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Chapter 397 “Acquaintance”

Chapter 397 “Acquaintance”


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 397 “Acquaintance”

  Xu Xiuwen did not expect Li Ke to burst into tears.

  Seeing that the girl was crying, Xu Xiuwen naturally could not keep a straight face.

  His expression softened and his voice became gentler, “Li Ke, as a person, the most important thing is to have an upright heart. When we see classmates being bullied, we can’t just sit back and watch.”

  ”I’m sorry, Teacher Xu, I disappoint you.”

  Li Ke admitted her mistake quickly. Xu

  Xiuwen reached out and rubbed the girl’s head and said, “I don’t mean to blame you. I can understand that you don’t want to cause trouble.”

  After a pause.

  Xu Xiuwen continued, “It’s just that I hate others bullying the weak the most. Since I saw it, I can’t just pretend I didn’t see it. If you encounter this kind of thing again in the future, I hope you can help call the police. Maybe your kind act will save a life.”

  ”I know, Teacher Xu. I’ll call the police now.”

  ”Wait.” Xu Xiuwen stopped Li Ke.

  ”No need to call the police today. I’m going to see how powerful this Hao brother is.”

  After Xu Xiuwen finished speaking, he opened the car door and got out, then walked across the street.

  Li Ke hurriedly caught up with him, held him back, and tried to persuade him, “Teacher Xu, you are no match for them alone, you must not be impulsive, let’s call the police.”

  Xu Xiuwen comforted him, “It’s okay, I’ll just go over to take a look.”

  Li Ke didn’t believe him.

  She hugged Xu Xiuwen’s arm tightly, not letting him go.

  ”Listen, let go!”

  Xu Xiuwen said with a hint of command.

  Li Ke really obeyed subconsciously.

  Xu Xiuwen instructed, “I’ll go over alone, don’t come over.”

  Li Ke was about to speak.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “If you don’t listen, I’ll be really angry.”

  He looked serious and didn’t seem to be joking.

  Li Ke was immediately frightened. Xu

  Xiuwen’s heart softened when he saw the girl’s worried look.

  He smiled and said, “Don’t worry, have you forgotten how I saved you from those two gangsters in the alley near the KTV that night? I’m not afraid of those gangsters, so why should I worry about these little boys?”

  Li Ke remembered her experience that night.

  This made her feel a lot more at ease, but she was still worried.

  She reminded him quietly, “Teacher Xu, you must be careful. If you are not okay, we will call the police.”


  Xu Xiuwen said and turned to walk across the street.

  When he came to the entrance of the alley,

  Xu Xiuwen heard the conversation from a distance.

  The voice was noisy and not very clear, but he roughly understood the meaning.

  It was about some expenses.

  Xu Xiuwen glanced at the boy.

  He was wearing the same school uniform as other students, but he was wearing a pair of cheap canvas shoes on his feet. The canvas shoes should have been worn for a long time and were already very old.

  Just by looking at the pair of shoes, Xu Xiuwen could tell that the boy’s family conditions were not good.

  And the boy’s thin figure also showed that his family conditions were average.

  This angered Brother Hao.

  Brother Hao raised his hand violently.

  He was quite strong.

  The boys around laughed.

  The thin boy was not stupid and wanted to escape.

  Looking at the thin boy trembling on the ground.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t bear it anymore.

  He didn’t waste any more time and walked out of the shadows directly.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t speak, and walked without making any sound.

  At first, no one noticed his approach. It
was not

  until he walked behind the crowd that the boys noticed him.

  Xu Xiuwen said coldly, “Who allowed you to beat people here?”

  ”Who are you? Who gave you the courage to talk to our Brother Hao like that?” A flatterer in the crowd shouted at Xu Xiuwen.

  Xu Xiuwen said calmly, “I don’t care whether you are Brother Hao or Brother Gou, I don’t allow you to touch him again. Get out of here before I get angry.”

  Xu Xiuwen’s words made all the boys laugh.

  Brother Hao temporarily let go of the boy on the ground, walked out of the crowd, and walked in front of Xu Xiuwen.

  ”No one dares to talk to me like that, you are brave enough!” Brother Hao showed a playful and sarcastic smile on his face.

  Xu Xiuwen ignored him, walked past him and walked into the middle of the crowd, and helped the boy on the ground up.

  After Xu Xiuwen helped the boy up, he turned around and walked out of the alley.

  His behavior of ignoring also angered the boy named Brother Hao.

  Brother Hao waited until Xu Xiuwen approached, then suddenly swung his fist and hit Xu Xiuwen’s left cheek.

  Brother Hao was quite ruthless, hitting people in the face as soon as he made a move.

