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Chapter 397 Twelve Black Boxes and the Messenger from the Desert

Chapter 397 Twelve Black Boxes and the Messenger from the Desert


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 397 Twelve Black Boxes and the Messenger from the Desert

  While Chu Guang was talking to the Mother of Deathclaw, Heya had been standing by.

  When the conversation between one person and one claw ended, she finally found an opportunity to interrupt the topic, took a deep breath, and walked forward to introduce herself.

  ”Hello, I am a researcher from the Alliance, from Shelter No. 117, mainly engaged in life science research…”

  Seeing the amber pupils looking at her, Heya’s expression was slightly embarrassed, and she continued to speak quickly.

  ”The situation on your body is… surprising. I will regularly… uh, draw some blood from you, of course, this is mainly for your health-”

  ”It’s for experiments, it doesn’t matter, this body is not originally mine alone, it is the crystallization of the wisdom of tens of thousands of researchers for generations,” the Mother of Deathclaw smiled lightly and said indifferently, “Take it if you need it.”

  Heya breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly continued.

  ”…Thank you, I won’t hurt you.”

  Although she couldn’t wait to figure out the mystery of this guy before coming here, using a human-speaking intelligent creature as an experimental subject still made her feel a little complicated. It’s

  great that the other party is willing to cooperate.

  Moving her eyes away from Heya, the Mother of Death Claws looked at Chu Guang.

  ”If I continue to inject the serum, my body will continue to grow, and theoretically I can live forever… But the space here can’t accommodate me anymore. I plan to stop the injection. This body theoretically has a lifespan of 47 years.”

  ”Now that the traitors are dead, the authority of Shelter No. 79 has been transferred to you, and my confusion has been answered. I can accompany you for another 47 years. After you recycle the research results on me, I plan to spend the last bit of time like a normal life.”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”That’s your freedom.”

  The Mother of Death Claws smiled.

  ”What about you? What are you going to do next?”

  Chu Guang looked around.

  ”I plan to visit here and take a look at the black boxes in your warehouse.”

  The latter is the key.

  Twelve black boxes.

  This is more than the total number of black boxes he had seen in the past year.

  ”Black boxes…”

  Deathclaw Mother’s face showed a look of realization, as if she remembered something from a long time ago, “Speaking of which, there are still a few black boxes here…how many are there?”

  Chu Guang: “Twelve, I just confirmed through the camera…By the way, have you never used them?”

  ”Maybe I used them a long, long time ago, when I was still a human. As for now, that thing is no longer useful to me, but I still remember their functions…” Deathclaw Mother smiled faintly and said, “If you don’t mind, I can introduce them to you.”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”Sorry for the trouble.”


  The functions of the black box are clearly written in the user manual.

  Not only is the black box a fool-proof operation, but so is the user manual.

  After all, the original intention of the design of the entire set of equipment is based on the worst-case assumption that “the survivors of the Wasteland Era have completely forgotten the written language and the original culture”, even monkeys or gorillas can figure out how to use them.

  From this perspective, the introduction seems a bit redundant.

  However, since the previous manager here offered to serve as a “product introduction”, Chu Guang would not refuse.

  There is a bionic chip installed in its brain, which can be used as a terminal to connect to the shelter system like VM.

  Chu Guang gave it a hummingbird drone, and then took Heya behind it to the warehouse of the shelter.

  The alien species on the way to the warehouse had been cleared.

  Moving along the stairs to the bottom floor of the building, Chu Guang soon saw the twelve black boxes of varying sizes in a room of hundreds of square meters.

  The smallest of them was only the size of a suitcase and could be lifted with one hand.

  The largest one could not be called a box at all, it directly occupied a quarter of the room, and the whole thing was a detachable workshop!

  The largest one was the one that shocked Chu Guang the most.

  After he finished reading the instructions in the user manual, he couldn’t help but exclaimed.

  ”…Portable reactor?!”

  The hummingbird drone gently floated to the side of the black box, and the sound of rotten wood rubbing came from the VM.

