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Chapter 397 Feng Nanshu is a bad fool

Chapter 397 Feng Nanshu is a bad fool


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 397 Feng Nanshu is a bad fool

  The 18th came in a blink of an eye. Zhou Zhenhao took the careful plan he had made by himself and led the team to Shenzhen.

  The Sui Xin Group had never suffered any major losses along the way, but they were tricked in Shenzhen. This has always been a hurdle in his heart, and the purpose of his trip is to level this hurdle.

  Raise a toast together, be ambitious and fly, a man should be like this, and he will fly back in the sky one day.

  The night they arrived in Shenzhen, the team had a dinner. Zhou Zhenhao, who was a little tipsy, leaned his hands on the window, blowing the wind outside, and there was a burst of power in his heart that was about to burst out, echoing the prosperity under the night.

  At the same time, Jiang Qin had returned to Jeju from Linchuan, intending to temporarily put down his idol burden and go home to be a dog son.

  When driving past Chengnan High School, he found that the school had been delisted, and only a very obvious white piece was left on the blackened wall pillars, as if it was a color that had avoided time.

  It seems that after sending off the last batch of graduates, Chengnan High School really moved to a new campus as rumored years ago, with a larger and brighter teaching building. It is said that each class is equipped with a multimedia classroom.

  However, that kind of Chengnan is no longer the Chengnan in their memory.

  Jiang Qin smacked his lips, turned around and went to the back street, and then drove all the way back to Hongrong Home.

  Feng Nanshu had been waiting for him all this time. When she saw Jiang Qin coming back, her eyes were shining with joy, and she followed him from the moment he entered the house.

  From the entrance to the nanny’s room, from the nanny’s room to the living room, from the living room to the dining table, she didn’t talk much, just followed him.

  A pair of slippers made a clattering sound on the ground, just like the protagonist in the game followed by an inseparable elf.

  ”Little rich woman, wait a moment, let me go to the bathroom first, okay?”


  ”Don’t peek, we are innocent, there is nothing to be ashamed of, I won’t lock the door.”

  After nodding obediently, Feng Nanshu watched Jiang Qin go into the bathroom, and then slightly narrowed her beautiful eyes.

  ”Feng Nanshu, you are a bad fool.”

  She said silently, then reached out to turn the door handle of the bathroom. After twisting it for a long time, she didn’t turn it, and then she realized that Jiang Qin had lied to him again.

  After a while, Jiang Qin came out of the bathroom, looked at the little rich woman with a sneer on his face, then washed his hands and pinched a pink fingerprint on her fair face. She

  is already a 20-year-old girl, why is she still so curious? And she is also stupid. She really believed it when she was told not to lock the door. What if there are villains inside?

  Jiang Qin wiped his hands, sat on the sofa and took a deep breath. He felt that although the sofas in VIP rooms and big hotels were not soft, it was still comfortable to sit on his own broken sofa.

  ”What have you been doing at home recently?”

  ”Sleeping, watching you in meetings, sometimes going to the library, and going to Uncle Gong’s house to get the desk lamp I used before.” Feng Nanshu answered obediently.

  Jiang Qin was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at her: “Where is Uncle Gong’s house?”

  ”101, Guanlan Avenue Garden Villa District.”

  ”Did you really give it to him?”

  Feng Nanshu’s eyelashes trembled twice, and she said with a hint of stubbornness: “I don’t want it anyway.”

  Jiang Qin held his breath: “I suddenly understand why you were so happy to lend me the money at that time.”


  ”Because you don’t take the money seriously at all, you are too wasteful.”

  Feng Nanshu threatened her little face: “I’m not a wasteful!”

  Jiang Qin reached out and pulled his backpack over: “I went to Shanghai to see your aunt, and I got your childhood photos.”

  ”My childhood photos?”

  ”Yeah, they are very mini, I plan to use them to control my mother.”

  Jiang Qin unzipped his zipper and handed the photo album that Qin Jingqiu gave him to the rich woman.

  Feng Nanshu probably forgot that she had a photo album for a long time, so she held it in her hand and looked at it carefully for a long time, suddenly pursed her lips, then knelt up from the sofa, and dived into Jiang Qin’s arms without saying anything.

  Feeling the other party’s sudden negative emotions, Jiang Qin’s hands, which had just been raised, stiffened for a moment, then naturally dropped and gently stroked the back of the rich woman.

  There was a metal buckle, this was his first feeling, and then he touched the remote control thrown on the sofa and turned on the TV. The

  paid closed-circuit television is amazing, and almost all satellite channels are good. Among them, three are playing group buying website advertisements. From this point, it can be seen that they have almost burned over 100 million yuan in advertising channels alone.

  This is from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, and the number is still increasing. It is indeed very rich.

  But whether the conversion rate of these advertisements is proportional to the investment is hard to say.

  These days, those who insist on watching TV will not accept online group buying so quickly. Those who know how to group buy don’t watch TV and only play computers. Jiang Qin thinks it is too difficult to expand the scale in this way.

  As far as the current situation is concerned, the most complete ground promotion team is the group buying, followed by the free group. The other websites do not take ground promotion seriously and only think that advertising is the kingly way. Half of the money is almost wasted.

