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Chapter 396: The “Wolf Cavalry” Plan and the “Pangolin” Hundred-Man Team!

Chapter 396: The “Wolf Cavalry” Plan and the “Pangolin” Hundred-Man Team!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 396 “Wolf Cavalry” Plan and “Pangolin” Hundred-man Team!

  Official website:

  [All-server announcement: World-class BOSS “Yongshi” was killed by Sisi, Weiba, Rourou, Zhimahu, Bianbianhuashui, Battlefield Atmosphere Group… and other players. This achievement will enter the “Wasteland OL” Hall of Fame. ]

  [Announcement: Shelter No. 79 is unlocked! ]

  [Shelter No. 79: Located in the underground city of Ruigu City, a research facility that has fallen. Endless alien species are hidden in every corner of this three-dimensional maze, where risks and opportunities coexist…]

  [The upper limit of closed beta qualification has been increased from 5000 to 8000, and new closed beta players will be born in Shelter No. 79. ]

  [You can now apply for resurrection point transfer: pay 100 silver coins for moving fees and replacement of shelter rooms, and you can move the resurrection point to a shelter that is not full. (Currently available shelters: 404 (full), 117 (full), 401, 79)]

  [Major update of pet system! You can now make an appointment to purchase Death Claws, Red-Eyed Wolf Spiders, and Slit-Toothed Tigers in Shelter 79! Some of these species can be used as mounts! Please check in the game for details! 】

  【Heya: The ecosystem of Shelter 79 is amazing. A century of evolution has turned it into an environment that is more extreme and harsh than most urban ruins in the wasteland… It’s unbelievable, is there anyone willing to be my guinea pig? The reward is generous, please apply through VM! 】

  【Yin Fang: The research on implanting bionic prostheses into aliens has been very successful. Now you can not only replace your arms with mantis knives, but you can even give your pets two… But try to choose smarter aliens, otherwise there may be a mismatch in IQ. 】

  【Maban: We plan to build a new survivor settlement in Ruigu City to accommodate displaced survivors… The war is not over yet, and the new base will be temporarily placed in the underground bunker outside Shelter 79. 】

  【Today’s recommended recipes: Braised eggplant, chicken stewed with mushrooms】

  With the completion of the strategy for Shelter 79, the official website of “Wasteland OL” has updated a lot of content.

  This kind of gameplay, in which the game content advances synchronously with the player’s strategy progress, is a fresh experience for most players.

  Although there are many open-world games, there are very few MMORPGs where the player’s decision can permanently affect the game world.

  It feels like participating in the game while also participating in the development of the game.

  One game, two funs, not to mention not charging money, it can even make money!

  This game is too conscientious!

  However, even though the players’ dog planners are so conscientious and have updated a lot of things, the focus of players and cloud players on the forum today is still not him. It’s

  not even the “World BOSS Kill” White Bear Knights and Death Legion.

  It’s the battlefield guy who picked up a “head” in the end… ”

  Wasteland OL” forum.

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Brothers!!! I’m back haha!”

  Quit Smoking: “Fuck! This bastard finally showed up!”

  Debt Eyes: “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time!”

  Canyon Escaping Mole: “I heard that you went to ask for credit with the head of Deathclaw?”

  Irena: “I also gave you ten beauties! (Funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “Is this true?? (Funny)”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Ahem, first of all… this is of course true, but am I the kind of person who covets beauty? Obviously not!”

  Debt Eyes: “I almost… I just believed it!”

  Kakarot: “Fuck, they really gave it to me?!”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “First of all, I didn’t do anything. But to be honest, our planners are still very kind. The game is very realistic and reasonable. It shouldn’t be too much to sell it for 99,999 when the public beta goes online. (Shy)”

  Tyrannosaurus Warrior: “Ah? ! Come on, buddy, I only have 10 yuan in pocket money a week… I’m a student, can I get it for free? TT”

  Ye Ao Nai Wo He: “Laughed, no way, no way, there are still people who rely on pocket money these days Spend money? ? What can you do with that little money! I get eight zeros in New Year’s money a year, not to mention stock dividends, investment income, and bank interest, which is more than that!”

