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Chapter 394 If Feng Nanshu didn’t have Jiang Qin

Chapter 394 If Feng Nanshu didn’t have Jiang Qin


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 394 If Feng Nanshu didn’t have Jiang Qin

  ”Your Aunt Qin’s relative doesn’t look good, but he speaks very well.”

  ”You should be able to understand what they say, right?”

  ”Son, you are a good student, but you are really bad at dealing with people. You should have said a few more words to your uncle Feng on that occasion just now. Look at how well he talks?”

  ”Rich families like them, they still prefer children who speak very well.”

  ”That person is probably not much older than you, not as knowledgeable as you, and not dressed properly, but he is good at talking, which is a big plus.”

  ”You should learn more and be thick-skinned in the future. Many people can’t afford the relationship with Aunt Qin even if they have money. We are real relatives, you have to grasp it well.”

  Zhang Meilan drove a BMW, paying attention to the road conditions, and kept talking in Su Huiqiang’s ear.

  People of their generation all started small businesses, and their cultural level is not very high. They hope that their children can have a high degree of education, but they are also afraid that their children can’t hold the field.

  In fact, this is a common problem among college students. They have not been exposed to society, are short-sighted, straightforward, and thin-skinned.

  Although this situation will gradually improve with experience and age, being too stupid when you are young may lead to missing many opportunities. This is all based on experience.

  Who hasn’t suffered from being thin-skinned when they were young?

  Zhang Meilan initially thought that it was better to be thin-skinned, like an intellectual, but through today’s comparison, she realized that if you don’t have a thick skin, you can’t release all your knowledge.

  On the contrary, those who are good at dancing have a huge advantage in this regard.

  Some people are full of knowledge, but they dare to say only a drop in the ocean, while some people are a drop in the ocean, but they say it like they are full of knowledge.

  So having knowledge is a foundation, but whether you can show it is the key point. The inner and the outer are equally important.

  ”Did you hear that?”

  ”I heard it…”

  Su Huiqiang sat in the co-pilot, holding a mobile phone, while replying to his mother’s question, while typing a string of letters into the phone.


  The man named Jiang Qin brought the braised pork ribs and showed off his watch. The watch was so golden that it made him dizzy.

  Su Huiqiang didn’t know much about watches, but he still took advantage of that opportunity to silently memorize the brand name and used WAP to search it on Baidu.


  Zhang Meilan put the car in gear and started. After passing the intersection, she spoke: “What’s wrong? Are you going to say that gold will shine everywhere? But don’t forget that glass will also shine. You have to let people know that you are gold.” Su Huiqiang

  opened his mouth: “The watch that person is wearing is Patek Philippe, and the current market price is more than 900,000.”


  Zhang Meilan stopped the car in front of the traffic light at the intersection, stunned for a long time, then pursed her lips and said nothing.

  She only saw the small van that Jiang Qin opened, but didn’t see Jiang Qin’s watch. When she heard her son say this, she suddenly felt speechless.

  At the same time, Feng Shihua and Jiang Qin were still drinking and chatting at the dinner table, and they were getting more and more excited.

  He is not very proficient in doing business. Qin Jingqiu manages most of the investments of the Feng and Qin families in Shanghai, and he usually follows as a consultant, but most of the time he likes to do something cultural.

  For example, he practices calligraphy and draws pictures. He is also the president of the Shanghai Drama Association and has published many interesting drama scripts.

  He always felt that he was not interested in business, but he unexpectedly found it very interesting to talk to Jiang Qin about anything, especially his dog-enterprise theory, the view of using enterprises to support enterprises, and pushing stones down the mountain, which is really advanced and even a bit humorous.

  Feng Shihua felt that if Jiang Qin was not his nephew-in-law, but just an ordinary young man, and the two of them happened to meet because of some chance encounters, he would also like him very much, and maybe he would be willing to invest and let him turn what he said into reality.

  Therefore, in addition to some dog spirit, Jiang Qin really has some personality charm.

  You will feel that his maturity is just right, with high emotional intelligence but not too greasy or worldly.

  Most importantly, he didn’t come here to ask for investment, and even rejected Feng Shihua’s idea of ​​mobilizing resources to help him. His visit really had nothing to do with money, he came purely for Feng Nanshu.

  Just like when he just finished eating, Feng Shihua was intending to help him get the Shanghai market, but his wife said she would take him to see the garden that Nanshu often went to when she was a child, and the swing that she loved most when she was a child, and the boy immediately went there happily.

  Feng Shihua felt that Jiang Qin always said that he loved money, but sometimes his words and deeds were inconsistent.

  He often had to think about the inner world of the characters when writing plays, but he felt that there was a world in his niece’s husband’s heart that became cleaner the more he thought about it.

  ”Okay, okay, you two are not done, right? Take a break, I’ll ask Aunt Wu to change your tea, don’t drink.”

  Qin Jingqiu came down from the second floor and changed into home clothes. Seeing that the two of them were a little drunk, he couldn’t help but say something.

