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Chapter 394: Inheritance of Authority (Second Update!)

Chapter 394: Inheritance of Authority (Second Update!)


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 394: Inheritance of Authority (Second Update!)

  Above the sky.

  The Heart of Steel airship.

  The gun barrel under the pod slowly moved its angle and locked onto the thick white fog.

  At the same time, in the pod, the main gunner held a note sent by the messenger in his hand and gave orders to the deputy gunner.

  ”Adjust the gun parameters…”

  ”Firing parameters are set!”

  ”High-explosive shells are loaded.”



  The fuses were pulled back at the same time, and three neat gunshots were heard. The fire and smoke rolled neatly into the white fog.

  Standing next to the observation hole, the sergeant with a telescope hanging around his neck looked outside and could not see where the shells fell.

  Only three muffled thunders were heard slowly, but even the fire of the explosion could not be seen.

  ”…The fog is too thick here, and I can’t see anything.”

  The main gunner pressed the intercom hanging on his shoulder and shouted to his teammates after a long time.

  ”Hit confirmed! Cease fire.”

  ”Got it.”

  The smoking shell was ejected from the gun barrel. A sergeant dragged it with a cart and threw it into a wooden box in the corner of the room.

  The observer walked to the main gunner and asked.

  ”Sir, do you have an action plan for today?”

  The main gunner replied.


  The observer continued to ask curiously.

  ”Then what are we shooting for?”

  The main gunner glanced at the note in his hand and threw it into the trash can next to him.

  ”The prey that General McLennan is eyeing.”

  The deputy gunner interrupted with interest.

  ”That two-story-high big guy?”

  ”What else?” The main gunner laughed, “Besides that guy, is there anything else that is worth our commander’s attention?”

  The observer looked outside and laughed.

  ”Such a heavy fog, really picked a

  good day.” As we all know, rainy and foggy days are definitely not a good day for hunting. Not only will the field of vision be limited, the scope will be fogged, the perception will be weakened by the environment, and the accuracy and reliability of the weapon will be affected.

  But for the aliens who have long been accustomed to the jungle, this problem does not exist.

  Especially the Death Claw.

  The humid environment will make it even more dangerous.

  ”The native said that the most dangerous place is the safest place… Never mind, today’s work is done anyway.” The main gunner said indifferently, took off his gloves and threw them aside.

  The three 100mm artillery shells were the only reinforcements they promised to the hunting team. They didn’t need to worry about whether they worked or not.

  They just needed to fire the shells according to the coordinates provided by the front line.

  At this moment, the street in the city area more than ten kilometers away from the airship was in a mess. The

  cracked concrete road surface was like a muddy ground that had been plowed and raked, with concrete debris and cracked stones all over the ground.

  Flames and wisps of heat rose together, and the Death Claw standing at the center of the explosion let out a shrill roar.

  Its eyes were blinded by shrapnel, its spine was pierced by armor-piercing bullets, and its flesh was scorched… Although all these wounds were healing rapidly, the continuous injuries completely angered it.

  The serum was blown to pieces in the artillery fire…

  But that’s not important anymore.

  Anyway, the passage from the shelter to the research area has been opened, and the used serum will continue to be produced. It will get some more from the laboratory through other people.

  And these people in front of it…

  No, these ants.

  It just wants them to die!

  ”I will tear you apart!”

  ”I will take out your eyes, intestines… and feed them to the dogs!”

  The vicious curse echoed in the thick fog along with the shrill howl, and dozens of hunched figures appeared from the thick fog.

  Some of them stood on the street, and some climbed on the roofs or broken walls, rubbing their blade-like claws and fangs, their amber pupils filled with desire for flesh and blood, and approached the group of White Bear Knights standing at the other end of the street.

  These are all its children.

  Although their size is more than a little smaller than that of the mother, they are still slightly larger than the garbage king who is already more than ten levels.

  ”Giao… We’re being targeted by a bunch of trash!” Tail’s face showed no fear at all, and was even a little excited.

  Rourou said with a smile.

  ”Why are you suddenly excited?”

  ”Don’t you think it’s exciting to fight a powerful enemy?!” Tail said excitedly, “Don’t worry, Rourou, we’ve also called people!”