  ”Yes, to be precise, it is the ‘Hippo-2’ portable reactor, which is one version more advanced than the ‘Hippo-1’ of the power armor you are wearing.”

  ”Generally speaking, this type of reactor is used in power armor, but it is also used in ground vehicles and low-altitude aircraft.”

  Chu Guang swallowed subconsciously, his eyes flashing with excitement.

  The most core component of the power armor is its portable reactor.

  Because of the existence of the portable reactor, it allows the user to wear heavy armor comparable to that of a tank and walk on any terrain as if it were flat ground, and can be used as a carrier platform for a variety of weapons.

  ”Have you never thought of using it?”

  The Mother of Deathclaw smiled faintly.

  ”It’s OK to use it… It’s so simple, how do you plan to use it? Create nuclear fuel that doesn’t exist out of thin air? Even if the black box for producing nuclear batteries is right in front of you, if you can’t get helium-3, it can only be used as a decoration.”

  ”In my opinion, this is the most useless black box here.”

  The energy utilization efficiency of portable reactors is much lower than that of fixed reactors in the shelter. It is obviously not cost-effective to dismantle the fuel rods of the latter and use them as materials for the former.

  Shelter No. 79 didn’t use power armor at all in the first fifty years.

  And in the period after the end of the Little Ice Age, power armor gradually lost its meaning to them.

  Extremely powerful life forms may not be opponents of machines.

  For example, the “Yongshi”.

  It is still difficult to kill it with just one power armor. In the end, the players relied on continuous damage and human wave tactics to grind it to death.

  From this perspective, it does make sense.

  After calming down from the excitement, Chu Guang nodded and said thoughtfully.

  ”…Indeed, not being able to get nuclear fuel is a big problem.”

  ”If the Earth-Moon route cannot be restored, or if the pre-war nuclear fuel reserves cannot be obtained, I advise you not to consider it for the time being… Look at something else.”

  The hummingbird drone floated to the side of the rows of black boxes and introduced them in detail.

  ”This is a fire extinguisher… There’s nothing much to say, but the coolant inside is interesting. You can dismantle the fire extinguisher after making it and get the coolant out. It can be used in almost any chemical energy engine and is quite convenient.”

  ”Over there are ‘Champion’ brand coffee beans, which can synthesize a type of coffee beans that only grows on a plateau at an altitude of 1,500 meters. In fact, after saying so much, you should know which company sponsored this thing just by listening to the name…”

  Chu Guang touched his chin with interest.

  ”Yin Fang should be interested.”

  He Ya’s expression was a little strange, and she said in a teasing tone.

  ”You guys are quite good at enjoying yourself.”

  A faint chuckle came from the VM.

  ”It can’t be considered an enjoyment. Most of the researchers here have the habit of consuming caffeine. I think coffee and tea are normal hobbies… Although it does sound a bit strange to produce this thing through a black box.”

  ”The black box next to it is not so normal. Although it is sponsored by the same company, the ingredients of this product are not only caffeine, but also have a mild addictiveness similar to alcohol… The ‘Champion’ brand injection only needs one injection to be excited for 12 hours. In order not to affect sleep, we usually use it in the morning.”

  Chu Guang said with a strange expression: “… This is actually a stimulant.”

  He picked up the instruction manual and flipped through it. In addition to the instructions for operating the black box, Chu Guang also found a line of extra description on it.

  It should be something like an advertising slogan –

  [Use Champion to help you win the championship. ]


  Good guy.

  It really is!

  The Mother of Death Claws said softly: “You can understand it this way. The purpose of using it is mainly to ensure that we can maintain 100% concentration at work. But after becoming a Death Claw, we don’t need that thing anymore.”

  ”That little dose is metabolized in one breath.”

  There are a small amount of supplies stored in the warehouse.

  Chu Guang walked to the black box and put in 57g of charcoal, 20g of sugar, 500ml of water, etc. according to the instructions, and then turned on the air inlet and power supply. To be honest,

  operating this thing is a bit like alchemy.

  But you only need to press the switch, and there is no need for seals and spells – if the user is not very particular about the sense of ritual.