  Irena: “The case is solved. The reason why my brother Ao can’t get the closed beta qualification has been found. (Funny)”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “I say it again, children don’t play this game! No more bullshit, thanks to the head of the death claw, I am now a centurion, but now I have only ten soldiers under me… Are there any good brothers to come and conspire with me! (Grinning teeth)”

  Debt Big Eyes: “Me, me, me! Good Look at me, brother!” ”

  Lao Wang next door”: “I’ll do it!!!” ”

  Kakarot”: “Fuck, Fountain! I want to surrender to the enemy!” ”

  Funnel Commander”: “Damn you, you idiot! You can’t stand the test?” ”

  Grave Head Catching Ghosts”: “What do you mean by can’t stand the test! I just want to… challenge my weakness. (Shy)” ”

  Teng Teng”: “You guys… are too dirty.”

  ”Ya Ya”: “┐(‘~`;)┌”

  Although the players signed up very enthusiastically, even the cloud players came to join in the fun, in the end, the battlefield guy actually only recruited about a hundred people.

  As agreed at the beginning, those who mixed into the “escort army” of the legion were all brothers of the Death Corps. They were best at using light weapons and cold weapons, and the proficiency of weapons was inversely proportional to the price.

  After all, with such a high war loss, it was too much of a loss to use high-tech equipment. It was not cost-effective at all. It was better to have a rifle and an engineer shovel, and return to the forum to wait for the reopening after death.

  As for the marginal water as the head of the corps, he didn’t go with them.

  People with strong moral sense cannot be undercover agents. He knows his own character, so he stayed in Shelter 79.

  Besides, he has other tasks.

  The Union Army Command issued new instructions to him, hoping that he could combine the technology and resources of Shelter 79 to develop tactics for the coordinated combat of aliens and light infantry.

  That is, the “Wolf Cavalry” plan!

  The plan requires giving full play to the mobility of aliens and the excellent independent combat capabilities of the Death Corps soldiers, and combining the two to create a light cavalry capable of “all-terrain assault operations”!

  Although this sounds a bit whimsical, there may be a market in the wasteland.

  Without a reliable road and railway network, flat tires and broken shoes are commonplace. If you are not careful, a crooked anti-tank tree can lift up the front of the car.

  Compared with wheeled and tracked vehicles, aliens that can flexibly shuttle parkour in high-density urban agglomerations and ruins forests are a more suitable choice.

  Especially the Death Claw.

  As a copycat of the Crawlers, the Death Claw is impeccable in terms of mobility and endurance.

  The only drawback is that the appetite is a bit big.

  However, the alien species can be fed by hunting and eating the enemy’s corpses. As long as they are not stationed for a long time, the pressure on logistics may not be as great as imagined.

  The manager attaches great importance to this plan. Not only did he allocate 100 sets of neural connection equipment to him, but he also named Goblin Technology to provide them with “technical support”.

  Although Edgewater felt that the latter was a bit redundant, Mosquito was very excited after hearing about it, and even expressed his willingness to pay out of his own pocket to support their plan, so he didn’t say anything.


  Fallen Leaf Camp.

  A group of ragged scavengers came to the door. These people were dressed in rags, holding sticks and steel bars in their hands, and they had not registered.

  There are survivors who took the initiative to surrender here. After all, being dogs for the legion can at least get a bite of food, but it is the first time that they come here in a group.

  And more than 20 people came at a time.

  The patrolling sentry saw them at a glance and stopped them, looking up and down with suspicious eyes.

  ”Where are you from?”

  ”Beth Street!” The debt-eye man, who was leaning on a stick, answered stutteringly, “My fellow countryman, he became an official, and we came to seek refuge with him.”

  The sentry was stunned.

  The most recently promoted native seemed to be the pangolin, and if he remembered correctly, that guy was promoted the day before yesterday… Did

  the news spread so quickly?

  His eyes were full of suspicion. Just as the sentry was about to continue questioning, a man in the uniform of the escort army came trotting from the camp gate.

  ”They are my fellow countrymen.”

  The sentry stared at him for a while, said nothing more, and put away the rifle in his hand.

  ”Take them to register.”

  The battlefield atmosphere assembled in a pretentious tone.

  ”I was planning to do that.”

  Although his identity was just a “native”, he was a centurion appointed by General McLennan after all, and his status was still higher than that of ordinary big-headed soldiers. Although

  those soldiers with raised noses looked down on him, they were unwilling to take the initiative to provoke him. Sure enough, they did not continue to make things difficult for him and turned around to continue patrolling.

  Following the battlefield atmosphere group into the Fallen Leaf Camp, a group of players looked around curiously with an expression of inexperience.

  ”Fuck, the conditions here feel worse than the prisoner-of-war camp near Dawn City.”

  ”It’s about the same, they are all allowed to build their own houses.”

  The debt-eye rolled his eyes and came over to ask slyly.

