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Chapter 395: It’s not too much to sell an SSSR-level mount by weight, right?

Chapter 395: It’s not too much to sell an SSSR-level mount by weight, right?


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 395: SSSR-level mounts, it’s not too much to sell by the pound, right?

  ”You have already obtained the authority of the gate… Oh, so the ‘traitors’ outside are all dead.” The

  rotten wood-like body laughed like sandpaper grinding the wall.

  The Death Claw Mother, who was crawling in the hall, looked at the players standing in front of her and said this in a relaxed tone.

  Surprisingly, although she used the word “traitor” to refer to the Yong family, she didn’t hear much hatred for betrayal in her voice.

  It has lived for more than a century, or even longer. In the long river of time, it has seen too many rebirths and deaths, and has long reconciled with the past.

  Tail tilted his head and asked in confusion.


  ”That happened more than a century ago. There is enough about our past to make a TV series of hundreds of hours… You won’t be interested.” The Death Claw Mother said in a calm tone.

  ”If you mean the guy who calls himself Yong… I did kill him,” Sisi glanced at the VM on his arm and continued.

  ”Also, when I realized it, the administrator privilege was already in my hands… I want to know, is this privilege bound to the VM?”

  After she killed Yong, a special signal suddenly appeared in the upper right corner of the VM. After selecting the connection, the function of connecting to the shelter system was unlocked.

  Including opening and closing the doors of the corridor.

  Including adjusting the ventilation system of each area.

  Also including the cameras in each room.

  It was like a console in an RPG game, so much so that she once thought she had discovered a bug in the game and accidentally unlocked the “developer mode”.

  However, after some attempts, she soon discovered that this privilege was not as magical as she had imagined.

  At least it did not reach the level of a bug.

  Complex functions are difficult to fully implement through VM, and may need to be paired with other terminals with richer UIs or auxiliary smart devices.

  Otherwise, even if the privilege is obtained, only a few of the most basic operations can be implemented.

  In addition, the privilege can be transferred.

  Combined with the task of “obtaining the administrator privilege of Shelter No. 79” in the taskbar, it seems that after obtaining the full privilege, the respected Lord Shuguang should take away the administrator privilege.

  After all, the shelter is set as a public resurrection point for players. From this point of view, it is unlikely that the management authority of the shelter will be in the hands of the players.

  However, this wonderful experience still makes her feel quite fun.

  The Mother of Deathclaws answered the question of the girl in front of her in a casual tone.

  ”To be precise, the authority of the shelter is related to life characteristics. Life characteristics that contain multiple elements of cross-verification are the real key… and VM is just your terminal to connect to the shelter system.”

  ”VM, bionic chips… Most hardware with life characteristic recognition functions can be used as carriers to connect to the shelter system.”

  ”I see.” Sisi nodded thoughtfully and continued, “Then… will the authority of the shelter be inherited by the person who kills the manager?”

  The Mother of Deathclaws grinned and said.

  ”You have misunderstood the rules. The correct explanation should be that when the life signal of the authority holder disappears from the signal collection range and no successor is designated, the administrator authority is inherited by the nearest terminal device holder.”

  ”Your VM is one of the terminals, which records your life characteristics. Although you are not on the registration list of Shelter No. 79… but in principle you are a resident of the shelter.”

  The rules sounded a bit difficult to understand.

  But Sisi still tried to understand it.

  In simple terms, if there is no successor, whoever’s VM is closest before death will inherit the authority…

  What kind of battle royale rule is this?

  Seeing the strange expression in Sisi’s eyes, the Mother of Death Claws smiled faintly and continued as if nothing had happened.

  ”I know what you want to say. Of course, there are loopholes in such rules. If there is no designated successor, the situation you mentioned will happen… The manager’s authority will be inherited by the person who killed him.”

  ”Although the first generation of the shelter manager designated me as the next manager at the last moment of his life, perhaps out of distrust of me or for other reasons, he did not transfer all the authority to me. Instead, he split the authority into many parts and formulated the inheritance rules of authority.”

  ”He hopes that we can decide our own fate, including whether our experiment should continue.”

  ”However, the irony is that although he made a lot of preparations in advance, the final facts proved that all this was meaningless. What he was most worried about still happened. Before we cultivated a morally perfect leader, we first mastered the ability to breed demons…”

  At this point, the Mother of Death Claws paused, lowered her voice and continued.