  The device started quickly.

  A few minutes later, a jet syringe about the length of a middle finger lay quietly at the outlet of the black box.

  He Ya immediately stepped forward to pick it up, held it in her hand and looked at it curiously for a while, and then stabbed her arm without thinking.

  After closing her eyes and feeling it for a while, she spoke.

  ”All body functions have been slightly improved… In words you can understand, all attributes have been increased by 4~20%, and the duration varies from 6 to 12 hours.”

  Suddenly noticing that Chu Guang was staring at her, He Ya was slightly stunned and said a little shyly.

  ”…Why are you looking at me?”

  Chu Guang said with a strange expression: “I just didn’t expect you to give yourself an injection…By the way, is it really okay to do experiments directly on yourself?”

  Heya was stunned for a moment, and said as a matter of course.

  ”It doesn’t matter…Even if there is a problem, I can metabolize it.”

  Chu Guang: “…”


  The kidneys made of high technology are really awesome.

  To be honest, Chu Guang was a little envious, but the thought of installing some strange parts on his body always made him feel unnatural.

  Besides, the physique of more than 20 people is not bad, who knows, he may be able to awaken some incredible abilities in the future.

  Let’s talk about bionic organs when I am older!

  Without paying attention to the conversation between the two, the drone suspended in the air continued to float to the next black box.

  ”There are only two black boxes sponsored by Champion. The stimulant… let’s just call it stimulant. It may be of some use to you.”

  ”The variable temperature blue jacket… your shelter should also have this. After all, it is the standard equipment of most shelters. There is nothing to say about it. And this ‘Asteroid’ meat can, there is nothing to say about it. Although it can supplement protein, the can is filled with synthetic meat. Each can tastes the same. Eating too much will make you sick. You probably won’t like it…”

  ”That may not be the case. This is the Wasteland Era. It’s good to have a bite of meat. My residents are not picky eaters.” Picking up the instruction manual, Chu Guang flipped through it with interest. The more he flipped through it, the more surprised he was.

  Synthesize five cans in one minute!

  As long as your hand speed is fast enough, you can synthesize 5,000+ a day. Based on the net content of 480g per can, the meat production per day is equivalent to…

  2,400 kilograms? !

  Chu Guang was shocked when he calculated this number.

  This amount of meat is comparable to ten cows!

  Only a black box with an area of ​​less than ten square meters can perfectly replace a ranch with an annual output of 3,650 cows, and includes a series of processes including slaughter, sterilization, canning, etc. The whole industry chain.

  This black technology is really a bit sloppy.

  ”…Hehe, I know what you are thinking, but I still have to remind you that the black box consumes non-renewable nuclear energy. Whether it is electricity drawn from the shelter or from nuclear batteries, the energy is not unlimited. You can use it as a supplement to your food source, but it is best not to rely on it completely, otherwise you will be hungry in the future.”

  After a pause, the Mother of Death Claws continued.

  ”I want to solemnly introduce you to the next black box…’Quqi’ cookies, this thing is interesting.”

  Walking to the front of the black box where the drone was hovering and looking at it for a while, Chu Guang tried to start the machine, staring at the packaging bag lying on the discharge port, and asked with interest.

  ”Is there anything special about this cookie?”

  The Mother of Death Claws said with a chuckle.

  ”That’s really special… You can try a piece.”

  Chu Guang subconsciously looked at Heya.

  Without any hint from him, Heya had already curiously walked to the outlet of the black box, picked up the biscuit, opened it, and threw a piece into her mouth.

  After chewing for a while, a surprised expression appeared on her face, and she threw another piece into her mouth, muttering.

  ”…Strange taste.”

  Chu Guang raised his eyebrows slightly, and also stuffed a piece into his mouth. The light sweetness spread along the taste buds, as if it was just ordinary sucrose. And I don’t know what chemical reaction happened. The biscuit is obviously not very hard, but it has a very obvious grainy feeling.

  Overall, it tastes very strange, but surprisingly makes people want to have another piece.