  ”By the way, Pangolin, where are your ten wives?”

  Hearing this, the battlefield atmosphere group almost choked to death on their own spit, coughed and retorted: “Get out, what wives! I said I didn’t do anything bad… Later I asked them to help wash clothes.” The

  escort army will be issued two sets of linen uniforms. Every day, they are either training or patrolling on missions. If they don’t change and wash, they will soon be worried.

  He simply threw his men’s clothes to them to wash, which is considered to be finding some work for them to do.

  As for sleeping…

  what can I say?

  The main reason is that sleeping together is not fun. He will be offline as soon as he closes his eyes, and a stranger lying next to him makes him feel insecure.

  And he always feels that “OP” is watching the live broadcast next to him.

  However, in order to avoid some unfriendly rumors, he still put the tents of the ten women next to his tent.

  Just pretend that he had slept there.

  After hastily ending the topic, the battlefield guy urged, “Don’t stare at me and ask questions. I’ll take you to get your dog tags later… By the way, have you thought of your stage names?”

  Debt Big Eyes excitedly said, “My name is Big Eyes!”

  The construction site boy and brick followed and said, “My name is Brick!”

  The other players also reported their names one by one.

  The battlefield atmosphere group said with a headache, “… Damn, what kind of names did you come up with? There is no creativity at all.”

  Debt Big Eyes couldn’t help rolling his eyes, “Come on, it’s not much better than your Pangolin!”

  The construction site boy and brick: “That’s right! My name is at least more memorable than yours!”

  The old Wang next door asked excitedly, “No more nonsense, dog battlefield, where are we going to pick up heads today?”

  The battlefield guy looked up at the sky.

  ”In the afternoon, I made an appointment with Brother Quanshui to play a fake match last night… I’ll pick up a few heads and let you become a centurion.”

  Everyone smiled at each other and said,



  After taking the good brothers to get the “dog tags” and equipment, the battlefield guy then led them to his subordinates and introduced them to Li Ba and other centurions of the escort army.

  From this moment on, they officially joined the escort army’s “pangolin” 100-man team and became a glorious alliance senior double agent.

  Many players were excited about their new identity as undercover agents.

  Especially that afternoon, they welcomed their first mission after becoming undercover agents – to patrol the west area with the battlefield guy!

  As for what was about to happen, except for the NPCs who knew nothing about it, all the players knew it in their hearts and were ready to hit the friendly forces.

  After a long journey, the Pangolin 100-man team finally arrived at the agreed location, and just as agreed, everyone was ambushed by the “Enterprise” team as expected.

  Bullets whizzed in the sky, scaring Li Ba and other puppet soldiers to lie on the ground immediately, with their heads glued to the ground and not daring to move.

  However, those people were different…

  Not only did they not have any fear, they didn’t even hide, but rushed forward with their guns. The beast-like fighting style actually drove away the guerrillas of the enterprise.

  Li Ba, who was lying on the ground and watching, felt his head buzzing.

  Could it be that the enterprise was actually very weak?

  He couldn’t understand it.

  Not to mention that he couldn’t understand it, the other centurions were the same. They just felt that they lay on the ground and shot randomly, and then they won.

  ”Damn… You guys should act more realistically.” Looking at the friendly forces that were driven away, the battlefield guy couldn’t help but kick Big Eyes’ butt.

  Big Eyes said with a confused look on his face.


  ”We usually fight like this.”

  The battlefield guy: “…”

  When Korway and his men came to support, the battle was over.

  Looking at the Enterprise soldiers fleeing in a panic and the bodies left on the ground, the officer suddenly had a satisfied smile on his face.

  After being harassed by the Enterprise guerrillas for so long,

  this time he can finally be proud of himself!

  Looking at those murderous puppet soldiers, Korwe narrowed his eyes slightly and said triumphantly to the adjutant beside him.

  ”We have found a treasure!”


  In the evening.

  After returning to the camp.

  Korwe walked up to the centurion named Pangolin, patted him on the shoulder, and said with satisfaction.

  ”Well done! The people in your village are very brave in fighting. This is exactly the kind of warriors our legion needs… By the way, what is the name of that village?”

  The battlefield guy said with a loyal face.

  ”Beth Street!”

  Korwe thought for a moment.

  ”Beth Street… Where is that settlement?”

  The battlefield guy said nonsense.

  ”At the junction of Jinchuan Province and River Valley Province, there is a mountainous area! There are many people in our village. Do you need me to call them over?”

  Korwe suddenly smiled.