  It was obvious that they were not the only ones standing here. Long before they went to the appointment, the Death Corps had already set out and ambushed near the target.

  Almost at the same time when the death claws appeared, about two or three hundred figures passed through the thick fog at the same time.

  They had gas masks hanging on their chests, a sapper shovel on their waists, and assault rifles in their hands were already bayoneted.

  Yong’s eyes narrowed slightly.

  Two hundred and seventy people…

  more than half of them were awakened…

  a trace of fear flashed in the amber pupils, but it was quickly blown away by a trace of disdain from the nasal cavity.

  So what!

  It has broken through the limit of life.

  Every cell in its body condenses the highest crystallization of pre-war life science and technology.

  It is an immortal king. It can stand at the top of the food chain with its flesh alone, and it will eventually become the overlord of this planet!

  Whether it is humans, mutants, or those slime molds that emit a foul smell… they will all surrender to it in the end!

  ”Humble ants…”

  It rubbed its claws on the soles of its feet, and roared in anger from its bloody mouth.

  ”Tear them apart for me!”

  The shrill roar rushed towards the players like a tide.

  Looking at the surging death claws, everyone’s face was filled with high fighting spirit, and the blood in their chests seemed to be burning.

  No one showed a fearful expression.

  No one retreated.

  The sharp whistle pierced the thick fog, giving all the players present an indomitable BUFF.

  For the Death Corps, charging is the most supreme tactic.

  It was also their most adept tactic!

  ”Brothers! Charge!”



  The hot metal collided with flesh and blood, and the sound of gunfire resounded throughout the street.

  There was no need to aim at all.

  After firing the last bullet in the magazine, the charging player did not stop at all, but directly held up his bayonet and killed the Death Claws that were rushing towards him.

  The two waves collided with each other, like a rolling meat grinder, with flesh and blood flying all over the sky, mixed together and unable to be distinguished from each other.

  The amber pupils were full of surprise.

  Even unbelievable.

  Not long ago, it had fought with the Legion’s Centurion Team. At that time, it just harvested a few lives at random, and those people withdrew in embarrassment.

  However, these people in front of them…

  They seemed to have no idea what death was, and they had no intention of retreating at all.

  When the bullets were empty, they used bayonets, engineer shovels, and even stones and steel bars picked up from the ground… That barbaric fighting method, even the eyes of the beasts could not help but write fear, and they hesitated and hesitated in trembling.

  These people…

  are simply a bunch of lunatics!

  More and more children died in the fight, and Yong finally couldn’t help but roar, and rushed towards the group of fearless ants.

  A more bloody fight…

  has just begun.


  When the street returned to silence, it was already an hour later.

  The rising morning light shone in the distance, and perhaps it wouldn’t be long before the fog that filled the street would dissipate…The

  dying Yong crawled in the middle of the street.

  It was wrapped in iron chains and covered in blood, just like Prometheus tied to a rock.

  Although its ideal was not to bring light and heat to the world, but pure malice and darkness.

  As it said, half of the chaos on this land originated from this place, and it was it who opened the magic box completely.

  The wounds no longer healed. Just as the players discussed on the forum, its recovery ability had a limit.

  Continuous damage would accelerate the consumption of biomass energy in its body, and if it was not replenished by eating, it would soon exceed the limit of recovery.

  As the players shot hot metal shrapnel into its body one after another, it finally collapsed.

  Although the players also paid a lot of casualties for this.

  But how can there be no deaths in a group?

  According to the agreed rules, every sacrificed player can get at least 300 silver coins as compensation – equivalent to the income of three days in the next dungeon.

  Those dead brothers are probably bragging on the forum now. It

  is indeed worth bragging.

  That is a death claw as high as a two-story building… After

  so long in the closed beta server, they have seen it for the first time.

  ”Speaking of which… I forgot to ask, what is that plan B?”

  Panting, the debt-ridden big-eyed man leaning on the scrap car wiped the blood on his forehead and looked at the construction site boy and bricks beside him and asked.

  Before the construction site boy and brick could answer,

  Bian Pashui, who was sitting on the side, smiled and answered for him.

