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Chapter 399 Listen to your wife

Chapter 399 Listen to your wife


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 399 Listen to your wife

  . About ten minutes passed.

  Xu Xiuwen was getting impatient.

  Li Haimei finally came down.

  Xu Xiuwen turned his head and looked at the door of the building.

  Li Haimei, who appeared in his sight, changed her previous dressing style, which made his pupils dilate.

  Today, Li Haimei was wearing a dark blue slim-fitting cheongsam with elegant peony patterns on it.

  Cheongsam is a very strange kind of clothing.

  It can show the advantages of a woman, but it can also expose her shortcomings.

  There is no doubt that this cheongsam is very suitable for Li Haimei.

  Xu Xiuwen even remembered an ancient poem: Looking from the side, it is a mountain, and from the side, it is a peak, and it is different from far and near.

  After wearing the cheongsam, Li Haimei, from the side, has a convex front and a curved back; from the front, it has a gourd figure.

  Towering double peaks, a slender waist, and mature and plump buttocks.

  This cheongsam shows Li Haimei’s figure vividly, making people drool.

  Although he had seen it before and had tried it before, Xu Xiuwen was still jealous when he saw Li Haimei’s figure again.

  Li Haimei seemed to have permed her hair in advance. The dignified and elegant hairstyle and the retro and sexy cheongsam complement each other, and she instantly exuded an elegant temperament.

  Everyone knows that the most worth seeing part of the cheongsam is the slit.

  Unfortunately, the slit point of the cheongsam worn by Li Haimei was not high, but when she walked, she revealed her beautiful legs in flesh-colored stockings. She was also wearing a pair of black high heels, which made her figure look more upright and sexy.

  Watching Li Haimei slowly walking towards him, Xu Xiuwen was amazed.

  He knew that Li Haimei was very beautiful and had a good temperament, but such a stunning sight still made people secretly shocked.

  Xu Xiuwen looked at Li Haimei, with admiration in his eyes, and a hint of imperceptible impulse.

  Compared with Li Haimei, Su Luoyi, who fell behind her, suddenly became ordinary.

  Li Haimei walked to the back door of the car, and without asking the secretary to open the door, she stretched out her hand and opened the door herself.

  Xu Xiuwen tactfully moved to the left and gave up his seat.

  Li Haimei sat in the car and saw Xu Xiuwen’s dazed look, frowning, “Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something wrong with my clothes?”

  Hearing Li Haimei’s voice, Xu Xiuwen came back to his senses.

  He did not hesitate to praise her, and praised her, “You are very beautiful today. I almost thought you were a fairy from heaven.”

  Li Haimei was very happy to hear that.

  But she did not show it, but rolled her eyes at Xu Xiuwen and said, “Sweet talk.”

  Xu Xiuwen shook his head and said, “I am not sweet talk, you are really beautiful today.”

  Li Haimei’s mouth corners slightly raised, but it disappeared immediately.

  She had a blank expression on her face, and pretended to be indifferent and said, “Thank you.”

  ”Xiaoluo, it’s getting late, let’s go quickly.”

  ”Okay, Mr. Li (xx) – Lao Zheng, let’s go quickly.”

  The car started slowly and drove out of the community.

  During the drive, Xu Xiuwen’s eyes couldn’t help but drift towards Li Haimei.

  Especially after she sat down, the slit of her cheongsam was clearly separated, exposing her thighs.

  The flesh-colored stockings and the fair skin under the holes of the stockings made people’s mouths dry.

  At this time, the mobile phone suddenly rang.

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned and took out his mobile phone to take a look.

  It was a text message from Li Haimei.

  She was right next to him. Why couldn’t she say something in person? Why send a text message?

  Xu Xiuwen was very confused, but when he saw the content of the text message, he understood.

  ”What are you looking at! Can you stop looking so lewd!”

  Xu Xiuwen turned his head to look at Li Haimei.

  Li Haimei was still holding a mobile phone in her hand.

  Xu Xiuwen also lowered his head and typed a reply: “Can’t I even take a look?”

  The text message came back immediately.

  ”Don’t look!”

  ”Why don’t you look!”

  ”I said don’t look, then don’t look!”

  ”Don’t put on airs, young master. I’m not afraid of you.”


  Seeing the text message sent by Li Haimei with only one word “you”, Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help but laugh softly.

  Because of the front seat blocking the way, the driver Lao Zheng and the secretary Su Luoyi couldn’t see the actions of Li Haimei and Xu Xiuwen.

  The two didn’t know their little movements.

  But Xu Xiuwen laughed a little loudly, so the two of them heard it naturally.

  The driver Lao Zheng was concentrating on driving, so he was not distracted.

  Su Luoyi didn’t dare to peek into the leader’s privacy, so she didn’t turn her head.

