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Chapter 398 Ling Yun!

Chapter 398 Ling Yun!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 398 Lingyun!

  The airport in the north of Shuguang City.

  Luoyu, who had just been resurrected for less than half a month, was holding the pilot hat he had just taken from the Tengteng hut in his hand, and was pushed forward by Mosquito.

  ”Why are you so secretive… Where are you taking me?”

  Mosquito, who was walking behind and pushing, urged with a chuckle.

  ”Don’t ask, I’ll show you a treasure!”

  It would have been fine if he hadn’t said this, but when he heard the mean tone of Mosquito, Luoyu immediately became alert.

  What treasure can this stingy guy show him?

  He probably wants to use him as a guinea pig again!

  And the fact is indeed so.

  The direction this guy took him to was the hangar of the alliance.

  Seeing the two people coming from a distance, the guards on duty at the airport entrance immediately saluted in awe and let them pass.

  Whether it was Mosquito or Luoyu, they were familiar with the faces of these two people.

  Especially the latter.

  He can often be seen taking off, but rarely seen driving the plane back, but after a few days, he can be seen alive and kicking at the airport again.

  It’s much more awesome to be able to come back alive after the plane exploded than to be able to successfully fly the plane back!

  Without noticing the admiring eyes of the NPCs, Luo Yu followed the enthusiastic Mosquito with a nervous look on his face and walked into the closed hangar.

  The lights in the hangar came on.

  When he saw the plane parked in the hangar, his expression fell into a sluggish state for a moment, and then he couldn’t help but exclaimed.

  ”Fuck! Oh my god!”

  Streamlined silver-white fuselage!

  Twin jet engines!

  The sci-fi appearance design is just like a concept aircraft at a model aircraft exhibition, especially the dreamy forward-swept wing –

  but it was at the moment when he noticed the forward-swept wing design that Luo Yu suddenly woke up.

  ”Can this fly into the sky??”

  As we all know, in reality, the forward-swept wing is a relatively cutting-edge design idea, and it is also one of the more widely used ideas about the sixth-generation aircraft.

  The forward-swept wing design generates more lift, has a higher lift-to-drag ratio, a lower stall speed, and excellent low-speed maneuverability, especially there is no problem of wingtip stall in swept-wing aircraft, which means that the maneuverability of the aircraft will be greatly increased!

  Take the su-47 as an example, with a coupled canard + forward-swept wing layout, it can even make a “cobra” maneuver with an angle of attack of 120 degrees at a speed close to Mach 1!

  Of course, in addition to high maneuverability and handsomeness, the disadvantages of the forward-swept wing design are also obvious.

  One of the most prominent is that the requirements for materials are too high.

  If the materials do not meet the standards, performing maneuvers at high speeds will not only risk the wing breaking, but may even cause the fuselage to disintegrate.

  There is a reason why the swept wing is still the mainstream. For war machines, “advanced” is not the first priority.

  Stability is.

  Let’s not talk about forward-swept wings and swept wings. This thing is a jet plane, right? !

  Luo Yu would never believe that Mosquito would install a matching flight control system for this guy.


  it’s a question whether this thing has a flight control system! Maybe the only electronic control of this thing is the airspeed tube on the nose of the aircraft.

  Admiring the stunned expression on the little white mouse’s face, Mosquito chuckled and answered as expected.

  ”I don’t know.”

  Luoyu: “…”

  Seeing his speechless expression, Mosquito coughed lightly and began to introduce his latest epoch-making product.

  ”Don’t worry, I have considered all the problems you are worried about. The entire fuselage is made of A3 aviation aluminum. That thing is used for spacecraft. Don’t worry about the reliability and strength of the material!”

  ”Not only that, the outside of the aircraft is also painted with an anti-radar coating developed with the help of Camp 101. You probably won’t be much bigger than a sparrow on the opposite radar. And I won’t talk about the aviation fuel… Anyway, this guy is full of black technology, and it cost me a lot of money to make it!”

  And this is also the product with the highest technical content among all the products developed by Goblin Technology so far!

  Looking at Luoyu who still didn’t speak, Mosquito smiled and encouraged.

  ”Do you want to fly it for a try?”

  Luoyu swallowed his saliva.

  It’s impossible to say that he doesn’t want to.

  However, the cost of flying once is too high.

  ”One time… 800.”

  ”Damn! You’re ripping me off… Deal!” Mosquito made a painful expression on his face, but he was secretly happy in his heart.

  This little money is not enough for him to fill up the plane with fuel.

  800 silver coins can buy a fearless awakener to be a guinea pig.