  If it were other boys of the same age, most people would not be opponents for Brother Hao.

  But unfortunately, Brother Hao hit a wall this time.

  Xu Xiuwen dodged to the left and easily avoided Brother Hao’s fist.

  Brother Hao was unwilling to give up and swung his fist again.

  This time Xu Xiuwen did not dodge again, but directly grabbed the boy’s fist.

  The opponent’s fierce fist was completely suppressed in his palm and could not move.

  Then Xu Xiuwen swung his right hand.

  ”Pah!” A slap.

  A bright red palm print remained on Brother Hao’s right cheek.

  Xu Xiuwen said lightly: “I will pay you back for this slap.”

  Brother Hao was almost stunned.

  When he came to his senses, he shouted to the people around him: “Still watching the show, why don’t you do it!”

  Under his order, the boys around him were eager to try.

  But Xu Xiuwen showed no mercy, and kicked each of them to the ground.

  The others saw that their companions had no power to fight back, and immediately realized that this person was not someone to be trifled with, so they stopped and dared not move forward.

  Brother Hao shouted a few times, but still no one dared to move forward.

  Xu Xiuwen grabbed Brother Hao’s hand and gently rotated it.

  As he rotated, Brother Hao’s arm was also rotated.

  At first, Brother Hao could still bear it, but soon he couldn’t help wailing.

  Xu Xiuwen stopped in time, and then said to Brother Hao, “Get out of here, if I see you bullying others again in the future, I will teach you a lesson every time I see you!”

  After that, he pushed back.

  Brother Hao took a few steps back and fell to the ground.

  The fallen Brother Hao also knew that he had met a tough guy, so he said a few harsh words and ran away in disgrace.

  In a blink of an eye, only Xu Xiuwen and the thin boy were left in the alley.

  ”Teacher Xu, are you okay?”

  A voice came out.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t need to look back to recognize that it was Li Ke’s voice.

  Turning around, as expected.

  Li Ke was standing behind him.

  ”Didn’t I tell you not to come over? Why didn’t you listen?”

  Li Ke stuck out her tongue. “I saw them leave, so I came over.”

  ”What if they come back and attack, wouldn’t you be in danger?”

  ”I was wrong, Teacher Xu, don’t be angry.” Li Ke admitted her mistake very quickly, but her tone clearly showed that she didn’t care too much.

  Xu Xiuwen was also helpless.

  After all, he was just a tutor, not Li Ke’s father, so it was difficult for him to say much.

  ”Li Ke?”

  Another voice came out, and the tone was very surprised.

  It was the voice of Li Ke’s male classmate.

  When facing Xu Xiuwen, Li Ke always had a smile on her face and spoke in a flattering tone.

  But when facing the male classmate, she restrained her smile a little.

  Looking at the male classmate, she casually asked with concern, “Qiao Gang, are you okay?”

  Li Ke’s male classmate was named Qiao Gang.

  Qiao Gang shook his head and said, “I’m fine.”

  Although he said he was fine, he was grinning when he spoke, and his expression was very painful.

  Even Li Ke could see it.

  She asked again, “Are you really okay?”

  Qiao Gang shook his head.

  Qiao Gang finally remembered who saved him.

  He hurriedly said to Xu Xiuwen, “Thank you for saving me.”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled faintly, “Don’t thank me, thank Li Ke if you want to thank me. If she hadn’t asked me to help, I wouldn’t help you.” Li Ke blushed

  when she heard this, and felt a little guilty.

  She clearly wanted to avoid it just now.

  Qiao Gang didn’t know the truth. When he heard Xu Xiuwen say this, he was more grateful to Li Ke.

  ”Li Ke, thank you.”

  Li Ke looked away guiltily and said, “It’s okay, we are all classmates.”

  ”Teacher Xu, she is fine, let’s go eat.” Li Ke wanted to leave this embarrassing place as soon as possible.

  Xu Xiuwen asked worriedly, “Are you really okay?”

  Qiao Gang forced a smile and said, “I’m fine, you don’t have to worry about me.”

  Xu Xiuwen looked at the red mark on the thin boy’s face and couldn’t help saying, “If you encounter this kind of thing again in the future, just run. Run from the beginning, run to a crowded place, don’t follow them to the alley stupidly.”

  ”Yeah, I know.” Qiao Gang nodded vigorously.

  Xu Xiuwen also hummed, he stretched out his hand and patted the boy’s right shoulder to encourage him.


  Qiao Gang suddenly made a painful sound, and his body shrank.

  ”What’s wrong with you?”

  Qiao Gang wanted to say that he was fine.

  But Xu Xiuwen had already noticed that his right forearm was drooping and very weak.