  ”I will transfer the authority of the shelter to you… But before that, can you fulfill a small wish of mine?”

  Although there are more direct ways, such as killing it directly, the mission does not require killing this guy as well.

  Sisi asked simply.

  ”What wish?”

  If it’s not too much trouble, she can fulfill it.

  ”I want to meet your manager, just to satisfy my curiosity, video call is fine… you should be able to do it.”

  Sisi nodded.

  ”This is a reasonable request, I will convey it to him.”


  ”A two-story-high death claw… It’s incredible. You actually killed such a great monster? I mean, before killing it… can’t I study it first?”

  Shelter No. 404.

  The library on the B4 floor – or Chu Guang’s office.

  When she heard what happened in Shelter No. 79, Heya widened her eyes in shock.

  However, the reason for her shock seemed to be slightly different from that of ordinary women of the same age.

  After patiently listening to the complaints of the “Alliance Chief Biologist”, Chu Guang closed the files he had just sorted out in his hand, sighed and said.

  ”Aren’t the evolved bodies in Qingquan City enough for you to study?”

  While the players were attacking Shelter No. 79, Chu Guang, as a planner, was also not idle.

  Although he was not on the front line, he had been following the progress of the players’ attacks.

  Including the experimental logs collected by players, the strategy posts compiled by players on the forum, as well as the analysis of the plot and speculation on experimental accidents, etc., he asked Xiaoqi to help organize and make them into archives, which were divided into electronic and paper files and included in the server and library of Shelter No. 404.

  Although the plan failed in the end, it was an attempt by people of that era to save the nation.

  When all this is over, the declining civilization has entered a new era. He will send these archives and records to the museum for future generations to evaluate.

  Heya said bluntly to Chu Guang’s statement.

  ”Of course it’s not enough! The mutation of slime mold is not an isolated process, but a common result caused by mutual influence with the outside world. The evolutionary body is only a subset of the entire huge system. To understand the entire system, more clues are needed…”

  Listening to Heya’s chattering, Chu Guang pinched his eyebrows and had a slight headache.

  Since coming to this world.

  He increasingly felt that the nine years of compulsory education and 3+4 years of higher education he received were not enough.

  ”Sorry, I don’t understand a little bit… Can you explain it more simply?”

  Heya stopped talking, sighed softly, and continued after a pause.

  ”… In short, the research on non-slime mold variants and the research on mutant slime molds can promote each other… Do you understand what I said?”

  Although he still had some half-understanding, it was much better than before.

  Looking at Chu Guang who nodded thoughtfully, He Ya couldn’t help but complain again.

  ”…However, such a perfect research sample, a living fossil that has lived for more than a century, is in front of you, and you actually killed it.” What a waste


  It’s simply a waste of natural resources!

  Looking at He Ya who was indignant, Chu Guang smiled faintly and continued.

  ”That guy is too dangerous. It may be useful to keep it, but we can’t afford the risk of it getting out of control, so I ordered it to be disposed of.” After

  a pause, he continued.

  ”As for the research sample you mentioned, there is no need to worry about that. We just killed the uncontrolled mother, and there is another one in Shelter No. 79.”

  He Ya’s eyes lit up like a lamp in an instant, and her hands suddenly supported on the table.


  Looking at He Ya with a sharp look in her eyes, Chu Guang moved back a little, nodded slightly and said.

  ”Well… and its identity is beyond my expectation. I didn’t expect that the Great Horned Deer God actually existed. I always thought it was just a legend.”

  The manager of Shelter No. 79 has become the spiritual pillar of the wastelanders in the Valley Province.

  Although this sounds a bit strange, it is not difficult to understand.

  In the eyes of the clones being studied, the group of researchers who “transferred their consciousness to the Death Claws” and “could control their life and death at will” are not gods?

  The “gods” tried to create an “emperor” among them, constantly bringing disasters to eliminate weak individuals, and allowing individuals who passed the environmental screening to continue to reproduce, prompting their tribe to continue to evolve… If the narrative style of religion is used, this evil experiment can be completely interpreted as a myth.

  Later, some clones and experimental samples escaped with the “Yongshi”, and naturally took this memory and their genes outside, and passed them down from generation to generation…

  Thinking of this, Chu Guang’s expression suddenly became a little weird.