  ”Plan B… is no plan.”

  The construction site boy and brick nodded and said.

  ”That’s right, what plan do we need? Just do it!”

  If the roller shampoo machine was here, he would definitely respond, but unfortunately, his head had flown away.

  According to the results of their previous discussion with Tail.

  If the sneak attack did not kill the Yong family, everyone would go up and fight together… This is their plan B.

  In fact, the construction site guy thinks that plan A is completely unnecessary.

  Before the official triggering of the BOSS battle, the BOSS of this level must be locked in blood. How could it be killed by a sneak attack?

  Anyway, it will have to go in the end. It’s better

  to rush up and fight in a group from the beginning.

  Debt Big Eyes said with a smile.

  ”This is too messy.”

  Bian Pashui grinned and patted him on the shoulder.

  ”Otherwise, we have used all the means we can use… If we really want to decide the winner, we have to fight with our own hands.”

  As he said this, he looked at the sky filled with thick fog in the distance and squinted his eyes slightly.

  That is where the Iron Heart floats.

  In front of that huge monster, even the two-story-high Mother of Deathclaw is just a slightly larger grasshopper.

  The barbarism coming across the desert is the real threat they have to face…

  Looking at the tail and sesame paste walking towards him, as well as the bloody white bear, Yong’s eyes finally showed a trace of panic.

  At this moment, it was lying on the ground dying, and there was no longer that rebelliousness and arrogance in its eyes, and there was a hint of begging in its hoarse voice.

  ”Let me go, I can help you become stronger… Don’t you want to have stronger power?”

  At this time, a familiar voice suddenly came from the side.

  ”There are many kinds of power… We just have different understandings of power.”

  Moving his stiff neck, Yong looked in the direction of the voice, and the moment he met the person’s eyes, his amber pupils shrank suddenly.

  ”Aren’t you dead?!” Yong couldn’t help but scream.

  Three days ago, he clearly saw the woman in front of him, after reading the last experimental log, he pointed the gun at her temple and pulled the trigger.

  At that time, the fire flickered, brains and blood were all over the wall, and he felt a little sorry for a second or two.

  But now, the person who should have died is standing in front of him again…

  Yong’s eyes fell into a sluggish state, but Sisi didn’t intend to explain to him, just smiled lightly.

  ”I’m sorry to disappoint you, but you don’t need to think about those troublesome things… It’s over.”

  After parachuting, she rushed for more than 20 kilometers. The long-distance raid on this road made her exhausted.

  But fortunately, they still caught up.

  ”Oh! Leave it to you, Si!” Wei raised his thumb and said with sparkling eyes, “Give it the final blow!”

  Sisi smiled and made a three-gram oil gesture.

  ”Oh, thank you, Wei.”

  Wei said generously with a proud curl of his lips.

  ”You’re welcome! Just remember not to damage the head! I promised the battlefield brother that I would leave this guy’s dog head to him!”

  In exchange for the three 100mm artillery.

  Thanks to that round of barrage coverage, at least half of the BOSS’s health bar was consumed.

  ”Don’t worry… I will take its head off intact.”

  Looking at Sisi who was approaching step by step with an axe in his hand, Yong’s eyes were full of fear, and his huge body tried desperately to break free.

  However, the iron chains hanging on the scrapped cars and street lights fixed it tightly.

  ”Please… don’t.”

  ”No need to thank me… this axe is specially prepared for you!”

  As she said that, she raised the axe high above her head and chopped at the neck as thick as a giant python – one after another.

  At first, Yong was still howling for mercy, but later on, no sound could be heard at all, only the dull sound of blunt instruments chopping flesh and blood. The

  hot blood sprayed all over the street.

  The scene was comparable to a slaughterhouse.

  Watching from a distance, Debt Eyes couldn’t help but shrink his neck.

  ”Damn, is it so bloody?”

  The construction site boy and the brick stared at it with their eyes straight, and suddenly blurted out a sentence.

  ”Love it, love it.”

  Edge paddling: “…”

  Debt Eyes: “???”