  ”What happened to your hand?”

  Qiao Gang couldn’t help it any longer, “It hurts so much…” Xu

  Xiuwen glanced at Li Ke and said, “Let’s not go to dinner first, send him to the hospital first, there seems to be something wrong with his arm.”

  Li Ke nodded.

  Hearing Xu Xiuwen say that he would take him to the hospital, Qiao Gang wanted to refuse, but under Xu Xiuwen’s insistence, he finally agreed.

  Then Xu Xiuwen drove the two of them to a nearby hospital.

  After the examination at the hospital, Qiao Gang’s right arm was broken.

  Xu Xiuwen thought about it and thought that it was probably injured when he fell.

  While Qiao Gang was receiving treatment, Xu Xiuwen said to Li Ke, “Call your class teacher and ask him to notify Qiao Gang’s parents to pick him up at the hospital.”

  Li Ke nodded and did so.

  After waiting for more than half an hour, Qiao Gang’s treatment was over.

  When I saw him again, his right arm was already in a cast.

  Qiao Gang, with his arm in a cast, sat there with his head down, looking uneasy.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “It’s okay. Li Ke has called your parents to pick you up. Don’t worry.”

  Qiao Gang looked at Li Ke and said sincerely, “Thank you, Li Ke.”

  Li Ke shook her head, not seeming to care.

  Although Qiao Gang’s parents had been notified, Xu Xiuwen was not in a hurry to leave before they arrived.

  The ward was a little quiet.

  Qiao Gang suddenly asked, “Li Ke has been calling you Teacher Xu. Are you a teacher in our school?”

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned for a moment.

  Li Ke was a little unhappy, “Qiao Gang, why are you asking so many questions?”

  No one knew why she was unhappy.

  Qiao Gang didn’t know either.

  He felt very wronged because he had just asked a question.

  Xu Xiuwen glared at Li Ke and said, “I am Li Ke’s tutor. My name is Xu Xiuwen.”

  Xu Xiuwen’s tone and attitude were much softer.

  Qiao Gang and Li Ke said, “Thank you, Brother Xu. Ah – can I call you Brother Xu?”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled, “Whatever you want.”

  ”Brother Xu.” Qiao Gang called again.

  The three of them were waiting in the ward.

  During this period, Qiao Gang peeked at Li Ke several times. When he was discovered by Li Ke, he immediately lowered his head.

  Li Ke couldn’t help asking, “Why do you keep peeking at me?”

  ”I didn’t peek.”

  ”Don’t admit it, I saw it all.”

  ”Stop arguing. It won’t hurt to look at you a few times.”

  Li Ke felt a little aggrieved when Xu Xiuwen said that.

  She pursed her lips, snorted, and then walked out of the ward.

  The door of the ward was just closed, and it opened again the next second.

  Li Ke came in again.

  But there was a woman following her.

  After seeing the woman’s appearance, Xu Xiuwen was stunned.

  He recalled that the woman’s name seemed to be Mu Zhilan.

  One of the people sent by the housekeeping company to work in the housekeeping was her.

  After Mu Zhilan entered the ward, she found her son directly.

  She quickly approached and said anxiously, “Xiaogang, why are you in the hospital…”

  Qiao Gang told his mother about what happened tonight.

  Mu Zhilan burst into tears.

  Through the conversation between the two, Xu Xiuwen also figured out the identity of the woman.

  Mu Zhilan is Qiao Gang’s mother.

  The mother and son chatted for a while.

  Qiao Gang thought of Xu Xiuwen and said to his mother: “Mom, this is Brother Xu. He helped me and sent me to the hospital.”

  Mu Zhilan turned around and thanked the benefactor who helped her son.

  But when she turned around, she was stunned.

  Mu Zhilan also recognized Xu Xiuwen.

  Xu Xiuwen smiled and said, “Long time no see.”

  Mu Zhilan was a little nervous, and she whispered, “Hello.”

  Qiao Gang was surprised to see this scene and asked, “Mom, do you know Brother Xu?”

  Mu Zhilan trembled and didn’t know how to answer.

  Xu Xiuwen saw the woman’s embarrassment, but he didn’t understand why.

  It was obviously just a very ordinary sentence.

  Xu Xiuwen hesitated and said, “I met your mother somewhere else before, so we know each other.”

  ”Is that so? That’s a coincidence.” Qiao Gang said with a smile without any doubt.

  Ever since recognizing Xu Xiuwen, Mu Zhilan’s expression has been very nervous and uneasy. After

  Xu Xiuwen saw it, he said calmly, “It’s getting late, and we should leave. You should go back and rest early.”

  After that, he said to Li Ke, “Let’s go.”

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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