  Feng Shihua waved his hand after hearing his wife’s voice: “I’ve been practicing calligraphy and writing scripts at home all day, it’s boring enough. Jiang Qin is here this time, and I’m not allowed to drink a few more glasses.”

  Qin Jingqiu glanced at him: “You’re fine, but Jiang Qin has something to do tomorrow.”

  ”It’s okay, auntie. I don’t have much to do tomorrow. I’ll just go to Wanzhong’s project site. Drinking a little won’t interfere with my work.”


  Qin Jingqiu was a little helpless: “If I drink too much, I’ll feel dizzy and uncomfortable tomorrow.”

  Jiang Qin glanced at Feng Shihua: “Uncle, how about changing tea? We can chat for a while after drinking tea.”

  ”Okay, let’s change tea.”

  After a while, the night was getting darker, and Jiang Qin and Feng Shihua were almost sober, so they ended the topic and left it at that.

  Jiang Qin slept in their guest room and fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow. It was mainly because he was tired from running around in the past few days, and with the effect of a little alcohol, he slept particularly sweetly.

  Feng Shihua didn’t fall asleep so quickly, but lay on the bed and talked to his wife about his feelings.

  ”Actually, when you first told me that Nanshu had someone he liked, I didn’t believe it at all, because it was hard for me to imagine that Nanshu would have the idea of ​​falling in love.”

  Feng Shihua propped up his waist with a pillow: “But Jiang Qin is very good. If I were Nanshu, I would also like a boy like Jiang Qin.”

  Qin Jingqiu couldn’t help laughing after hearing this: “Where are the gorgeous words you usually use when writing plays? Why do you praise someone so simply?”

  ”You don’t know that the more sincere the words, the simpler and more clumsy they are, just like when I confessed to you back then.”

  ”So, you really think Jiang Qin is very good? Not because I like him?”

  Feng Shihua nodded: “He has a very strong personal charm, the kind that almost appeals to both young and old, and this stems from the complexity of his character.”

  Qin Jingqiu suddenly restrained her smile: “Speaking of personality, there is one thing I didn’t tell you. After returning from Jeju a few years ago, I went to find Chen Zexiu.”

  ”Nanshu’s psychologist at the time?”

  ”Well, she said that when Nanshu returned to Jeju for recuperation, there was already a big problem with his mentality. If it continues to develop, the consequences may be very serious.”


  ”To put it simply, the doctor said that she has no attachment to this world. She doesn’t think life is interesting. It’s like you live in a city, but there is nothing fun in this city. You want to escape every moment, and her psychological defense is very strong.”

  Feng Shihua sat up a little straighter: “Why?”

  Qin Jingqiu pursed her lips: “She doesn’t trust others very much. She thinks she will be left behind in the end.”

  ”What about Jiang Qin…?”

  ”I don’t know how Jiang Qin did it. Maybe the two are very similar in some psychological aspects, or something Jiang Qin did made her feel that she will not be left behind. In short, it’s magical.”

  Feng Shihua took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes: “If there is no Jiang Qin, will Nan Shu…”

  Qin Jingqiu shook his head: “I dare not think about this question, go to sleep.”

  The next morning, the weather was bright and the cicadas were chirping. Jiang Qin got up from the bed, feeling a little dizzy after a hangover, but he felt much better after washing his face.

  At this time, Qin Jingqiu found Jiang Qin with a photo album and handed it to him.

  ”These are some photos of Nanshu when she was a child. I asked someone to print a copy and take it home to show your mother and others.”

  Jiang Qin turned to the first page and his eyes widened slightly: “Is this mini rich woman so cute?” The

  little rich woman in the picture was about seven or eight years old, and she was missing a tooth on the left. Then she rested her chin on the windowsill and showed an innocent smile. Although she was young, her facial features were already very beautiful. She was a beauty at first glance.

  My goodness, wouldn’t this fascinate my mother?

  It’s done!

  When I get home, my mother will only be allowed to see one photo a day, just like when she didn’t let me watch “Dragon Fighter” when I was a child!

  Jiang Qin was so happy that he put the album away, and then had breakfast with Qin Jingqiu and Feng Shihua, then waved goodbye and drove the minivan to the construction site of Wanzhong Mall. On

  the one hand, he came to inspect the progress of the project, and on the other hand, He Manqi was also in Shanghai. She just checked her college entrance examination score two days ago. It was 631 points, which was a sure thing for Linda. He Yijun called every day to celebrate and urged Jiang Qin to stop.

  Around 10:00 noon, Jiang Qin arrived at the construction site and found that the framework of the Wanzhong Mall in Shanghai had been completed. It stood tall and covered a vast area.

  He put on a safety helmet and walked around the site with several engineering department managers following him. He nodded as he walked, causing some staff members on site to whisper.

  ”Who is this?”

  ”The second largest shareholder of Wanzhong Group.”

  ”He is so young to be the second largest shareholder? He looks to be in his twenties.”

  ”The group’s official website says that he is 21 years old, a sophomore, the first learning star of Linchuan University, and a representative of Linchuan young entrepreneurs. I just checked.”

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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