  [Task: Kill Yong (Completed)]

  [Task: Get the permission of Shelter No. 79 (In progress)]

  [Task: …]

  A light blue pop-up window flashed on the VM screen, indicating that the task was completed.

  Looking at the head that was finally chopped off, Sisi threw the blood-stained axe aside and shook his right hand, which was sore at the base of his palm.

  ”This guy’s neck is still quite hard.”

  Tail, who was standing next to him, nodded seriously.

  ”Well, it took a long time to chop it.”

  Rourou and Zhimahu showed a helpless expression on their faces, and mourned for the unfortunate guy for a few seconds in their hearts.

  However, no one sympathized with it.

  It may have done some good things, but compared with the evil it had committed in the past century, it was not worth mentioning at all.

  What’s more, this guy can no longer be considered a human being, so they would not extend their sympathy to the enemy who attacked their companions.

  But then again, although Yongshi used them insidiously, the materials dropped from it were not annoying.

  For example, the skin of the Death Claw is especially suitable for making backpacks and leather goods. It can be made into the most advanced protective gear with devil silk, which is even stronger than Kevlar material!

  The only disadvantage is that it is difficult to mass produce.

  However, after obtaining the authority of Shelter No. 79, this problem will no longer exist.

  As long as we get enough mind interferometers, we can even build a “Death Claw Knights” with Death Claw skins, not to mention making backpacks!

  The players began to clean up the battlefield.

  At this time, the Battlefield Atmosphere Team slowly came over from a distance.

  After calling for the Legion’s artillery fire, he stood far away and watched. Now that the battle is over, it’s finally time for him to come out.

  Glancing at the blood-stained street and watching the edge guy dragging a half-body to the side of the road, he couldn’t help but smack his lips.

  ”Damn, how many of you died?”

  Edge said casually.

  ”Not counted yet, about a hundred… What’s wrong?”

  ”Nothing, just a little admiration,” the Battlefield guy said with emotion, “Your battle losses are still as high as ever…”

  Edge smiled embarrassedly.

  ”Well, everyone is a bit reckless… But it doesn’t matter, as long as we can win.”

  Players who pursue survival rate will not come to the Death Corps, just like diners who want to eat steak will not go to hot pot restaurants.

  Although the level of the Death Legion players is generally not very high, and only a few T1 players have reached LV20, their street fighting ability is highly evaluated even by the Fountain Brother.

  Even if it is pulled into reality, these people are definitely a group of street fighting masters. The fighting instincts honed through countless deaths, although it cannot be quantified by attribute points, no one will doubt their fighting ability.

  ”Where’s the head?” The battlefield guy stretched out his hand.

  ”Don’t worry, I’ll keep it for you.” Edgewater pointed to the trash can on the side of the road, where there was a bundle of sacks, which contained Yong’s head. The

  head of the Death Claw, including the neck, is as big as a cow, and even if the blood is drained, it weighs a hundred kilograms.

  The battlefield atmosphere group walked forward, untied the tightly tied hemp rope, took a look, and said with satisfaction.

  ”Not bad, not bad. You’ve been looking for something for a long time, but now it’s easy to find.”

  ”You can find a way to get it back yourself. We won’t help you,” said Bianbianshui with a smile. “By the way, can you get a centurion with this guy’s head?” Battlefield

  Man said with a chuckle.

  ”That’s a must.”

  Not only a centurion!

  There are other rewards!

  The only pity is that the mission reward is dinar.

  At present, there is no official exchange rate between dinar and silver coins. It may take until the legion map is opened before a stable exchange can be made.

  ”By the way, where are your team members?”

  ”As for them, I left them behind halfway…it’s not convenient for me to make up a story with them,” the Battlefield Atmosphere Group rolled his eyes and continued with a grin, “By the way, why don’t you come back with me, and say we’re fellow villagers from Better Street.”

  ”You’re treating the NPCs as fools by sending so many people at once,” Bianbianshui rolled his eyes and continued, “Take your time. Tomorrow I’ll send a few people to your place to check out the situation. If there’s no problem, I’ll bring more people in.”

  ”Okay, then I won’t waste time here.”

  Lifting the Death Claw’s head onto his shoulder, the Battlefield Guy said goodbye and turned to walk into the already thin fog.