  This deal is simply too cost-effective!


  After agreeing to Mosquito’s conditions, Luoyu followed his prompts and received the [Equipment Test] task issued by Goblin Technology on the VM.

  [Task: Jet plane first flight! ]

  [Requirement: Cross the anti-aircraft firepower network of the Iron Heart]

  After registering a company, players can issue tasks that meet the audit standards according to their business scope and nature.

  This is one of the characteristics of “Wasteland OL” compared to other MMORPGs.

  Looking at Luoyu wearing a newly bought pilot hat and sitting in the cabin with a tragic face, Mosquito patted the cabin cover and said comfortingly.

  ”Don’t worry, this big guy is not the result of my own work, but the crystallization of the wisdom of all members of Goblin Technology! I promise it will be fine!”

  As he said that, he glanced at the God of Death who was standing by and eager to try.

  ”Introduce our new product to our warriors!”

  The God of Death walked forward with a grin.


  Taking a deep breath, Luo Yu tied the VM to his thigh, and while listening to the God of Death’s explanation, he familiarized himself with the various instruments and control components in the cabin.

  Out of habit, he subconsciously looked for the switch of the ejection seat, but found that there was no such thing at all. The entire seat was completely welded in the cabin.

  Good guy.

  This is not a fighter.

  It’s clearly a “special attack machine”…

  It’s a pity that there is no military court in this game, otherwise the person who designed this thing would definitely be sent there.

  Without noticing the strange expression on Luo Yu’s face, the God of Killer introduced the dial and continued to talk about the aircraft’s weapon system.

  ”…The weapon is mainly the twin-mounted cannon at the front of the nose, which can fire 20mm armor-piercing incendiary bombs or high-explosive bombs. It has good effects on ground and air, but there are only 300 rounds of ammunition at present. It is recommended to open the weapon safety as needed and do not press the fire button for a long time.”

  Luo Yu couldn’t help but complain: “Where are the missiles? It’s a jet plane, but there is not even a guided weapon?”

  God of Killer: “Well, there are no guided weapons, but you can hang switchblades and unguided rockets! But those are designed for W-2 ground attack aircraft. Of course, if you want to use them, we can also hang them for you-”

  Before he finished speaking, he was rejected by Luo Yu.

  ”Thank you, no need!”

  The speed of the switchblade is too slow. It mainly relies on diving to speed up, and it requires the cooperation of the ground operator. It is a fantasy to use that thing to attack aerial targets.

  After introducing the functions of each dial on the plane, the God of Killer continued to point to the push-pull handle next to his right leg.

  ”…The handle next to your right leg is the afterburner valve, which is also the soul of this aircraft. Pushing it all the way will increase the engine’s output power to the maximum!”

  ”There is no data yet on how much it accelerates to, but it’s very fast! So fast that we had to design this control valve separately! However, we found in the test that after pushing the afterburner valve to the maximum, the engine blades showed signs of melting… At present, this function has not been debugged yet, so if you can’t use it, try not to touch it first.”

  There is no supersonic wind tunnel test.

  There is no flight control computer…

  What the hell is this powerful flying brick!

  Luo Yu: “You guys should at least fix all the bugs before taking it out!”

  ”It’s too late.”

  The God of Death looked at him seriously and continued.

  ”We also want to design it more perfect before taking it out, but the airship on the opposite side has already put the gun barrel at our doorstep… I can only ask you to test its performance on the battlefield.”

  ”Please, try to drive it back!”

  That solemn look is really irresistible…

  Forget it, who wants to drive it by themselves.

  It will only take three days to die.

  Luo Yu took a deep breath and turned on the power of the avionics system.

  ”I’ll try my best.”


  Above the clear sky.

  The “Heart of Steel” floated quietly.

  The towering steel fortress was as stable as a floating mountain, but in the observation cabin hidden at the front of the airship, it was in a panic at the moment.

  ”…The UFO was observed approaching at the 116° azimuth, and the visual distance was about 10 to 15 kilometers. A gas column of more than ten meters in length was observed!”

  ”The speed is close to Mach 1, and it is moving straight towards us!”

  ”The sighting system is seriously out of focus. I can’t see what it is. It seems to be a missile!”

  ”The radar has no response! Confirmed to be an anti-radar device!”

  For a flying object with a speed of Mach level, whether it is 10 kilometers or 15 kilometers, it will take less than a minute. The

  window time left for them to shoot is even shorter, even less than 20 seconds!

  The soldiers in the observation cabin did not have time to be surprised, and immediately reported the situation to the weapon operator and raised the alarm level to level 2.

