced at her casually.

  Suddenly, it spoke human words.

  ”…Not all creatures can bear the grace of evolution. That little guy has overdrawn all his potential. It’s normal for him to die.”

  It looked down at the two people and the bear standing in the middle of the street, and its lips like rotten wood opened a cruel arc and said with a smile.

  ”Don’t panic…I won’t hurt you. After all, you have helped me so much.”

  Zhimahu swallowed his saliva and said with a trembling voice.

  ”Are you…Yongshi?”

  Although she had already guessed it.

  But seeing such a big guy speaking human words still made her feel a little incredible.

  ”You seem surprised,”

  Yong was too lazy to make up those lame excuses, and continued in an imperative tone, admiring the expression on the girl’s face with satisfaction.

  ”Now, help me inject the serum. Later, I will trouble you to do one more thing for me, help me kill the beast in Shelter 79, it is downstairs in the room at the entrance of the research area… I will pay you after the task is completed.”

  Its authority is not complete.

  A part of it is still in the hands of the manager of Shelter 79. Only by killing that guy can he obtain complete authority and completely control every inch of Shelter 79.

  Looking up at the giant, Zhimahu swallowed his saliva.

  ”The reward is…”


  Speaking lightly, Yong looked down at her with a smile, and his breath blew the grass leaves that drilled out of the concrete road surface left and right.

  ”Don’t you want to be like me? Possessing extraordinary power. You will retain your own will and become the most powerful creature on this planet. You can even reproduce your own tribe and become their ancestor…”

  Zhimahu’s expression was stiff and he didn’t speak.

  Tail, who was standing not far away, suddenly shivered.

  ”Uh, sorry… I still think bears are cuter.”

  Rourou also nodded with a subtle expression.

  ”Well… I suddenly think being a bear is also good.”

  According to the routine of general RPG, there should be a divergence of options here. If you choose to embrace evolution, you may embark on another completely different main line.

  However, if it is a closed beta game, entering an unfinished branch line may also jump out due to a bug…

  ”How should I inject you?” Zhima Paste asked cautiously, “The needle for injecting serum… can’t pierce your scales at all?”

  ”It’s very simple.”

  Very satisfied with the docile attitude of the little girl in front of him, it slightly lowered its towering head and approached her.

  Then, it slowly opened its bloody mouth.

  The fishy air hit its face. Obviously, since it became an alien species, it has never brushed its teeth again.

  Looking at the forked and wriggling tongue and the throbbing capillaries, Zhima Paste, who was holding the serum, felt that his hair was tied up and the blood in his body seemed to solidify.


  There is no better opportunity than now.

  At the moment when Yongshi relaxed her vigilance, she suddenly took out two grenades with shortened fuses and threw them into its mouth.

  When the foreign objects entered its mouth, the basin-sized pupils were instantly filled with surprise and fear.

  Without watching the explosion, Zhimahu nimbly ducked and hid behind a scrap car.

  Almost at the same time, a loud bang was heard.

  The bursting fire splashed wantonly, and the flying flesh and broken teeth stuck to the walls and scrap cars on both sides of the street, making a sizzling sound.

  Zhimahu carefully poked his head out of the shelter.

  I saw that the head, which was like rotten wood, had its entire chin torn apart and blood dripping…

  ”Did it work?”

  There was a hint of excitement in his eyes, but this excitement did not last for two seconds, and it turned into solemnity as the huge body slowly moved.

  I saw that the bloody wound was like crawling with wriggling earthworms, healing at a speed almost visible to the naked eye.

  Although she had thought about it, it was a bit unrealistic to expect to kill a BOSS of this level with just two grenades.

  However, what she didn’t expect was that this guy’s recovery speed was completely beyond her cognition. Even if the head was fatally injured, even if the shrapnel pierced its skull, it could still recover as before, and it didn’t even give her time to make up for it… Is

  this guy still a carbon-based creature? !

  ”Very good…”

  When the last inch of the wound was sutured, Yong shook his head gently, the iron chain on his body bumped against each other, and turned his head to look at Zhima Paste hiding behind the scrap car.

  It spoke slowly.

  ”The road to transcendence is right in front of you. I gave you a chance, but you foolishly chose to refuse…”

  It stretched out its claws.

  The half-meter-long blade curled like five sickles, and the murderous intent visible to the naked eye penetrated the thick morning mist and filled the entire street in an instant.

  At the same time, there was a shrill noise in the distance.

  That was the howl of the claws of death.

  As we all know, summoning imps is an inherent skill of most level bosses. It is obvious that it did not come here alone.

  The area nearby is its nest, and it is obvious that there are its own kind around it.

  ”I will use the most cruel method to kill you… including your kind.”


  Before the voice fell, a flash of fire appeared in the thick fog, and the sound of cannons rolled in from a distance like thunder. The

  37mm armor-piercing incendiary bullet fired by the heavy cavalry rifle crossed a distance of one kilometer and hit its butt hard, causing its huge body to shake as if it had been kicked.

  It also let out a painful howl.

  ”Oh! Si! Well done!” The tail waved his fist excitedly.

  The visibility was less than 100 meters.

  The shot that was completely calculated based on the coordinates of teammates actually hit the target!

  Although it was a pity that it did not hit the vital point…

  With a slight breath, a calm voice blew from the headset at the same time.

  ”Plan B——”

  ”Get out of the way!”

  (The next chapter will be completed before 4 o’clock. It is the last chapter of the plot of Shelter 79! Thanks to “逆光_曾现”, “&剑心”, “不不丹公叶的丹公叶”, “非墨既白”, “林薋妤”, “ruesparrow”? “靖羽丶洪君” for the leader’s reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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