  Since the legend of the “Big Horned Deer God” can be traced back to an experiment in a certain shelter…

  Could the “Spirit of the Sand Sea” in Luoxia Province also be related to an unknown secret experiment?

  The more Chu Guang thought about it, the more he felt that this was possible.

  It seems necessary to organize a group of folklorists to collect those strange rumors in the wasteland. Who

  knows, behind which inadvertent clue, there is a fish that is so big that it is unimaginable.

  Just as Chu Guang was thinking about which tavern to arrange this new NPC, Heya was staring at him with a sharp eye and continued.

  ”…I plan to go to Shelter No. 79! Have you got the authority there? Authorize it to me!”

  Chu Guang: “I haven’t got it completely yet, but it’s just a matter of going through the process… I’ll go with you, and I happen to have something to deal with there.”

  Heya smiled and said, “Okay! By the way, after dealing with things over there, what do you plan to do with that shelter?” Chu

  Guang thought for a moment and replied.

  ”…I haven’t thought about it yet. I have to see what good things there are first.”

  Heya said happily.

  ”If you haven’t figured out how to arrange it, you can use it as a laboratory for me. In addition to the death claws, the other alien species there are also quite good research materials! During this period, I just trained a few researchers with good quality. I plan to send them there for internship…”

  Chu Guang’s eyes lit up when he heard this suggestion.

  ”That’s a good idea. I’ll consider it!”

  Although the specific situation of Shelter No. 79 is still unknown, according to Yong, the energy stored there is enough for the shelter to operate for 5 centuries.

  Compared with the pitiful energy reserves of Shelter No. 404, the reserves of Shelter No. 79 can be described as “inhumane”.

  If the facility is closed, the nuclear fuel in it can be recycled, and if the shelter is kept running, it can be used as a biological research facility and a resurrection point for players.

  Is it “Energy Coins +10086” or “Sociology +10, Resurrection Point +1”.

  Chu Guang just thought about it for a while and chose the latter without hesitation.

  At present, he still has a fuel rod that has not been used, so he is not short of fuel rods for the shelter.

  The research facilities in the shelter and the resurrection point for recruiting more players are exactly what he needs!

  Not only that, the death claws cultivated in Shelter No. 79 can also be used as a good “biological transportation tool”.

  They can not only travel but also fight, and they are also quite durable. It can be said to be very useful!

  Combined with the relevant technology recovered from Shelter No. 401, the blue coats rescued by players from the East District of Qingquan City have successfully reversed the “mind interference device” of the Torch Church, and the matching “neural connection device” can be made from the black box recovered from Shelter No. 117.

  Although it cannot be mass-produced, limited production is not a big problem.

  It is not a problem to put one on the neck of the death claw and tame it as a mount!

  ”Nico” tied in the park is the best example. Chu Guang rides it every time he goes to the East District of Qingquan City, and he rides it in power armor.

  Facts have proved that the death claw can be tamed by means of technology.

  Combined with the research data on the Death Claws stored in Shelter No. 79, he might be able to ask Heya to help research a larger lizard that is more suitable for riding.

  Thinking of this, Chu Guang’s face showed a meaningful smile.

  Such a powerful and unbalanced “SRRR mount”…

  Isn’t it too cheap to sell it for 50,000 silver coins?

  It’s better to sell it by pound!


  Ruigu City, Fallen Leaf Camp.

  When the battlefield atmosphere group dragged a wooden board and dragged the head of Deathclaw back to the camp in the afterglow of dusk, both the legion soldiers on duty at the door and the survivors in the camp were stunned.

  He was covered in blood, like a devil crawling out of hell. He held a hemp rope in his right hand and draped it over his shoulders. In his left hand, he held a bloody axe – this was bought from Sis for 20 silver coins.

  He threw the axe and the rope on the ground, looked at the sentries waiting at the door, and said nonsense with a nonchalant look.


  ”I killed it!”

  He wanted to say something dirty, but his human language was too watery, and he could only say a few words.

  The commotion of whispering spread in front of the door.

  The soldiers in black robes stared at him suspiciously, not believing him.

  But the battlefield guy didn’t care about their looks.

  Before coming back, he deliberately found a mutant hyena, threw away his weapons, and fought the beast with his bare hands, leaving many bumps and scratches on his body.