  ”Sure! Call them all over! Also, tell the people in your village that the Legion never skimps on rewarding the brave!”

  ”From today on, each of you will receive a half-pound of potatoes and a reward of 5 dinars!”

  The Warlord’s face suddenly showed an excited expression.

  Isn’t this what he was waiting for?

  He stood up straight and said immediately.

  ”Yes, sir! I’ll send someone to take a message back!”

  Potatoes and dinars are nothing.

  The key is that he successfully won the trust of these big noses!

  In a few days, more good brothers can be arranged to come in and accompany him as undercover!


  Shelter No. 79.

  Riding on Nicole day and night, Chu Guang and Heya finally arrived at the eastern district of Ruigu City and came to the Municipal Library at No. 79 Xiangling Street.

  ”My waist… is about to break.”

  Climbing down from Nicole’s back, Heya, whose legs were weak, could hardly stand. She rested for a long time with her hands on the wall before she recovered.

  Glancing at the weak female, Neeko grinned and snorted, as if mocking.

  The intelligence of the Deathclaw is close to that of human babies, but the ferocity of the beast makes it difficult to tame them like dogs.

  However, technology can solve this problem.

  Chu Guang just glanced at it and let it put its head on the ground obediently, as docile as a husky that had just been beaten.

  After Heya recovered, Chu Guang led Neeko in front and passed through the garbage wall that had been blown down.

  The entire library has been emptied.

  Including the books inside.

  After the local residents evacuated, the Legion seemed to have come here once, but found no one, so they set a fire and left.

  It is estimated that they did not expect that the residents would hide underground and did not leave. The fire was also quite perfunctory, only burning the hall black and then hastily extinguished it.

  Chu Guang found the elevator hidden behind the bookshelf on the second floor, and took Neeko and Heya to the underground. Moving along the underground bunker, they soon saw the huge alloy gear.

  The spacious buffer room and preparation room of Shelter No. 79 have become a camp for refugees to rest. The residents here are peeling the skin of death claws to make leather, and wrapping the prey sent by the players with salt for preservation.

  In exchange for helping to process the prey, the players gave them some supplies, including instant noodles, bottled water, and soap.

  These three things are hard currency in any survivor settlement, and are even better than currency.

  In short, with the help of the players, these survivors are not living a miserable life, at least much better than those in the Fallen Leaf Camp.

  In order to avoid disturbing these poor people, Chu Guang tied Neeko to the entrance of the shelter, told it not to hurt anyone, and then took Heya through the gate of the shelter.

  The player named “Sisi” was waiting at the door of the buffer room, and the tail, sesame paste and meat of the White Bear Knights were standing next to him.

  After seeing the azure power armor, she bowed slightly respectfully like those players who were deeply immersed in the game.

  ”Dear Administrator, we have obtained the authority of Shelter No. 79.”

  Looking at the girl in front of him, Chu Guang nodded approvingly.

  ”You have done a good job. Thanks to your efforts, we have taken a big step forward in reviving civilization.”

  Sisi smiled and was about to say some polite words to gain favor, but the tail standing beside him suddenly cleared his throat and interrupted the topic with a strong voice.

  ”You’re welcome. It is an honor for the White Bear Knights to serve you! As a reward for the mission… you can reward us with ten maids in maid costumes–woo-woo!”

  ”I’m sorry, my partner accidentally injured his head in the battle with ‘Yong’…” Glancing at the tail struggling in the belly of Rourou, Sisi looked at Chu Guang again with a little apology and continued, “Please forgive her rudeness.”

  Although he knew that there was nothing wrong with the guy’s head, it was just that the players were not serious in their daily lives, but in order to take care of the players’ sense of substitution, Chu Guang still followed the character setting and made a caring expression.

  ”Is she really okay?”

  ”It’s okay, we’ll take her to the hospital…” Sisi nodded quickly, and suddenly remembered that she seemed to have forgotten something important, and quickly raised the VM, “By the way, hand in the task… I’ll transfer the administrator authority to you.”

  The tasks of Shelter No. 79 have been completed so far, and the rewards of hundreds of thousands of silver coins and huge contribution points made everyone in the White Bear Knights jump up excitedly.

  Including the little girl whose head was injured by the claws of death. After

  recovering the administrator authority from Sisi, Chu Guang noticed that the relevant entries of Shelter No. 79 had been updated in his shelter system.

  With the help of his assistant Xiaoqi, he can now control every building and every room in the entire underground city – and the life and death of every life living here.

  Searching the various facilities of the shelter, Chu Guang found a lot of interesting things.