  Edge of the Water looked at the cleaned battlefield in the distance, and shouted to his teammates.

  ”Brothers, it’s time to retreat.”

  Debt Eyes, who had packed up his equipment, came over.

  ”Where are we going?”

  Edge of the Water thought for a while and said.

  ”Let’s go to Xiangling Town first.”

  Before the fog cleared, they had to find a place to put the spoils first, so as to cooperate with the performance of the Battlefield Man after returning.

  If the airship saw the corpses and the messy battlefield, I’m afraid that the Battlefield Man would not be able to explain how the head was taken…


  Xiangling Town.

  In the central patio of the Municipal Library, the bodies of the Death Claws were neatly arranged, including the big guy without a head…

  The whole family was neatly arranged.

  Wu Tao and Wang Xu, who were standing aside, had surprise on their faces.

  It was not just them.

  Every survivor in Xiangling Town couldn’t help holding their breath and staring.

  Seventeen Death Claws!

  And the two-story-high mother body!

  After staring at the headless guy in silence for a long time, Wu Tao swallowed his saliva and said with difficulty.

  ”That death claw… is dead?”

  Knowing which one he was referring to, Sisi, who was brushing VM, nodded nonchalantly.

  ”Oh, dead.”

  At this moment, her body was covered with blood, from head to toe a shocking red, and the whole person was completely turned into a bloody person.

  When I just came back here, I even scared the children in the village to tears.

  The survivors around looked at each other, with more or less complicated expressions on their faces.

  ”Dead… dead, so dead,” Wu Tao sighed, his face full of sorrow, “I’m afraid the people of the legion will come here again soon.”

  He didn’t expect that the alien species that eats people without spitting out bones could become their patron saint and protect this village for life.

  But he did have a fantasy that those barbaric soldiers would be intimidated by the power of that big guy and dare not take the risk of disturbing them here again.

  Feeling a little sorry, Zhimahu said in a low voice.

  ”This place will soon become a battlefield. I suggest you move out as soon as possible.”

  ”Right!” Tail nodded seriously, “You can go to Dawn City. Everyone there is very nice! The respected administrator will take you in!”

  ”Really? Thank you for your kindness,” Wu Tao sighed and continued with a headache, “But this is our home after all. We have lived here for more than a century… and now you suddenly want us to move out.”

  At this time, Sisi, who was fiddling with VM, suddenly spoke up.

  ”Actually, there is another way…”

  Although he was a little afraid of this crazy woman covered in blood, his intuition told Wu Tao that she might have really thought of a good way.

  So he plucked up his courage and asked with a brave face.

  ”What, what solution?”

  ”Move to Shelter No. 79. We have vacated several buildings, which is more than enough to accommodate two or three hundred people. If you really don’t want to leave your homeland, you can hide there temporarily, and it’s the same when you come back after the war.”

  ”Yes, you can hide in Shelter No. 79 first!” Tail showed a look of realization on his face, touched his chin and nodded, “…Anyway, we will probably build a new survivor settlement here, so it doesn’t seem necessary to move to Dawn City.”

  Zhimahu hesitated and said, “But…we don’t have the authority of Shelter No. 79, right?”

  Hearing this, Sisi’s blood-stained face suddenly showed a subtle expression.

  ”Well, about this question, I was just about to say…although I don’t know what the situation is, I seem to have obtained some of the authority that belongs to that guy.”

  As she said, she handed over the VM in her hand.

  On the screen, it was the surveillance picture of a room in Shelter No. 79, and in the corner of the room, a body with a headshot was lying there.

  That body was no one else.

  It was she herself…

  (Two more chapters are here. The plot of Shelter No. 79 has ended. Next is the much-anticipated inventory of spoils! It’s a little faster than expected. I’m very conscientious not to split the long chapter into two chapters, right? Finally, I would like to thank “Teacher Fang”, “21912”, “Whatever You Say”, “Keeper Xiaohao”, “Wen Wuhui”, “Ye Yuchun Has Arrived” for their rewards!!! I haven’t had lunch yet. I’m so tired. I’ll take a nap before writing…)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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