  She still sat upright, but Xu Xiuwen could feel her eyes drifting over.

  Xu Xiuwen quickly put away his smile and sat upright.

  But the mobile phone hidden underneath was still working.

  ”You are so beautiful, I can’t even look at you.” The

  previous text message made Li Haimei frown.

  And this text message, Li Haimei’s mood suddenly turned 180 degrees.

  Her heart pounded and her face flushed.

  After hesitating for a few seconds, she replied, “Our relationship must not be known to a third person.”

  Xu Xiuwen immediately replied, “What is our relationship?”

  Xu Xiuwen’s rogue look of asking knowingly made Li Haimei angry again.

  But she couldn’t really bite Xu Xiuwen.

  Neither her age, identity, time nor place allowed her to do so.

  She could only give up persuading him.

  So she chose to turn her head to the right and look out the window.

  On the surface, she was looking at the scenery outside the window, but in fact she was paying attention to Xu Xiuwen’s reaction through the reflection of the window.

  After Xu Xiuwen saw Li Haimei turning her head to look elsewhere, he sent another text message.

  ”Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about our relationship unless you agree.”

  The phone vibrated to remind Li Haimei that she had received a new text message.

  She had seen Xu Xiuwen sending a text message through the reflection of the glass.

  She didn’t know what Xu Xiuwen’s text message was about.

  She was actually a little curious.

  After hesitating, she finally looked down at her phone.

  Seeing the content on it, she was slightly relieved, but also a little disappointed.

  Although she didn’t know why. She

  felt Xu Xiuwen’s eyes drifting to the slit of the cheongsam from time to time.

  She even felt that an invisible big hand was gently stroking her thigh.

  This feeling made her body tremble slightly.

  Li Haimei hurriedly sent a text message, “Can you stop looking, there are other people in the car.”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled slightly and replied: “If you tell me not to look, I won’t look, then I won’t lose face?”

  Li Haimei was so angry that her teeth itched.

  After living for so many years, especially after sitting in the current position, there are only a few people who dare to refuse her in person or even confront her.

  ”What do you want?”

  ”Haha, I don’t want to do anything. I just want to say that there are only two women who can control me, and I only listen to these two women. I never listen to others.”

  Li Haimei was stunned.

  She herself did not realize that she was actually feeling bitter.

  She calmed herself down and asked, “Which two women?”

  When the text message was sent, Li Haimei was a little nervous.

  The text message came back quickly.

  ”My mother… and my wife.”

  This answer was reasonable, but Li Haimei felt even more bitter.

  She didn’t know why she asked this question.

  ”Do you have a wife?”


  Seeing the content of the text message, Li Haimei’s mood suddenly fell to the bottom.

  Yes, he is so young and so outstanding, isn’t it normal for him to have a girlfriend?

  But why is he so sad?

  Is he still fantasizing or hoping for something?

  But how is it possible!


  The phone vibrated.

  Li Haimei took a look at the new text message, and her mood suddenly changed 180 degrees.

  I saw a text on the phone: “Aren’t you my wife?”

  Li Haimei’s heart suddenly beat wildly.

  Although her age is not suitable to be described as a deer, the fact is that her heartbeat is very fast.

  ”Don’t talk nonsense, when did I become your wife…”

  Xu Xiuwen looked at Li Haimei’s nervous look staring at the phone, and almost laughed out loud again.

  ”Why, we have had sex twice, aren’t you my wife?”

  ”Do you want to deny it and abandon me?”

  ”I don’t care, don’t try to get rid of me, I have already determined that you are my wife.”

  Three consecutive text messages, each of which showed Xu Xiuwen’s rogue face.

  But after seeing it, Li Haimei did not feel disgusted, but felt an inexplicable throbbing in her heart.

  She almost laughed out loud.

  Although she held it back, a little sound still leaked out.

  This little sound was undoubtedly very clear in the quiet car.

  Su Luoyi immediately turned around and asked: “Mr. Li (xx), what’s wrong with you?”

  Li Haimei first rolled her eyes at Xu Xiuwen, and then said in a deep voice: “Nothing.”

  ”Okay, Mr. Li, call me if you have anything.”

  Su Luoyi is very smart.

  She knew that something must have happened in the back seat that she didn’t know.

  She was very curious about what made the two of them laugh.

  But Li Haimei didn’t tell her, and she couldn’t ask actively.

  Curiosity made her prick up her ears and listen carefully, for fear of missing any details.

  ”Shameless! Who is your wife!”

  Sometimes words also have tone.

  At least in this sentence, Xu Xiuwen did not see the blame.

  Xu Xiuwen lowered his head and typed: “Wife, do you have time tonight?”

  ”What do you want to do?”