  He didn’t need to make up a perfect lie, he just needed to play a taciturn tough guy and act like it was real.

  As for the rest.

  These people would naturally fill in the blanks for him. In

  the camp not far away, the survivors gathered at the door and cast their gazes in his direction.

  The expressions on people’s faces were different. Some were envious, some were jealous, and some whistled and couldn’t help cheering for him.

  That was a monster that even the legion’s centurion team was helpless against.

  It was solved by a wastelander with the same origin as them!

  In the crowd not far away, the battlefield atmosphere group saw many familiar faces.

  Including the apprentice who peeled potatoes with him before, the team member who got lost halfway, and the only one he could call out by name, Li Ba.

  At this time, probably noticing the commotion at the entrance of the camp, the person in charge here, Korwe, walked out of the camp.

  ”What are you all doing here? Have you finished your work?”

  The survivors blocking the entrance dispersed immediately after the sound of whips.

  Holding a whip, Korwe saw the “pangolin” covered in blood like a man, and then looked at the head on the wooden board next to him, and a surprised expression suddenly appeared on his face.

  The calf-sized head was too shocking, especially the hideous face like an evil ghost. It must have endured too much pain before death.

  The entrance of the camp was quiet for a full five minutes.

  Korwe, who seemed to have been petrified, finally came back to his senses, stared at the battlefield atmosphere group, and squeezed out a word from his throat.

  ”Did you do it?”

  The battlefield guy nodded without blushing.

  ”That’s right!”

  Although it was not all done by him, he also contributed DPS!

  Rounding it off, it’s not wrong to say that he did it.

  Although Korway had doubts in his heart, he couldn’t think of any reason to doubt him when he saw the guy covered in blood. He just couldn’t believe that the monster that caused the loss of more than a dozen of his men was killed by the native in front of him.

  ”I will report your merits. You go to the river next to you and clean the blood off your body first…”

  Korway looked at the sentry next to him and pointed at the hunter with his chin.

  ”Give him a piece of soap.”

  The sentry with a rifle stood at attention and saluted.



  It took only a few minutes to smear the blood on his body, but it took more than an hour to clean it. The warlord found that he was really tossing, but he couldn’t do it without tossing. He

  just chopped the neck and smashed the scales like a dog had gnawed. If there was no blood on his body, it would be suspicious!

  Finally, the sticky blood on his body was cleaned, and it was completely dark.

  While walking towards the camp, the warlord organized his words in his mind, thinking about how to brag later.

  At this moment, a soldier in a black robe walked in front of him.

  ”You are the pangolin.” The

  battlefield guy was stunned for two seconds before he came back to his senses and said immediately.

  ”Yeah…what’s wrong?”

  The black-robed soldier continued.

  ”Come with me.”

  Although the battlefield guy was confused, it was useless to think about it at this time, so he could only follow the man.

  Seeing that the soldier took him out of the camp and walked towards the depths of the woods, the battlefield guy couldn’t help but mutter in his heart.

  That Korwei…

  did he want to silence him and take the credit for himself? He wouldn’t be

  so stupid!

  Just as he was thinking about it, a shadowy campfire appeared not far away, and he saw that there was another camp behind the forest.

  Unlike the fallen leaf camp, whether it was the people on duty or the patrolling people here, they were all soldiers wearing black robes and heavy bulletproof armor.

  There is no doubt that

  this is the base of the Legion Space Marine Corps!

  The battlefield atmosphere group was surprised and followed the soldier to move forward, passing through the sentry at the entrance of the camp, while silently observing the deployment of the camp.

  Soon the two of them arrived at the center of the camp, where an elevator stopped.

  ”Go up.”

  Hearing the voice of the black-robed soldier, the battlefield guy obediently stood on the elevator, but he was excited in his heart.


  Is this going to invite me into the “crystal”? !

  Before he could think about it, the elevator had already started.

  Under the traction of several iron chains, the platform slowly rose, approaching the towering steel fortress little by little until it was completely inside.

  At the end of the elevator was a hall. The space here was incredibly spacious. The overall layout of the furnishings was slightly similar to the U-shaped port for parking submarines, and the roller shutters next to it should be a garage or something like that. The

  battlefield guy looked around in surprise, wishing he could take a picture of everything in front of him and post it on the forum on the spot to share his shock with netizens at the moment.