  ”…It’s just an ordinary dessert.” Chu Guang gave a brief comment and stuffed another cookie in his mouth.

  ”Did you taste dessert?” Heya asked thoughtfully.

  Confused by the tone of the question, just as Chu Guang was asking, the Mother of Death Claws slowly spoke.

  ”Funny cookies…It is one of the few enjoyment products here, and everyone tastes different.”

  With an interested expression on her face, Heya thought about it for a moment and said thoughtfully.

  ”So that’s it, promoting the secretion of pheromones in the brain, by deceiving organs such as taste and touch, making people feel that they are eating their favorite food, right?”

  Mother of Death Claws: “I don’t want to call it deception, but it does bring us a lot of comfort in difficult times… For us, many delicious foods that have disappeared can only be recalled in this way.”

  Simulating favorite foods?

  This doesn’t sound like tasting food, but more like tasting “memories”.

  Chu Guang looked at Heya.

  ”Speaking of which, what is the taste you tasted.”

  Heya answered without hesitation.

  ”Liver, it tastes a bit like goose liver. I didn’t expect that you could reproduce the taste.”

  Chu Guang: “…”

  Goose liver flavored biscuits…

  What a unique hobby.

  Heya suddenly looked at him curiously.

  ”What about you?”

  Chu Guang thought about this question seriously for a while, and said uncertainly after a long time.

  ”Well… maybe it’s a lollipop.”

  Thinking about it carefully, the granular texture is indeed the same as the feeling of biting a lollipop.

  Heya was stunned.

  Seeing her looking at him in surprise, Chu Guang hesitated.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  Heya looked away.

  ”Nothing… I just think that your taste is unexpectedly ordinary? I thought that special creatures like you… I mean awakened people, the food they like will be different from normal people.”

  What a strange statement.

  Chu Guang laughed and said jokingly.

  ”It shows that I am a person who is easily satisfied. In these difficult times, I think this is a good advantage.”

  ”That’s true… but I haven’t seen you eat candy often.” Heya’s face was still a little confused.

  If she remembered correctly, the thing that was most in short supply in the shelter was that thing. There were so many of them that he not only hung them in the store to sell to other residents, but also occasionally gave them to nearby children. At one point, she wondered if there was a black box that produced lollipops hidden in the shelter.

  Facing Heya’s question, Chu Guang made a helpless expression.

  ”Don’t ask me, I don’t know either… If you are curious, just get a few samples and study them.”

  This kind of biscuit might be very popular in Ideal City.

  An interesting laugh came from the VM.

  ”Haha, don’t worry too much about this issue… The things you liked before may not be the things you like now, and the taste you taste may not be the same when you are in a different mood.” ”

  I hope it brings you happiness, not confusion.”

  ”Young manager.”


  In addition to producing portable reactors, low-temperature fire extinguishers, variable temperature blue jackets, “Champion” brand coffee beans and stimulants, “Asteroid” brand synthetic meat cans, and “Quqi” brand biscuits, there are also many black boxes that produce various daily necessities.

  Although everything has its own meaning, the most valuable thing in Chu Guang’s opinion is undoubtedly the black box that produces the “Hippo-2” portable reactor and the “Champion” injection.

  Although nuclear fuel is not easy to get, Yin Fang can help think of a way. With a portable reactor, the alliance has the hope of independently producing power armor!

  Not just power armor.

  As long as the fuel is fixed, it is no problem to make a nuclear-powered tank!

  Who said that electromagnetic guns can’t be placed on cars?

  Isn’t this possible!

  As for the “Champion” injection, Chu Guang plans to sell it to his little players.

  A BUFF that enhances all attributes, and it lasts for 12 hours.

  It’s only 50 silver per bottle, which shouldn’t be expensive, right?


  Just as Chu Guang was admiring his spoils with satisfaction, a group of special guests arrived in the south of Linghu Wetland Park in Qingquan City.

  They were leading mutant camels, about twenty people, all of whom were wrapped in robes and had sand-proof turbans on their heads.

  Looking at the caravan coming towards them, the two guards standing at the door looked at each other, and one of them stepped forward and said to the leader.