  ”I have taught Li Ke three lessons. Can you fulfill the remaining two lessons tonight?”

  This is already an undisguised flirtation.

  Li Haimei was embarrassed.

  She felt that she had no dignity as a boss in front of Xu Xiuwen, but was more like a woman who was at his mercy.

  ”Shut up, get out of the car if you talk again!”

  Xu Xiuwen saw the text message sent by Li Haimei, sighed, and put away the phone.

  Soon the car drove to the door of the restaurant where they would have dinner in the evening.

  After the driver Lao Zheng parked the car steadily.

  Xu Xiuwen and Li Haimei got out of the car together.

  The restaurant that Li Haimei brought Xu Xiuwen to was also a famous restaurant in Jinling.

  The door of the restaurant was decorated very grandly.

  Li Haimei coughed lightly and said to Xu Xiuwen: “Go in.”

  Then Xu Xiuwen followed Li Haimei into the restaurant.

  As soon as they entered, the owner of the restaurant came forward to welcome them, and then led them to the door of a private room with a smile on his face.

  At this time, there were about ten minutes before the scheduled dinner time of 6 o’clock.

  Before entering the private room, there was a small episode.

  ”Boss Li, you are finally here.”

  A middle-aged man who looked relatively young came forward and said with a smile.

  ”Sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time.”

  The man smiled and said, “It’s okay, it’s okay, Boss Li, you are so beautiful today, you are really worthy of being the flower of our unit.”

  After that, he asked again, “Who is this?”

  The middle-aged man maintained a good figure and had a casual smile on his face.

  ”Director Wang is joking. There are many girls in the unit who are prettier than me. He is the child of my friend. He opened a film and television company and is currently engaged in the film and television industry. He just came here to join in the fun today. Director Wang should not be unwelcome, right?”

  ”Xu Xiuwen, this is Director Wang Jingye of Tax xx. He is a well-known figure in the unit.”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t like the Wang Jingye in front of him.

  Because the other party looked at Li Haimei with a little eagerness, which was not the look that an ordinary colleague should have.

  Although Xu Xiuwen and Li Haimei had no relationship, and strictly speaking, they were not even friends.

  But Xu Xiuwen had already regarded her as his woman in his subconscious.

  And he was a very possessive person.

  However, Xu Xiuwen was not stupid enough to show it in person. He smiled and complimented, “Hello, Director Wang, I have heard of your name for a long time…”

  After a series of flattering words, Wang Jingye was very satisfied.

  Wang Jingye smiled, nodded to Xu Xiuwen and said, “Mr. Xu is young and promising, and he is a pillar of our country. Not bad!”

  ”Director Wang, you are really good at talking. Xiuwen is still young and lacks experience. He needs elders like you to take care of him.”

  ”Haha, that’s fine. Your friend’s child is your child… and I like to take care of the younger generation the most.”

  ”Then I would like to thank Director Wang in advance. It’s getting late. Let’s go in quickly.”


  Then several people entered the box.

  After the door of the box opened, Xu Xiuwen quickly glanced inside.

  The box was almost full.

  When Li Haimei walked into the box, everyone immediately stood up and came forward to greet her.

  Li Haimei also responded with a smile and introduced Xu Xiuwen to these people.

  After hearing that Xu Xiuwen was the boss of a film and television company whose name they had never heard of, everyone present was confused.

  However, everyone concealed it well and kept smiling on their faces.

  Although Xu Xiuwen didn’t know these people, Li Haimei must have had her intention to bring him to the dinner, so Xu Xiuwen kept smiling in response.

  After laughing all the way, Xu Xiuwen’s face was almost stiff.

  Looking at Li Haimei again, she looked calm and calm, and there was no trace of discomfort or boredom.

  It seemed that she had long been accustomed to such scenes.

  Then they took their seats, and Xu Xiuwen was arranged to sit next to Li Haimei, right next to Li Haimei.

  For a more formal dinner like this, the seating arrangement is explained.

  Xu Xiuwen found that the seat reserved for Li Haimei was exactly the main seat.

  From this detail, it can be seen that Li Haimei is the protagonist of this dinner tonight, at least the one with the highest position among the people present.

  Xu Xiuwen was able to sit next to Li Haimei, not because of his unknown film and television company, but because of his relationship with Li Haimei.

  In the eyes of these people, Xu Xiuwen was Li Haimei’s nephew.

  But only Xu Xiuwen knew that he and Li Haimei just happened to have had a relationship twice.

  After everyone sat down, Xu Xiuwen found an opportunity and asked Li Haimei in a low voice: “Are you familiar with that Wang/Ju just now?”

  Li Haimei looked at Xu Xiuwen in surprise, but still replied: “Not very familiar, we meet occasionally in meetings.”

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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