  Although they were not sure what that thing was, since it dared to challenge the authority of the “Heart of Steel”, it must have been ready to die.

  12 100mm secondary guns and 144 medium-caliber anti-aircraft guns were all aimed at the wide-angle airspace of 90° to 180°.

  They were not aiming at a point.

  But at an entire space——


  With a roar in the communication channel, all anti-aircraft weapons that met the firing angle conditions opened fire almost at the same time.

  Strings of orange-yellow ballistics gushed out from the airship, weaving a dense and airtight net in the air, covering the direction of the UFO.

  The moment it approached the airspace near the target.

  The dense barrage like a spider web exploded, and the smoke, flames and fragments of the explosion instantly dispersed into a black cloud covering the sky!

  The Iron Heart did not have guided weapons.

  It was not because they did not have guidance technology.

  But because they did not need it at all!

  A sufficient number of shells was enough to make up for the lack of accuracy, and the barrage they were proud of was enough to tear apart everything that approached!

  Even a fly.

  It was absolutely impossible to pass through the layers of “nets”!


  something unexpected happened to the soldiers on the airship.

  The silver track that was supposed to fall, like a dolphin jumping out of the water, actually broke through the thick black cloud like a city wall!

  ”What is that!?”

  The main gunner in the gun cabin in front of him widened his eyes in surprise.

  He watched the silver column of air whizzing over their heads, leaving only a sparkling afterimage.

  A string of aircraft cannons poured on the airship head-on like pissing. Although they were all bounced off by the deflector shield without missing a single shot, the insult was extremely strong.

  Looking at the afterimage speeding away through the screen, General McLen standing in the bridge had a flash of anger in his eyes.

  ”Is that Enterprise’s plane?”

  The adjutant standing next to him swallowed his saliva.

  ”Big, probably…”

  ”Flew here from the East Coast?!”

  ”Sir, I don’t know…” The adjutant said tremblingly.

  He only knew that Enterprise’s technology was very strong.

  But he didn’t know how strong it was.

  The east and west coasts of the Central Continent span more than 10,000 kilometers. A sentence can be heard in two completely different versions even if it is ten miles away.

  Not to mention such a large piece of land.

  The staff officer standing by had a solemn look in his eyes.

  ”An aircraft with a range of 3,000 kilometers… If it is really an Enterprise aircraft, their strength should not be underestimated.”

  ”But their weapons are weaker than expected. They didn’t even scrape off the paint on our exterior,” the adjutant swallowed and added stubbornly, “It feels just so-so…”



  ”It’s really fucking exciting!”

  Adjusting his disordered breathing, Luo Yu glanced at the impenetrable explosion cloud and the gradually receding airship behind him, and slowly loosened his right hand that was tightly holding the afterburner valve.

  The pointer of the speedometer dial was stuck to the rightmost end, shaking wildly. The speed measurement function of the pitot tube had been distorted half a minute ago.

  He didn’t know how fast he was just at that moment, and could only judge by experience that the speed was at least Mach 3! He

  had died once at the hands of that airship.

  The strong omen of death made him subconsciously make the decision to accelerate, and the facts proved that his judgment was indeed correct.

  If he hadn’t pushed down the afterburner valve at the last moment, he might have been beaten into a sieve by the shrapnel of the explosion, and there would be no residue left…

  The black and red gradually faded from his sight, and the clear sky in front of him gradually returned to clearness. What left him was not only the thick smoke of the explosion, but also the black vision caused by the acceleration overload.

  Luo Yu turned the joystick in his hand and began to return.

  He could feel that it was not just black vision just now. For a moment, he even felt that his eyeballs were about to be pulled out of their sockets.


  the awakened person’s physique is not weak. Even if it is an agility sequence, the physical attribute is still two points higher than the baseline value of 5.

  If it were in reality, he would probably be dead just now…

  In any case, he succeeded.

  With his heart pounding, Luo Yu took a deep breath again to calm his excitement.

  The next step is to drive the plane back…


  Compared to surviving from the dense firepower network, Luo Yu felt that he could land this jet plane without a flight control system smoothly at the airport in the north of Shuguang City, which was more like a miracle.

  Especially when it approached the ground, the fuselage shook as if it had a cramp.

  When he stopped at the airport and came down with the ladder, he found that the rear blade of the left engine had melted and deformed.

  But these are all small things.

  The final speed measurement result was that when he pushed the afterburner valve to the maximum, the peak speed was close to 3.7 Mach!

  Looking at the car that he had owned for less than an hour with complicated eyes, Luo Yu couldn’t imagine that this guy could fly at Mach 3.7 without disintegrating…

  At the same time, next to the airport.