  Unfortunately, he didn’t even have a VM, let alone a camera.

  Two soldiers came over and searched him, touching him from head to toe twice before letting him pass through the airlock of the buffer room.

  After passing through several doors and corridors, he was brought to a room with red carpet and luxurious decorations.

  Many people were standing here.

  But there was only one person sitting.

  There was no doubt that the man was the captain of the Iron Heart in the mouths of the legion soldiers – General McLen.

  The battlefield guy secretly looked at him twice.

  This man was estimated to be in his early forties, with sharp features, a protruding nose, a strong body, and eyes like an eagle catching chickens. Although he was in a high position, he did not neglect exercise.

  Maybe he was an awakener!

  Just as the battlefield guy secretly looked at the man sitting on the chair, the man was also looking at him.

  With a hint of interest in his eyes, General McLen said.

  ”Are you the pangolin?”

  ”Yes, sir.”

  The battlefield atmosphere group responded, but he was thinking in his heart.

  If I were to do a Jing Ke assassination of the King of Qin and directly behead the person in front of me, would the expansion pack end before it even started?


  this might be a bit difficult.

  Although he is an awakened one, he is not faster than a bullet after all.

  Within seven steps, the gun is fast and accurate, not to mention that there are at least a dozen guns hidden here, which are enough to shoot me into a sieve in a few seconds.

  If only I had an exoskeleton…

  General McLen stared at the honest, dull and taciturn native hunter in front of him, and continued with interest.

  ”Tell me how you killed this monster.”

  ”…Your shells injured it, I trapped it with a trap, poked its eyes, bled it, and then cut off its head.” The battlefield atmosphere team answered with a poor human couplet.

  Although the narration was very sloppy, McLen had never expected the natives of the bard land to be able to speak like a lotus flower and make up a story like a bard.

  He nodded approvingly and said.

  ”Yes, you are a warrior.”

  ”From today on, you are the first centurion of the escort army, and your subordinates will be promoted to decapitations… You can go back and tell them the good news later.”

  General McLennan said calmly, and then looked aside.

  ”In addition, the reward I mentioned.” As soon as

  the voice fell, a sergeant came in with a chain in his hand, leading 10 slaves.

  They were barefoot, wearing a single piece of clothing, with different hair colors, heights, weights and thinness, and their appearance could be called beautiful.

  The exotic faces were obviously not survivors living nearby, but more like the legion brought from other places.

  For example, in the desert.

  The battlefield guy was slightly stunned and shocked.

  He thought that the dog planner would reward him with 10 strong men, but he didn’t expect to test himself with this kind of sugar-coated bullet.

  Is this a content that can be experienced without spending money?

  General McLennan appreciated the bumpkin-like expression of the native in front of him with satisfaction.

  He didn’t care about his subordinates’ greed or lust, but it was better to say that talents with shortcomings were easier to manage.

  If he was the kind of person who had no interest in wealth and women, he would suspect that person had other intentions.

  After all, there were only two possibilities for that kind of person, either he was a saint who was completely free from vulgarity, or he had ambitions far beyond ordinary people.

  ”I mean what I say, they are yours.”

  Seeing Kolwe wink at him, the warlord lowered his head and responded in a deep voice.

  ”Thank you, sir!”

  The meeting lasted only ten minutes.

  Although he was very interested in the native hunter who killed the Death Claw, for General McLen, this was just an entertainment program during the expedition.

  If the native really had the talent to lead troops in battle, he would not mind promoting him to the commander of the entourage.

  After letting the “pangolin” go, General McLen looked at Kolwe and said with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

  ”It seems that not all the natives here are useless. Occasionally, we can still see one or two capable guys.”

  ”Discover more talents like this.”

  ”We need to build our own power in the southern part of the Valley Province. These people are good seedlings worth cultivating.”

  Kelway bowed his head and accepted the order respectfully.


  (Thanks to the leader of “Golden Legend Xiong Shanshan”, “Yu Changqing”, “Sanxin Eryi”, “Peerless Little Swordman”, “Qingfei”, “Chen Ci Jiu Diao”, and “Xie Yi Han” for their rewards!!!) Recommend

   a super rich article, “I Really Don’t Want to Go to Work”, the author has never worked, but is very good at driving


  (end of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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