  After a while, Jiang Qin noticed that Feng Nanshu in his arms was quietly moving, and then with a warm breath, she leaned close to his neck, and it was obvious that she wanted to secretly plant some strawberries.

  Jiang Qin raised his hand calmly and instantly blocked the attack of the rich woman.

  ”Isn’t it enough to plant strawberries at school? Are you going to plant strawberries at home too?”

  ”I’ll just plant one.” Feng Nanshu looked at him eagerly.

  Jiang Qin used his eyes to stop her resentment: “Little rich woman, if you don’t suck this properly, you will get blood clots, I’m dead.”

  While talking, the old clock opposite suddenly made a ding-dong sound. Jiang Qin immediately carried the little rich woman down and took out a photo from the album and put it on the table.

  After a while, Yuan Youqin returned home and saw the photo on the table as soon as she changed her shoes.

  She was a little confused at first, but soon realized who was in the photo. She immediately let out an “Ah!” and picked up the photo as if it were a treasure.

  Jiang Qin couldn’t help but say: “Mom, I’m back!”


  Jiang Qin was stunned for a moment, frowned and continued: “Mom, I just came back from Linchuan, I didn’t eat on the way, and now I’m a little hungry.”

  Yuan Youqin took the photo and looked at it carefully for a long time, then subconsciously turned around and was a little surprised when she saw Jiang Qin: “Hey, son, why are you back?”

  Jiang Qin: “…”

  ”When did you come back? Are you hungry?”


  Yuan Youqin frowned instantly, thinking that this brat finally came home, why didn’t he say a word, so he was a little angry: “Don’t eat if you’re not hungry!”

  Jiang Qin: “????”

  Boss Jiang was dumbfounded, I spoke, and besides, where is my mother’s love? I only came back for a few days in half a year, where is my mother’s love?

  Yuan Youqin’s attention was now back on the photo, and her serious face turned into a smile: “Nanshu was so cute when she was a child, and she was missing a tooth. She must be seven or eight years old, but where did this photo come from?”

  ”I went to Shanghai to investigate the market. The photo was given to me by Feng Nanshu’s aunt, and asked me to bring it back to show you what she looked like when she was a child.”

  Yuan Youqin smiled and picked up the photo to look at it for several more times: “Anything else?”

  Jiang Qin waved his hand: “No, no more.”

  Yuan Youqin was a little unsatisfied, and turned into the kitchen to start cooking.

  Jiang Qin stuffed the photo album into his schoolbag, thinking that I was really bold this time. Just with this photo album, I must also raise my status at home!

  After a while, the meal was ready. Although Yuan Youqin said she disliked Jiang Qin, she still took the trouble to cook four dishes and a soup to welcome her son.

  She could see that the brat must have had a hard time during this period. Not only did he lose weight, but he also got tanned.

  ”Did you bring a gift to Nanshu’s aunt’s house?”

  ”Yes, it’s my first time there, how could I not bring a gift?”

  ”Did you meet Nanshu’s uncle? How was it?”

  ”Not bad, we drank until midnight and had a lively chat.”

  Yuan Youqin was relieved, and then reached out to rub Feng Nanshu’s hair, thinking, is this a done deal? It should be a done deal, right?

  The little rich woman also looked up at Jiang’s mother at this time, showing a happy smile, and couldn’t help shaking her wrist.

  After returning from Linchuan, she couldn’t wait to wear the Jiang family heirloom, and she would swish it around every day, feeling so happy.

  The more she did this, the more Yuan Youqin liked her. In Jiang Qin’s words, she was really being manipulated.


  Uncle and aunt are not parents after all, even though that mother is a stepmother.

  But this worry was quickly thrown behind Yuan Youqin’s mind, because the two were only sophomores, it was too early to consider this matter, and they might even have to take the postgraduate entrance examination.

  Thinking of this, Yuan Youqin couldn’t help but raise her head: “By the way, Jiang Qin, how is your study going? Can you take the postgraduate entrance examination?”

  ”Exam? I don’t care about face. I won’t agree unless the principal guarantees me admission to the postgraduate program.” Jiang Qin looked arrogant.

  Yuan Youqin sneered: “You just brag. I see you bragging all day long. I don’t know where you got that trophy.”

  ”Mom, don’t always question me, okay? I’m the first study star of Linda University! I’m someone else’s child!”

  Jiang Qin showed an arrogant expression, put down his chopsticks and was about to curl up on the sofa, but was called by Yuan Youqin and had to come back to wash the dishes.

  Yuan Youqin had already packed up and was going to work again. She told Jiang Qin to bring back the quilt that was drying on the balcony and clean up the nanny’s room.

  After finishing these tasks, it was already two o’clock in the afternoon. The quilt that was exposed to the sun was soft and fluffy, and it was particularly comfortable to lie on it. When the air conditioner was turned on, it was like a dream.

  Then the rich girl came over, threw off her slippers, and climbed onto his bed, saying with a cold face that she wanted to play here for a while.

  Jiang Qin pursed his lips and thought that this was no longer just a dream, this was simply a dream of death.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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