  For example, in the equipment warehouse directly below the central research area, there are 500 sets of Type 5 “Light Cavalry” police exoskeletons, 50 sets of Type 6 “Heavy Cavalry”, and a large number of police riot control equipment.

  These equipments are almost 90% new, including the matching small reconnaissance drones. Most of them have never been used, and it seems that there will be no chance to use them.

  In addition, there are a large number of professional experimental equipment stored in the central research area, as well as twelve “black boxes” with different functions!

  Now, these treasures belong to the alliance.

  Later, Chu Guang will arrange for logistics personnel to collect them.

  Before that, he plans to visit the original owner here.

  The Mother of Death Claws.

  Or in other words, the big-horned deer god praised by countless nomads and wastelanders…


  There were footsteps in the room, and the Mother of Death Claws, who was sleeping with her eyes closed, raised her eyelids slightly and looked at the light flickering in the darkness.

  The amber pupils shrank slightly, and it only took a glance at the azure power armor and guessed the identity of this person.

  ”…Are you the manager of Shelter No. 404?”

  ”Chu Guang.” After introducing himself concisely, Chu Guang looked it up and down.

  This guy is even bigger than that “Yong Shi”, no wonder it is trapped here and can’t move.

  ”Chu Guang…”

  Gently muttering the name, the Mother of Death Claws stared at him for a while and spoke slowly.

  ”This is the first time I’ve heard of the number 404… Can you tell me what the plan is for your shelter?”

  ”I don’t know.”

  ”I don’t know?”

  The amber pupils shrank slightly, and there was obvious surprise in the voice of the Mother of Death Claws, and she was obviously surprised by this answer.

  Chu Guang: “I only know that my mission is to lead my residents to rebuild their homes on the surface… Aren’t all the shelters with three-digit numbers like this?”

  Including Shelter No. 117 and Shelter No. 401.

  Chu Guang has read their administrator’s log. Although there are some additional tasks in it, the main work is basically centered around the grand theme of rebuilding civilization.

  On the contrary, shelter facilities like Shelter No. 79 that were born for research are rare.

  ”Is that so…”

  The Mother of Death Claws pondered for a long time, and suddenly sighed softly.

  Although the facial features as hard as obsidian could not show too many emotional changes, Chu Guang unexpectedly heard a hint of relief from its sigh.

  ”My mentor… the first generation manager here, told me before he died that the failure of Plan 79 was actually part of the calculation result, but even if we didn’t succeed, our sacrifice was not in vain… All shelters will eventually be destroyed, but green buds will eventually sprout from the rotten corpses.”

  Chu Guang asked the only confusion in his heart.

  ”Is the experimental goal of Shelter 79 really to cultivate an immortal emperor?”

  He was curious about this when he followed the players’ strategy before.

  As if she expected him to ask this, the Death Claw Mother crawling on the ground grinned.

  ”Yes, and no…”

  ”Since we are well aware of the unreliability of human nature, how could we not have predicted what happened today? Of course… I only figured this out now.”

  ”Most of the researchers who participated in the experiment were only told that we would cultivate an immortal Emperor who would accompany our civilization through the dark years and return everything to his people after the end… However, this is not the entire content of Plan 79.”

  ”The part that was not mentioned in the experimental log is that when the Emperor’s soul began to decay, when he was consumed by arrogance, when he refused to fulfill his mission, those who were loyal to him would make the choice for him, ending him and the dark feudal era together, and finally completing the closed loop of history… and the fire of civilization would be rekindled in this wasteland.” ”

  I once asked my mentor in confusion what the point of doing this was, why didn’t we impart advanced theories and technologies to our residents from the beginning, but his answer was that theory and science can be acquired through learning, but courage cannot.” ”

  That sounds ridiculous, I’ve been thinking about it for a century and still haven’t figured out what the use of that thing is. But after seeing you and your residents, my confusion was answered.”

  ”Even if our homeland has become a ruin, even if our glory has been forgotten by future generations, as long as they are brave… they will find back everything we have lost sooner or later.”

  ”There is no doubt that you are the most suitable heirs… I hope that you will inherit not only our property, but also our lessons.”

  Chu Guang nodded slowly.

  ”I think that is also part of your legacy. When everything is over, I will send it to the museum.”

  The aging beast smiled faintly and lowered its eyelids like rotten wood.


  ”Thank you.”

  (Thanks to “Vera 0205”, “Su Bi Qing Hua”, “Qing Tan Sheng Ge”, “Pian Yi No Vulture” for their rewards!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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not work with dark mode