  Two players of Goblin Technology were whispering and communicating.

  One of them was an intelligence type, and the other was an agility type. Both were newcomers that Mosquito had brought in during the Beta version. But rather than saying that Mosquito had brought them in, it would be better to say that they volunteered and took the initiative to join Goblin Technology.

  ”I didn’t expect the forward-swept wing design to shine in the game first.”


  ”But based on the restoration of the physical system in this game, I feel that it can provide a reference for real-life research.”


  ”It’s a pity that there is nothing here, and the conditions are worse than Africa… It would be great if we could build a supersonic wind tunnel.”

  ”That makes sense.”

  The agility type player rolled his eyes.

  ”…Don’t just say yeah, give me some advice.”

  The intelligence type player sighed.

  ”No problem, I totally agree, but I’m just thinking… the 20mm cannon is completely useless. By the way, can we fly over the head of the airship and drop a low-speed bomb? Can we break through the anti-Newtonian shield?”

  Anti-Newtonian shield is the name given to that thing by the players. After all, the effect of that thing is really hard to explain scientifically.

  If it is a metal bullet, it’s fine.

  It can also be explained by the Meissner effect.

  But non-metal, irregular projectiles, and even the aerodynamic shock waves generated by the explosion can also be “deflected”, which is a bit outrageous. It

  can only be explained by the overhead setting.

  The agile player replied.

  ”If the target is too big, it will be intercepted by the machine gun. If the target is small… even if it can break through the deflector shield, the explosion shock wave will be weakened by the curved armor and will not hurt the inside of the airship at all.”

  The intelligence player said helplessly.

  ”So we still have to rely on ground troops… I always feel that the device designed by Mosquito is a bit messed up. Can humans really withstand that kind of pull?”

  ”You don’t understand this. This is a game after all. It can’t be the same as reality…” The agility player standing next to him laughed, “Although humans can’t do it, the beasts of strength and physique can.” A

  monster that can carry a ton of weight, can it still be called a human?

  Not to mention a ton, more than 500 kilograms, it’s enough to challenge the world record…


  Although it still can’t do anything to the airship, the newly developed jet aircraft of Goblin Technology still won a certain advantage for the Alliance.

  As the first “independently developed” next-generation aircraft of the Alliance, its battlefield positioning is to fight for air supremacy, scout the battlefield and strike quickly at medium distances.

  As for low-value targets such as general aliens and predators, the “Mosquito” ground attack aircraft and “Dragonfly” gunship with longer air time are better choices.

  The players of Goblin Technology have high hopes for it.

  Mosquito also rarely gave it a strange name, but opened a voting post on the forum and adopted the opinion with the highest votes, naming it “Lingyun”!

  Although a “Lingyun” could not do anything to the Iron Heart with high HP and high defense, the Iron Heart could not do anything to the “Lingyun” with its ridiculous speed. Breaking the limit speed

  of Mach 3 is too scary.

  Especially since no one knows what is installed on this plane, the radar array on the airship can’t detect it, and can only rely on visual search.

  When the airship observer finds the approaching Lingyun fighter, they often have less than half a minute left for fire preparation.

  The barrage has just been fired, and the plane has already gone far away with a foot on the accelerator.

  It is like a fly flying beside a giant. It can’t be hit, but it can’t be ignored. It makes the gunners on the airship sick.

  The Storm Corps cheered.

  With the intelligence of the “Pangolin” 100-man team, the “Lingyun” that comes and goes like the wind can often bring unexpected blows to the ground forces and key facilities of the legion.

  In the past, the Storm Troopers were the only ones to be bombed, but now everyone is bombing their own enemies, which is a big improvement.

  The battle situation on the front line is gradually becoming clearer, and the players who are discussing the battle situation on the forum are getting happier day by day, with all kinds of cool operations emerging one after another.

  However, Chu Guang, as a manager, is not very optimistic at the moment.

  The reinforcements from the east coast have not arrived yet, but the emergency call from the west has arrived first…

  If he were to say which of the known forces in this land was the most difficult for him, it would undoubtedly be the Legion on the west coast.

  Not only were they ambitious, but they also regarded everything around them as barbarians, and it was almost impossible to resolve differences with them through exchange of interests or negotiation.

  Now the life and death of the crew of the Pioneer was unknown, and Shelter No. 0 seemed to have become the focus of the storm. The Legion had already invaded Luoxia Province and seemed to be planning a second expedition.

  And the southern part of the Valley Province…

  was not protected by the “Holy Shield”.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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