  ”The Alliance Guard is stationed in front. If you want to go to the commercial street, you have to enter from the north gate of the wetland park.”

  Taking off his headscarf, Kaliman stepped forward and said respectfully.

  ”We are the envoys of the Lion Kingdom, from Luoxia Province… I want to meet your administrator.”

  ”The envoy of the Lion Kingdom?”

  Xu Shun, carrying a rifle, walked in front of him, looked up and down at the man with a strange face, and then said.

  ”Do you have anything to prove your identity?”

  ”This is the appointment letter written by our majesty.” Kaliman took out a roll of silk from his arms and handed it to the young guard in front of him.

  Xu Shun noticed that the material used to weave this scroll was actually devil silk, and it might have been sold from them.

  However, this is not the point.

  Unfolding the scroll, Xu Shun took a rough look.

  The content written on it roughly stated that the King of the Lion Kingdom had appointed the Prince named Kariman to handle all diplomatic affairs of the Lion Kingdom and Oasis No. 9.

  Whether the kingdom still existed or not…

  Xu Shun frowned, rolled up the scroll, and returned it to the prince in front of him.

  ”…We have no diplomatic relations with your kingdom, so we cannot verify the authenticity of this letter of appointment, but I have notified the Lord of Dawn City, and he will meet with you later.”

  ”Where is your administrator?” Kariman asked anxiously.

  Before coming here, he heard that the highest leader of the alliance was an administrator, not a city lord.

  ”That lord naturally has his own things to do, and it is impossible for him to see guests 24 hours a day, but I will report your request to that lord,” Xu Shun continued without revealing Chu Guang’s schedule, “Now, please follow me first.”

  Since the establishment of Dawn City, countless wastelanders who claim to be representatives of a faction have come to request an audience, and there are certainly many scammers among them.

  Xu Shun did not completely believe the man in front of him, but he still reported his affairs to the assistant of the manager through VM, and settled his guards next to the guard station, and then took him to the reception room of the Merchants’ Guild and asked the waiter there to pour him a cup of tea. After

  waiting restlessly in the reception room for an hour, Kaliman finally met Luca, the lord of Dawn City.

  Unlike the bureaucrats he met in the city hall of Boulder City.

  The old man with silver-gray hair in front of him seemed to have a smell of soil, and his hands covered with calluses did not look like a civil servant.

  Could he be a warrior?

  While speculating in his mind, Kaliman stood up from his chair and performed the court ceremony of the Lion Kingdom.

  ”Respected Lord of Dawn City–”

  ”No need for politeness, please take a seat, friend who has come from afar.”

  After inviting Kaliman to sit down, Luca sat on the sofa opposite him and looked up and down at the slightly younger man.

  ”My name is Luca, and I am the Lord of this city. I have heard about you from the captain of our guard team. And I also heard that you came from the direction of Boulder City?”

  Kaliman nodded.

  ”Yes, we got there first.”

  Luca continued calmly.

  ”Did you see their Lord?”

  Kaliman hesitated for a moment, but finally shook his head and answered honestly.


  The expression was obviously frustrated.

  But this was also within Luca’s expectations.

  The Alliance has recently established a Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but Boulder City does not even have a department in charge of foreign affairs, and is not willing to deal with things outside the giant wall.

  If it weren’t for the loan of 200 million chips, if it weren’t for the 400mm main gun that was as powerful as a nuclear weapon, they might not even want to care about the airship that was about to hit them… There

  was no surprise at Kaliman’s answer. Luca nodded in understanding and continued.

  ”Administrators often teach us to seek common ground while reserving differences. Although we have different cultures, concepts and beliefs, I don’t think this will become an obstacle for us to understand each other… Can you tell me why you are here?”

  Kaliman took a deep breath and looked at Luca seriously.

  ”The Falcon Kingdom has betrayed the oath they made in front of the Spirit of the Sand Sea. With the support of the Legion, they annexed our neighbors and tried to spread the war throughout the desert…”

  ”We are unable to resist the Legion’s military power alone. We need your help!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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